Kidnapped by a Dragon Billionaire

Chapter 67 - An Inexplicable Attraction

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Thorin Loong had kissed Zi Mei and then apologised before turning away. As if propelled by an invisible inner energy, Zi Mei went over to him and hugged him from behind. This prompted him to turn back to her and kiss her passionately.

They held on to each other, as if they would fall without holding on. They lips are fused together and Thorin plundered her moist inner domain while she returned every thrust of his tongue. They are like two starving people whose only sustenance are each other. They are both drowning in the passion that seemed to grow and threatened to engulf them entirely.

It was a long moment before they came up for air, both of them panting slightly. Thorin released her and she could feel her legs wobble slightly without his support. Their eyes are locked onto each other. Thorin's dark eyes are deep pools of unfathomable emotions while Zi Mei's are full of passion and wonder.

"You…you called me Lil Zi again…" she murmured. Her heart is pounding so loudly, she is certain he can hear it too. Her whole body is now burning up with a strong desire for this tall handsome man.

'He's a married man!' an inner voice within her reminded her. Yet, her heart wants what it wants. It wanted this man. It didn't care if he is married.

"You look like a Lil Zi to me," Thorin replied. He cupped her chin and looked like he was about to kiss her again when a cold female voice behind them interrupted them.

"Thorin," the voice said.

They both sprang apart, guiltily on Zi Mei's side, while Thorin merely looked annoyed by the interruption. He turned to the owner of the voice. His wife, Jessica.

"Jessica, you know never to…" he started to say before stopping midway. He frowned at her for a moment. Then he stuck both his hands in his pockets and stomped into Zi Mei's house without saying anything.

Zi Mei is utterly mortified and flustered. What do you say to the wife of the man you had just kissed and probably would have kissed again if the wife didn't interrupt them? Also, why did Thorin Loong just walk into her house as if he owned it?

"I ah…Mrs Loong, it is not what it looked like," she tried to explain. There was no explanation for her behaviour at all actually. How do you explain this inexplicable attraction she seem to have towards Thorin Loong?

"It is exactly what it looked like," Jessica said coldly. She glared at Zi Mei. "Please keep your hands and body away from my husband," she added. She regarded Zi Mei for a moment.

"You have taken up an internship in our company but that doesn't mean you can throw yourself at my husband, have some pride," she added haughtily. She didn't wait for a response from Zi Mei. She turned and stalked back out to a waiting car by the road. She slide into the car without looking at Zi Mei.

Zi Mei is just glad that the woman did not slap her. Most wives who caught some young girl kissing their husbands would not have let it go so easily. They would have slapped the girl or worse, start pulling their hair and attacking them physically.

Jessica is as classy as she is elegant looking. She had merely warned Zi Mei to stay away from Thorin. Despite witnessing them kissing so passionately.

Zi Mei looked inside her house, wondering what is going on inside. Why did Thorin went inside and who are 'his men' inside her house? What are they doing anyway?

Overwhelmed with curiosity, Zi Mei went in tentatively. Her house looked normal. Everything was in order. There was no mess at all. Why did Thorin Loong said his men is 'sweeping it clean'? Or have they already cleared everything?

She walked deeper inside to her sitting area and that's when she heard footsteps coming downstairs. A few burly men and Thorin came downstairs. Thorin nodded at them and they left. Zi Mei looked at him questioningly.

"It's done. They've cleaned up everything, so you are safe, you don't have to worry about…intruders," Thorin said.

He started to walk away but Zi Mei stopped him. She clutched on to his sleeve shyly. He turned to look at her and then at her hand on his sleeve. He raised an eyebrow at her, as if to ask her why is she holding on to him.

"Wait, Mr Loong, how did you know about the intruders and why are you doing this for me? We don't even know each other," she said.

He was silent for a moment. He looked away and gently pulled his arm free from her hand.

"Let's just call it my CSR," he said mysteriously. He turned to walk away.

"What? But how did you know? Shouldn't I call the police?" she asked. This time she grabbed on to his arm tightly.

"I find all this quite suspicious, just tell me the truth please," she pleaded.

Thorin didn't turn to her. He gently pushed her hand away and squeezed her hand ever so lightly.

"Don't worry, just know that you are safe, I can't tell you anything for now," he said. Then he strode away, leaving a befuddled Zi Mei.

She stood there for a moment wondering what Thorin Loong had meant by that. Then she stomped out, hoping to catch him and demand that he explain before he leaves. Handsome CEO or not, she needs an explanation from him.

She managed to catch him just as he was walking out her door. She grabbed on to his arm and pulled but she was not as strong as she thought because he didn't budge but he did stop. He turned to look at her, surprised.

"What is it Miss Tan?" he asked brusquely.

So, they are back to being formal again.

"Mr Loong, please tell me how do you know that there were intruders in my home and why did you take it upon yourself to help me 'clean up' and also, how did you get in? My door was locked!" she said.

He extricated his arm from her hand again. He came up to inches from her and stared down at her. She let out a short gasp, her pulse racing at his closeness.

"As I have told you, I can't tell you the answers for now and as for how we got in, your door was open when I got here," he said.

She didn't believe it!

"No, it can't be! I was sure it was locked, because Darren tried to open it and he couldn't and he extended his finger inside and….and…well, he tried and it was locked," she said, almost blurting out about Darren's long finger.

But Thorin Loong did not miss a thing. He looked troubled.

"Did you say Darren extended his finger inside? And what happened next?" he asked.

She shook her head. She will not tell anyone else what she saw. They will think she is crazy.

"Nothing. Nothing happened," she lied.

"Did his finger elongate and went deep inside?" Thorin asked.

Zi Mei was shocked. She gaped at him.

"How did you know?" she asked.

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