Kidnapped Dragons

35. Ah, ■ ■ ■ They really ■ ■ sat down (4)

Maintenance and summer were not interested, but the current in-school ranker candidates did not have a good relationship with each other.

The conflict began approximately seven days ago. They began to compete in 'Task Performing’ and 'Individual Competition’. Bondi is a strong and dense child, and there is no reason to look good to each other because of their interests and interests. All that was left was pride and competition.

So they used to tear each other apart when they met in private.

Just like right now.

“Son of a bitch..... ”

“Did you say anything, nigga? ”

When black mercenaries insult Chinese cadets, Owong makes racist remarks. The Yongxi family drove Yonghae out, and the Erfan family drove Wong out.

When the atmosphere was overheating, it sank a little.

Summer opened his mouth.

“What? Why don't you all fight? ”

A few pairs of axe eyes are approaching.

“Hey, he's a nigger to you. ”

“ ……. ”

“Don't you have any pride? If someone told me it was a hair marathon, I'd take off my leather face. ”

Dragon Dollars have won the Prize of Oman. I go back to Owong to see if he's choked.

“Hey, hey. Danby!”

A neat, handsome appearance. Dragon Seed Family's all-time genius Cadet.

He panics and stands in the way of the dowry.

“Summer. What do you feel? ”

“No, right? Hey, Chinese. he's a hooker. ”

“ ……. ”

Owong takes the dagger out of the waist dance. “Calm down!”, “Hey, hey.” Long swimming dried him up again.

“Summer. I know what kind of kid you are. ”


“Don't push me into a fight. Please. What do you have to gain from fighting with the cadets? ”

Summer shrugs at Yongtaeha's words. Uh-uh. Then someone laughed. It was Sophia Borkova.

“That's funny. What did you say yesterday when you told me I had a girl? ”

“Hey, Sophia. When did I do that? ”

“Fuck you, motherfucker. That's exactly what I said. ”

When the mess was about to unfold again. The PR PD came in and notified me of the interview. The cadets were calm.

A place where strange tensions flow. Summer looked at Ringing. Zhou Roushen, Long Swimming, Owong. A little girl buried between tall and big cadets.


In tranquility, the words of summer focused everyone's attention. What else is he trying to do? It was an eyesore I wanted to see.

“Don't you have anything to say to me? ”

“ ……. ”

Unlike holding a knife, Ringing's eyes did not seem to have much power.

“Don't you have anything to say? ”

“I don't have..... ”

“No? You told me in that big fire. If you look outside……. ”

It was then. The Herfan Guild longshore swim stopped talking in the summer and got up.

“Summer. Fair enough. ”

“What are you again. ”

“You're such a bad boy, aren't you? Ringing is a sick kid. There's a mental weakness. The battle is over and you're punished with guilt, and you have to be so scared? ”

It was a voice that fell with resentment. The atmosphere is inclined. The students have had a good summer.

“Stop it. Summer. I'm embarrassed as a Korean. ”

“Yeah. Your personality is famous, but this is a little over the line. ”

“What? I crossed a line? ”

I got up in the middle of the summer annoyed.

“Show me what really crosses the line? ”

When the commotion was about to escalate again, the PD came in and announced the beginning of the interview.

* * *

Interview room. Guardian standby.

After spending the summer in the waiting room, Keeping Tae-tae entered. It is a noble guild and the level of guardians from the family is also quite high. I saw faces who knew how to maintain it.

There was also Ha-young, the professor in charge of the Zhou Rou-shin cadet.

“I'll see you here again. Hello."

“... Hello. ”

“Summer cadets. I did something because I had a unique training session. It was very strong.”


The regent's voice was as dry as an asphalt broom.

I don't know what it's worth, but Professor Hyun is in a state of perpetuity.

Students in the waiting room soon entered the interview room.

The interview began when the main PD randomly asked 10 students questions.

The Public Affairs Bureau's questions were largely provocative. to make the students feel competing with each other, because the public is enthusiastic about it. And the guardians allowed some degree of water for the student's fame.

