The two scorpions and Uchiha ferrets, who were thinking, also instantly came back to their senses when they heard Bai Yu’s words.

I saw the scorpion looking at Bai Yu with a solemn face and said:

“Bai Yu, this guy of the big snake pill has always been tricky, you can’t possibly not know, right?!”

It was also a little surprising to him that Bai Yu agreed to the employment of the Great Snake Pill so easily!

There were even some doubts about whether Bai Yu was a little carried away by the money.

Listening to the scorpion’s words, the Uchiha ferret on the side also stared at Bai Yu tightly, and he couldn’t be calm in his heart at the moment.

Orochimaru and Hakuba are going to join forces to attack Konoha!

This is undoubtedly a thunderbolt for him!

I didn’t expect to let him hear such important news just after joining!

Although I don’t know the specific time, Itachi also plans to find a way to notify the three generations of Hokage first.

About the plan these two guys discussed!

If you can’t take precautions in time, it will definitely be a devastating disaster for Konoha at that time!

Thinking of this, Uchiha only felt that the burden on himself was a little heavier.

The most important thing is, what about Sasuke?!

Even he, who has always been very indifferent, couldn’t help but get short of breath after learning this news.

And at this moment, Bai Yu, after listening to the scorpion’s words, only said faintly:

“Don’t worry, I have my own measure.”

Who is the big snake pill he still doesn’t know?!

The old Yin man is a master!

However, despite this, Bai Yu did not care.

No matter what purpose he has, making money first is the first thing, as for the rest, it is not within Bai Yu’s consideration.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu also looked at the motionless Uchiha ferret not far away, and spoke:

“One dozen seven, first solve the matter of Iwahide Village this time, when the time comes, let’s go and subvert Konoha together!”

After speaking, I saw a strange smile appear on Bai Yu’s face.

What is this big filial son of Uchiha thinking, he still doesn’t know?!

This guy is almost the most war-hating person in the entire ninja world.

For a person like him, this plan of the Great Snake Pill must be extremely impactful.

Not to mention, his favorite brother is still in Konoha.

Hearing Bai Yu’s words, Uchiha Weasel also raised his eyes slightly and nodded expressionlessly.

Seeing Uchiha’s calm and relaxed acting skills, Bai Yu was also a little impressed.

Seeing this, Bai Yu also stopped talking nonsense, smiled slightly, and said to the two:

“Pack up and get ready to go!”

A moment later, Bai Yu looked at the two people next to him with an excited look and said with a smile:


As his words fell, Scorpion and Uchiha Weasel also felt a little puzzled.

What do you mean?!

Everything is packed 860, definitely ready!

However, the next moment.

I saw Bai Yu’s hand suddenly reach out to the shoulders of the two.

In the astonished eyes of the two, they actually flew up?!

What, what?!

This guy not only can fly himself, but also give others the ability to fly ?!

What the hell is this… What weird abilities?!

Just when the two were secretly shocked, they saw Bai Yu smile and speak:

“Hurry up this way, let’s go!”

After speaking, he also immediately accelerated, and his body directly turned into an afterimage and flew towards the direction of the country of earth!

Seeing this, the two who were stunned also reacted immediately and followed.

It would have taken a day to travel, but it only took a few hours for the three of them to cross two countries from Tanokuni to the Land of Earth!

A moment later, Iwain Village.

Inside the Tsuchikage office.

Onoki was looking at a small card in his hand.

After a moment of silence, he also narrowed his eyes slightly, and said to a Iwain ninja beside him:

“So, that young man named Scorpion didn’t refuse my employment?!”

As his words fell, I saw that the Iwain ninja nodded respectfully and spoke:

“Yes, Tsuchikage-sama!”

He said he still needed to go back and ask that white feather’s opinion! And gave me this thing! ”

Hearing this, Onoki also nodded lightly. He looked at the small card in his hand again and fell into deep thought.

I don’t know if that guy named Bai Yu will accept his hiring task this time!

Two hundred million commissions, not a small amount!

Over the years, he has also been looking for traces of Bai Yu.

And as for his purpose, it is not just for him to help him find Deidara!

What’s more, or does he want to use the hand of Bai Yu to complete some of his plans!

Thinking of this, the corner of Onoki’s mouth also evoked a faint smile.

He is confident, for this mission, that guy named Bai Yu will definitely not refuse!

However, just as he was thinking, a Iwain ninja also hurriedly rushed in and said eagerly:


Seeing his anxious appearance, Onoki’s face also looked a little displeased, and said coldly:

“What’s going on?!”

