Kidnapped by a Dragon Billionaire

Chapter 101 - Power Of Invisibility

Zi Mei snatched her hand away from Damon King as if burned and glared at him. Of all the nerves! 

"I told you from the beginning that I am not interested in you!" she snarled at him. 

Damon King was unperturbed. Instead, he gave her a wide grin and then pushed his chair back to his place. He shrugged nonchalantly. 

"Hey, your loss," he said. Then he turned back to the students presenting their work up front, categorically ignoring her. 

Good. He should ignore her at all times, Zi Mei thought. Maybe after this, he will stop following her and annoying her at every turn. It was getting exhausting not to mention the attention they get from the other girls in college. She is certain that the whole drama with Thorin Loong and Damon King outside the college is being spread as gossip among the students. 

She looked around the class and sure enough, she was getting strange looks and students whispering amongst themselves as they gave her furtive looks. She sighed inwardly. Zi Mei has not made any real friends in college and now, she is certain that she will not make any friend at all. She wondered if Darren will talk to her now. 

By the time break time comes around, Zi Mei rushed off to the cafeteria to look for Darren. He was no where in sight. Disappointed that she didn't get to talk to him, she went to get some sandwiches and chose an unoccupied table to sit down forlornly. She texted Jazzmine and Sheena instead. Both of them didn't reply so she assumed they must still be in class. She tried texting Darren. 

"Hey, Darren. Wru?" she typed, using the short form for 'where are you'. She waited a moment before Darren replied.

"Hi Mei. I have switched colleges, I have decided art is really not my thing either," he replied. 

She stared at his text in shock. Darren switched college so suddenly she was certain it was to avoid her. Will their friendship be irreparable forever? It looks like it. 

"Are you avoiding me? What did I do?" she texted back. 

"No, not everything revolves around you Mei. Other people have their own lives and own reasons for what they do," Darren replied. It sounded abrupt and cold. He obviously is still mad at her. 

"What's wrong Darren? You can call me and we can talk or I can call you," she replied. 

"No, I'm busy, can't talk," he replied. 

"Can we meet up later then? My classes finish at 3pm today," she texted back hopefully. 

There was no reply after that. He left her at 'read' and didn't reply. Not even the single word 'k' that he loved to use sometimes. 

She slide the phone back in her pocket and munched on her sandwich sadly. It seems that she has just lost a best friend. Was it due to the demon? Darren had asked for 'time off' to cool down but she doesn't even know what he wanted to cool down from, apart from the fact that he likes her. Maybe she rejected him and forgot about it. 

Ugh. Things are so complicated when such complex feelings are involved. She should just stick to female best friends, less issues. 

"Hey, Tan, why are you pouting alone here?" it was annoying Damon King. He sat across from her and gave her a cheeky grin and a wink. A few other girls walked past and they whispered amongst themselves whilst looking at Zi Mei and then at Damon. 

"Get out of my sight, King," she told him. She is now fully conscious of how the girls and even some boys in the cafeteria are staring at them and whispering amongst themselves. 

However, to her horror, Damon King stood up, jump up on the table and stood up tall on it proudly. He clapped his hands and a silence fell all over the cafeteria. Everyone turned to stare at him in surprise. 

"Hey everyone! I would appreciate it if you could stop gossiping about me and my classmate here, Tan Zi Mei!" he shouted in his deep voice. 

Zi Mei cringed and slide down on her chair, covering her face in mortification. She has never wished so hard for the ground to open up and swallow her. She prayed that she suddenly gets the power of invisibility and disappear from view. She will never be able to live this down. The rest of her college years will be doomed. 

What is that annoying Damon King doing?? Why is he even doing this? 

"If you want some juicy gossip, maybe you should talk about Sam Khoo and her recent breakup with a famous artist, go ahead, ask her who was her boyfriend," Damon King added. 

There were gasps from a few of the female groups. There were a few claps and then the students started chatting amongst each other again. A few of them took out their phones to scroll through it. 

"Damon King, get down from there before you fall over and get hurt!" Professor Meng strode into the cafeteria. 

"Yes, sure, prof! Anything you say," Damon King bowed and then he jumped down in one swift lithe move. 

He straddled the chair in front of Zi Mei and stared at her. She is still hiding her face under her hands and she had slide down so low in her chair, she is almost falling off it. 

"Tan, why are you hiding? No one is staring at you, I promise," Damon King said. 

Zi Mei peeked out of her hands tentatively. True enough, everyone seemed to be going about their business, chatting and laughing. No one was paying them any attention. Did they actually obey what Damon King told them to do? 

She looked up at Damon King and for the first time, suspicion rose within her. Maybe he is not human. Is it possible that he is also a shapeshifter? He can't be a demon, otherwise, Thorin will know and would have gotten rid of him immediately. 

She sat up and leaned over the table to him. 

"Are you a shapeshifter?" she half-whispered to him. His eyes widened and then he laughed. A loud belly-aching laugh. 

"Tan, I know you like those fantasy stuffs but honestly!" he guffawed. 

She crossed her arms over her chest and scowled at him. She leaned back in her chair. 

"What is in your sandwich Tan? Weed?" he continued to laugh. 

Right. Fine. So he is not a shapeshifter. 

"I was just kidding, hahah," Zi Mei said as she tried to giggle but it soundly hollow and fake. 

Damon King stopped laughing and he leaned over the table towards her. 

"I am a King, not a shapeshifter, you really underestimated me," he murmured and before she could react, he stood up and sauntered off. 

Zi Mei rolled her eyes. He probably meant that he is a King because of his family name. Nothing more. But why did he deny being a shapeshifter when he had laughed it off as 'fantasy stuff'? What does he mean by her underestimating him? Did he mean he is a King of shapeshifters? Does shapeshifters have kings? 

Maybe she should ask Thorin about this.. She made a mental note to ask Thorin this when he comes over to pick her up from college later.

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