Looking at the black-robed figure that suddenly appeared, the two did not feel surprised.

And when the mask man saw the white feather in front of him, he was only slightly stunned, and when he saw the white feather’s strange eyes that emitted purple light.

Apparently also a little stunned.

This is…… What eyes?!

How has it never been seen?

Looking at that, it doesn’t seem to be the eye of reincarnation!

Since it is not the eye of reincarnation, then he has nothing to worry about.

Any pupil technique is not something to be afraid of in front of the Sharingan!

And for Bai Yu to appear here, the mask man did not have any surprises.

He knew that Shimura Danzo alone couldn’t hold him back.

After thinking for a moment in his mind, the mask man also said in a deep voice:

“Here it is, White Feather. Did something happen in your area just now?! ”

Seeing the calm and relaxed appearance of the mask man at this moment, Bai Yu was also a little funny in his heart, and said lightly:

“What happened, did it…”

“Don’t you know? U Chi Bo Madara! ”

Hearing this, he only saw the man slightly startled, pretending to be a little surprised, and said:

“What do you mean by that?!”

When Bai Yu saw the appearance of Uchiha with soil at this moment, he also secretly gave a thumbs up in his heart.

It is worthy of being known as the ‘Movie Emperor’ of the ninja world.

This shadow level really can’t see any flaws.

Before Bai Yu could think about it, he saw Uchiha Obito continue to speak in a deep voice:

“There was a riot there just now, and we thought you were discovered, so I’m temporarily changing the meeting place with Itachi.”

“I went back to look for you and found no trace of you.”

Hearing this, Bai Yu also cracked the corners of his mouth and said with a smile:

“Is that so?!”

Still looking for me? You wish I had died sooner!

Bai Yu also did not intend to expose his conspiracy with Shimura Danzo at the moment.

After all, his commission has not yet been paid, and if he turns his face like this, he will lose a lot of wealth.

Therefore, after seeing the masked man nodding, he stopped talking.

And Uchiha Obito looked at the smile on Bai Yu’s face, a little creepy.

Could it be….

This guy has already discovered about my cooperation with Tuanzang?!

While Uchiha is here, do you want to do it now?

Soon, the mask man’s mind began to think carefully.

With the current me, are Uchiha Itachi opponents of this guy?!

Gee, things seem to be getting a little troublesome!

And when he looked at Uchiha on the side, he found that the latter was a little distracted.

I don’t know what I’m thinking at the moment.

Seeing this, the mask man also gave up this idea.

Bai Yu’s guy must still have a lot of powerful hole cards on his body, and the purple eyes just now, he has never seen him use.

Forget it, at least Uchiha Itachi has successfully recruited in, and the Sharingan has also arrived.

As for Bai Yu, this guy… Let’s leave it alone for now!

After thinking about it for a moment, he only saw the man in a deep voice and said to Bai Yu:

“It’s good that you’re okay, the commission for this mission, when I go back, will naturally be given to you.”

Speaking of this, his gaze also looked at Uchiha Itachi on the side, and said indifferently:

“Let’s go, ferrets.”

“Now let’s go back to the base of the organization.”

After that, the mask man was about to leave, but found that the Uchiha weasel next to him was still indifferent, just looking at him indifferently.


Seeing this, the mask man was also slightly stunned.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yu on the side also evoked a faint smile.

It seems that Uchiha has already decided in his heart.

At this moment, the mask man also said with some doubts:

“What’s going on? A dozen seven?! ”

This guy wouldn’t be stupid, would he?!

At this moment, Uchiha was also a little confused.

At this moment, Bai Yu on the side also smiled and spoke:

“Let me explain!”

“Just now, Uchiha Itachi, has decided… Join me! ”

“Right, a dozen seven?!”



As Bai Yu’s words fell, Uchiha Obito was completely stupid, and looked at Uchiha Weasel on the side with some confusion.

However, what he didn’t expect was that after seeing Uchiha Itachi, who had been silent, let out a light breath, he nodded slightly and said indifferently:

“That’s right, Uchiha. Just now I have decided to join Bai Yu’s organization. I’m sorry. ”

After listening to Itachi’s words, Uchiha Obito had not reacted at this moment.

He looked at Uchiha Weasel beside him in disbelief.

TM’s still have this kind of thing?!

This guy poached my people in front of me?!

What the hell happened between these two before he got here?!

Bai Yu, this bastard… What exactly did you do to Uchiha Itachi?!

At this moment, Bai Yu’s faint voice reached his ears again.

“I’m so sorry, Boss Madara. Not only earned your money, but also poached your people. ”

“No way, who told me to be more involved with one dozen seven!”

“However, I really have to thank you well, otherwise I would not have found such a good ninja as one dozen seven.”

Speaking of this, the corners of Bai Yu’s mouth also evoked a subtle arc.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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