Kidnapped Dragons

55. Socks and Hats (4)

Depending on how you feel, swing the knife as needed.

When I put it down, I have an unexpected problem.

Maintenance looks at the individual who is the sea floor of the incoming pup.

―... If you're a good person, I hope.

The voice of winter scratches the ear.

If there's one who says "good man" in winter. What would he do in this situation?

Does it save lives?

No. If he's a superman, he won't save his life. After all, monsters are the enemy of humanity. It's the stuff that grows and bites people's heads.

Are you going to cripple him and release him?

This is a clumsy idea. The more numerous‘ primates’ that resemble humans, the weaker the pups and the more dependent their parents are. His parents are dead anyway, so he's dead. There is no reason to cripple the subject of the murder unless it adds guilt. However, it did not seem like a ‘good man’ to make such a judgment.

Frightened and buoyant puppy object.

He looks up at him.

“Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. ”

I said, "Mom, Mom..."

“ ……. ”

He had nothing to say.

It's been snowing here ever since.

While he was holding the individual, his arms were slightly comforted.

What would you do if you were a good person?

What was the way of a ’good person' ….

It would have been easy to pick up trash or feed the cats. This was not the case.

I didn't know what a 'good man' was, what a 'good man' was.

He was clumsy.

I'll sort it out again.

In the end, it placed the dorsal moth of the individual.

I couldn't find an answer, so he had to do it the way he could.

He sighs.

I grabbed the sword with my right hand again.

With his left hand, he blindfolded the pup.

The frightened individual was silent.

He lifts the sword and points it at the individual's neck.

Now that you've closed your eyes.

A low-intelligent monster cub will not know what's happening from now on.

At the end of the moose, the pup closes its eyes.

I never moved again.

* * *

The fall of winter comes to an end.

Whole body scales, horns, claws, and the veil of the eye flow and turn into mana. The landscape is not so different.

But now there is something noticeable.

It was time for the dislodgement of the chest to be peeled. Especially on a thick, hard scale, something white was emitting light.

The light sources were two.

The big thing is the dragon heart that continues the life of winter. The little one next to the big one is called the fragment of the Ancient Circle or the fragment of origin.

Ancient One

This is a word that translates the word 'existence of origin’ in Ascalipa, a long time ago. It refers to a green dragon that was once the first dragon.

Great. Mighty. Much more than it is now. Because the species is different, it would have been more powerful than a regent trapped in a human framework.

Because of that, Einstein One is dying. Even after the history of Yugu. His remnants lead to the heart of the dragons.

That's when the Hatzlings die or when the time of amusement comes to an end. Transmits information of Hatzlings to Ascalipa beyond the dimension.

The regent recalls an old thought for a moment.

Once, he thought that was the cause of everything.

The regressor returns after the fourth round. I walked a number of times without counting.

One day, I wanted to take that out of the heart of the dragon. One day, I was planning to open up another dimension with it.

The result was a mismatch.

After about a dozen attempts. He realizes that the debris in Hatzling's body can't be what he wants to be.

― It hurts, I think I'm going to die.....

Someone's moaning scream passes through his ears.

Fourth time, I witnessed the death of the Golden Dragon in front of my eyes. He ripped open his heart to revive the dead. I saw the fragments of origin work.

Planet Earth is coming to an end. When the long years he had been trying to get past him were gone. The regent felt like something in his head was breaking down in real time.

In the next session, he began to learn how to handle chimeras.

I was immersed in the organism's research for a time I couldn't even remember.

The memory of that time is blurred with noise. Only technical things remained somewhere in the instinct.

― Please, stop…….

― I will do whatever I say....

― Please help me. It hurts so much…….

― Please…….

.. What kind of dragon was that?

Different times?

I don't remember very well.

However, I remember the shrieking scream that the dragon peer had broken the vocal cord.

After the failure, there was no reason to celebrate the end, he committed suicide.

Short and short rides.

I want to meet BY on the fourth. She's dying.

We're studying chimeras that want to use debris of 4 + origins in rides.

I'm holding the dragons in custody five times.

He was killed more than 1100 times in 5 + rounds.

Just as the 5 + times he was killed trying to enhance the intangible sword was blurred in his memory.

The 4 + repetitions of catching and dissecting dragons to deal with fragments of origin were also blurred in his memory.

.. In retrospect, the food looks black and stained.

I didn't feel good.

Pacan ―!

It was then that his imagination was broken.

A huge ice crystal breaks down. The blue dragon that was in it came down rich and sat on the ground.

Kuku Palace...... Heavy body. Hatzling makes me nervous.

The derogation was not intact. The dragon heart that stood still is now starting to run, and Mana is just starting to work.

The head, arms, belly, legs, and retracted wings near the heart became perfectly clean, but the dislodged shells at the far toes of the heart remained intact.

Spring advised me to remove this.

“ ……. ”

Hyeong-tae approached the feet of the giant Hatzling. Sharp claws and still pretty skin. Even if it's the size of his feet, it's as big as his upper half.

