As Onoki’s voice fell, the scorpion and Uchiha weasel at this moment also moved in their hearts.

These three generations of earth shadows, is there really something else?!

Thinking of this, the two of them also looked at Bai Yu on the side.

And even Deidara, after hearing Onoki’s words, felt a little puzzled.

What does this old man of the earth shadow want to do?!

Looking at his malicious expression, Deidara’s heart also suddenly had a sense of foreboding.

At this moment, although the expression on Bai Yu’s face was very puzzled, he had already expected Onoki’s move in his heart.

At this moment, the entire conference room seemed a little unusually quiet, even quiet, a little strange.

After a moment of silence, I saw Onoki’s eyes narrowed slightly, looked at the three white feathers in front of him, and continued to speak:

“I don’t know what the number of people thinks?”

Hearing this, Bai Yu also smiled, a flash of essence flashed in his eyes, glanced at the scorpion and Uchiha weasel next to him, and spoke:

“I still say that, it is naturally our honor that Lord Tsuchikage can find us for something.”

“However, one yard to one yard, this is another extra money!”

As Bai Yu’s voice fell, Onoki was also overjoyed, and a touch of excitement appeared in his eyes, and he immediately spoke:

“I don’t need you to say this, I understand. Moreover, money is naturally not a problem! ”

Seeing this, Bai Yu also smiled slightly, immediately sat down on the chair again, and said lightly:

“If that’s the case, then I don’t know what help do you need from our Ninja Realm mercenaries, Lord Tsuchikage?!”

As soon as these words came out, the two of Scorpion and Uchiha Itachi were also interested, and stared at Tokage Onoki with some curiosity.

I saw that Onoki’s face sank, his eyes stared at Bai Yu tightly, and he spoke:

“Then, I’ll be blunt. I want you to have this organization…”

“Can cause war all over the ninja world from time to time!”


As Onoki’s voice fell, several people except Bai Yu changed their faces!

Arouse…… War?!

What the hell is this old guy thinking?!

What the hell is his ambition?!

I saw that Deidara’s face was also pale.

What’s going on?!

What is going on in the head of this old man Onoki?!

“Gee! You old man, are you still thinking about these things at this age?! ”

Deidara also shouted and spoke at Tokage Onoki, looking a little excited.

And at this moment, Onoki, hearing Deidara’s words, also frowned, gritted his teeth and said:

“Shut up for me, you bitch!”

“If it weren’t for the fact that you were obsessed with your ridiculous art all day, would I do this?!”

“You don’t really think about it, what is the reason why the old man did this?!”

Speaking of this, Onoki’s violent temper also came up instantly, and it was a language output directly at Deidara.

Deidara suddenly became angry when he saw Onoki, and he was also a little confused, but at the moment he was a little prodded, and in the face of Onoki’s scolding, he quickly bowed his head and did not say a word.

Although Deidara’s usual arrogant and domineering appearance is still a little afraid of Onoki.

Although he has never seen the true strength of Onoki, his single-handedly destroyed the dust of the world is quite strong!

It’s powerful enough to make everything that comes its way… It’s all in smoke!

Therefore, although Deidara’s hatred of Onoki very much, he always had a trace of fear in his heart for this powerful old man.

Soon, Onoki also calmed down, looking at the different expressions on Bai Yu’s faces, he also coughed lightly, and spoke:

“Sorry, let you guys see the joke, let’s continue!”

As Onoki’s voice fell, the scorpion also came back to his senses.

I didn’t expect this old man to scold people so ruthlessly.

He now somewhat understood why Deidara left Yanyin Village.

No one can stand this!

The scorpion couldn’t help but think secretly in his heart at this moment.

And at this moment, Bai Yu saw his eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the big nogi in front of him.

But what he cared about was not Onoki scolding Deidara.

Before Onoki said his hiring mission, Haku had actually guessed it.

Because he knew that this guy Onoki really liked to do things, and his spearhead liked to target Konoha.

Not only because he wanted to snatch the title of the First Shinobi Village from him, but even more because many years ago, this old man and the second generation of Tokage went to Konoha together to ask for an alliance.

But at that time, he was directly rejected by Uchiha as a Konoha ninja.

And in the original work, this old guy has not been idle, often hiring Xiao organizations to go to other countries to do things.

And just as Bai Yu was thinking, he saw Onoki’s voice slowly enter his ears again.

“How’s it going, Mr. Shiraha?.!”

