Kidnapped Dragons

59. Fireworks (1) + Summer Illustrations

Minneapolis ― Saint Paul International Warp Station.

Early in the day. A lot of warp management agencies in North America. A man from the Oriental world appeared to be swarming with light. Seekerman suit and mask. Black sunglasses hang under the black beanie.

League League League Secret Forces Commander, Venguard: Fill the Grey.

Ranked 271st, Shadow Man.

It was Hot Seung O.

The airport staff, who were checking their identities, were surprised and blew the road. WOO. It was confirmed that he was a senior member of the Chopin Federation.

A few men rushed in and greeted the man.


“Welcome! ”

He was a member of the North American Federation of Branches.

“Yes. Is North America okay? ”

“Yes, no more. ”

“That's good. You look good. Everyone.”

The man confronted them with a solemn expression and walked. Those who walked with him followed in his footsteps with a stiff face, as they served the high figures of the League.

The entertainment Rolls-Royce sedan is approaching. The door opens by myself. The North American Federation Branch felt that perhaps a man had been sent on a special mission.

‘No, but……. ’

Hot Seung O sighed.

At the age of forty, the leader of the Federation vanguard came all the way here to wipe out the bottom of his brother. No one could imagine.

In the meantime, Sedan slipped out of the building forest. He began individual activities.

Antonio Jefferson went back to the Federation to see the work. From now on, he had to find him based on the data Jefferson gave him.

Activity radius. Texture and size of the Mana. Based on his appearance, he started exploring. I could find him before three days.

‘That's the man..... ’

Antonio Jefferson called him a "veteran from the Great War." Many of the soldiers who were devastated at the end of the Great War wanted to leave their jobs and live quietly.

It disappeared in Segan, but in a quiet place. With great power. Those who spend their daily lives.

And the target seemed the same.

"Cheonan (A)"

Creates a blue seal over the eyes.

The ability to look out a hundred kilometers, if you wish.

A man in a dull mood is sitting on a bench, tearing bread from the pigeons. The everyday atmosphere and the blurred landscape.

‘ ……. ’

Paz 즛 ― Subspace splits at the fingertips of Hot Seung O. If you wrap something around it with your hand, it has a modern weapon handle. PMM ― 307. This is a Level 3 Artifact Object Sniper.

Rooftops of the St. Paul's Trade Building. Hot Seung O falls down in a picturesque position, holding his gun and staring at the target.

I didn't need a telescope. Because his eyes are about to telescope.

He's a strong man.

Hitman's instincts come to light. The opponent was clearly the senior of the old generation who went through the war.

Even such a good two-digit ranker can't identify himself on this street. However, if you miss a single step, you will be immediately discerned. It's a troublesome one. So we must unconditionally catch it with a shotgun.

Hitman counts.

The distance to the target is approximately 72.43 km. The error is ± 0.15 m.

Identify the environment with a kettle artifact.

The wind is pretty strong. Wind speed is 4.12 m/s with southeast winds.

Air pressure and humidity are high. 5.2hPA, 52.5%, respectively.

47 degrees north. Near the pole, the Earth's cycling speed is slow. 265.57 km/s.

Get Creek advice with TDS artifacts.

.312WH MTT183 seems advantageous.

Modify Upper and Lower Creek by 27.1.

Modify left and right creeks by 5.9.

Hitman spills Mana into the Artifact Sniper.

The living weapon twitches and devours his arm and swallows it to the shoulder.

His body began to harden within days.

Breathing is stopping.

His heart stopped beating.

All elements causing vibration of the human body are stopped.




The trigger is pulled.

Tung ―

Manna's lead shot from the muzzle. It crosses the atmosphere, jumps over space, draws an ideal line and crosses dozens of kilometers in a single breath.

He focused on the bullet with all his strength. Two, three, four seconds later.

A man grabs a bullet with his index finger and a stop.

‘ ……. ’

What's going on?

At the next moment, 72 kilometers outside, the man turns his head slowly.

Eyes closed, I encountered it.

… The moment I wanted to, Veteran Hitman loosened the stiffness of his body and jumped over the trade building. Then I rushed out somewhere and started to run away. In my head, a racing bell rang. He called somewhere.

“Hello. Yes, brother. Am I really crazy? Where the hell did you touch anything? ”

Beyond the sign language, I hear an alarming voice. Hot Seung O cried out in a glorious voice.

“What? You estimate it to be 200? Don't be a dick! That's at least one digit! ”

“Anyway, I'll quit! You should do the right thing. If you keep poking like this, it's only a matter of time before the Federation flips over..... ”

However, he was not able to speak.

A long line back to the Federation Branch.

At the entrance to one alley. He reveals himself.

Then I stood in front of him with a slow pace.

“ ……. ”

Beyond the sign language, I hear a shout.

However, he hung up. Then I murmured.

“It's fucked..... ”

* * *

Time flies. Last day of vacation.

The day of the Fireworks Festival was bright.

The way back from buying breakfast with spring. Rare has been fascinating since daylight. Cadets dressed in gorgeous and beautiful clothes were walking around the school district. There are many traditional costumes in different countries. Spring looked at the man and asked Kee Tae.

“Which country is that? ”

“China dress? It's China.”

“Beautiful. That? ”

“I don't know. Is that a European suit? ”

“I was Korean, right? What do Koreans wear? ”

“Well……. ”

Maintenance looked around and pointed to the students in Korean clothes.

“That's it.”

“Aw, it's beautiful. Right.”

A white low hoop. The long pink skirt from the chest ends at the knee.


Speaking of which, he didn't have much on his mind. More than that, it was important to go home. Today's breakfast meal would be tasteless if it got damp.

