Kidnapped Dragons

Chapter 46. My Guardian (7)

There was no Mine.

However, the Gold Dragon is only looking down.

None of this is true. It was a kidnapping theater manipulated by BY.

That makes sense. If you had flown into the sky with a dragon blast like this. The perforations would have opened the way. I wouldn't have anything to go through. It would have flown away from the sky, avoiding observation.

After identifying the situation, he put his sword in the sword.

“What are you doing? ”

With an expressionless face, he said in an insensitive voice.

“Come back for now. As a human.”

The golden dragon Hatzling's body shrunk.

BY, returning to human form, was a narcissist.

A bright golden head that is not stained by dust grows. Sitting in a blurred position, BY opens her mouth in a creaky voice.

“· · · Naturally? ”


“How long have you known? I know I'm a dragon. ”

“I don't know. ”

He doesn't even think about covering up my body, and he looks at me with a blunt vision.

He took off his robe and handed it to him in accordance with the Code of Guardianship. I was watering with blood. The clothes were not different from those that were torn.

However, BY was not clothed.

I hesitated and looked up with a dull eye.

“Put it on.”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“Put it on.”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

However, his hands did not come out, so he approached him directly and put an outer garment on his back.

That move was unnatural. He was stumbling.

There was blood on the outer garment. So when I touched BY's white skin, where I touched it, there was a lot of red marks.

BY, who looked up at him, lowered his head and looked at the clothes on his body. Then I snorted and sniffed.

“Why are you here, you? ”

He opened his mouth.

“I came to save you in case you die. ”

“I'm sick of it, really. ”

“If you wear it, get up. I thought I'd go back and get horny. ”

“Are you not angry here? ”


“Why? Why are you so calm? You're not mad? ”

“Not much. ”


“Because he's not dead. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

BY shoots him in the eye and opens his mouth.

“Do you know what you are? ”

It was the voice that stood me up. His eyes twitched.

“Then, what am I? ”

“You're just a hired bodyguard. It is simply a contractual relationship between an employer and an employee. ”


“So what? More extremely, I'm the president of your company. You're just a temple. If I fire you. You're just being human, not anything in my life. ”


“But what are you doing? The boss is out of his mind and wants to get some rest, but he wants to know what you are to come and get me. ”

A scar burst in my forehead that I only wanted to go anywhere. Blood spilled.

So he rubbed his eyes.


“You're not special to me. I'm serious. I don't have any special corner. He's a man of no great value. I just hit a few paparazzis under me for 10 years. ”


“So. So. So! What the hell is wrong with him? What do you want to say to me? Rejection or anger. Or if you want to scold me. Say something! ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

He thought about postponing.

You don't think the Gold Dragon makes him special?

It meant nothing to me.

Either way.

The important thing was that he wasn't dead.

Nothing else aroused him.

“Do you have anything to say? I'm asking!”

Nearby, BY was asking him to say something. It was fine that BY had a hostage play as his own. It was okay to come here handing over a dead Gobi to save him.

However, I was a little irritated by the voice of those who asked to speak.

So he approached and squeezed in front of BY.

Despite the sudden approaching distance, he avoided his gaze or pulled himself out.

However, I only stared at him with a rough breath of what was so angry.

“Why. Do you want me to be angry? ”

“Are you not angry? You're not mad at this situation? What kind of fresh do you get? ”

“No, but I'm a little annoyed. ”

“Look at my annoyance. Then!”

So the retainer slapped BY's cheek.


The little head goes back.

I slapped him. He knew it too.

“I never wanted to be special to you. So whatever you say, you're angry. Whether you think of me as your underlings or not. I don't like the idea. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“Just. You don't have to die. The other thing is, honestly, I don't know what you want to say. ”

Now that you've come in 7th time and got your routine.

In retrospect, I was ignorant, staggered, and did not know what was right as a guardian. So even at the end of the fourth round, he didn't regret his attitude toward BY himself.

However, since the fifth time I thought the way was wrong, I'm a celebrity and a butterfly. It was locked in an underground labyrinth.

But there's only one thing. There was something he did well.

“This. It was prepared by the company for you. I boiled my arm. It's all cool now. ”

He takes the soup out of the subspace and hears it in a disposable container.

A tribute to eternal peace.

An almost jelly-like soup cooled down in a sub-space with cold magic to preserve the item, he didn't think he'd fall off even if he flipped the container.

“I'm a little annoyed by this. I have to protect you. I shouldn't have left my place for this. I didn't have a hand in the morning, so I emptied it for a while. But in the meantime, what if you don't know if you're going to die like that? Huh?”

The blood flowing from the jaw falls into the hardened soup.

“You want me to be annoyed? ”

He picks up the soup and throws it on the floor in front of BY. Disposable plastic containers were crumpled and the contents were splattered and scattered on the floor.

“Are you ready? ”

That's the end of it. Maintenance reaches out to him and reaches out to the wounded man's hand.

Blood on your fingertips. I fell.

“Stand up. Shop. ”

“What. That's the end. · ·? ”

“Yeah, I'm sick of it, so stop getting up. Let's go back.”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Silence followed.

