Linna, as usual, plays a game, watches an anime, meets a poor beautiful girl in another world, and helps.

Until now, she still does not forget her original intention, likes anime games, and likes beautiful girls.

As for whether the beautiful girl likes herself or not, Linna doesn't care.

After all, when you like a two-dimensional paper man wife, you can't expect a two-dimensional paper man wife to like you too.

I like the paper man's wife, but it's just her own wishful thinking, Linna knows it in her heart.

Although the wife of the two-dimensional paper man is real for her now.

Linna's mindset still hasn't changed.

Whether you like me or not, that's your business!

I like you!

Linna's View List of Known World Data Records.

What a good job!

Get out and play!

Where to go!

Worlds such as the weakest and invincible god mounted Dragon, Honkai, Sword Art Online, Knights and Magic, Fallen Knight Hero Tan and many more.

Choosing a world, she will avoid those worlds with powerful individuals, such as the magical girl Madoka, she originally wanted to obtain the technology of the incubator, but the sea fog fleet sent over was all spared by Xiaomeiyan.

To make things in that kind of world, she won't play in person, but choose someone who looks good, give her strength, and issue tasks to guide her to do things.

Because the other party's strength is a bit idealistic, Linna doesn't know if she can do the other party.

The lawyer looks unscientific, but in fact it is still on the scientific side.

Honkai Space has a lot of incredible technology that can change the world, but Lina and her family will only use it for their own amusement.

It's boring to change the world, because the first thing they think about is how to use it in war.

"This world, Neushiki?"

In the known data record, Linna discovered a world where all human beings were petrified, a very peaceful world, and there was no fight between people.

The two simplest ways to achieve world peace are the total death of mankind and the total control of mankind.

Among the many other worlds, there are many human beings who want to create an ideal world of peace, where there is no strife between people.

The world of the Neolithic period, it is not interesting to go, the whole world is a stone statue.

It's better to go to a world full of zombies and fight zombies for fun.

Pick and choose, and finally choose Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

Opening the dimensional channel, Linna uses a special doll to enter the world.

The first thing you do when you come to the JOJO world is to get the arrows, how can you not have a stand-in in the JOJO world.

At this time, she is using research based on the bloodlines of vampires in many worlds, constantly improving and evolving, and creating special dolls with super spiritual energy and life energy.

A special body specially designed for the Awakening Double.

Turn on space teleportation!

Lina instantly appeared in the flagship of the Sea Mist Fleet in the orbit of the Moon in the JOJO world, and took the Transformers to collect five arrows from Egypt and insert them into her body.

Five arrows were pulled, blood flowed, and the wound recovered in the blink of an eye, and with the physique of her body, it was not even a skin trauma.

What a stand-in I would be!

Lina was curious.

After waiting for 30 minutes, the stand-in did not appear, and he inserted himself with an arrow again, and when he drew the arrow again, the arrow of an arrow was gone.

Feeling the arrows moving inside her body, Lina was sure it was real, but what about my stand-in!

Ordinary people awaken avatars may die.

If the virus on the arrow could kill this body, she would feel more interesting.

After half a day, the stand-in still did not appear.

Linna put the Awakening Avatar Arrow into a box and kept it.

The powerful stand-in is indeed very strong, but the uncertainty is too high, and it may awaken what pit master stand-in.

The arrow in the body is temporarily kept, if a stand-in appears, see if you can use that arrow to evolve into a requiem in the future.

Leave the Sea Mist Fleet in lunar orbit and return to Earth.

Lina walked out onto the street, and there were many pedestrians around to stop and watch.

Feeling the jealous gazes of the men around her and the jealous eyes of the women, Linna used her ability to reduce her sense of existence and interfere with the cognition of the people around her.

Now, in the eyes of others, she has become an ordinary beautiful girl.

This body itself has a strong mental ability, as well as a natural ability to manipulate liquids.

The ripple breathing method in the JOJO world is not very suitable for her body, so she uses the ability to read.

Lina is not interested in everything in this modern city, and she can't appreciate the beauty of Araki's painting style.

Return to the Sea Mist Fleet and watch the meteorite that Kaz turns into.

Her stand-in appeared.

The avatar is a transparent bubble with a gloomy castle inside, and there are many trees around the castle, the environment is night, and there is a blood moon hanging in the sky.

Standard vampire castle?

How castles are used for fighting!

Lina can feel this castle, which can unfold in reality, can assimilate objects within range, and form the appearance inside the bubble, but a castle, how can she use it to fight!

Anyway, the stand-in is there.

Without unfolding the double, she enters the castle in the bubble and controls the outside avatar to fly through the air from the inside.

The double-in bubble has a diameter of one meter, and the coverage is unknown after unfolding, and the castle inside the stand-in is a very traditional castle, guarded by many medieval knights' armor, with their hands on the hilt of their swords with the tip of the sword facing down.

Walking around the castle, Linna found that this place was very suitable for a house.

Those useless knightly armor guards would be better replaced by cute maids.

The next step is to test your abilities.

They are not equal due to the diversity of stand-ins. Some avatars may become very powerful because of the body's extraordinary courage, others may become highly contextualized because of the unique quirks of the ontology, or if they do not have the necessary fighting spirit, the avatar will even hurt the ontology

From the vampire castle that she awakened, Lina is sure that she does not have much fighting spirit, but has a spirit of self-preservation, and the armored knight guard in the castle is the embodiment of her personal spirit.

To say that you have some unique quirks.

All Linna can think of is to like beautiful girls.


There are no cute witch maids here, bad reviews!

Vampires have the setting of sleeping for a long time and liking virgin blood, which is popularly like otaku and beautiful girls.

Vampires are also used to describe a person as greedy, which also matches his personality.

The basic attributes of non-human avatars are generally stronger than humans, because most of the non-human spiritual energy and life energy are much higher than humans.

If Katz had a stand-in, it would be at least the level of a platinum star.

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