Kidnapped Dragons

Chapter 65. Important Things to Do

“ ……. ”


When I was 15 years old, I was looking at the distant place of my childhood.

This is the Dungeon of Isolation Southern Subalpine Forest .

Isolation dungeon means a dungeon that is halfway closed, without the possibility of monster backflow due to cracks.

For that reason, the southern boreal forest was not graded.

However, if graded, this massive, deep, enormous supermassive forest area would have been SS +.

This is the highest ranked dungeon in the world to date.

The Southern Boreal Forest has a shape similar to that of a giant tower that was thrown into the ground upside down. And each floor is covered with a strange forest environment. The lowest floor water was approximately 300 stories underground.

Over the last two months.

This young peasant wandered through a forest almost as large as the Asian continent.

Even though I received the intracranial instructions from the retention team.

Killing almost thousands of monsters. Dozens of times I wish I could go back down the wrong path once a day.

290th floor, underground.

He had reached the forest of witches.

Are you there?

The will from Protestant 1 resounded in my head.

“Oh, yes. You have arrived.”

Deuteronomy 2 said to the senior in a hurry to bend at right angles to the waist. Even though he didn't see it.

“You mean that great wizard? ”

Far from it.

Seeing a huge tulip, he said, ignoring the perspective.

That's where the witch lives.


Maintenance is a regression.

It used to be a superhuman test. He was once the commander of the military. One day he was the engineer of Chimera. However, there was little time to learn magic in the midst of several repetitions.

It was because I had no talent for magic.

‘The rift itself is the only human being capable of interfering with the direction coordinates. ’

“What a huge man..... ”

‘Cause she was once the ruler of the Earth. ’


Only one is allowed in the world of providence, blessed by providence.

In macaroons, the macaroons did.

On Earth, witches were once such creatures.

‘Have you not forgotten the information you showed me? ’

“Yes, of course. ”

greedy and hard to understand.

She is a woman who is mysteriously lonely and needs a horse opponent.


“… shush, can I ask you something? ”

‘No, you can't. I think it's time I met someone. ’

“Oh, yes. Fight.”

Protein 2 bows to the air.

Immediately after the communication in his head was cut off, Protein 2 moved.

So he goes down into the lush forest, and a strange smell grazes his nose. Smells like rotting corpses. Deuteronomy 2 realizes the smell rising from the low of the cliff down there.

Reach the cliff and look down at the sluggish goggles.

“ ……. ”

There were things that resembled mira, human beings.

The bodies look like they've been twisted and squeezed together. There were dozens of them, and I looked closely at them.

I couldn't help but be a little frightened when I looked back at the memory of the maintenance.

I feel steamed.

“Stir, Senior. ”

Protein 2 found 1. However, there is no answer.

“Senior, I'm a bit serious right now. ”

Still, there was no answer.

However, it was a law that could not be dared to maintain.

Originally, yes.

“Senior, I'm so scared of this. If you don't give me an answer, I'll tell the lord. ”

Do you want to search? ’

“I'm sorry…… Can I ask you something? ”

I feel a sigh in my head.

“Give me the body," what do you mean? ”


“Something in the memories I saw, something…… enormous……. ”

‘Inside the residence there will be a cottage. ’

“Oh, yes. ”

‘Don't go in there. ’

“Ah, I see. ”

‘And avoid all kinds of physical contact with witches. ’

“Yes? Oh, yes. ”

That's what he said.

180 centimetres tall, with an open shoulder and muscular body. Funny enough, a 15-year-old who was more mature than the rest of the world was late than the rest of the world.

The most unnecessary 'such’ information was not communicated, since only the necessary information was communicated sequentially.

What the hell are you doing in a sleeper with physical contact?

In the memories transmitted by Maintenance, strange noises and strange gestures touch and pass.

“Phew……. ”

Exhale. Prepare your mind.

The Protein 2 enters the ‘building’ between the petals of Tulip.