Four days ago, Erfan Guild's Owong and Dragon Seed family had a match. Yongdan won. So the PR Bureau asked Owong. ‘What is a dragonfly to Owong? ’

“A mercenary cadet? ”

Owong made a good man laugh.

“He's a very strong student. ”

After learning how to respond to a mass-com from his family, the students avoided the delicate questions of interest. I couldn't even find the attitude I was about to grab my collar.

Yongdae-bi also said with a smile.

“Cadet Owong is a genius. It's a hardworking cadet. It's unlikely to develop in the future. ”

It sounded like a compliment, but it wasn't a compliment to the two of them.

“Can you say a word to each other?” In the next question of PD it was a little more pronounced.

“Oh wong looks really odd. Beautiful faces are also abilities. It's Erfan's model.

Owing to his face, he's an asshole.

“Magic is more than a pupil. He said that the sword is superior to the pupil. ”

Lost. Both sword and magic are in the middle of the subject.

“Even if you're not a rookie, there's a better way. This floor is dangerous. ”

Follow me something.Where the fuck is this?

“It's hard to be a mercenary. You seem to have a talent for clandestine maneuvers. ”

I don't think I can see it if I turn it off.

It was followed by bony compliments.

The PD who was conducting the interview had a bad taste. I wish I had a neurometastasis, but it was too subtle.

The next order was ringing. PD handed over the microphone.

“Ringing cadet. Hello."

“Ah, yes……. ”

When hesitation comes to mind in the dirty head, a flower blossoms in the face of the PD.

“Haha. You're so cute in real life. Every battle is full of wild savages, so there are lots of fans. Gapmoe. Gapmoe. You know that, right?”

Ringing looks anxious and looks back at swimming.

Longswimming replied instead.

“Ringing is insensitive to other people's interests. ”

“Really? Then, this morning, about the summer birthday fight..... ”

“Oh. And I'm sorry, but Ringing's really excited. I hope you don't have to ask that question. I'm sorry."

Mike goes to the Chinese swimming pool.

Until then, the entire interview room was filled with steaming and uncomfortable energy. The disciples who had just killed each other with their swords were laughing forcefully.

“Ah, assholes..... ”

So when summer murmured, the soliloquy hit the interview room like a bomb.

“... You're such a jerk. ”

A murmur that sounds strange. The mouth of the talking PD was blocked. Long-distance swimming was also surprising and I looked back at the summer.

Everyone's eyes swirl. Surprised PD handed the microphone to Summer.

“What did you say now? Summer cadets?”

“I didn't want to hear it. More than that, Fiddy. If you're going to interview me, start with me and let me go. I can't be in this disgusting place for another second. ”

In a stubborn tone, AD closes up his summer face, frightened from the back.

PD felt like a firecracker exploding in his head. Maybe it's a real start from here.

“Ah, um…… So, for now, let's start with the summer cadet. How can summer cadets be so strong? ”

“I'm not very strong. ”

It's a question I asked you to feel good about. The unexpected answer came back.

PD smiled awkwardly.

“You're modest. There was a fight with a ringer in broad daylight. The scene I was cursing because I was angry was recorded. You were excited for a second, weren't you? ”


“Ah, so the curse wasn't real? ”

“I mean it. That bitch started it first. ”

Finally came. Something seemed to burst.

“A very decent Seekerman. I'm pretending to be nice here. When the fire rises, all I see is a drop of that mouse and it tears me apart and kills me. Who wouldn't be angry if I did this? You're not mad at Fiddy? ”

Nolan AD turns the camera to Ringing. Ringing seemed unfair to me.

“Well, I see. Summer cadets, though. Even if you're excited, it's not like you're a self-centered student, right? ”

“What the fuck. ”

“ …!? ”

“You feel bad, don't you, Fiddy? ”

“... Haha. ”

‘But it seems to explode too much....’ PD sweated.

“I understand. Do you have a close student? ”


“Ah, what if you were a close relative? ”

“Mm-hmm. Him? ”

Then Sophia said in a playful voice over there.

“I don't like it. ”

“I hate you too, bitch. ”

To tell you how funny it was, Summer and Sofia laughed in order.

“So, who are the rivals among the students here? ”

Summer looked around and said with a serious expression toward the camera.

