Kidnapped Dragons

48. Rusty Knives' Sanctuary (4)

Under a sedimentary cliff. Pine cave. By way of analogy, the entrance seemed to be made of sticky sediments that rolled down.

The entrance structure did not appear to be artificially constructed caves on the Piece City side. In the first place, there are few superheroes who can descend to such depths with the ability of pure flesh without manna and without equipment. I was interested in seeing if I realized that.

Upon entering the entrance, the eyebrows of the retainer are bent.

It was followed by a half-collapsed staircase. The interior was filled with water. It was time for him to pause and put his foot on the stairs first. Maintenance grabbed his arm in the summer.

“ · · · · · ·? ”

Summer shrugs. What's wrong?

The retention force points to the back with the thumb. Let's go back.

Summer pointed up the stairs. Why aren't you going?

Maintenance shook his head. Then I opened my mouth.

“Let's go back. Don't pay attention here. ”

His voice was clearly conveyed in the water.

Summer didn't deserve him to stand in the way without even knowing why.

However, I felt the force in his hand that grabbed my forearm. It is rare for him to stop himself even with this power.

“What's so funny? ”

Summer broke the stubbornness of what he was doing.

Winter was alternated with summer without knowing anything. Then I ran into the snow of summer. I ate a light supper on my forehead in winter after a heartbreaking summer.

I was sick. Winter looked up at the summertime with an impression of Warlock.

“· · · Why are you hitting? ”

“I don't know, fatso. ”

It was ridiculous.

Touch your forehead with both hands. It still hurt.

The winter turned around muttered something.

“What did you say? ”

Winter seemed to put out its tongue unanswered.


Piece City had a lot of fun situations. For example, the next morning a glass bottle was found on the beach in winter.

There was a note in the glass jar. The message written there was as follows.

[Save Seyot! I'm caught by monsters!]

Below it was a clumsy plot. Maintenance was headed for the other side of the island alone with winter. There, the trained Gorilla artifacts were disguised as monsters and guarded the wooden dolls.

Eyes: What do I do?

It was a conceptual play prepared by the company, but the winter worries about doll detachment with a serious expression.

Maintenance conducted winter and operational simulations. If you make a loud noise and distract the Gorillas, go with this to cut the rope and save the doll. I put out a Barbarian Dagger as I spoke. It was similar to the Jelly Rescue operation that took place a while ago. The winter I understood immediately nodded with a bright smile.

In doing so, the maintenance and winter rescued Piece City's staff in deer dolls.

“Aah! Thank you! Almost became the prey of the blinking monsters! ”

The deer doll mounts said so and bowed his head to the winter. Then I turned over my bag and took out the gorgeous deer horn and handed it to Winter.

“The reward you saved! ”

Then he walked away with a gun.

The winter back home, along with the maintenance, is cutting down trees to create deer shaped heads. In return, I put on the horn I received. Looks like an animal stuffed to the front door of a wooden house.

“· · · and. ”

Winter shone in my eyes. It was cool.

There were events all over Piece City like that. It's like a new experience every day. Strange things continued in a row.

Whenever they went, they encountered employees, performed quests, received ornaments as a reward, and handed them over to maintenance.

Sculptures. Art. Frying pan, mailbox, etc. It was good to decorate the house one by one.

Thanks to it, the shabby wooden house gradually became cheaper.

Three days later, I fished with the children.

It wasn't easy to catch, so it was most of the time. Spring, autumn and winter, however, caught about one or two fish an hour.

The problem was summer. He didn't catch any fish at all. Due to the urgency of the nature, the fish did not have to bite.

“Oh, relax, sister? ”

“Summer, what if the kids pull before they bite? ”

The words of autumn and spring, which continued to be smoky for hours, were still well passed on.

I felt like shit, but I was right.

“· · ”

But it is.

Winter laughed foolishly and it was unbearable to shake the fish in front of my eyes.

“· · · one. ”

“· · · Two. ”

“Fuck off, pig. ”

“· · · Three. ”

“Are you really angry? ”

Winter ran away laughing in the bedroom of Hodadak.