BY gazes at the fragments of the stubborn soup.

She bowed her head.

“Turn around. Get dressed properly. You see my whole body. ”

So he turned around.

“ · · · · · ·. ”

It was then. I heard a different breath in my ear. He turned the gogal. The hair that fell to that shoulder was shivering relentlessly.

BY was feeling dizzy.

“One thing. ”

“Shut up. It really annoys me. You think you're, like, my guardian? ”

With a damp voice, BY cried as the horse bowed.

“It's not a relationship. Why are you coming to pick me up so badly? Why.”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“Why did you shed so much blood? What's that arrow you're putting in your knee? What else is a hole in your chest? Why aren't you sick? If you're going to protest that you're here so hard, why don't you just protest, pretend you're not sick? I'm going to be sick, too, but why are you... ”

BY sighed and cried.

“You're nothing to me. Why are you trying so hard to save me? ”

Then I fell to the floor and picked up the pieces of broken soup and started putting them in my mouth.

Worn in the dirt. Dirty debris. However, BY pushed them into his mouth without even caring. Put it in. Put it in again. I put it in again.

“Sorry · · ·. ”

He cried and said.

I wish I was comforted then.

What was different about the fourth time?

“I think I'm the problem. I don't know why I'm doing this. Sorry · · ·. It's so scary that someone hates me. ”

He shed tears as if the bank had burst. Wipe it with my hands. Even if you wipe it with your back, your tears won't stop.

Then, after eating, he pushed a piece of soup into his mouth so that he coughed. Crying.

“It's just, I'm, I'm so weak. Sorry · · ·. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. ”

He didn't answer until the end.

“Oh, I feel so bad. Seriously, why in this situation? ”

BY, who had been putting cold debris in his mouth for a while, cried hiccup again, covering his face with two hands.

“It's delicious and shit. I must be crazy. Real · · · · ·. ”

At that time, there was no wisdom in holding a crying child.

* * *

“Amazing · · ·. ”

Autumn, who had been eating soup for a while, opened his mouth brutally.

“What's wrong.”

“You didn't say that when you first ate? ”


“But the more you eat, the more amazing it is. This is the same thing you used to do. ”


“Yes. I like dogs. How did you make this? It's too similar to coincidence. ”

The autumn turned a blind eye and put the soup in his mouth.

He's been eating soup for a while.

He watches the autumn eat without going out. The autumn, which used to be a big bite, is now very slow. I ate a small amount of lamb at ease.

And then, at some point. Autumn opened his mouth with a slightly more sunken voice.



“I made a mistake earlier. No, I made a mistake. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“I'm sorry. I really need to apologize tomorrow. ”


“If I hammer, I almost kill people. · · · · ·. I'm sorry.”

“I know.”

“Well, suddenly he's coming, and I'm so surprised, I don't know. But all of this is an excuse for the perpetrators. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

A cry appeared on the face of autumn.

“If you still think about it, your hands are too shaky. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“Our gold clan is close to people. So I think it's more like that. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“But I wanted to protect Beep Jung too much. The kid just got scared. Yeah, just, like, less buoyant. How do I send it? Can you do it? ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“I couldn't. · · · No, actually, I don't know. It's just, it's all my fault. ”

In the golden eyes, tears formed.

“I'm his guardian. I'm her guardian god. ”

In Ascalipa, the Gold Dragon clan is worshipped as the guardian of the nation.

“Even if he makes mistakes, he shouldn't make mistakes. What kind of guardian is that? ”

He sits next to the child in the chair.

At a lower gaze than a child. He looked at the child and said,

“You did good. ”

“Good? I made a real big mistake. ”

“It's okay. You can make a mistake. You kept the chicks.”

“If you were a hippo, you almost died. ”

“Yeah, but you're not dead. You just have to be careful going forward. ”

I wish I had the wisdom to treat people a little more than four times.

He wouldn't have made a mistake.

Autumn's concerns overlapped with the question of maintenance at the time.

At that time, no one advised her.

So he repeated the mistake.

“It's okay to make a mistake. ”

“Yes · · ·. ”

“I'll help you. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Autumn cried and pushed the soup into his mouth.

But you can't eat properly because you're crying. He took out the paper and gave it to the child. Autumn took a piece of paper and stole my mouth.

“Thank you · · ·. ”

Then again, it became a cry.

“You must be my guardian. ”

* * *

Fall lay beside the chick and was dazed.

He did not leave the room in the autumn, just sitting next to the lying one.

Still, I was just looking at the chicks in the autumn, wondering if they would feel better after crying.

Keeping that fall, he laid his hands on his hair.

Follows an unknown mood. He stroked the child's head.

Along the line of the forehead. I followed the baldness around it. Along the golden hair.

It was time for him to continue his awkward hand.

“Uh-huh. How did you know I like to stroke my head? I feel good.”

He continued the movement that he was constantly doing. Long time no see.

Then, at some point, the autumn's eyes closed.

He murmured just before going to sleep.

“Nearby, mister. It feels a little strange, doesn't it? ”

Feeling his hand.

Autumn said without much thought.

“I feel like my mother. ”

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