Kidnapped Dragons

Chapter 38. Deep, Twitching (6)

Cilard Leo.

He is the head of the Rare Bureau of Trade and Industry. At the same time, he is the representative of the most rigorous investigative body in this huge academic city.

It's not like the commander of a munitions department who sits around and plays numbers. This was already a world ranker in the thirties during the Great War.

A body enlarged by the blood of a giant. A huge height of 3M. Even a fairly tall keeper looked like David standing in front of Goliath.

The regent recalls the last time. Sylard Leo is a big player in the upcoming Second World War. He was truly a soldier for humanity, not long after romance disappeared. A class that must survive as it was originally.

Of course, he didn't care much about that.

“This is Chief Executive Officer Sillard Leo. Assault. Injury. Intimidation. For more than a dozen other reasons. I would like to apprehend the Guardian of Maintenance at this time. ”

“ ……. ”

“A guardian may refuse to make a statement or appoint a lawyer. Any objections?”

The blue manna grows from the large shield on the left arm.

She nodded nonchalantly. Somehow he was right to do something bad. The target was also arrested.

“No objection. ”

“Then I ask you to cooperate in your arrest. ”

He pulls out of his arms and hears the Foul Chain Artifact. The giant stops moving and opens his mouth as he stands still.

“But you don't have to worry too much. Given the circumstances surrounding the Great River, I can see why the Guardian is disassembling it. If you'll just cooperate with the investigation. You can receive the lesser part of the sin..... ”

“Wait. I haven't heard anything yet. ”

Hyeong-tae cut off his words.


“Let's just ask one last question. ”

Hyeong-tae passed by his side and headed to Kangmun-gu.

I haven't heard the answer to who I am yet.

Kung ―

But a large foot stretched out and blocked the front of the keeper. It was Sylard's leg that showed up one day. The regent had to stop walking.

“I beg you, no. ”


“More than this approach is unacceptable. ”

“ ……. ”

“I beg your pardon. The lead minister also recognized the need for an investigation into the protective necklace crisis, and is now applying for a warrant to the bureau in the name of the lead minister. ”

The police will do it, and the civilians will fall in love.

Maintenance put his hands on his neck. Then I touched my neck.

“I'm not approaching. I only ask questions.”

“Neither should it. ”

“Why not? ”

“I'll go to my wife and talk to her again. Let's go.”

“I don't think so, either. ”

The eyes of the giant twitched out of his forehead.

In earnest, he retired when he caught Maine, but he was a former police officer at the Rare Regional Police Station.

There are strict principles in the investigation. Even Rare Lead is no different. However, there is no principle that we should stop asking anyone any questions. This is even more important, especially in situations where the perpetrator and the victim are not clear. I'd rather isolate between the two.

So it means that Sylard is not going to twist.

Do you want us to defeat the ship?

“You'll have to go. I intend to take him. ”

Hearing what followed, I felt right.


The giant foot of the big one took a step.

Strong momentum spills out like a pressure to maintain. He was precisely perceiving retention as strong, but it was his specialty to subdue the strong.

“One last thing. Please cooperate with the investigation. ”

“I'm trying to cooperate, but you're interrupting. ”

“It's just some sort of quarantine. How did this get in the way? ”

When the mood is turned upside down, Sylard growls as well.

“You shouldn't be so stiff. I'm the one in charge of the lead. There's no shame in not being able to prevent something that almost didn't fly away. Do you want to pick it up? ”

How do you know what crimes will happen at the bottom, unless you are God? However, the police were prejudiced and made no excuses.

“... I'm just doing my job from now on. ”

I can hear the shield on the floor.

“The last thing I say. Follow the investigation gently. ”

When he reaches for the air, a blue flame rises. As the flames shriveled, a huge, blue hammer appeared.

It's a Level 3 artifact. "Judgment of Tuvalcain".

And the shield he's been carrying is a Lv.4 artifact, the Fragment of the Wall.

A very long time ago. A fragment of the 'Arctic Wall’ that divided the continent of the world into the South and the North, even before the dragon existed.

A shield that never breaks.

“ ……. ”

Life flows out in a gloomy way.

“Where dare you! ”

From the body of Sylard, who sensed it, a superior intersecting space emanates and covers the world.

In the dazzling world of blue light.

Leading commissioner rushes to retain.

“O wicked one! ”

The subspace shakes in a huge shout.

The body of the geese oscillates across the intersecting space, as if hundreds of bison were jumping.

A fragment of Mana gathers in a hammer. Shines like a blue light explodes. It's like a meteor shower. The power of uncured oil was poured into the womb.

Kwaaaang ―!!

Intercepted by something. The energy bounces. The blue mana swirls back and pushes the world. The subspace shook with a wave. The flames burst into the sky.

The next moment, Sylard doubted my eyes.

The hammer was stuck somewhere in the air.

"Intangible Sword (SS)"

The regent pushed the sword lightly. The hammer pushes the moustache.

He approaches Sylard, lowering his body. It was a stab. Despite its speed, it was an invisible weapon. Sylard intuitively pushes out the center of the shield, preventing stabbing.


A huge shock scattered the shield.

One crash. However, Sylard was greatly surprised.

It was a stab. It was just a stab. What's heavy here?

She's coming back. I swung something with a big gesture. The moment I thought I'd stopped Tung, something dug up the shield. His body flew dozens of meters like a bounce and was thrown into the subspace floor.

This was not the end of a moderate defeat.

"Invite (A +)"

Skill assimilated with space. Giant's body is covered in blue light.

This is not enough. Sylard has begun to give me all the blessings and skills to protect my body.

