The next day.

Ye Chen went to the company, and several senior executives praised him.

"Ye Chen, congratulations, you have become a little famous this time. This is a good result for the first song. You are a rising star in our company."

"Yes, Ye Chen, the company thinks you have great potential, so we want to renew your contract for 10 years, and we can also advance you 10 million yuan in salary for 10 years. Are you willing?"

Vice President Liu threw out a folder, "If you are willing, sign this contract quickly. When the time comes, the money will be in your pocket and you can use it however you want."

Ye Chen took a rough look at this overbearing contract.

This means that the copyright of his new songs in the future will be in the hands of the company.

These people are really calculating. Do they think he is a big fool? Although he is stupid, he is not that stupid.

"Thank you, Vice President Liu, for your kindness. I think I'd better wait until I'm done with this six-month internship."

The six-month internship he signed was just to be a music assistant in the company. The copyright of the songs he published was in his own hands.

Although the salary was very low, only five or six thousand yuan a month, he was just a small assistant.

No one in the company could have imagined that this small assistant would become famous.

Ye Mo coughed a few times and looked at Vice President Liu.

Vice President Liu immediately said: "Ye Chen, the company will give you another chance to be Ye Mo's assistant. Ye Mo is a popular singer, second only to Zhou Tianwang. Some people call him the next Tianwang. If you follow him, your future will be bright."

Ye Chen curled his lips coldly, "Ye Tianwang? Then I will wait and see. I still prefer one person. Ye Tianwang will not be interested in me as a newcomer."

Ye Mo's face was gloomy: "Ye Chen, don't be shameless. Letting you be my assistant is giving you face. Don't think that you can be compared with me just because you are a little famous."

Ye Chen's tone was as calm as water, "Of course I know that I can't be compared with Ye Tianwang. I am not worthy of being your assistant. You should choose someone else."

Ye Tianwang?

Would Ye Mo feel uneasy when he heard this title?

After all, none of the famous songs were his original works.

Vice President Liu warned coldly, "Ye Chen, I tell you, don't be ungrateful. Ye Mo is your senior. He has been in the industry for two or three years. You should learn from him."

"Thank you, President Liu, for your kindness. It's not necessary."

Ye Chen stood up and left the meeting room.

Vice President Liu and his colleagues turned pale. No newcomer has ever dared to be so arrogant!

"Ye Chen has a hit song, is he too proud? He doesn't know who he is, and doesn't even take us leaders' words seriously?"

Director Zhang said: "Boss Liu is right, Ye Chen must be too proud, he doesn't take us seriously at all, but his contract is still in our hands, he can only be our company's employee for the next six months, unless he wants to pay 12 million in liquidated damages."

Ye Mo sneered: "Ye Chen's song was popular because of Zhang Teng's plagiarism scandal, otherwise you think Ye Chen's song can be popular, I think it's just average."

"Ye Mo is right, it's just average, it's all hyped up, not as good as you write, you are the one who released the album, how can he compare?"

Several senior executives spoke politely to Ye Mo, not only because he was popular, but also because of his powerful background, he is the young master of the Ye Group.

Ye Chen left the room, and Lu Shiyue followed him out. She caught up with Ye Chen and persuaded him: "Ye Chen, don't be angry. Everyone in our company is like this. Fortunately, you signed for 6 months, unlike me, who signed for 10 years."

"Ten years! You actually signed a ten-year contract with such a company!"

Lu Shiyue whispered: "Well, I just came out and didn't know the situation. They fooled me into signing for 10 years. I have been here for three years and there are still 7 years."

Ye Chen asked again: "How much is your penalty for breach of contract?"

"They won't let me go."

Lu Shiyue is the cash cow of Tianrui Group. Tianrui Group will never let her go.

Lu Shiyue smiled bitterly, "But it doesn't matter. The company gives me resources, I bring them benefits, and I am doing well here."

"Ye Chen, does the dinner you said last time still count?" Lu Shiyue smiled.

Ye Chen scratched his head, "Of course it counts, you can come anytime you want."

"Then let's go to the sky restaurant at noon today, okay? I heard the food there is delicious."


Ye Chen and Lu Shiyue left the company together.

Not far away, a pink sports car was parked. Chu Yiyi was wearing a light pink coat and a hat of the same color, standing in front of the car.

"Ye Chen, why are you with her? Who is she?"

Chu Yiyi rushed to Ye Chen in a rage, pointing at Lu Shiyue and questioning.

LookWhen she saw Ye Chen with other women, she was very upset and wanted to take Ye Chen away. This was her Ye Chen!

The Ye Chen who carried her on his back every day when she was a child!

Ye Chen said coldly: "Chu Yiyi, she is one of my colleagues. I don't need to explain so much to you. There is no relationship between the two of us."

Chu Yiyi raised her head proudly and said confidently: "Ye Chen, haven't you always liked me? Are you with her to make me jealous? I tell you, it's impossible. The person I like is Brother Ye Mo."

Ye Chen's expression was as indifferent as water, "Chu Yiyi, who you like has nothing to do with me. Please make way. You are blocking my way."

Chu Yiyi whispered: "Impossible, we grew up together, and the person you have always liked is me."

"I never liked you before, I just treated you as a sister, Chu Yiyi, don't let me down again." Ye Chen whispered.

Chu Yiyi wanted to say something, but her eyes lit up and she passed Ye Chen directly to meet Ye Mo behind her.

"Brother Ye Mo, you finally came out. I've been waiting for you here for a long time. Let's go to the sky restaurant for dinner. I heard that the scenery there is very good."

"Well, let's go."

Chu Yiyi hugged Ye Mo's arm and deliberately looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen must have her in his heart, otherwise he would not have been waiting for her all these years without dating.

But Ye Chen is a fake young master, Ye Mo is the real young master.

Chu Yiyi followed Ye Mo away.

Ye Chen looked at Lu Shiyue, "I'm sorry, Chu Yiyi was spoiled by me when she was a child. I always treated her as a sister. I don't know why she has become so willful and capricious now."

"It doesn't matter, let's go."

Ye Chen was about to take Lu Shiyue to the car when his cell phone rang suddenly and a video call came in.

Note: Feng Li.

When Ye Chen saw these two words, he almost lost his phone.

After a while, the video was connected, and the woman's cold face appeared on the screen, with perfect facial features and no flaws, not like a real person.

"Aren't you coming back for lunch today?"

"I... I'm going to have lunch with a colleague. You don't have to wait for me. You guys can eat first."

Feng Li narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a dangerous tone: "Colleague? Female?"

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