However, the fourth fish was caught on a fishing rod in the winter in no time.

And by the time you shake the fourth fish. The nature of summer exploded.

“I don't do it! Don't do it! You fucking fish bastards! Why don't you just get caught by me! Huh!?”

An unbearable summer lifts a huge rock and throws it into the water. Carrying Mana was a speculation.

An enormous shockwave hit the children with soaring water.

“Argh! What is it! Are you crazy! Sister? ”

The autumn turned the water upside down, and the spring was soaked. Winter was not wet because spring blocked the water with its back and arms.

Then the bracelet of summer was wiing wiing! It rang. It was because I detected the use of Mana.

I'm going to die if I don't. What are you doing to me? I thought it was time for summer to break my arm.

“Huh!? Wow!”

I heard the voice of autumn.

As he turned his gaze in the autumn, his summer eyes widened.

“Oh, crazy. ”

That's about it.

Returning from the mountains, holding a small boar, he looked at the summer with blurred eyes.

He drew dozens of fish with ropes.

I felt a shock wave on the sea side, so I did something. He stunned the fish with a shock and caught it.

So that evening was a fish party.

The oil-fried fish was particularly fond of winter. The child pushed the fish fry into his mouth until his stomach was breaded.


A four-day car. The day of battle was bright.

He went to the guide tent with the children. On the other side, Myeong-jong has a wife and two sons. And with the lychee.

“No, I think you just traveled. Hahahaha!”

He laughed, saying it was a mystery.

The dragons' makeup and faces were invisible for four days of uninhabited life.

“How did you decorate the house? ”

“Oh, of course. You'll be surprised. ”

Rejected. Result of the battle.

The guide noticed and opened his mouth carefully.

“First of all, I think the residence itself was a little more complete than the residence of the caregiver. ”

Myeong-yong's house was also quite decent by field standards. The whole house, especially the broken cliffs, was creative.

However, maintenance reinforced the house in the last three days. I made a basement to keep something simple to eat. Outside, I also created a florist.

In that number of ornaments, the guide raised the hand of the Yu Seed family.

“By the way · · ·. I checked the record of using Mana in the bracelet on the side of the Yu Family. So, that · · · ·. ”

After all, it was a draw.

Spring, autumn, and winter turn around, and summer growls.

“Ah! But that's not funny. What's the draw? Hahaha!”

“Grrh. Still. Both of you have decorated the most magnificent dwellings I've ever seen! Hahaha · ·. I was so ashamed to evaluate it. How you built these houses in the field. ”

In Myeong-yong's words, the guide drew a cold sweat and adjusted his screams.

They didn't know, but in fact the guide tasted like death.

Honorable was VVIP with power, honour, and capital. And a man named Yu Tae-tae was a client brought by such a nobleman. I don't know who he was, but he wasn't usually a person.

It was competition between the two. In general, there were a lot of people who were stumbling on my mind, and after a long time of hospitality, I saw a lot of superstitious people in this hectic battle.

As soon as the Complainant comes in, he doesn't know what kind of harsh words he will hear from the top line.

Thanks to that, the summer deviation became a good cause.

“Ew. I can't help it. But that's not what happened. I'll give you a present or something.”

Give Red Liquor Bottle to Nam Yong-tae.

“It's a precious fermenter. Red shoes. Have you heard of them? ”

“Red shoes, of course. ”

It is a variety of Mandragora. A variety that doesn't grow on Earth. It is a star-growing ingredient in the sky that even saves one root.

It tastes sweet and smells good. And there are ingredients that make me feel good.

The question is whether to remove the Mandragora scream. The only liquor left to scream is drugs. So he moved the Mana to check the ingredients of the liquor. The scream was definitely removed.

A very precious drink.

Maintenance also infiltrated the inner subspace and brought the precious liquor to Myeong-yong.

“Oh, what kind of drink is this? ”

“It's a snake.”

Yu Hyeong-tae just said that.

