Kidnapped Dragons

63. Happy Birthday Ceremony

“B. I intend to rest in the workshop for a while. ”

BM said.

He smiled as he looked at him with his eyes open.

“Hehe, why...? ”

“Taebaek is dead. ”

“Uh-huh...? ”

I wondered what the star Hasat meant.

“Just know that. Don't look for me for a while. Let Belle know. ”

“Ugh... There...”

The door to the workshop was closed before the Hasat star even answered.

As she clutters and pulls her head out of the window of the workshop, the BM hits the blind and covers it.

“Huhh.. ”

The stars left alone scratched their heads.

The Underground Labyrinth, when you turn off the fire, the darkness comes to perfection.

It was different when the incubator and the cruiser were widespread. At that time, even if the lights were off, light would flow from the solution, and BM would sleep in a place that was not so dark.

After I made Jeongtaebaek. The useless artifacts and incubators were removed.

It was fine, though. Taebaek was a child who gave him the light of his own existence, and I didn't think the workshop was dark.

So now that Jeongtaebaek is gone,

The workshop was so dark that the lights went out.

“ ……. ”

He didn't have to look. Over there in the dark. The work room decorated like a playroom remained intact even after the child disappeared.

It wasn't my child anyway. They were not two friends' children. So he should have thrown away the books and toy blocks he was playing with.

But why didn't you throw it away?

BM reached out and grabbed the letter study brochure that Jeongtaebaek played with the most.

When I handed over the first page, there were three crooked letters.

Jeong Bong Gulf

It was a word that Taebaek began to write while learning to write with the summer.

‘I am your father. ’

‘My name is Jeongbong only. ’

BM, in the boss room of a class S dungeon, said that to the kid who was picking up the culture fluid and spilling it. The child followed his words, staring at the eyes that were not open properly.

Jeroboman? ’

It was a chimera.

Now Chimera is dead.

A child who was once Jeong Tae-baek to him.

I wrote my father's name down.

Even if the child died, the 'moments’ in which the child thought of himself remained there. So BM could not dispose of these things. If you want to see the real Taebaek again, you must dispose of these things. If you can't do that, the rest of this place seems to be a fool in his mind.

The wooden block that the child was hugging every night caught my eye.

He reaches out and holds the block in his hand.

Sharp teeth, fingertips.

― Crazy guy.

It was then. Something came into my head and spoke.

It was the great beast of Arandot, Caliavan. Chimera that constitutes the head in the middle of his body.

― Why didn't you just leave me alone if you were going to be so desperate?

― You human. Why can't you think like that?

― You almost got fucked.

― Now that's it. I'm flirting with you to pretend you're a little girl. If you wanted to build a little strength, you would have tried to escape.

― What would you have done if you had escaped? You must have mixed up with people and done everything you had to do.

― I'm being called a thief. I'm slaughtering people to absorb power.

― Who's got it? I can imitate the human that I've eaten. You change your gender, you create about 200 virtual identities, and how do you catch them?

― And then he made a new chimera with the essence of chimeric engineering written on his body. Make an army and worship me, the leader of the sheep fishing adventure.

― So what's the consequence? Huh? Yeah.


― Look at this son of a bitch postpone answering..

― Wouldn't it be a second gnosis!!


Crazy human chimera that pushed Arandot into ruin.

At the same time, he was the former owner of BM's Eye of Abraxas.

― Hey. Eyes.

― You punk. Talk to me, you crazy bastard.

―... Hmm.

― What a flaw. Talk to me. The owner did it. He didn't.

― I did...

― It's not dangerous.

― It's dangerous...

― Yeah, so I got rid of it. You did a good job!

― blah blah blah blah. Well done.

― blah blah blah blah.

Chimeras in my head chirp.

BM didn't keep up.

He knew.

There was every reason the child had to die.

I know it with my head.

With my head...

― Hey, heart!

― Really?

― You son of a bitch. Son of a bitch. You don't have any complaints? You almost got fucked. To that bastard.

― ㅇㅇ...

― Say something to that son of a bitch. It's Hoho.

― Hey, why don't you tell the sick kid?

― ㅇ...

It becomes much noisier than usual within a week. So BM turned off the chimeras.

He wanted to be quiet.

But when you see it quietly in the darkness, the void chokes. He said he was not willing to make extreme choices, but he meant them. For this moment, BM wanted to die because he was too distressed to breathe alive.

I want to die even today.

BM thought so.

He who breaks his heart can't see the wound. I feel rather anxious because I don't see any pain. Why am I sick, even though I have no reason to be sick?

Then he wounds his own body and looks at it and finds peace of mind. He said he was sick because he was sick.

This was the psychology of the self-harming. BM did so now.

If I'm this distracted. I wanted to be confirmed by putting something that bothers me this much.

What if it's my dead body?

It was time for him to come up with such extreme thoughts.

A few hours, or a few days.

I started hearing noises from the outside.

Bang, bang, bang.

The sound of beating something and smashing it regularly.

If you close your ears and try to ignore them appropriately, vibrations are transmitted on the floor and the BM's body is ringing.

Likewise, the heterogeneous sensation shook BM's unfortunate time.


Hang in there.

