When Konoha received this news, other countries also learned of this shocking news.

Among them, the other three villages, which are known as the Five Great Hidden Villages along with Sand Hidden and Konoha, are completely crazy because of the arrival of this news.

Tsuchinoku Iwahide Village.

It is surrounded by many rocky mountains and has an extremely strong defense, and it is difficult for enemies to penetrate the interior of Iwahide Village.

However, because of this, it has become relatively difficult for Yanyin Village to communicate with the outside world.

At this time, in a conference room, a very happy-looking little old man was sitting on a chair.

Next to him, a Iwain ninja was respectfully saying something to him.

I saw that the expression on his face became more and more solemn, followed by deep shock.

And this person is the third generation of Tokage of Iwain Village-Onoki!

“What?! You said that the third generation of Wind Shadow was killed by someone?! ”

After hearing the ninja’s report, Onoki couldn’t help but shout.

The words were filled with disbelief.

Onoki looked at the ninja beside him dumbfounded, and after being silent for a long time, he came back to his senses and said in a deep voice:

“Apart from this, is there any other intelligence? Did it say who did it?! ”

Hearing this, the ninja in charge of transmitting the information also shook his head.

After thinking about it for a moment, Onoki’s eyes flashed, and he spoke to the ninja next to him:

“Immediately notify the senior personnel to come and have a meeting! In addition, pass on my order and send an elite squad to Shayin immediately to see if the information is true! ”

“Yes, Tsuchikage-sama!”

Seeing the ninja leave, the corner of Onoki’s mouth hooked an inexplicable smile.

Perhaps, you can take this opportunity to make good use of Sand Hide!

Land of Thunder, Yunyin Village.

Built on towering mountain peaks, here the clouds are filled with mist and every now and then there is a deafening thunder!

Most of the ninjas here are very good at thunder and swordsmanship.

And at this time, a rough voice suddenly sounded from the Lei Ying office!


“That third-generation wind shadow, dead?!”

A very strong man looked at a tall woman with delicate facial features in front of him with a surprised face.

Compared to the exaggerated expression on the man’s face, her face did not have any expression at the moment, just a look of indifference.

However, in her heart, she was already shocked!

This man is none other than the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow of Yunyin Village—Ai!

At this moment, his face was full of shock, his pupils constricted, and he looked at the woman in front of him in disbelief.

This news came too suddenly, making the fourth generation of Lei Ying a little confused at the moment.

A moment later, he also suppressed the shock in his heart, and said in a deep voice:

“Samui, what do you think?!”

I saw that after hearing Lei Ying’s words, he raised his eyes slightly, and said with a flat face:

“Lord Lei Ying, if I want to say, whether it is true or not, this is an opportunity for us Yunyin!”

“Huh?! What do you mean? ”

Samui’s words also made Lei Ying slightly stunned, and his face was full of doubts.

I saw her continue to speak:

“This time the death of the three generations of wind shadows, we can push the boat along the water and transfer the anger of Sunahide to Konoha!”

“The last Nine-Tails riot, Konoha should not have fully recovered by now, we can take this opportunity to join forces with Sunahide and attack Konoha!”

As her words fell, Lei Ying also fell silent thoughtfully.

A moment later, Lei Ying raised his head sharply, his eyes were also full of excitement, and spoke:

“Very good, in that case, let’s leave for Shayin!”

Seeing Lei Ying’s impatience, Samui also shook his head helplessly, and said lightly:

“Don’t worry, Lord Lei Ying, before that, you have to determine the authenticity of this news. Send someone over first! ”

“What’s more, what we can think of, that earth shadow may not think of.”

“Hey, that old guy Ohnogi?!”

Thinking of Onoki, a wave of anger suddenly rose, and I saw him slap it down with a palm, directly smashing the stone table next to him.

“Send someone immediately to Shayin Village!”

“Yes, Lord Thundershadow!”


Land of Water, Mist Hidden Village.

The third-generation Shui Ying looked at the information in his hand, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

Immediately, I saw a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

Immediately said to the ninja in front of him:

“Send a squad to Shayin Village!”

“The other ninja villages must have also moved, so let’s wait and see what happens!”

“Yes, Mizukage-sama! I’ll gather my men and head to Shayin!” ”

After that, the ninja also disappeared immediately.

After the ninja left, the third generation of Mizukage looked at the information in his hand again.

This news, whether true or false, is bound to cause confusion!

And this, perhaps, is a good opportunity for them to expand their territory!


Because of this news, several villages started the idea of Shayin Village. The different ninja squads set out overnight in the direction of Sand Hidden Village at almost the same time.

At this time, in Shayin Village, a group of high-level officials looked at the information that suddenly appeared.

They couldn’t help but be furious.

What a Konoha, actually dares to assassinate the three generations of Kazekage of my Sand Hidden Village?!

Because of the corpse of the Konoha ninja that was brought back, they pushed the death of the three generations of Kazekage onto Konoha’s head without any doubt.

I saw an old man with short light purple hair, and said in a deep voice:

“Immediately elect the fourth generation of Wind Shadow, and then…”

“Attack Konoha!”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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