Kidnapped by a Dragon Billionaire

Chapter 11 - The First Kiss

"How can someone move into my house within a day??? What about my things? There are furniture and clothes and stuff…how could you do that??" Zi Mei exclaimed.

Thorin was unperturbed by her outburst. He merely gave her a bored look, as if he could not be bothered with such human emotions.

"But those stuffs are old…and cheap…not a single one is a designer item or even an artisanal work…not a piece of antique, why would you want all?" he asked.

She stared at him speechless. What gave him the right? She felt her temper rising and the heat of her anger suffusing her body.

"Who do you think you are? How dare you! So what those things are cheap or whatever, they are my things, MINE! You have no right at all, NONE," she half shouted at him in anger. She walked up to him.

"Give," she jabbed at his chest.

"Them," another jab.

"All," jab.

"Back," jab.

"Now!" jab, jab jab until he took hold of her hand and trapped it in his large hand.

He pulled her hard against him and he hugged her tightly to him. Her body is now crushed against his, her heaving chest tight against his, she could feel every sinew, every muscle of his body against hers. She gasped at the intimacy and the racing of her pulse.

Thorin glared down at her. "Touch me disrespectfully again…and over inconsequential things, and you will regret it," he snarled. His deep brown eyes is stormy with a glint of silver shooting out of his glare.

He slanted his face and brought it down to hers. He captured her lips in his in a brutally rough kiss. He pressed against her and his tongue invaded her mouth. She struggled and tried to escape his embrace but to no avail. His lips was crushed against hers, slanting first this way and then the other. His tongue thrusted deep into her mouth, conquering the moist cavern.

She tried to push him away but he was too strong and the kiss was overwhelming her, weakening her knees, making her blood sing. Her eyes closed as she sink into the feel of his lips on hers. Her heart thumped and skipped.

Her body was on fire, heating up with red hot desire shooting through her. She sink deeper into the kiss and began to kiss him back, her tongue sliding against his tentatively. He deepened it further and his hands went to cup her butt, pushing her close to him. She gasped under his punishing lips and at the feel of a growing bulge hard against her lower belly, between them. He groaned and ground his crotch against hers, as if showing her what was to come if they were to take this further.

Then he broke the kiss off suddenly and released her. She was reeling from the kiss and almost collapsed into a puddle on the floor. She took in a shaky breath and raised a hand to touch her slightly swollen lips.

Her whole body was humming with desire and arousal. If he had not stop, she might just let him do whatever he wanted with her, including tearing off her clothes and taking her there and then on the sofa in the living room.

Thorin also took a shaky breath and turned to walk away. He paced the room for a while, as if to cool his temper, or maybe his arousal, she wasn't sure which one but she was too wrung up to do anything.

She finds a chair and sink down gratefully into it. Her knees are weak. Her whole being felt like it was on fire. Burning up. She places a hand on her forehead to check her temperature but it was cool to the touch.

Thorin stopped pacing and turned to face her. Her eyes was automatically drawn to his crotch, to check on his arousal and it was gone. Then she averted her eyes and wanted to stab her own eyes out for looking there. What was wrong with her? Why in the world was she staring down there of all places?

"You looked like you are ready for me to take you to bed and seal our contract," he finally said, a smirk on his face.

This riled her up. More so when he was right. Her body is almost begging for him to take her into his arms and ravish her. Her heart was thumping so loudly and skipping like an insane person high on drugs. But her mind, her mind was what kept her tethered to reality and reason.

"No way! This was all because of your magical powers!" she denied vehemently.

He sniggered at her reaction.

"Let this be a reminder to you not to test my patience," he told her. "As for your stuffs, it's in our storeroom, you can go pick up whatever you need from there although I would prefer to set it all on fire and make it disappear," he said in revulsion.

She rolled her eyes at him and his apparent disdain for her "cheap" things.

"Those aren't merely things, some of those things have memories attached to them," she told him. "But then you are a dragon, I suppose you don't know a thing about human feelings and emotions despite living among humans for thousands of years," she said derisively.

A flash of anger crossed his face, then it was gone. Talk about temper. He sure has a quick temper.

"You humans seem too attached to material things, that is your downfall, just look at what is happening in the world around us," he said quietly. "You only think there are feelings attached to the things, have you ever considered that maybe it was you who are attaching feelings to the things?"

He may have a point but she refused to concede. It was still rude and wrong for him to clear out her house and stuff all of her things into a storeroom. And then have her house rented out to another person almost immediately. Hang on. Wasn't her landlord worried or confused? After all, she and her father have been living there for many years, since she was a baby. She grew up there!

"How do you know my place was rented out? Do you know my landlord too?" she asked.

Thorin's only response was to look at her mysteriously and he gave her a slight shrug.

"What did you tell my landlord? Surely he will be worried that something had happened to me?!?" she said.

He shrugged again.

"He would have said something when you went in there and cleared all of my stuff!"

Another shrug.

She was getting frustrated. What does his shrugs mean?

"Can't you at least tell me what happened? What about my neighbours? My friend Darren who lives a couple doors down?" she asked.

He gave another annoying shrug. She felt a strong urge to slap him or knee him in his nuts or both.

"Well, then, at least let me go back there and talk to Darren," she demanded.

This time, he replied. One word.


"But…you said I can have my freedom!" she snapped.

"So, I did say you are free to go anywhere. What I fail to specify was that you are free to go anywhere, here. In here, in my home. I am still contemplating your demands and I am not sure whether I should let you outside," he said.

"What? I am still your prisoner? But why???" she could hear herself and she was certain she sounded like a whiney little kid.

An annoying shrug.

"Fine. If, and I mean this as a very big IF, we are to mate, will I be allowed out after that?" she asked and hope he doesn't reply with another shrug.

"We will see about that," he said. "Till then, I know your body is ready but like you said, it is due to my magical attraction, and I will not take you that way," he said.

He walked over to her again and she actually flinched in her chair. He bent over to her and whispered into her ears.

"I will make sure that your body, heart, mind and soul cry out in desire for me to become one with me, then and only then, I will take you," he said.

"Well, it's been fun chatting with you. I have somewhere to go, a business empire to run, a fortune to grow so that I can fritter it away to get more human slaves, and all that jazz," he said.. He gave her a tiny nod and then he strode off purposefully.

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