As Onoki’s words fell, Bai Yu also came back to his senses, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Onoki wants to do this to weaken the strength of other hidden villages, right?!

Thinking of this, Bai Yu didn’t care too much, what these people did had nothing to do with him, and his focus was still only money.

I saw that after he was silent for a moment, he said lightly:

“What do you mean, are you planning to hire us for a long time?”

As soon as these words came out, I saw Onoki slowly speak:

“That’s right! As a reward, the commission I gave for this task is, five hundred million. ”


The three people on the side were slightly stunned when they heard Onoki’s words.

Five hundred million?!

This old guy is really hidden deeply, this is calculated, a total of 700 million at once!

Hearing the words of the three generations of earth shadows, Bai Yu was also slightly stunned in his heart.

Good fellow, this old man is measured in hundreds of millions as soon as he strikes ?!

It is worthy of being the biggest financial owner of the Zhongxiao organization in the original work, which is simply rich.

Bai Yu was also a little curious at the moment, how much savings this old man in front of him had in his hands could actually make him squander it so much.

Although as a shadow, it is naturally normal to have money.

But casually looking for someone is 200 million, which is somewhat abnormal.

Before Bai Yu could react, Deidara, who saw on the side, couldn’t help but speak:

“Old man, isn’t five hundred million too little, I remember you seem to be very rich!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was slightly stunned.

And Onoki is also a little angry at the moment.

This bastard…

You actually sold him as a teacher now?!

Looking at Deidara, who had an innocent face on the side, Onoki also directly wanted to reward him for escaping!

In the end, the most fundamental reason is because of Deidara’s problem children!

If he could listen to himself, not obsessed with his so-called art, and spend these thoughts on inheriting the position of the earth shadow.

Will there be such a situation as it is now?!

The village is full of geniuses, and except for one Deidara, there is no one in TM Yanyin Village!

And this product is actually not interested in the location of the earth shadow!

This is also the reason why Onoki has been in Tsuchikage for so long.

Thinking of this, Onoki also almost lost breath of old blood spewed out.

There is no way, now he can only pin his hopes on Deidara.

Until now, he still hopes that Deidara’s mind will change his mind and return to Iwain to inherit the position of Tokage.

And at this moment, the scorpion and the Uchiha weasel were also staring at Bai Yu tightly.

The two of them also had a vague answer in their hearts at this moment.

With their understanding of Bai Yu, he should not refuse the temptation of these five hundred million.

After all, this guy has a soft spot for money!

In the gazes of the two, I saw Bai Yu smile slightly, looked at Onoki and spoke:

“Lord Tokage, five hundred million wants to let us serve you alone for a long time, isn’t that appropriate?!”

As soon as these words came out, Bai Yu also sneered in his heart.

It is worthy of being a careerist who can rank high in the entire ninja world, and this abacus is really enough.

Ohnogi’s purpose, in addition to hiring himself to weaken the strength of other hidden villages, does he want to avoid others from hiring him?!

In this way, he Yanyin Village does not have to be afraid of the threat of several other villages!

Moreover, this old guy should also have ambitions to dominate the ninja world, so he can’t wait to weaken the strength of other hidden villages.

Let’s make a move, not only so that the strength of our village will not be affected, even if it fails, no one will know that he did it without evidence.

This big nogi is also an old fox!

It can be said that it is already on par with the old guy of Shimura Danzo.

And after hearing Bai Yu’s words, the scorpion and Uchiha ferret on the side also understood instantly.

Bai Yu, this guy, is it that 500 million is too little?! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And at this moment, Onoki’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said lightly:

“So, what do you think is a reasonable price for this mission?!”

Hearing Bai Yu’s words, Onoki did not feel anything wrong, but saw a sinister smile appear at the corner of his mouth.

In his opinion, as long as Bai Yu did not directly refuse, there was room for negotiation.

Moreover, listening to Bai Yu’s tone just now, as long as the price is reasonable, then he will definitely agree!

As long as the problem can be solved with money, it is not a problem at all!

Because the old man, the last thing he lacks is money.

I saw Onoki’s gaze staring closely at the white feather on the opposite side, looking forward to his next words.

And at this moment, the eyes of everyone present were also on him.

Especially Deidara, who was on the side, was also a little surprised at the moment.

This guy won’t really have to say yes, right?!

Didn’t he invite me to join his organization? Why didn’t this guy mention this from beginning to end?!

Could it be… Did you lie to me?!

