Kidnapped Dragons

Chapter 61. Life Skills (1)

Rats can become adults and become pregnant six months after birth in conditions where they have no natural predators and their feeding activities are smooth. A mother may give birth to up to 40 pups per month. Such ferocious lifestyles and reproductive abilities culminate in the 14th century, when the concept of health and sanitation reached its peak in Europe, when cats were said to be demonic animals. Rats breed and transfer pathogens. Nearly 100 million European populations were infected and killed by rats. It was the Black Death.

At this moment, why do you remember the phrase in the textbook that you heard last semester?

Summer seemed to be nauseous.

In a lump of wool. There is a stubborn mass of flesh. The black one was an adult rat. The red one was a puppy rat. The side of the flesh was tied together. It was seen as a set of several objects simultaneously with one lump sharing a dark blue bloodline.

Rats were mixed with rats. It was so horrible how such a creature could exist. What's a little bit more frightening is that as the summer stared at them, hundreds or thousands of heads were heard, and the eyeballs came back and faced the summer.

“… what is this. ”

The regent replied in a slow voice.

“An artificial sculptural cluster. Someone's been experimenting with rats. ”

“What kind of experiment? ”

Artificial sculptural cluster. Chimeracia.

It was one of the most dangerous forms of Chimera found on Earth.

“An experiment that produces life that doesn't die. ”

Chimera, intertwined with spells or artifacts that want life to last, is often called upon to raise my body in constant repetition of pregnancy and childbirth as a mother.

The creature in front of my eyes did so.

“I think it's been about two years since I got the size back. ”

On the way there were few traces of animals living in the forest. Maintenance had the intuition that this landscape would be open as it was.

“Hey, here. I'll call the front desk. ”


“So what happens to him? ”

“Disposed of.”

“Disposal? Ah……. ”

Two fists of summer are squeezed. That was a creature made of a mixture of things other than rats, but in other words the rats were there. In that absurd cruel and vicious form, he did not look well.

The next moment, suddenly, he burst into labor.

“This can't be happening..... this is a fucking, fucking..... nonsense? ”

“ ……. ”

“Who the fuck is this? Can you find it? ”

“What if I find him? ”

“I'll kill you. Twist or break all the branches. Fold your waist in half, or I'll dig out your eyeballs. ”

“ ……. ”

“Let me know, please! Huh? You can see that. Can you tell me what kind of human malevolent bastard this is? I'm gonna go kill him. That son of a bitch doesn't look like a human being. ”

I wonder if one of the puppy rats who saw him got trampled in the eye. Summer's anger was sudden.

He shakes his head.

Thinking about it, I thought I knew. What the word "life" means to him in summer is what the situation in which he is born and lives must be unfortunate.

It makes sense for the child to be angry, but I didn't even know it was an accidental emotion. He was silent, knowing that only the futility remained among those approached by emotion.

He's handing the case over to the lead. Roughly concluded the case by notifying the offender of the information obtained. Later, I heard the unsub was a cadet. A curious, prosperous student from the Wizard's Tower.

The leader captured the student and handed him over to the Federation. The Federation will pay for breaking the ‘three taboos of witchcraft’ that are bigger than drugs, rape and murder. With your life.

Ten hours of community service ended with this.

Summer was speechless while returning to the dormitory.

* * *

The time of the new semester passed quickly.

The Spring Contest is a month away. He wrote a whole book for the contest. Since then, I have barely stopped writing and have written about four books.

The genre was an all-encompassing horror, but when I read it quietly, it was all the same. A woman who is a criminal runs away and meets a ghost in a mountain lodge and pays for her sins.

“Why write the same thing so many times differently? ”

“Well... I like this content, but I don't know how to write it. ”

I couldn't understand the way the Green Dragon writes.

“So I'm just going to write one more time. ”

Even if you don't understand, you can cheer.

“Tell me anything you need. ”


Autumn finally found a new hobby.

“Me! Something, I think magic is fun! ”

It was magic, no different.

“What magic? ”

“Uh, um, actually, spring started teaching you recently? ”


Spring nods.

“Yeah, I think I need it. But I think Autumn had fun. ”

“Yeah, it's fun! ”

“I'm learning some magic. ”

“Healing magic these days...? ”

Then I put my hands together. A delicate and peaceful mana gathers. The color of Mana was golden, resembling the color of his head.

“That's close. Here. I don't think it's good practice. ”


“Shouldn't you be practicing healing magic with a scar? But we're too healthy! ”

I thought for a moment, why don't you help him with his healing magic? It is not difficult if it is the right way. Wound your forearm with a knife and heal it. However, the regent now knew it was an act outside the subtle framework of everyday life. Autumn will be frightening. I would not be very pleased.

“Umm…… I got it. Let's work hard. ”

There are still a lot of people who get hurt at this moment. If he had fun with healing magic, there would be a lot of work to do.


And winter.

“ ……. ”

He was carrying a bag.

“ ……. ”

With an unworthy expression.


“… I don't want to go to school. ”


“… home, good. ”

“ ……. ”

When I thought about it, I had no reason to send him to school. But winter relationships were so limited. Nowadays, it was also a long time to lie down at home.

