Kidnapped Dragons

Flight 44. Difficulty (1)

Behind the dormitory 107 there is a large garden. It's a real mountain not far from Haitling.

It's a no-caddy area, but nowadays there are more and more footpaths to find it.

“Beep Jung.”

First chick.

About once a week. The chicks sneak out of the dormitory and head for the mountains. A little bigger than a basketball, he was now able to take advantage of the mana.

The chick who designated this place as a realm fought with the cat's artifact tissue. Once the burns were beaten and become bloody, now it's a big turtle. Cat artifacts were not opponents of Peek Jung.

“Ahhh.. ”

The cat stomped on the chick's head shed a cry of anger. Then the head is pressed against the foot.

“Beep Jung. (If you want to invade again, do it.) ”

“Peep. (Leave the will to your child.) ”

When he took off his feet, the cat relics fled to Hodadak.

The chick always doubted it. They didn't get far even if they ran away. It looks like there's an art gallery nearby, but I don't know where the hell it's coming from.

In any case, it was enough to expel him. At the end of the battle, Peekjoong hid himself somewhere. Chicks wandered around looking for something in the absence of autumn. I returned home before the fall.

“You went out again. ”

Then it took me spring on a day when I had no luck.

“Beep hoop? (Beep hoop?) ”

“It's no use pretending to be cute. Are you going to keep going out like that? ”


“You're not just going out. I want to go out and fight someone. You're going to get hurt. ”

Spring scolded the chick with a slow-mouth tone. Though I didn't understand what I was saying, I felt I had to speak out of frustration.

“Hey, what are you really going to do if you see Autumn hurt you? ”

Autumn was very fond of Beep Jung.

I've always slept in my arms. I found it first thing in the morning. The comb always combed yellow hair. When I didn't go to class, I had to feed myself. I also took a walk together.

“I can't do this. ”

It breaks my heart to see a chick who came back injured just by herself. By the way, what happens if I see the first autumn I've brought him.

Spring sighs. I called the Guardian.

“Yes, miss. What did you call it?”

“Forward. Keep an eye on this kid. ”

The Guardian's red eyes flashed.

On that day, the chicks were confined to a warehouse in a time zone without autumn.

― Peep, Peep!

* * *

In the meantime, there was another one sneaking out of the house. It was winter.

There was always someone in the dormitory because classes often didn't overlap. But often in the absence of anyone, winter spent time napping, reading books, playing with guardians and chicks.

From here on out, it is a secret of winter that no one knows except the maintenance.

Winter goes well with two feet. And from the moment he cast his magic into the sky, he would often go out through the windows of the spring room and wander around the residential district.

He was a dragon in his own way. Thanks to the magic of spring, I was able to deal with the sub-space of the clumsy genama dragon, "Cheonry (S)". Nothing to see.

In recent winters, a new hobby has emerged. It is to feed the cat's artifacts.

Winter still sneaks out chick food today, carrying two full hugs. Then he flew in hiding, heading down the ridge of the 107th century hinterland.

I ate here a few times, so the cat artifacts used to gather here. They were wounded all over the place. Winter seemed to spread a sack of feed to them.

Chop chop...

* * *....

The winter smiled at the sound of the cats eating.

I don't know how hard you eat. Winter felt good even when I saw it.

Some of the artifacts come to lick the winter, but the winter shakes its head and refuses. It looked messy.

“… tasty, do you have it? ”

Wake up.


Today, one of the relics puts something down in front of the winter.

It was a dead rat.

“ ……. ”

Winter stirs with a steamy expression.

“... It's useless. ”



Cat artifacts that heard the words of winter became cold.

Anyway, it was time to feed them like one day. Chalkarack -- I heard it coming from the back of winter. The cat artifacts flee into the forest in surprise.

The winter, left alone in front of the feed on the sledges, turned to check for the huge shadows that covered his head.

“Little lady. What are you doing? Get out of here.”

A huge padded dress even in the spring. Floral apron with new branded rubber gloves. Black mask. Red eye light flashing through sunglasses.

He was the guardian.

What do you say? The winter was more noticeable and the feed was given out with two hands. It means I was feeding.

“Whoo. Little lady. You can't feed the cats. ”

“... Why? ”

“They keep coming around, so the chicks come out and fight, right? ”

Winter tilted his head.

“... I'm hungry. ”

“You can't do that. You don't have to feed them, they'll hunt for themselves, and they'll eat whatever it takes. Do not give in the future. I'll keep the feed separate. ”

Winter seemed like it wasn't worth it. But even though he was always the guardian of winter, this time he was stubborn.

“Let's go, miss. ”

Winter, when he had the guts, became a gloomy look.

“... I hate it. ”

* * *

“I'm going to try again. ”

“A serial number?”

Spring nods with round glasses.