“Nothing. They're weaker than me. ”

In the striking words, AD took one shot of the students. The chewing poop faces are on camera.

“In an interview before the holidays, Zhou Roushen students said that they would be able to win at the end of summer. ”

Zhou Roushen is a member of the ‘Moon Hae-bachelor’ of Ha-yun.

When a sharp-looking male cadet smiled, Summer turned his ear to him and said,

“To tell you the truth, I would have won even then. ”

“What about now? ”

“I don't know? Let's stick together now. ”

PD sparkles his eyes. This comment is good.

“Turn your head. ”

No, it's too much.

Anhamu himself. As soon as it popped out, the cadets started to sulk.

The protectors who were in the Guardian's seat were also rattled.

“What a horse..... ”

“Tsk. Is there anything like that...? ”

Maintenance bled out their words and gaze. He didn't intend to dry out the summer. I didn't even intend to change my opinion. Just, this situation was a little fun.

However, Professor Ha-young was not in shape.

“Maintenance Guardian. ”


“Summer freshman, it seems so disrespectful. ”

“I see.”

Ha-young's eyes flutter as if it were cold.

“As a guardian, don't you sanction this? The cadets are derailing. ”

“Well……. ”

“Can I tell you something as a professor? I understand your neglect. If you leave it like that, the cadet will end up resenting the guardian. ”

At that time, he asked in a slow tone.

“If they dry up, will the cadets follow their guardians? ”

“Yes? Instead of following a guardian, you're going the right way. ”

“What is the right path? ”

“Strong enough to protect everyone. Being a beloved rookie. Isn't that what the Rare Cadets are for? ”

Maintenance turned his head to the cadets unanswered.

He wondered if he thought the night was working, and he added:

“If the direction of education goes wrong, you end up going back. Summer Cadet's attitude was wrong. If you are a guardian, you should hold on to it beforehand……. ”

His gaze came back.

He stares at Hyun's eyes without saying a word.

And it was a long time ago.

Professor Hyun couldn't even breathe until he turned his head again.

It's an unadaptable gaze, even if you look a few times. It must be like a Mine or a Killer....

“Then I'll ask you one last question. Summer cadets are so confident. Is there a reason? ”


“Guardian? Is your faith in the Guardian that great? ”

“No? Our guardian is the strongest. ”

“ ……. ”

The AD turned the camera to the keeper. He looks at the camera with a flat face.

Still, PD was a pro. He laughs awkwardly and throws a joke.

“Ah. Do you feel like a fox carrying a tiger on his back? ”

“Well, that's cheap. ”

Summer nodded rather mildly.

“This is the Rabbit Kingdom. ”

PD hits the temples. Where to edit. I'm starting to have no sense.

Then the other guardians began to cough openly and reveal an unpleasant hue. It is that there is not too many cases. The students were also embarrassed because they couldn't be ridiculous.

Then the summer turns to look at the guardian magnet.

“Why are you coughing so badly? If you have something to say. Or your brothers. Do you want to stick together now, with our guardian? ”

Then he laughed like a horse.

“Everyone will go back to their heads ♥”

The interviews in the summer were that far.

* * *

Internal review results. Surprisingly, there was no denying that the hedgehog was a multifaceted interview. As a result, the video "Interview with 10 ranker candidates" filtered out profanity only and went up unedited.

And the next day.

The 'lunatics’ in the summer at the Pan Café in the summer have gone haywire.

― Kitchen blah blah blah blah blah Our boss is crazy ♥

― Crazy blah blah blah for a while. I love myopia!

― Summer, give me back one of my bills

― I filter the curses, so I can't hear the conversation

Tap the subtitle! I've got it!

‑ Thank you, but I don't think it's necessary to subtitle.

― Wow, but I felt like a guardian before, but it was so fucking scary;;

‑ I'll pee right away when I meet you on the way...

This raiding interview spread to the union.

Summer became the fire of numerous communities and began to burn. Inside and outside Rare, the attitude of summer has increased. However, there were more people who said they had no habits.

In all likelihood, the parties did not care.

“How was the interview? Was it okay? ”


Summer was satisfied with the words of the retainer.

If he's okay, it's okay.

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