Then, the leaves of the flowers began to spread naturally all around. The interior of the giant palace, made of subspace, is revealed in front of the Protestant 2.

The passage that followed was tall, tall, but quiet. The atmosphere was strange because there was no one in the decor and architectural style.

Soon, the void in front of the Divine Body 2 split, revealing the things that protect the four houses. A grey full armor. Among the Living Armors, there are giant warriors filled with the energy of Ma.

The eyes of the Death Nights glow red.

“Witch, I'm here to see Valentine. ”

“I was waiting. Admit it.”

Deuteronomy 2 pushes down the steam and opens a large golden door between the Death Nights.

There. In the same place as a thousand flowers. A woman sat down.

I've got eyes on my chest big enough to know it's a person, but I know it's an excuse.

Red dress with gold embellishment. Degenerative sagging eyes.

The whole space smells steamy and dirty. It's like a bloody beast. It was unpleasant, so Protestant 2 had to manage his expression.

The next moment, the sound of the octopus rolling out.

“Welcome. ”

Deuteronomy 2 looked at her.

A magician who has been ranked number one in the world since the beginning of the New World. I'm ranked number one. At the same time, the woman who was once the owner of the Federation.

Witch, Berry Valentine, said in a loud voice.


* * *

Antonio Jefferson was living hell.

The disappearance of my precious brother, Shadow Man Hot Seung Oh, was the beginning.

After his brother disappeared, Jefferson found him until I took a private vacation. It's been a long time since I ever had to enjoy a fun hobby.

But he couldn't find it. I had to hire another search party. He was his sister who had known him for a long time.

She's also a third-world numbering ranker, a veteran of tracking. I was sure I could find any trace of Seung O.

At the same time, the Federation also moved.

Separately from Jefferson, I organized a search party to find Hot Seung Oh. The Federation side was a little bit more vulgar. The leader of the Hidden Maneuver, Abyss Man, Artbache went out on a Level 3 artifact 'Search Armor’ WOTA ― 13 (Full Stealth Search Armor). I began to track down the traces of hot Seung O.

And they went missing this morning.

“ ……. ”

A brother who has known me for a long time, truly for me.

The sister who cried at the engagement party last week.

And when the Federation's core personnel and core equipment disappeared in a single breath.

As Senior Secretary of the Federation.

As the brother of a longtime colleague, as the brother of a nursing student.

Jefferson was desperate.

The problem was that the Federation still did not know what was underlying the case.

I'd like to go and tell you now, but I don't know any information about Allin's opponent. In other words, you don't make any progress on the case.

When a man in a sitting position would lay his hand on my forehead.

Tuck ―

A paper plane flew over and struck his bridge dance.

Open it up. City name. Café name. It says time.

It was a message from him.

He was still a bachelor at a late age and was living with his family. When I returned home, my mother was crying with pictures of her sister. Suddenly, where did you go?

Jefferson went into the dressing room and took out his suit, defeating the cheeky maid who never saw his mother.

The suit I bought when I was a member of the Federation for the first time.

And tie it across the suicide artifact.

On the weekends, the ugly old rookie, who beat the man and was drunk of recognition, disappears there.

A man looks in the mirror.

Tightening the knot in the mirror, the man was a soldier in the chair's chief secretary, with the ability of a single person.

* * *

Antonio Jefferson.

There were two reasons why the Lord wanted this pathetic veteran.

This man, who had to spend the rest of his life under the shadow of the Chairman, had an unexpected genius in mercenarism.

In retrospect, In the forthcoming Second World War, Jefferson prepared a man for the loading site, leading to victory over the monsters.

Among them, the killing of only seven rankers and catastrophic minds is a feat worth throwing up. You have a high chance of failing with dozens of rankers in order to catch one Bondi catastrophe.

It happened every time. It was remembered as a remarkable event in the memory of the retention. At the closest sixth, the event remained in history in this name.

Operation name Blue Sunday

So Protein 1 was not disappointed when he met Antonio Jefferson. He was pathetic. He was ugly. How can an old man become a mercenary genius after all this time? I wonder what he's doing.

