Early the next morning, Ye Chen was awakened by the ringing of his cell phone, and there was still a soft touch in his arms.

Did he sleep with the quilt in his arms again?

This quilt feels really good. I will ask Feng Li where he bought it later.

Donkey Brother: [Chen'er, look, you are already far ahead.]

Ye Chen: [What?]

Donkey Brother: [The school hunk vote was opened early this morning. It has only been opened for a few hours, and you have already received more than 1,000 votes.]

Dog Hu: [Chen'er, you must be the school hunk this time. Maybe the brothers can also follow you and find a girlfriend.]

Donkey Brother: [The women who want to pursue our Chen are lining up from the south gate to the north gate. It's a pity that they don't even look at them. They only like Chu Yiyi.]

Ye Chen: [Donkey Brother, that was when I was a freshman. Don't talk about it. I don't have anyone I like now.]

Dog Hu: [Really? Yesterday I saw you walking with that piano goddess Song Wan Ning. It was posted on the forum that you two are together. Is that true? She is my goddess. ]

Ye Chen: [Brother Hu, you think too much. I am not with her. We are just discussing some thesis issues. I don’t like Song Wan Ning. ]

Brother Hu: [Then I am relieved. I am ready to pursue her. In the last two months before graduation, I must pursue her. ]

Brother Hu: [Hurry up and vote for my goddess Wan Ning. She has surpassed Chu Yiyi! ]

Brother Lu: [It seems that the school beauties and school hunks will be reshuffled this time. ]

Ye Chen roughly checked and found that he had 2,000 votes, while Ye Mo’s votes were still around 1,000.

Chu Yiyi’s votes were more than 600, and Song Wan Ning’s were more than 1,000. Ye Chen decisively voted for Song Wan Ning this time.

I accidentally saw the hot search on the forum again.

#Ye Chen Song Wan Ning CP!

[Are these two in public? They look very close. ]

[Senior Ye Chen is single, don't talk nonsense. ]

[I think they must be dating, otherwise how could they be together? They spent a whole day in the library. ]

Some junior girls have gone completely crazy and commented crazily below: [Senior Ye Chen, single!! ]

Ye Chen himself also added: [No dating, thank you. ]

Now he just wants to create and finish his lyrics.

Ye Chen opened the closet, which contained the clothes prepared by Feng Li for him. He picked a gray outfit and went to Tuantuan's room after putting it on.

Tuantuan was not in the room.

Ye Chen hurried downstairs. The little guy was sitting on the sofa holding a doll. Ye Chen was dazzled by the dolls of various colors, and they all looked the same.

"Dad ε==(づ′▽`)づ"

Tuantuan saw his father and threw away all the dolls.

Ye Chen caught the little guy and held him up, "My dear, why did you get up so early today?"

"Dad, Tuantuan is drawing."

The little guy pouted and lay in his father's arms.

Feng Li explained: "Today is Friday. Tuantuan has two art classes in the morning and two music classes in the afternoon."

"Tuantuan is so young and has to take art and music classes."

"Well, don't worry, the teacher is just playing with Tuantuan. Tuantuan is too naughty and always makes the teacher angry and runs away."

Tuantuan's little head shook like a rattle, and he said in a milky voice: "Dad, Tuantuan is good."


Ye Chen touched the baby's little hand, "Well, Dad knows Tuantuan is good, Tuantuan will study hard, Dad will go to the company today."

Feng Li's voice was light, "Go to the company? Go to your internship company? If not, follow me and be the manager of Feng Group."

Ye Chen whispered: "No, I signed a contract with an entertainment company. I want to create songs recently. Let's see what arrangements the company has."

"Feng Yan also has an entertainment company under her. If you want to come, you can."

Ye Chen nodded and said: "Okay, I only have a 6-month contract with this company. After 6 months, I can leave without paying liquidated damages."

Feng Li said: "It's up to you to decide. Now take the medicine and apply it well."

Ye Chen pursed his lips.

Will Feng Li think he is a sickly person?

Put a Band-Aid on your swollen face, and take medicine for a cold and fever.

"Dad, put a Band-Aid on it."

The baby took out a pink Band-Aid again and put it on his father himself, frowning with worry.

"It won't hurt."


"Thank you, Tuantuan. Dad doesn't feel any pain anymore."

After dinner, Feng Li said, "I'll ask the driver to take you to the company."

"I'll take a taxi."

Feng Li threw a bunch of keys to Ye Chen, all of which were brand-name car keys.

"Go to the garage and choose a car."

Ye Chen was taken to the garage by Feng Li, and was dazzled by the various luxury cars, all of which were priced at over 10 million yuan.Ye Mo's Rolls-Royce worth more than 10 million is nothing here.

He used to envy her to death, but unfortunately Ye Qingshan said, "If you want a car, buy it yourself. Ye Mo is my son, and you are not. Your family gives you a meal, you should be grateful."

Feng Li said, "Don't like it? How about we go to the store to choose? There are more colors over there, you can choose any color you want."

Ye Chen shook his head repeatedly, "No, I'll use the car on the edge first."

Feng Li frowned and said, "That's the car used by the servants to buy vegetables. The black Bugatti is okay, try it?"

"I can just drive a car."

Driving such an expensive car, he doesn't look like a worker.

He can't ask for Feng Li's things anymore, Feng Li has already given him a lot.

Tianrui Entertainment.

Ye Chen entered the company, and his agent looked him up and down and nodded repeatedly.

This figure and face are top-notch in the entertainment industry.

Unintentionally seeing the band-aid on Ye Chen's face, the agent frowned, "Ye Chen, what happened to your face, is it disfigured?"

"Do you know what is the most important thing for an artist? It's the face. Why didn't you protect your face!"

"I... bumped into it accidentally. I signed a contract for songwriting, which has nothing to do with the face."

Zheng Xin said in a deep voice: "Since you have signed a contract, you are a member of the company. You actually made your face like this. How can you..."

Ye Chen was puzzled, "What? What are you going to do tonight?"

Zheng Xin changed the subject, "Ahem, nothing... You go to the meeting first, and we'll talk about it tonight."

Meeting room.

Chen Liping is a woman in her sixties and one of the shareholders of Tianrui Entertainment.

She saw Ye Chen and her eyes lit up, "Xiao Chen is here."

Ye Chen nodded and sat in an inconspicuous corner.

"Is this the artist newly signed by our company? He looks so handsome."

"Too handsome, even more handsome than the top star Luo Xing."

Lu Shiyue touched Ye Chen's arm, "Why did you come just now?"

"There was a traffic jam on the road."

Lu Shiyue took out a sandwich from her bag and asked, "Ye Chen, have you eaten? I have sandwiches and milk here."

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