Abian Chain (A ―)

Seven large, blue metal chains protruded from the walls and ceilings of the subspace and secured the arms, legs, neck and chest of the keeper. It was a skill that could not be avoided if it were in the intersecting space.

"Aurora of Peace"

His tireless stamina sprinkled. Explosively increases all the efficiency of the body.

Sylard continued to offer skills and blessings above Class B. Dozens of them.

"Proclamation of execution (AA +)"

Finally, the Judge's realm spread around him. All the abilities of the stipulated wicked are diminished and some are lost. On the contrary, he builds up his strength as much as his reduced ability.

Fifty thousand lights started pouring out from Sylard's body.

From now on, even though he was an individual, he was about to become stronger than the entire Brigade, which was a second.

“ ……! ”

It was then.

After preparing for battle, Sylard was rather embarrassed and unable to move.

He shed a drool.

‘What is this.... ’

"Proclamation of the death penalty (AA +)" is the strongest power he has. Within the declared realm, there are few powers in this world that allow us to defeat those who are stronger than ourselves.

By the way, the ability of the object to absorb it was huge enough to make sense of it.

‘How could this happen.... ’

Prior to Rare's leadership, he was the predecessor chairman of the OWB. We stopped the war in many conflicts. I've had experience defeating numerous rankers.

Then the power he absorbed as the executioner's proclamation (AA +) was 30% of his average body capacity. If it was high, it was also up to 40%.

It was the prescribed figure in the status window that was visible only to him.

The shielded Sylard glances at the statue spear.

But what the hell do you mean.....

At the next moment, the police look back at the criminals walking towards themselves.

No words, no expressions. Without much gesture. Hold a sack of weapons in your hand. He was coming. The chain of Abian tries to intercept him as if the world of the subspace that surrounds him were severed, but he walks without even noticing.

The man who appeared in front of his nose swung his sword as he spilled his life from his shoulders.

SS ― Type 2

"Chain of the Ring"

I once woke up and smashed the gates of Magun City.

Abyss Seven Monarch Lachata, who had completely disappeared, awakened to the power of destruction.

It vibrates like an electric saw and spills out.

This is dangerous.

We have to stop it right...!

He raised his shield. The user uses its absorbed power to bounce off the target. Managa, who can push mountains out of the 'Fragment of the Wall', gusts out like a storm. However, at the next moment, his hand, which he suddenly dug, twisted his neck. I saw the man's arm. What a formidable force he was, the neck of a giant was about to be broken.

“ ……. ”

The next moment, a man's invisible weapon approached the shield.

A massive shock struck his entire body enough to lose his mind.

At the same time, the entire subspace of the world became a fragment of light and shattered.

After bouncing out of the subspace, Sylard bounces out with a shield. He also smashed the wall of the munitions office and crashed into the street floor.

Then there was the sound of the heavens and the earth opening. Shock waves burst in a row, drawing concentric circles. All windows of nearby buildings and vehicles were broken.

At the same time, the altitude of the Aerial Islands, which are guarded by dozens of protective magic, fell by about 15 cm.

At the centre of every incident was a hole more than 30 metres in diameter.

‘ ……. ’

I stopped it, but I didn't. The long haul was shattered in shock.

“ ……. ”

Today the sky was higher and farther than usual.

That was the last landscape Sylard remembered.

* * *

“ ……. ”

At the end of the waterfall, heading for the dungeon.

Portal Administration. More than a hundred students and dozens of guardians gathered and chattered.

Summer looked outside with a mixed look of annoyance. And I checked the watch. You have less than four minutes left to enter the dungeon, but you can't see what's going on.

Summer asked Mikhailov.

“You haven't heard from my guardian? Who are you calling? ”

Mikhailov had a bad complexion. He shakes his head.

“Why. He's not coming? ”

“Let's focus on the attack for now. ”

“What are you annoying about..... why aren't you coming? ”

― Enter the reserve in 3 minutes. Students, please make the final equipment check.

I heard the announcement. The cadets got up from their seats. Summer also happened to hide uncomfortable colors. The team from the previous number entered the portal, and the summertime in the back row blew through the entrance for a long time.

He was distracted and delivered to his team. It makes them feel distracted.

A poorer Sophia opened her mouth.

“I guess I'm busy. Your guardian.”

“ ……. ”

“Don't worry too much. ”

“ ……. ”

“... do you listen to me? You don't even care about us. Let's go and see. ”

“Oh, shut up, girl. ”

“Crazy bitch. Don't worry about it.... ”

It was then. Maintenance gushed out from the entrance.

Summer, however, did not unravel the annoying look.

“What? Why are you here now? Why didn't you come very early next year? ”

“I'm sorry, but it's not too late. ”

“It's too late. It's fucking late. ”

She was dressed differently than before. Mikhailov was suspicious, but it didn't matter.

She gave the team a little chocolate. Eat one by one. “What is this.....” Summer grumbled.

“Everyone had a hard time preparing. Good night. ”

“... don't get along. ”

Then it became their order. Sophia looked back at the summer. He sighs. Then, when I turned around, I stepped toward the portal with a calm expression.

“Tae-tae. What are you doing here...? ”

So Mikhailov, who was lying there, asked with an impression. However, he shook his head roughly. Then he vanished from his seat unanswered.

Upon leaving the portal management office, Yu Tae-tae called somewhere.

“Ugh. I smell it. ”

― ……!

“No, no. That's my voice. Don't make useless noise. I need a little help. ”

― ……?

“Yeah, it's about time. Please come quickly. Before things get tricky. ”

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