I didn't say it was a drink made from the tail of the SSS, but I realized it was a good drink.

That's when you exchanged gifts.

Myeong-jong has made a suggestion with a bright face.

“Mr. Ji Tae. How's Campfire?


“Yes, on the last day, if you don't mind. Will you all come together and hit the fire once? ”

He didn't answer.

“Wow! Campfire? Something romantic! ”

“Oh, I love it. ”

“ · · · · · ·! ”

However, the situation became so on its own.


Four-day tea dinner.

Summer, autumn, and winter have finished chatting about going to the mountains.

It was because summer picked up the treasure map in the morning.

It was a big summer at another event, but it was as interesting as a treasure map. Fall and winter were also harsh in the words of treasure.

She decided to stay home alone and write the 'Family Field Study Journal’. I had to submit it to Rare, but I had a lot to write because I had three students.

And I decided to stay in the spring.

“Aren't you going? ”

“Yeah, I'm good. ”

“Treasure, treasure! Don't you even wonder what the treasure is? ”

“You are my treasure. ”

‘Ugh.' Autumn brings forth chicken flesh, 'he stroked my arm, and the spring laughed.

It was true that everyone knew that spring did not like being active.

He quietly shook his hand toward the children.

“Please check the Spirit Tree while you're on your way. ”

“Oh, right! Yesterday, we had a dream too! ”

I want to send the kids away like that.

In a narrow house there is a maintenance and spring. I was left alone.

Spring lay in bed.

Keeping a liver, sitting in a chair, at a table made of carved wood. I wrote down the journal with the pen I received from the informant.

Spring took place in bed. Then I approached the back of the retainer.

Spring watched him from the bottom of his back.

He continued to write journals without even paying attention.

Spring sat next to him. Then I looked at his journal for a long time.

Maintenance was surprisingly a musical instrument. Uniform musical instruments as if they were taken on a computer. Spring glanced at his writings, looked at his hands, and again at his arms, where the cords of blood were revealed.

The spring pushed his head a little further as he only put the ball in the journal. Then I blink at his face.

Nevertheless, when he did not look back, Spring leaned on his desk with his arms up.

The two eyes remain fixed to the retention.

Then, Hyeong-tae's gaze returned and touched the spring. Green hair was pouring on the table.

A subtle smile. Spring opens its mouth.


Keeping an eye on the spring, Jamzako turned his gaze to the journal constantly. Then I started teasing the pen again.

Spring, however, looked at the maintenance without releasing a light smile.

In a relaxed smile, a light prank kicked in.

Spring shook her hand in front of her face.

However, there was no response from him.

The spring touches his shoulders like a slow touch.

However, there was no response from him.

Then there was a little more prank in the face of spring. Spring reached out to his ear. Then I stroked my ear like I could touch it again.

However, there was no response from him.

The table has five pages of journals. Busy shape. So it was obvious that I was ignoring it for nothing.

So spring leaned on him. Then I put a chin on his shoulder.

But when there was no response from him, Spring whispered to his ear.

"Even like this?"

I couldn't ignore that. Then the head of Yu Hyeong-tae came back.

When the spring burst out of his body, he held his breath and laughed.

“I'm busy. ”


“I'm going to rest. ”


Spring did not disturb him any more. Yu Hyeong-tae wrote a journal.

At some point, however, it became difficult to continue the journal.

The two green eyes looked at themselves for almost thirty minutes.

He turns his head.


“ · · · · · ·. ”

“Write it.”

“Why don't you go get some rest. ”

“I'm going to rest here. ”

Just next to me, the distance was a little difficult.



“When you're done, teach me this. ”

Spring raised his left hand.

When did you get it out of the warehouse, the bottle received from Myeong-yong was in his hands.

“No. ”

“Why not? ”

“What's he drinking? ”

“Summer also helps me smoke. ”

That's right. As he kept his mouth shut, Spring laughed as if he had heard a really interesting story. ‘I want to see you.’ Then he pointed to the journal he used to write.

[Euphorbia 21]

“I'm twenty-one. ”

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