When he saw summer and winter, he was very good at human relations even at a young age, and the regent knew it. Even if I sent her to a society called school, she would find pleasure and would do well.

“Once you go. If you really don't want to go, will you say it again? ”

“... Yes. ”

So that morning, winter took hold of the maintaining hand and headed to 'Rare Public Primary School' within the Rare Children's Guardian. Winter spontaneously entered the classroom because it was pre-registered. I went into the classroom and looked out the window for a while. Until he disappeared.

“ ……. ”

While the children were chirping around, the winter was jagged on the table like it was not worth it. Nearby, I felt a grim gaze.

Winter recalled what Spring said last night.

‘Winter, you're a dragon. You go to school, most people are human. ’

"Our dragons are imitating humans with polymorphs. ’

‘By the way, we can shine beautifully. People will like you a lot. I'm gonna keep trying to see your face. You're a beautiful kid. ’

‘But don't pay too much attention to people's eyes. Don't doubt it. Speak slowly, distinguish good people, and get to know them. There must be a lot of fun stuff. ’

I know winter now. It means that you are objectively special. However, as special as it was, I also knew that I had to try to be ordinary in order to live a normal life.

A teacher came in and introduced himself to the kids. It started as a class. It wasn't much of an interest, but winter focused on quietly learning.

Then, when it was time to rest, a group of girls approached with caution and spoke to the winter.

“Ah, hello...?

Winter looked at the children and nodded.

“... Hello. ”

“You are really pretty..... ”

“Oh, you look like a doll. ”

“... Thank you. ”

On the first day of class, the children came with their most cherished hairpins, clothes and necklaces. Winter realized it.

“... Nice necklace. ”

“Oh, really? ”

“… yes. You're well dressed. It's cool.”

“Oh, thank you……. ”

Smooth greetings came and the hesitant girls cautiously asked the winter.

“Do you want to go to the store with me? ”

* * *

“... this. To my father.”

I must have heard it wrong.

He turned his head while he was sitting in the library chair. Winter was giving out something.


“... Huh? ”


“.. Ah, give this to my father.... ”


Then the winter looked at his eyes. When he picks up a piece of paper, the winter opens his eyes.

“Yeah. How was school? ”

“ ……. ”

Place your child's hands on your knees. After a long time, he lifts up his winter and sits sideways on his knees. Then I supported my back so I wouldn't go over.

“How was it? School. ”

“… well, nothing. ”

“Was it fun? How was your friend or teacher? ”

“... just like that. ”

But it was positive that I didn't say no. In the morning, she noticed that she was really uncomfortable. Maybe something good happened. I asked him if he had any questions.

“Have you had any fun? ”

“ ……. ”

However, the winter only shook my head. This reaction was new. No matter where he did it, he didn't know anything.

In other words, something happened to him that he did not know.

It didn't feel bad.

“... Tomorrow, please pick me up. ”

Spring has gone today. He nods.

“Got it."

Then winter nodded satisfactorily.

* * *

That evening, the kids said they were going to watch a late-night movie. "Summer is a horror movie! ’Winter was curious at the end of autumn, and I went out to play with him, saying that spring would also be a study. With the promise to come to play late at night.

However, the summer did not leave. He had been frozen for several days since he went to social service, but after daily training, he was stuck in a corner.

Today was also the day. It's a day like that, when you're in your room and you're frustrated and you're in your living room and you're buried on the couch and you're fighting with your guardian.

He had to sit next to the couch awkwardly because he took his seat.

They were sitting together. I haven't said a word for a while. He often looked at his eyes and wanted to say something, but he decided not to speak until he opened his mouth. Don't let him interfere with his own thinking time.

Ding-dong ―

It was then that the doorbell rang.

“Are you here already? ”

I wondered if it was awkward, and the summer woke up and approached the front door. Then I realized that spring or autumn had a dormitory card key.


Then who are you talking about?

It was then. One day, when he was approaching, he put his hands on his shoulders after the summer.

“Get in the room. ”

Not long ago, the summer, when I had a bad experience not listening to him, I went into the room with a gentle nod. But I looked outside without closing the door. A little weirder, the janitor Armata pulled out the sword from the other side of the living room.

Maintenance opened the door.

There, there stood something resembling a man.

Thirsty, tall, skinny body. Black and white long sleeve straight t-shirt. And long pants. But clothes torn apart and stained with filth and blood.

Above him, a half-broken sunglass hangs over his face.

This man, who was almost dead, was a BM.

“What's going on here at this hour? ”

Maintenance said, BM replied.

“Teacher. Mr. Kyeong-tae. ”

“ ……. ”

“Like you, not necessarily a god. ”

A calm, shabby voice. Half of that voice was human. The other half sounded like it was ringing beyond the fog.

In his voice, he felt like pride.

“You must have made something. ”

“That's what happened. I'm here to inform you first. Say hello.”

At the same time, a small child stretched out his head behind BM's back.

Summer used to look at the kid with an impression. Appearance to be less than ten years old. A little darker red hair than yourself. And red eyes. Rather than a girl, she looked like a pretty little boy.

He looked through the dormitory with a dark look. Then I encountered summer and snow.

“Yes, come in. Let's have a conversation. ”

Maintenance welcomed them home.

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