Looking at the incomparably familiar face, Chiyo was a little speechless for a while.

She didn’t expect that she would have the opportunity to meet the scorpion, and before the scorpion defected to the village, she was very fond of the scorpion.

However, what she didn’t expect was that the scorpion actually made a rebellion!

Thinking of this, Chiyo’s gaze also instantly became cold, looking at the scorpion on the opposite side, and said a little hoarsely

“Scorpion, at this time, what do you want to do when you return to Shayin Village?”

“Also, who is that person next to you?!”

As her voice fell, I saw the scorpion on the opposite side sneered and spoke:

“I didn’t expect you to be alive, Chiyo-sama.”

“Could it be… Are you specifically waiting for me to come back and collect your corpse?!” ”

Looking at this grandson who he was once proud of, Chiyo’s heart is very complicated at the moment. I saw that her mouth was open, but she did not make a sound.

Luo Sha on the side, but his attention was on the silent figure, when he saw the dozens of sand ninja corpses lying on the ground around the two, his face immediately became gloomy.

Half of the people stationed here are all Shangnin of Shayin Village!

They were actually killed by these two guys in front of them?!

Moreover, it seems that there are only two of them!

I saw him looking at the two people in front of him, and said in a deep voice:

“Scorpion, as a rebel of Shayin Village, what is the purpose of returning to this village now.”

“Also, who are you guy?!”

“Just the two of you, you actually dare to sneak into my Shayin Village?! Could it be that you are tired of living?! ”

Although Shayin Village is no longer good, it is also one of the five hidden villages, and now it is actually invaded? Or two people?

If this is passed on, where will the face of his fourth generation of Wind Shadow be shelved?!

Thinking of this, Luo Sha’s face became more and more gloomy, and his eyes stared at the two in front of him.

And at this moment, Bai Yu, who had been silent, grinned, also took off the hat on his head, and said lightly:

“By the way, I forgot to introduce myself, first meeting, hello, I’m just a passing worker!”

“The name is—”

“White feather!”


As Bai Yu’s words fell, Luo Sha and Chiyo were slightly stunned, and only then did they see the appearance of the man.

Angular face, white skin, flowing silver hair, and a faint smile on his face.

So young?

Also, what is a worker ?!

Both of them had the same doubts in their hearts at this moment, but they didn’t expect that it was actually two imps who invaded the village?!

Just as they were thinking twice.

Suddenly, Bai Yu’s voice continued to sound, interrupting their thoughts.

I saw Bai Yu chuckle and speak:

“As for the purpose of our coming here, it’s very simple, someone paid for your son’s life, and I was just entrusted by someone!”

As soon as these words came out, Luo Sha’s expression changed instantly.

What the? Is it really coming at me Ailuo?!

No, to be precise, a tail in his body!

Thinking of this, Luo Sha also stared at him and said in a deep voice:

“Hmph, then let’s see if you have that skill!”

As Luo Sha’s words fell, the scorpion also looked at Chiyo on the other side with interest, a weird smile on the corner of his mouth, and spoke:

“Mother-in-law Chiyo, since you have already come, let me teach you again, puppet art!”

Seeing that the scorpion had taken out the scroll containing the three generations of wind shadow puppets, a faint smile also appeared on Bai Yu’s face.

The next moment, I saw that the scorpion no longer had the patience to wait, and directly pressed his hand on the psychic scroll.


The white smoke exploded instantly.

Then, in front of the scorpion, a gray-robed and blue-haired puppet instantly appeared.


And at this moment, looking at the puppet in front of the scorpion, the faces of Luo Sha and Chiyo on the opposite side were already full of shock, and I saw that their pupils were constricted, and their eyes were staring at the puppet.

That, that’s…?!

Three generations of wind shadows?!

The missing three generations of wind shadows suddenly appeared in front of them at this moment, and they were made into a puppet?!

Could it be that the scorpion killed three generations of Wind Shadow?!

Has this guy grown to this point?!

Are you kidding?!

Luo Sha and Chiyo were completely stunned at the moment, cold sweat slowly dripping down their cheeks.

It is no longer possible to describe the horror in the hearts of the two in words.

And at this time, Bai Yu, looking at the wonderful expressions of the two people on the opposite side, the smile on his face did not decrease in the slightest, and spoke:

“Oh, it seems that I let you know something amazing again!”

“How’s that, isn’t it a surprise?!”

As Bai Yu’s voice fell.

Luo Sha was also the first to come to his senses, his eyes were still full of shock, and he saw him gritting his teeth and saying:

“Scorpion, you bastard, the hell… What did you do?! ”

At this time, the scorpion stood up, and the Chakra line in his hand was instantly connected to the puppet of the three generations of wind shadows.

Immediately, I saw him grin and said:

Isn’t the answer obvious? As you can see. ”

“This guy is my highest art! It is your honor that I use him against you, then…”

“Ready to die?!”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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