He carefully peels the dermis and removes it by hand. It's weakened. It's the blood of the Handle Dragon. I was incredibly tired and needed a lot of strength.

What the mother or father, who is a saint, should do.

The powerless blue Hatzling looked down at him like that.

He recalls the socks that he gave him on his birthday when the summer came.

This time, I heard from Spring, that the dragon had given someone something thin to wrap their feet around. ‘I acknowledge that you are my protector. It is said to mean:’

So spring and autumn came as a surprise. Even being tough meant that summer recognized him.

However, the winter was ill, as the fragile skin was forced to peel off the dermis.

Hatzling's feet twitched. When the giant foot twitched, the retention gained had to be stepped back a few steps.

“Hey, I'm not staying. ”

He smashes his claws. My feet twitch a little louder.

Since then, the work has become a little easier. Winter withstood the twitches. Maintenance succeeded in peeling off the dermis.

Then Hatzling shoved his head at him.

A head as big as his trunk.

Are you trying to eat me for something that made me sick?

It was time for the regent to think.

A giant lizard approaches in front of his head, leaning down and closing his eyes.

When he stood tall, Hatzling said, '... Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.’ I cried.

Why is the cry not clear and cautious to resemble the winter?

But he still didn't know what winter meant.


Then I wonder what the complaint is, and the giant head howls left and right.

Well, why. What do you want me to do?

But when he was unresponsive, Hatzling's mouth opened, biting all over his trunk.


* * *

Outside the ice cave.

By the time the snow stops.

The winter that recovered gave rise to polymorphs.

Until then, I wondered how my child would grow up. It didn't matter how it grew, but I wondered if it would be the same as last time.

Winter became a peer adult in the spring, even with one dermis in the last period. I'll do it again.

Actually, I wanted to be different.

The Blue Dragon would not have been happy in the last round.

Within a week, a huge body is swarming with light.

It reveals the human form that holds the dragon's unique identity.

There was a fire there.

A girl with blue hair was sitting.

He covers my body with two hands and looks up at him.

The height was still small. It would only be over 130 cm.

For this moment, the bowl that had been eaten hard and baked was gone.

"Polymorph (S)" is a magic used to imitate humans. The order of growth also follows man. So, to specify the age of winter after de-feeding, it was estimated to be between 9 and 11 years of age if there were many.

It was clearly different from the last time.

This was seen as a good sign.


He recalls for a moment the back of the living room where he first met him.

The moment life was born and faced him.

Tiny and so on.

Skyy hair.

A smile blooming on your face.

Eyes with fatigue.

The first hand I touched in a t-shirt.

I couldn't talk. My mouth was squeamish.

“... Hello. ”

But now he speaks well.

In a worrying voice. He greets you.

“Yeah, bye. ”

“... Give me some clothes. ”

He took off my coat and gave it to him.

I watched the winter button with my arms in my coat a few times bigger than mine. He was again immersed in admiration.

Slum in conflict. Diral.

It was when a dry mother wept.

An unnamed woman crawled to death with the help of a midwife, and gave birth to a dead child.

Perhaps he felt sorry to see his life cut off in such a long time.

Winter itself was teaching him something unfamiliar.

Something different from what Spring always teaches.

It was then.

I started dreading my clothes, and my winter hair started to fall out.

“… Ah. ”

When the child was surprised, he stopped the hair from spilling, but even if he stopped it, he continued to spill it and put his hands on his head and covered his head.

The human body that has escaped also changes. Hair starts to grow late.

“… Ah, ah, stop……. ”

I don't know if you knew or not. Winter can't help but cover his head with two hands, flipping his coat all the way to his head and covering his face. Then he smiled faintly. In front of the tent, I remembered the man who covered his face with a frying pan.

“Don't worry too much. It's okay.”

“ ……. ”

“Hair flows at night. ”

The winter that overturned the coat was speechless.

So I took out my separate hat.

Then I touched her.

“… uh-huh. ”

He stirs with his face still covered.


“... I don't have a head. ”

“It's okay.”

“… uh-huh. ”

“She's fine.”

“... it's not okay. ”

“Well, look at this. ”

That's when the coat slips open, and the blue eyes look at him.

He had a blue hat in his hand.

“It's a gift of desertion. ”

That's when the coat opens. He put a hat on the kid's head. I looked better.

And yet winter is so worrying. I wasn't relieved.

I didn't understand him from the day he was born, but I still didn't know what emotions he was worried about.

However, one thing seemed to know.

The reason the dragon gave his head to him earlier.

The regent approached the child.

Then I grabbed the child's hat and turned it around.

The moment he was caught, the winter would like him to take his hat off.

The next moment, he hugs the child with his big arms. Then he pulled the head of the slutty child and attached his forehead to his empty forehead.

“Well done, winter. ”

From the distance your forehead touches. I looked at him with my eyes closed as the winter raged. Then, when I realized that my forehead was stuck, a worried smile began to bloom on my face.

“It's been a lot of work. ”

Winter nods slowly. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck.

His body was still small.

I didn't tremble anymore.

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