I saw the ninja swallow and speak:

“Outside, outside, there is a man named Bai Yu looking for you! And two ninjas who don’t know! ”


White feathers?!

Hearing this name that was extremely familiar to him (BCFC), Onoki was also slightly stunned.

For the other two, Onoki also directly ignored it.

Immediately, a strange excitement instantly appeared in his eyes!

Speaking to the ninja in front of him:

“Are you sure it’s the white feather who offered a reward of 100 million?!”

“Yes… Yes! ”

Onoki immediately expressed his understanding for the ninja, after all, it is no wonder that ordinary people have such a reaction when they see the legendary white feather.

I saw that he immediately spoke to that Yanyin:

“Quick, invite them to the conference room, I’ll be there later!”

As Onoki’s voice fell, the ninja did not dare to snub in the slightest, immediately replied respectfully, and then retreated.

“Sure enough, as I expected, it came… White feathers! ”

I saw Onoki muttering, and then the corners of his mouth also hooked a subtle curve.

The next moment, he stood up, walked in the direction of the conference room, and slowly floated over.

That’s right, his body is floating in the air at the moment!

A moment later, the three of Bai Yu, guided by a Iwain ninja, arrived in the conference room of Iwain Village.

At this moment, he was sitting quietly in his chair and began to wait quietly.

And the scorpion also looked at the surrounding environment curiously, and said lightly to Bai Yu:

“I didn’t expect the internal environment of Yanyin Village to be like this? It’s the first time I’ve seen it. ”

As the scorpion’s voice fell, Bai Yu also smiled slightly and spoke:

“How? You haven’t been here before? ”

I saw that the scorpion nodded slightly and fell silent.

Uchiha Itachi, on the other hand, just sat quietly in his seat, without any expression on his face, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this moment, the heavy stone door was slowly pushed open, and the three of them also heard the prestige.

I saw a short old figure slowly floating towards the three.

And behind him, there were two ninjas from Iwahide Village, who looked like they should be his personal guards.

Seeing this scene, Scorpion and Uchiha Weasel were also slightly stunned.

This man… Will also fly?!

But due to the influence of Bai Yu, the two of them were already strange, and just quietly looked at Onoki.

After signaling the two guards to retreat, Onoki also sat down and looked at the three of Bai Yu in front of him.

After a moment of silence, I saw him smile and speak:

“When we first met, I was the third generation of Tokage from Iwahide Village. Onoki! ”

“I’m glad you accepted my commission.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Hearing this, Bai Yu also said lightly:

“Lord Tsuchikage, it is indeed our honor to be hired by you in our small organization.”

As soon as these words came out, the scorpion and Uchiha ferret on the side were also slightly stunned, this guy… When did you speak so politely?!

What are you thinking again?!

As Bai Yu’s words fell, Onoki also set his eyes on Bai Yu’s body, and this face was also familiar to him.

I saw him smile and speak:

“It seems that you are Bai Yu, really younger than I thought!”

Hearing this, Bai Yu’s face still had his trademark smile, looked at the big nogi in front of him, and said lightly:

“All right, Tsuchikage-sama. I don’t need to say more politely, I heard my companion say that the mission you entrusted us this time is to ask us to bring back the rebel forbearance of Yanyin Village?! ”

“It seems to be called… Deidara, huh?! ”

“I don’t know, are there any clues that can be given to us?”

After Bai Yu said lightly, he saw Onoki’s gaze narrowed slightly.

He now began to wonder if Bai Yu’s strength was as strong as the rumors suggested.

Because he didn’t feel how powerful Chakra was on Bai Yu’s body.

Although Chakra is not the only criterion for distinguishing strength from weakness, Ohnogi, who is suspicious by nature, can’t help but feel a little surprised at this moment.

I was going to tell them about my other purpose, but now it seems.

The strength of these guys has to be further observed and observed.

Thinking of this, Onoki also nodded lightly and spoke:

“Yes, Deidara was originally my most proud disciple, but he was obsessed with his so-called art and accepted many horrific missions. Defected to the village. ”

“So, in order to stop him from continuing to make trouble outside, I found you and helped me bring him back.”

I saw him pause, and then spoke:

“According to the information I have learned, this guy is currently in the territory of the Land of Earth, and should not be too far from Iwahide Village.”

After speaking, Onoki did not ink, took out Deidara’s portrait and handed it to Bai Yu.

