Land of Rain, Rain Hidden Village.

In the conference room organized by Xiao.

The three figures were sitting quietly on the chair at the moment, as if waiting for something.

The dimly lit conference room was unusually quiet.

All three wore the same red cloud and black robes uniforms.

And these three are Payne, Xiaonan, and Nepenthesis.

The next moment, an invisible vortex emerged, and the figure of the masked man appeared in the field of vision of the three.

As soon as the man in the mask appeared, he angrily walked to the chair and sat down, and slammed the table in front of him!

When the other three saw the masked man’s move, they were also very puzzled, and even a little surprised.

Obviously, the masked man’s mood is very wrong at the moment.

In their impression, he has always been relatively calm, and rarely has such an emotional loss of control as today.

What’s wrong with this today?!

What happened to make him so angry?!

Could it be… His plan failed?!

The three looked at each other, a little unclear.

Payne looked at the masked man next to him and also realized something.

Could it be that guy named Uchiha Itachi, what’s going on?!

Or is it related to that white feather?!

At this moment, a strange voice came, and I saw Nepenthes open his mouth and asked:

“What’s wrong, Madara. What the hell is going on? ”

As Jue’s voice fell, Payne and Xiaonan also looked at the mask man with doubts on their faces, waiting for his answer.

After a moment of silence, only to see the mask man take a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said:

“I didn’t expect that this time, I was actually tricked by that white feather!”

Hearing this, the three of them were also slightly stunned, only to see Payne continue to speak:

“What do you mean? Didn’t he go to Konoha as you agreed? ”

The three of them naturally knew about the mask man’s plan this time.

In addition to recruiting that Konoha’s Uchiha Itachi, that is to erase the white feather!

At this moment, the mask man also forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, only to see him slowly shake his head and say in a deep voice:

“The situation was somewhat unexpected to me.”

“I thought that those who relied on Konoha could at least consume him.”

“Unexpectedly, that guy… Not affected at all! ”

“So I dealt with him alone, and I was not sure at all!”

Only the man in the mask paused, clenched his fists, and continued:

“And what’s even more outrageous is that that guy also pulled Uchiha into the gang!”

After saying this, the mask man’s expression became even more ugly.

After being silent for a long time, he raised his head again, and after his gaze swept over the three people, he continued in a deep voice

“That guy Bai Yu, there are too many weird places on his body, and he still needs to observe slowly!”

“Moreover, his presence has already affected our plans!”

“He did it… There must be something else! ”

As the masked man’s voice fell, the entire conference room fell silent again.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Nan also looked at the mask man and said indifferently:

“So what should we do now?!”

“Can our peace plan continue successfully?!”

After Xiao Nan finished speaking, a touch of worry also appeared in his eyes, and he looked at Payne on the other side.

Only to see the mask man also suddenly fell silent and fell into thought.

After a long time, I saw him raise his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice:

“Our plan, of course, can’t be stopped just because of a white feather!”

“Now our main task is to strengthen the organization first!”

“After all, if you want to achieve peace in the ninja world, it is not enough to rely on the current Xiao Organization.”

As his words fell, I saw Payne’s eyes narrowed slightly, looked at the mask man and spoke:

“That white feather… Just let it go?! ”

Hearing this, the mask man also said indifferently:

“Of course you can’t let him go.”

Speaking of this, the masked man also looked at Jue on the side and continued:

“Bai Yu’s side will be under your control, absolutely.”

“If he makes any unusual movements, notify me immediately!”

“Got it.”

After the strange sound sounded, it retreated into the ground and disappeared, without the slightest breath.

Watching Jue leave, the mask man looked at Xiao Nan and said indifferently:

“Xiaonan, are the horns back?”

Hearing this, Xiao Nan also understood what the mask man meant, and it was time to pay the commission to that white feather.

Realizing this, Xiao Nan didn’t talk nonsense, slowly stood up and walked outside….


At this moment, somewhere in Yuyin Village, Jiaodu looked at the small vault that he had worked hard to hoard, and a touch of heat appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, feeling someone approaching, he also turned his head sharply, just in time to see Xiao Nan’s figure slowly walking towards him.

Seeing Xiao Nan, Jiaodu’s face naturally did not have a good face, knowing that she came to get money again, looked at Xiao Nan indifferently and said:

“How much will you want this time?”

“One hundred million.”


Hearing Xiao Nan’s words, Jiaodu also froze directly.

A hundred million?!

Without Guan Jiaodu’s reaction, Xiao Nan left directly after getting the money.

Only a confused Kakuto remained.

Looking at the hill that had been piled up with great difficulty, it was almost exhausted at the moment.

Kakuto’s heart was like a knife.

This TM is worse than killing me!

Thinking of this, the grievances of working for many years also broke out instantly!

After so many years of diligence, these guys are so squandered ?!

Go to the nm, Xiao organization I don’t wait, I’m going to mess with Bai Yu!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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