* * *

“Wow. That smells awesome. What is it?”

Breakfast is homemade money gas.

Fries of thin clothing wrapped in chunky relief. I couldn't buy a long line every day, so I went and waited with spring from 5: 00 a.m. today.

“... I will eat well. ”

Winter bites the chunky dough with chopsticks carefully.

With a full bite, the thin frying cloth breaks and becomes a façade. There is juice in it, and the fat and the flesh are in harmony, and the chunky meat is gently cut off.

The winter looks brighter when you chew the filthy meat. It tasted really good.


In the meantime, the spring relieved something of the green in front of the retainer.

“What is this? ”

“Hot and cold.”

“I'm done. ”

“Try it on a little. It goes well with what you feel. ”

But when you eat only money gas, spring naturally releases the chili and puts it on top of the meat.

The regressor, who stopped for a while, cut off the gas. I chewed.

Spring was more slippery than looking at him.

“How's it going?”

He had no answer. However, from the next meat, I ate it with chili peppers.

“Hmm. Hey, oil price. ”


“Would you like to hang out with me today? ”

I'm having breakfast like that. Summer came and asked in a subtle voice.

“Why? I have to go to the PR from 3: 00 p.m. ”

“Let's go shopping and play with me for a while before we go. ”

“Oeing? Shopping? ”

I wanted to know why the summer was like this, but first the fall nodded. So the two of them went out for breakfast.


Today was almost a little free for the summer.

All kinds of training facilities were closed in time for the fireworks festival. For reasons such as equipment inspection.

Summer thought about what to do at the break. Then I realized, a very good idea came to mind. I've been bored with reading lately. I've played the cartoon series five times, so it's less fun.

So I have to buy a new book. If it wasn't for today, it would have been an obstacle in my training time.

“Let's go.”


They went around the entertainment district, picked up a few shops, shopping for clothes, cosmetics, weapons.

The summer then naturally led the fall to the Comprehensive Peace Shop.

The first floor is full of children's kitchens.

The second floor had a board game and so on.

On the third floor…….

“Well, is there anything you can do? ”

All kinds of comic books and novels were on display.

“Huh? There's a lot of books here. Ah...!”

Autumn reminded me of something.

“That's right. Do you read books lately? ”

“What? Why. ”

“No, sometimes I smell a book in my sister's hand. ”

“Uh. Just……. ”

Summer stares at autumn.

Why are you staring? Because I wanted to, Autumn tilted her head.

“Hey, but. ”


“What's so funny about comic books? ”

“Comic books?”


“What do you like? ”

“… hmm. Yeah, I don't know what's good for me. I should have seen something like that. ”

“What do you mean? You've seen a lot of comic books before, right? ”

When I first went to Rare. Autumn reminded me of what I saw piling up comic books during the summer break. Much of it was a serious comic book with blood splattered to the taste of summer.

“No, not like that. Dude.”


The impression of summer frowns. Then he asked if something had come up, and the summer was over.

“Oh, yeah. If you buy a comic book, what do you want to buy? ”

Do you have any questions about my taste? Fall still didn't understand the intent of summer, but he went around and picked comic books to suit his tastes. Celebrity cartoons. Comedy cartoons. Animal healing cartoons. And…….

“Oh, what do you choose to see? ”

Summer asked. What was in Autumn's hand was a pure cartoon full of pink.

“What do you choose to see? Umm.... For now, it's a picture check, right? ”


“Yeah, I like pretty pictures. And my taste is, you know, a little bit of an animal. She's a pretty smart lady. Oh, and I don't want to waste it...! ”

“What are you hiding? ”

“Why, you're just getting unhappy on the way. A man just died on the battlefield...! The female protagonist becomes a slave...! ”

“Become a slave? It's okay.”

“No...! Are you crazy? You can't see a cartoon like this if you want to! ”


“Anyway, some of my friends say. This is fun.”

“Hmm……. ”

Looking at the cartoons in Autumn's hand, he nodded as if summer were not a big deal.

“... Are you saying that? ”

Summer sent the fall to the PR.

Then I found the Wang Gu department store alone this afternoon.

“Hm, hmm……. ”

Nervous face. I look around for nothing. Fortunately, no one knew. I don't usually dare come and see anyone. If you get caught, you'll want to die. So you're just gonna have to get in a car accident. The summer I thought was a quick walk, and someone took my book.

It was then that the watch rang.

“No fuck.... ”

Summer got the call.

“Uh, why. What?”

I have an oval on my face in the summer.

“You're coming to pick me up? I'll take care of it... Huh? You're already here? Why?”

―... Why? Why? What are you doing there?

“What are you doing...? No matter what I do? Whether or not?”

― What are you talking about? If you've seen everything you need to do, come down.

Shouldn't we hide it in the subspace? No. Summer doesn't handle the subspace well, so when it closes, Mana bounces big and takes a long time.

What do we do then? Summer rolled my eyes. I looked around and I saw sports cartoons. Next to it, there were toys that matched comics. Among them, baseball equipment was trampled in the eye.

“That...! Don't come up there, stay there! I'll count and go down...! ”

* * *

Maintenance was summer on the first floor with spring and winter.

He comes down with an aluminum bat.

“What, you want to beat someone with that? ”

“Hmm, well..... ”

I was frustrated with what was so unworthy, with a sharp expression.

The poison was like an animal snatched from a bowl of rice. Why would he want to do this? He's staring at a baseball bat.

Summer was annoying.

“What. Why! Do you really want to get hit?”

And soon I get depressed.

What's wrong with her?

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