The next moment, I saw Bai Yu’s faint voice slowly spread into everyone’s ears.

“One price, ten billion!”

“And, we only shot twice, no matter what the task. How’s it going, Tsuchikage-sama?! ”

After speaking, I saw his trademark smile appear on Bai Yu’s face again.


As Bai Yu’s voice fell, the other three had sudden changes in their faces.

Billion…… Shot twice?!

This guy, how dare to say it!

Or did he really take the three generations of Tokage as a fool?!

As long as this is a person with a slightly normal brain, he will not agree to this, right?!

Bai Yu’s wave of operation also gave several people a little confused.

On the other hand, at this moment, Onoki’s face instantly became gloomy after hearing Bai Yu’s words, and he even twitched involuntarily.

This guy… Is there sincerity in the end?!

Although I am rich, I am not so profligate, right?!

Onoki forced himself to calm down, and after being silent for a long time, he continued to speak:

“Your charge is a bit too high, right?!”

Before, someone named Xiao Organization came to him, but at that time, he was focused on Bai Yu, a ninja mercenary, so he refused!

Thinking of this, Onoki also gritted his teeth regretfully.

If you already know that this is the case, it is better to hire that Xiao organization directly in the first place!

Just as he was thinking, he saw Bai Yu continue to speak lightly:

“Don’t rush to refuse yet.”

“These two times, I can help you solve anything, if you can’t complete it, you won’t receive a point!” What do you think? Think again?! ”


Tsuchikage Onoki also looked at the white feather in front of him with a puzzled face.

This kid… Really so confident?!

Anything can be solved?!

Are all the young people now so arrogant?!

However, if he really has such strength, a billion is not too much.

Directly let him go and destroy Konoha and Yun, isn’t this enough?!

Moreover, it just so happens to be able to see whether this arrogant guy has such strength!

The main thing is this little ghost, what is the strength in the end.

Onoki didn’t see it with his own eyes either.

Thinking of this, Onoki also made a decision in his heart, and said in a deep voice:

“Are you sure… Anything can be solved?! ”

As Onoki’s voice fell, Bai Yu nodded with a smile and said lightly:

“I said, if it can’t be done, I won’t receive a single point.”



Onoki, who was about to promise Bai Yu, was also slightly stunned when he heard this.

Could it be that this guy repented again?!

Or do you want to raise the price again?!

Thinking of this, Onoki was also a little angry in his heart, and looked at the white feather in front of him with dissatisfaction.

I saw Bai Yu pause, and then spoke:

“I have one more request!”


This kid is really a little stomped on the face!

You actually have to make a request?!

Despite what he thought in his heart, Onoki planned to listen to it before making plans.

If this guy really dares to make any excessive demands, then the old man will have to let him stay in Yanyin Village forever!

Thinking of this, Onoki also stared, and a cold glow instantly rose from under his eyes.

I saw that after Bai Yu was silent for a moment, he also suddenly looked at Deidara, who was on the side, and said lightly:

“Deidara, it’s still you!”

As Bai Yu’s voice fell, Onoki was also full of doubts.

What do you mean?!

Does this have anything to do with Deidara?!

Seeing Onoki looking towards him, Deidara was also heartbroken, and in order to learn the art of Hakuha, he was also open-minded.

I saw that he suddenly clenched his fists and said sharply:

“Gee! Let’s get blunt, old man! ”

“I’m going to follow this white feather to learn the ultimate art!”

“This Yanyin Village, I won’t stay!”

Deidara did not hesitate in the slightest and said loudly directly to Onoki.

As soon as the words fell, Onoki also frowned instantly.

Gee, what’s the situation with this kid Deidara?!

He should have just met this Bai Yu, right?!

The ultimate art?!


Could it be that he saw some gorgeous moves?!

Thinking of this, Onoki also suddenly remembered the strong vibration he felt before!

Could it be… Is it because of this?!

What kind of ninjutsu is that can actually make this guy Deidara, so interested?!

Just as Onoki was thinking, a faint voice of Bai Yu on the side sounded, interrupting his thoughts.

“That’s what I’m talking about.”

“How about it, Tsuchikage-sama, what do you think?!”

Hearing this, Onoki also slowly turned his head, and then sneered and spoke:

“Boy, did you come specifically to make the old man happy today?!”

The words fell, and I saw a cold light rise in Onoki’s eyes instantly.

The powerful Chakra suddenly gushed out from its body!

Three generations of Tokage…


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