Kidnapped by a Dragon Billionaire

Chapter 75 - Kidnapped...again

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Zi Mei had jumped on the thing that looked like Darren screaming and kicking as it held her two friends by their throats high up off the floor. That was when the handsome CEO Thorin Loong appeared and the thing, whom Thorin called a demon, flung Zi Mei to the floor. 

The last thing Zi Mei saw was the long tendrils of black fiery fingers from the thing reaching towards Thorin before she fell unconscious. When she wakes up a few hours later, her head aching and eyes blurry, she was lying on her bed and Thorin Loong was standing over her, his expression creased in worry. 

"How are you feeling? I checked, luckily it didn't break any bones," he said. 

She sat up and winced as pain sliced through her head. Her whole body ached too, as if she was just run over by a truck. 

"Where's Sheena and Jazzmine? Are they okay?" she asked. 

"Don't worry, they are still sleeping soundly in the guest room, I checked them too, no broken bones or anything serious," he told her reassuringly. 

"What…what…about Darren?" she asked tentatively, if you can even call that thing Darren. 

His face darkened and he turned away. He stood up and walked over to her window to look out on the road outside for a few moments. 

"I'm sorry Lil Zi….I can't seem to find Darren, I don't know what it did to him," he said quietly. 

What does he mean? Darren was just here…then she realised, it can't be Darren who attacked her, Sheena and Jazzmine. It was something else that looked like Darren. Which was impossible. This is right out of some horror movie.

"What about that thing? Is it still here? What was it?" she asked, shivering slightly at the memory of it attacking her, its face rippling as if something was under its skin, its eyes glowing read and its fingers. 

She stared at Thorin Loong's neck, there were no traces of any injuries. She would have never expected Thorin Loong to be able to fight that thing. What is he? A secret shaman or priest or supernatural creature hunter or something?

Thorin Loong sighed. He turned back to her and regarded her with deep regret on his face.

"You know, I had wanted to protect you from all this but it just didn't work out and they just will never let up," he said cryptically. "At least not till we win the war," 

Protect her? Win the war? He doesn't make any sense at all. 

"What are you talking about Mr Loong? I am so confused now, it doesn't help that I have a splitting headache from being thrown twice by that thing earlier," she muttered, clutching her head gingerly. 

"The thing that looks like your friend Darren is a demon. It is coming after me and it was doing that by attacking you," he said simply. 

"Huh? That doesn't make sense, why come after me? I am no one, I have not meddled with …wait, did you say demon?" the whole situation was bizarre anyway, Zi Mei thought. The fact that the thing can elongate its fingers and it has glowing red eyes. So, it's not a far stretch to call it a demon but her rational mind will not accept it. 

"I feel like this whole thing is a prank…I don't believe in ghosts and demons…those are stuffs you find in horror movies, books and manga," she said. 

"Rightly so, if only it was truly a prank, life would have been simpler for everyone but they have crossed the line here and I promise you, I will win this war to make sure they never get any opportunity to harm you again," Thorin replied. 

This confused her even more. She doesn't understand a single thing of what he just said. 

"You keep talking about some war, what is going on? Can you please explain everything?" she asked. 

"I can't tell you more than I should and it would seem stationing Lim here is not sufficient. He was attacked and injured," he said. 

"I can't be here all the time to protect you so I think you have to move back to my house first until this war is over," he said. 

"Move back? I have never lived in your house! What are you talking about? Why should I move to your house?" the whole situation is getting more confusing by the second and she is now more suspicious of this Thorin Loong. 

What is his motives for wanting her to move to his house? They barely knew each other! That is definitely a red flag right there. Is he some psycho who preys on young college girls? Maybe that thing that he claimed to be a demon is a fake setup. Maybe they were using some magic props and special makeup and effects to scare her. There is also the fact that he had entered her house easily. Surely Sheena must have locked the door after letting Darren in. 

"Look, I don't know you all that well so no, I will not move to your house and Mr Loong, I think it is best you keep your distance from me from now onwards," she said. 

He looked at her with an odd expression. 

"I suppose I will have no choice then," he said. He went over to her, picked her up from the bed and carried her. Shocked, she struggled against him. 

"Let me go! What are you doing!" she exclaimed, pushing against him, flailing and kicking. He ignored her struggling and was unperturbed by her struggling and even her hitting out at him. Instead, he flung her over his shoulder, with her head hanging down her back and he held her on her hips, almost intimately. 

She gasped and kicked, screaming for him to let her down. What is he doing?? 

"Let me go!!! What are you doing!!!" she screamed as he walked out of her room and went downstairs, then he turned to face a wall and seemed to walk towards the door as she screamed in fear. 

Suddenly, they are in a different place, facing a long corridor with french doors on both sides and verdant gardens beyond the french doors. Zi Mei gasped in shock and was silent for a moment. 

When Thorin Loong placed her on her feet, she turned to run back but there was another long stretch of corridor. She stood transfixed at the sight. 

The corridor seemed to stretch on forever with french doors flanking both sides. Bright sunlight filtered in and the gardens seemed to stretch on forever on both sides of the corridor too. 

She had another deja vu. It was as if she has been here before. 

"What is this? What is going on?" she asked confused and scared. The handsome CEO Thorin Loong had just kidnapped her and walked through a wall in her house into this strange but beautiful place. It all sounded like a dream. Like something from a fantasy book or movie. 

Maybe she is still asleep. Maybe she is having some weird dream. Zi Mei nodded. Yes, she must be dreaming. She closed her eyes and pinched herself hard. Maybe that will wake her up. She opened her eyes, nope. The strange corridor is still here and Thorin Loong is standing there regarding her curiously. 

"Are you done pinching yourself? I'll get you settled in before I head out, I have a war meeting to attend," he said.

"No! Take me home! TAKE ME HOME!!!" she exclaimed. She crossed her arms across her chest belligerantly. 

"I'm sorry, I can't do that," Thorin replied. 

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