Around the time of Gearnos' annoyance. BM opened the door of the workshop and identified the 'inner room’ of the basement labyrinth.

There was a giant Tae-baek's face hanging like a picture.

The corner of the picture was covered with black tape. It's like a fairy tale photo. Strange thing is, the airborne special forces were dancing in front of the photos.

Are you kidding me?

Emotions soared.

“Hey, there.”

BM exclaimed.

“What are you doing? ― ―! ”

It's the second-highest thing in the world to be accredited.

The shout roared over the whole room, and the dust that was piled up in the fragments of paradise was scattered.

“What...? Are you here, Nurse...? ”

“Hahaha... ”

I can see the faces of those who smile lightly despite being surprised. The faces of those who usually wanted to be bright and cheerful seemed to kick the safety pin in BM's head today.

The running BM picks up a picture of the spirits and throws it on the floor. The clumsy wooden frame is broken, and the glass for decorating the basement labyrinth building is broken.

Take it!

The dancers stopped moving awkwardly.

Along with the song, the mood of the dancers sinks as they tap the percussion instruments.

To the point where the pervasive delight caused by the light of paradise breaks. BM was devastating.

“Bell Barian ―! ”

BM shouts, and a large woman, the captain of the airborne special forces, walks forward carefully.

“What are you doing? Bell.”

“Nurse... Why are you so angry... ”

“My child is dead. Do you dance and run in front of me? ”

“ ……. ”

“Explain this situation. Let me convince you! ”

The hands of the BM who did not win the quarter tremble.

That calm nurse is angry...!

If you don't convince me, someone might die...!

Even in faint accidents, it was time for airborne special forces to get nervous.

“I was honoring a dead child, …. ”

“Do you describe dancing and playing as honor? You've really turned your back. If I kill you all and dance on your corpses, will I honor you? Uh! ―? ”

Nervous Bell avoided his gaze.

“Screw it now. Come on ―!”

However, no one tried to move freely.

It was time for BM to choke again. Bell Barian opens his mouth with a dead rat-like voice.

“The nurse says strange things... ”


“Is it only honorable to be stuck in the dark and to cry...? ”

A pair of sunglasses. The sharp eye of a thirsty person is lightened.

“So you're telling me that running is honorable? ”

“Yes, I heard from the doctor and found out…. ”


“It's a blessing…. The child had to die because he was fake... I can't help but die... ”

“By the way?”

“It is providence that one life comes and goes…. If so, the death of a child who has to die is the right thing to do...? ”

At this moment, BM's mind began to become more complex.

“The child left us.. I was with him once... It was like my son... I'm not the only one. Everyone thought like their own child... The boy with red hair, even though his appearance was different, seems like our child, who is far away from home.. We were able to smile…. Even if it's only three weeks... ”

BM bites lips.

“Look, Nurse. That's the child's face... ”

At the hands of the Bell Barian, BM looked at a picture of a spirit falling to the ground. The face of the boy with the camera that he gave to fall to take pictures of.

“And that's a book I made with my child…. ”

BM looked back at the clumsy book, made of clumsy leather.

I did. I saw the anger. For three weeks here, an African crew played with a child in a folk book.

“And the dance we danced was the one that the child learned from the Fist Star…. ”

Then, the laughing Bell Barian dances strangely, twitching his muscles.

“Though we have met for a short time… and are now gone… we are going to honor the child who will be remembered until the day of his death, and for the last time, we are going to honor him now…. ”

“What's the root of this? ”

“How is it going to be a problem…? It's the way ‘we’ used to be with the child... ”

Little by little, you're going to have a hard time.

I went down to the depths, I had feelings that sank endlessly.

It calms down a little.

“…… I got it. ”

BM hesitates to sit on her back as she steps toward the far end of the room.

Whether they thought it was permission or not, the muscles started dancing strangely with their muscles twitching again.

Thump! Thump! A monotonous drumstick resounded with Taebaek, who was not yet able to handle the complex beats. I don't even get the beats of dancing and books.

It's a mess.

It's absurd to look at it. It's real.

They're psychopaths.

I seriously heard the words of someone else..

However, it is followed by the dancing of the insane.

Hearing a clumsy book.

At last, when a broken portrait is erected, it is clumsy.

BM couldn't stop the tears from bursting.

“Hehe... Ghanosa crying.. ”

“Are you crying...? Haha...”

Then, when it was time to panic, the special forces approached and teased him. I don't even have the strength to say get the fuck out of here. Hasatstar approached him with a smile.

“Hehe... If you want to die... ”

“What? You want me to die? ”

“Yes... Die...”

“Get out of my way. Young lady.”

“But... if you don't want to die. I told you to think of something to expect... ”

“ ……. ”

“Expectations let people live…. ”

To whom I heard it, the lower star said so, and I started dancing with my butt sealed.

It was strangely comforting to chew.

The BM who was left in the corner thought and thought.

Than the kid who gave me a break and left. I saw a child who was the purpose of the life he had to live for. I love the child of two friends, who, no matter what the world throws away, couldn't change it.

If you expect to see him again...

I don't think it's a good day to live today.

* * *

The next day.

BM cleaned up all of the kid's things that filled the workshop.

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