Although Bai Yu knew him, he still pretended to take a look, then handed it to the two people next to him, looked at the big nogi in front of him, and spoke:

“Yes, since you have already mastered the specific location of Deidara, then why didn’t Lord Tsuchikage capture him himself?!”

After speaking, Bai Yu’s eyes also flashed with a fine light, and his eyes stared closely at the big nogi in front of him.

However, when Bai Yu said this, Onoki’s face did not change in the slightest, but he said lightly:

“As you can see, I’m getting older and my health is not as good as it used to be.”

“Moreover, that guy from Deidara’s strength is very strong and very combative, if I go in person, maybe something will happen.”

After speaking, Onoki also sneered in his heart.

It seems that this white feather has realized something, did he also want to set my words just now?!

I have to say that this little ghost brain is still somewhat good.

Thinking of this, Onoki couldn’t help but glance up at Bai Yu in his heart.

Such a guy … Maybe it’s worth using!

Next, you just need to see his strength, how it is!

As Onoki’s voice fell, Bai Yu’s face was still flat, and he smiled:

“yes, got it.”

“Then since that’s the case, let’s go!”

After speaking, he said to the two people next to him:

“Let’s go, work!”

The next moment, Bai Yu was also in shape, as if he suddenly remembered something, and turned back to Onoki and said lightly:

“By the way, about the commission this time…”

“Two hundred million. As long as you complete the mission, not a single point will be lost! ”

Seeing this, Bai Yu nodded with a smile, then turned around and left with the two.

Looking at the departing back, Onoki also muttered:

“It seems that he is indeed an interesting little guy.”

“Use Deidara this time to test your strength!”

At this moment, the three of Bai Yu, who had already come outside, rushed towards the location of the intelligence given by Onoki.

In order not to attract unnecessary attention, Bai Yu also did not use the skill of flying.

Suddenly, the scorpion on the side said lightly:

“That third-generation Tokage, do you really believe his words?!”

Hearing this, Bai Yu was also a little puzzled, and did not quite understand the meaning of the scorpion’s words.

I saw the scorpion continue:

“I mean, that old man doesn’t look like someone who can come up with 200 million.”

As the scorpion’s voice fell, Bai Yu also smiled slightly and spoke:

“Scorpion, you can’t just look at the surface of anything, that old guy is very rich!”

After all, most of the funds of the Zhongxiao organization in the original work were provided by Onoki, how could he not have money?!

During the conversation between the two, the three soon came to a building.

Looking at the information in his hand, Bai Yu nodded and said lightly:

“This is it!”

Then he said to Uchiha on the side:

“One dozen seven, you’ll take care of him later.”

Hearing this, the ferret nodded lightly, and immediately walked directly in.

A moment later, several people entered.

A yellow-haired ponytailed boy was crouching on the ground, with his back to them.

His hands were also constantly pounding in front of him.

I don’t know what I’m doing.

And the arrival of Bai Yu and several people was also detected by him at the first time.

However, even so, he did not react at all, and was still busy with the matter at hand.

I saw that on his hand, it was a mass of white clay.

Soon, it was pinched into the shape of a centipede by him.

Seeing this, Bai Yu also raised his eyebrows.

This guy happens to be a clay maniac.

I saw Bai Yu say lightly:

“It seems that you are Deidara, the earth shadow of your village asked us to take you back, hurry up and follow us back, I am so good!”

After the words fell, Deidara also paused slightly.

Then, he turned his head to look at the three of Bai Yu.

The next moment, I saw his brows frown, and said:

“You said that dead old man?! Are you kidding? ”

“The guy who doesn’t recognize my art, who wants to go back to that damn place?!”

When the words fell, he also ignored the three of Bai Yu and continued to pound the clay in his hand.

Seeing this, Bai Yu also nodded towards Uchiha Itachi.

It seems that you can’t talk nonsense with this guy, it’s better to use it directly!

I saw the ferret slowly walking towards Deidara, and said lightly:

“Then let me see what you call art!”

After speaking, Uchiha’s eyes also turned red instantly, and the Sharingan eyes opened!

And when Deidara saw the indifferent expression on Uchiha’s face, his face also changed.

“You guy… What kind of expression is that?! ”

“Is it to look down on my art?!”

I saw that his face looked a little angry at the moment. Then, Shen Shen said:

“Gee… Red-eyed guy, don’t underestimate me! ”

“And don’t…”

“Underestimate my art!”

The moment the words fell, I saw that his hand was also fierce.

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