I used to.

“I'm Antonio Jefferson. I'm the chairman's senior secretary. ”

This guy I met at the cafe was different somewhere.

A calm, sunken gaze. It sank a little more than that, and I felt no resolve in my silent voice.

“I did this and even called for me, but there's no reason. ”

The words that led the negotiations were natural. The voice had the power to lead the flow.

“Tell me, what's the point? ”

“From your attitude, I still don't see the situation. ”

“No. I got it right. There's no problem with my attitude. ”

“Do you know what this place is? ”

“I don't know, but it's the worst guillotine. I came out thinking of dying. I've already killed me. Those people you threatened my life with, they don't have any chips on this table. ”

The willingness to hesitate about the sage and the situation glimpsed.

So Protein 1 changed his assessment a little bit.

“I don't know why you're doing this, but you don't need money or people. If I had to, it would be my position. What can I do to help you politically? ”


But that's all I think about.

At this instant, an unpleasant momentum emanated from the whole body of Self 1.

“Don't be shy. ”

His eyes grow.

Even in the presence of the chairman of the Federation. Or in front of the last commander of the League of Nations, BM, or Oscar Blenzenk, the god-like superhero. The weight of the oil began to press on Jefferson's entire body.

Make sure you're suffocating. A man starts breathing.

It would be like disposing of a man at 100 meters deep.

Nevertheless, the man stares at Self 1 in a straight stance.

“Don't say no. In a few years, there will be a major rift in the world. It is a minimum of several hundred. Simultaneous. Very dangerous. Estimates suggest a minimum of three SSS + grade dungeons. ”

“ ……! ”

“I want to stop it. ”

SSS + grade.

In history, a dungeon of that magnitude erupted only once.

People called it the Great World War.

Whether you think this is bullshit or not, doubts and embarrassment were blooming in a man's face for half an hour. Protein 1 was a horse that didn't care.

“A large, dirty Mana's corpse is heading for Earth. Traces and symbols that already belong to our dimension. There will be more superheroes to observe. ”

“ ……. ”

“But when the time comes, it's too late. With the end of the war, the Federation's army became too complacent. It's time to get better. ”

“... so. ”

“I can take a man's body and control it. You have a forbidden Ice Body skill from the Federation. But I don't intend to kill you and take you away from here. You have two bodies.You have to have two heads. Isn't that efficient? If only you and I could be friends. Let's continue with the details. ”

At the next moment, a new emotion came to his face.

It was unpleasant.

“Even though I knew it was a desperate time. How would you describe the killing of three rankers? ”

It was interesting to note that it was not the grief of those who lost their families, but the time when soldiers were dealing with power losses.

Self 1 laughs at him and jaws.

Turning his head, the man's eyes widen.

Right next to the table. Hot Seung O, who only knew he was dead, was a nursing student and Artbache was looking at him.

A man in front of his eyes killed them with an extremely delicate manna.

What the hell happened? I don't know if I've been talking in advance.

When you look at a nursing student waving his hand while smiling, his head cools.

“ ……. ”

My brother stared at me from his brother.

Then I put my forehead on, and I opened my mouth slowly.

“There must be a reason to find ‘me’, not the Old Testament Federation..... do you have your leader? ”

“I wonder why. ”

“I wonder what he's going to do, the big picture. Please allow me to see you once……. ”

Still, he told me to bring him back when Jefferson found him.

And this was going to be the beginning of a very important plan. Turning the League upside down. Cutting rotten roots. It will tear away leaves that dampen water and sunlight. There are huge and important initiatives.

So Protein 1 delivered the doctor to the body.

‘Lord, Jefferson is asking to see you. Is the timing okay?’

― No, I'm busy.

However, an unexpected answer came back.

Answer that I am busy before doing something so important. What the hell are you doing?

― Winter must make room.

Self1 was convincing.

That was a little more important.

“It's hard right now..... and I'll set a time for it. I'll see you then.”

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