Kidnapped by a Dragon Billionaire

Chapter 62 - No Phone, No Wallet

Zi Mei was standing outside the principal's office waiting for the handsome CEO, Thorin Loong, to come out. He knew her full name. He felt so familiar. He fills an empty space within her. Yet, he is a total stranger. She has to know what is his connection to her.

After about 30 minutes of waiting, the tall handsome stranger strolled out of the office, looking dashing and debonair like a male model on a runway.

He stopped short when he saw her standing there.

"Lil Zi," he uttered in surprise.

There it is. He called her Lil Zi, a nickname so familiar to her, it felt like she has heard it a million times over. It brought up warm cozy feelings and a strong sense of deja vu.

"I need to know, have we met before?" she blurted out before realising that what she had uttered sounded like a very lame pickup line.

He merely raised an eyebrow and looked at her enigmatically.

She cleared her throat uncomfortably.

"I mean, why would you call me Lil Zi? And how do you know my surname? I never told you my surname!" she said.

"Miss Tan, as I've told you earlier, you resembled someone very dear to me whom I called Lil Zi, it was a slip of tongue," he told her.

She didn't believe him. Once is a slip of tongue but the second time and then the third time when he was caught unawares? No. She doesn't buy it.

"Then how do you know my surname? I never told you that?" she said.

"Are you sure? I was certain you said your name is Tan Zi Mei," he replied, his tone level.

"Look, Miss Tan, my company is here to recruit some interns and you are most welcome to apply if you are interested but accosting me this way will not get you hired, you still have to go through the same procedures as all other applicants," he added arrogantly.

She was mortified. Did she really sound so desperate as if begging for him to hire her as an intern?

"No thanks, I am not looking for a job," she told him. "I guess, there's been some misunderstanding, I won't keep you then," she said meekly. She turned around and hurriedly left, her face blazing red with embarrassment.

He was right. She did wait for him outside the principal's office to ask him things that sounded as if she was trying to get close to him to get the intern job. Even though she has no intention of doing so. If that's not bad enough, she did throw herself at him earlier.

Who hugs a total stranger? Feeling doubly embarrassed over what she had done with a total stranger, she hurriedly left the campus without looking anywhere. She kept her head down as she walked.

'Luckily I will never see him again…oh my gawd…what was I thinking? How could I confront some stranger just because he accidentally call me the wrong name? Ughhh…' she mumbled to herself silently.

She was so mortified, all thoughts of Darren were forgotten. She reached the bus stop just as the bus arrived and she quickly boarded it to head home. She may be rich but she still prefers to take the bus like a regular college student instead of buying a car and driving to college. She didn't want to show off her wealth. In fact, she is hiding it really well.

Once she reached home, she looked around to make sure her father was not hanging around outside before hurrying inside and locking door. Once she slid the lock into place, she was relieved.

She is safe from her father, for now. She is certain that he will be back one of these days. The cash she gave him earlier will be gone in a matter of days, if not hours. A gambler can gamble away thousands easily.

She went to the living room inside to rest, dropping her backpack carelessly on the floor. She took out her phone and remembered. She had dropped it earlier so it is broken beyond repair. She stared at the cracked dark screen. No wonder she has not heard any messages coming in earlier. Her phone is as good as dead.

She knew she has to go out to buy a new phone but she was too reluctant to do so. She was feeling so comfortable lying down on her chaise lounge with the air conditioner on full blast. If only there is such a thing as immediate delivery for online purchases, she would have easily ordered online. But all online purchases take two to three days to deliver, at the earliest.

She lay there for a few moments more and then dragged herself off the lounge. She needed a phone. Without a phone, she felt cut off from the rest of the world. While it is good to be offline every once in a while, it is not safe. She doesn't have a landline to call emergency services if she needed help in case of fire or any other emergencies. She had opted not to install a conventional landline phone at home since she doesn't use it.

She dug around her bag pack for her wallet and then realised that her wallet is missing. She poured everything out. All her books, pens, loose papers, notebooks, packs of tissue, small bottles of sanitisers, her coin purse and other small knick knacks fell out. But her wallet wasn't there. Did she drop it somewhere in college?

She thought back to the last time she took out her wallet. This morning, she dug out all the cash to hand to her father. Then at the bus, she dug out loose change from her coin purse, she did not touch her wallet at all. At lunch break, she had used the cash she found in her jeans pockets. So, she didn't touch her wallet either. Then on the way back, she had again used the coins in her coins purse. So, the last time she saw her wallet was this morning when she dug out the cash to give to her father.

She must have left it at home. She searched around her living room. There was no signs of it. She searched under the cabinets, under the chairs, on the floor, no sign of it.

Did she drop it somewhere in the college campus?

This sucks. If she lost her wallet, she has to report the loss of her bank cards, her debit cards, her identity card and her driving license. Now, worse of all, she doesn't even have a phone to call her bank. She can't go out to buy a new phone because she doesn't have any more cash with her and she doesn't have any bank cards.

Zi Mei sat there thinking about what she should do. Maybe she should walk over to Darren's house. He lives several streets away, about 20 minutes' walk. He could lend her his phone to call the banks to report her lost cards first. She has large sums of money in the bank account linked to her cards so whoever picked it up and use it will find that they can go on a shopping spree with it.

She went to the front door to unlock it. She better start walking to Darren's place and hope he is home by now. She pulled open the door and there, standing outside is Thorin Loong. She gaped at him.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, surprised, aware of her heart racing at the sight of the handsome CEO.



I have a new book up titled "Housewife Became A Substitute Reaper" to join the Writing Prompt Contest #229.

It is about an abused housewife who accidentally stabbed a reaper so she has to become a substitute reaper to reap 100 souls or be sent to hell to serve the King of Hell.

It is funny, sad, dark and dramatic, but mostly funny as she bungles her way through as a substitute reaper.

Head on over to read it.

I promise it will be fun. Also, please vote for that book too if you can. I have a special promotion there: the top power stone contributor will get to name one of the souls and give the back story for the soul that will be reaped by the housewife IF that book wins any of the gold/silver/bronze prize.

As always, I am forever grateful for your support.

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