Kidnapped by a Dragon Billionaire

Chapter 73 - A Girls' Gathering

Zi Mei called her friends, Jazzmine and Sheena, to come over to her house for lunch and ordered delivery. Thorin Loong's bodyguard, Lim, had continued to stand outside her house, as if guarding her house and her. He did not move or say anything when the food delivery came and when Jazzmine and Sheena arrived, he merely looked at them and waved them pass, like a bouncer of a night club.

"You only need to sell expensive weirdly named booze like 'Sex in Public' or something and your house will be a legit night club," Sheena said when Zi Mei let her and Jazzmine in. Jazzmine giggled.

"You sure run an exclusive club here, all we need now is some booze," Jazzmine chipped in.

"Sorry girls, I didn't get any booze…although I think I have a bottle of unopened tuak in my fridge," Zi Mei replied, grinning.

(Note: tuak is a traditional rice wine that indigenous communities in Sarawak drink but has become quite common throughout Malaysia, it is much like sake in Japan or soju in Korea.)

"Woohoo…tuak it is! I've not had that in ages," Sheena said.

"It is only 1pm Sheena!" Zi Mei protested.

"Well, it is probably 9pm somewhere…besides, there is no right or wrong time for some good ole tuak," Sheena replied.

She went into Zi Mei's kitchen and rummaged in her fridge before taking out the full unopened bottle of tuak.

"Found it!" Sheena went over to get some glasses and then started setting it all up at the dining table. The food - fried chicken, salad and pasta - was already placed around the table where they will share everything.

The three of them sat around the dining table and started eating and chatting comfortably. First, they talked about college, about their courses, about their lecturers and then Jazzmine started to talk about the handsome CEO Thorin Loong and the bodyguard outside.

"Isn't it romantic Sheena? He sent a bodyguard to take care of Mei," Jazzmine gushed.

"I find it creepy and stalker-ish," Zi Mei said. "Don't you agree with me Sheena?"

"I need the full story first. You didn't tell me much on the phone except to ignore the man standing outside your house," Sheena said.

So, Zi Mei launched into another session of story telling, again omitting the kissing part, and when she was done, there was a brief silence. Sheena looked amazed.

"Wow. If that bodyguard isn't standing outside, I would think that you are making up stories!" she said.

"Well? Don't you agree with me? It is creepy isn't it?" Zi Mei pressed. She needed to know that she isn't paranoid in thinking that.

"Actually, the bodyguard himself didn't look creepy, he looked rather harmless, and since he will not be inside here and merely standing outside, I mean, there's no harm in that," Sheena shrugged, brushing it off easily.

"You are only saying that because a billionaire handsome CEO sent him here…what if some creepy old man sent him?" Zi Mei challenged them.

Both of them considered it for a while.

"Well, if you say it like that, if it is an old man who has no right to try to seduce a girl young enough to be his granddaughter, then yes, that's creepy," Jazzmine said. Sheena agreed.

Zi Mei exhaled in frustration.

"Thorin Loong is at least 9 years older than me, so isn't it creepy?" she pointed out.

"Well, 9 years isn't all that huge a gap," Sheena shrugged again.

It is obvious that her two friends couldn't find fault with Thorin Loong just because he's young, ultra rich and good looking. Don't they know that rich, good looking and young men can also be stalkers and creepy?

"Having someone watch over me when I didn't ask for it is creepy,"Zi Mei said firmly.

"Okay, you made your point, send him away then," Jazzmine said. "But really, we want to know what you didn't tell us, did anything happen between you and that handsome Thorin Loong?" she sat up and peered closely at Zi Mei. Sheena also peered at her. Both of them are looking at her in full rapt attention.

Zi Mei look at their expressions. Despite her careful wording to avoid the kissing part, it was obvious her two friends caught it.

"So? Did you kiss?" Jazzmine asked.

"Did you sleep with him last night?" Sheena asked.

Zi Mei blushed bright red. Sheena's question brought up the torrid racy images of her and Thorin Loong that her overactive imagination conjured up. Those images seemed so real, the feelings that accompanied it were so real too.

"Oh snap! You slept with him?" Sheena gasped, delighted. Jazzmine gasped too. "Mei! Really?"

"Guys!! NO!! Why are you so…ugh…" she denied it.

"Your face is so red now, so guilty, so so guilty! Besides, the man practically stationed a bodyguard in front of your house for you, obviously something happened between the two of you!" Sheena pushed.

"That's true…come to think of it, if nothing happened, why would he come again today the moment he heard that there's some trouble?" Jazzmine said.

Zi Mei took a sip of her tuak. It is nice and cold. Goes perfectly with the fried chicken too. She took a deep breath. She might as well tell them the whole truth and maybe they can figure out what Thorin Loong's motives are.

"Okay, fine, we did kiss, a couple times but that was all, nothing more!" she admitted, feeling the heat rising to her face again and it was not wholly due to the alcohol.

Both Sheena and Jazzmine squealed in delight, clapping even. They raised their glasses.

"Cheers to Mei finding a rich handsome boyfriend!" they cheered.

Zi Mei raised her palms up. "No, NOT boyfriend! He is a married man, for fuck's sake," she said.

"Based on all those gossip going round, they didn't look very loving, they are probably separated," Sheena said.

"Maybe it was a loveless marriage, something rich people had to do, and he is now in love with you," Jazzmine, ever the romantic, suggested.

Zi Mei told them about Jessica telling her to keep away from Thorin Loong.

"His wife warned me to stay away from her husband and they were in the same car, that doesn't look like they are separated," she said.

Sheena and Jazzmine launched into a teasing session about Zi Mei being the young mistress, maybe second wife material even. As she deflect their teasing, someone knocked on her door.

"Oh, maybe it's the bodyguard, poor guy must be thirsty and hungry standing out there for so long," Sheena said.

She walked over to the front door before Zi Mei could stop her.

"Oh it's you!" Sheena exclaimed at the door, she slid the bolt open, unlocked it and threw open door happily.

Darren came in and Sheena hugged him. "How did you know all of us are here? Come on in, we have plenty of food around," she said. Then she frowned.

"The bodyguard didn't stop you?" she asked Darren. She craned her neck to look outside but didn't see the tall and thin man outside.

"What bodyguard? There was no one there," Darren said. Sheena shrugged. Maybe the bodyguard went off for his lunch break.

"Come on in, we are just teasing Mei about her rich and handsome boyfriend," she told Darren, dragging him inside.

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