“There were too many contests left. It's hard to just write on the wall. I think it would be nice to get feedback from people. ”

“I'm doing it. ”

“You said you weren't scared? ”

That's right. Spring novels weren't scary at all.

“I thought, do you have a novel to be afraid of? ”


“Look, I doubt you're qualified as a horror reader. ”

“ ……. ”

He touched his neck. The regent was also looking for other novels in his own way and studying a genre called Horror. Dramatic hate choreography. Or inversion. Or fear of the unknown. The disappearance of the most arrogant. These are the things that appear in horror novels in common. However, there was nothing like it in the novel of Spring.

“Maybe the genre isn't right. ”


“I'd rather use a good genre. You know magic very well. How about a genre like that? ”

“That woman is so scary. ”

“ ……. ”

The expression was incredibly audacious.

“I'm still my own dragon... ”

“Okay, yeah. ”

The spring, which was facing the retention of silence, turned its gaze to the screen.

“Anyway, maybe you weren't scared. Ordinary people will be scared enough. ”

And a week later.

“ ……. ”

The spring fist was trembling as I watched the screen. I made quite a series in my own way, but I didn't react very well.

“What's wrong? ”

“ ……. ”

I took off my glasses and put them on my desk with a slow spring.

“It's not scary. My novel.”


“You didn't think I would just do that, did you? ”

Spring glanced back at the retention. It was hot.

It was a rare look on his face. The sound of breathing was also harsh. I held two fists to see what was so angry. Since being insulted by summer in Africa, it has been the first time that spring has been so angry.

“No. Why are you saying this isn't scary? I'm scared.”

“What did you say?”

“Here. Look at this. ”

Spring showed comments.

― Eh? Is it a necklace to have a monster appear all the time?? blah blah blah

― Kitchen blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

“No. Why are you laughing...! ”

I was laughing when I saw a novel that said, "Be afraid."

― I think it's scary to get caught by my wife. Heh heh.

It's not a street snail. It breaks my neck.

“... like this. ”

Spring sighed and blindfolded.

After reading the text, there was a scene of the necklace being caught. However, it was not at all frightening when it came to maintenance. Not exactly. It wasn't a monster move.

“You don't think he's scared, either? ”


“Why? Aren't you scared? Think about it, not in broad daylight. ”

He shook his head quietly. I'm not scared. I'm not scared. Then spring twitched his fingers. Tick! Magic turned off the lights. I closed the curtain myself. In the darkness, the spring grabs the necklace of the keeper sitting next to it.

Then it comes close to the sluggish.

“Look. Even like this? You're not afraid of this? ”

“ ……. ”

“I didn't just grab my collar. You're looking up and down like this? A freak?”

Then he looks angry.

It's not scary either. No matter if your face is close or far away at all. Keeping his head stirring, Spring lays his hands with a torn expression. Then I sat in the chair, howling. “Ahh.” A sigh seemed to turn the earth off.

“I'm falling apart. I guess I don't have the talent to write. ”

“I think I'm good at writing. ”

“ ……. ”

“The necklace is a problem. Why the necklace? ”

“Suddenly, when you get close beyond the line, it's scary. I'm not ready...? ”


“Yeah, I can't run if I get caught by the collar. ”

The reason for this is that it is happening in its own way.

Spring became a gloomy hue.

Maintenance rises. He kills as many as he can, and melts in the dark. It was time for the surprise spring to look around. In the darkness, a strong hand reaches out and grasps the jaw of spring.

A surprising spring strikes the wall with its body tightly backwards. “Heh...!” Then slowly, in the darkness, the face of the keeper begins to appear.


In unforeseen circumstances.

When I wasn't ready at all.

I couldn't turn my head, so I was really embarrassed by the look on my spring face.

“ ……! ”

At the next moment, a shocking spring pushes the shoulders of the keeper with both hands. Pushed down as hard as he could, the keeper pulled himself back from the right line.

“How was it? Is it cheap? ”

“Ugh... ”

“The necklace is too clumsy. I'd rather be forced to hold my chin and not turn my eyes. ”

Perhaps Spring would also answer. Because I heard a loud flutter in his dragon heart, even though I had almost closed my senses to take care of the dragons recently. I think it was that scary.

“That wasn't so scary, was it? ”

“I heard you were angry. ”

“I'm surprised. I'm surprised.”

“ ……. ”

“I mean it... And can you give me a signal before you do something like this? ”


The horse looked scary even like that. As it proves, a half-bowed spring mutters with a hot sigh.

“... I'm in trouble. ”

* * *

He seemed very troubled.

Very challenging time. Maintenance felt unfamiliar. I wanted to try to make him a little more difficult.

What do you think this feels like? He quietly pondered. Then I remembered the spring when I was in trouble. Did he feel this way? Spring expressed that it was fun to refer to such emotions.

On the contrary, is it fun for the Green Dragon to be in trouble?

This feeling is strange, so the regent decided to try to trouble him again.


The grassy eye looked at him.

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