Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 113: daughter

Time passes by every minute.

Earth world.

The various departments of the Los Angeles Institute of Microbiology have successively received instructions to focus on areas of strength.

In the caves of the African continent, Mr. Adrian also successively worked as a kidnapper sorcerer and found three tutorials for salt in the wild.

At this time, under the time ratio of one to thirty, Wu Qingchen was in the Middle Ages in the second night.

At night on February 13, 0001.

Acre Village, next to a plot of Wu Qingchen / Loss's house.

A similar wooden pole was erected high up seven or eight meters away from the hive wooden pole that had just been moved the day before.

Next to the wooden pole, four serfs and two burdock helpers, under the direction of Wu Qingchen, steadily fixed the second hive with the same dozen or so rattan, and fixed it firmly on the wooden pole.

"Well, let's all step away."

Examining the hive carefully, Wu Qingchen took the wooden pole from the serf, preparing to uncover the moist soil at the entrance and exit of the hive.

At this time, the burdock helpers and serfs had skillfully stood where they were the day before.

The next process is the same as yesterday.

The entrance and exit of the hive are opened-the swarm flies out-the hive swarms around the nest-the hive swarms back to the nest.

Seeing the final scene of returning to the nest, with the experience of the previous day, the burdock helpers and serfs immediately cheered, and little Andre's face also appeared with joy.

Wu Qingchen quite understood their joy.

The second hive also successfully moved to the land!

For serfs, this means that the beans are guaranteed another day.

For the helpers, this means another key point for treating cattle, which will be revealed to them soon.

For little Andre, this means that the sweet taste of autumn is added a little bit.

Even for the earth, it means that the cornerstones of the Mill Strategy are much stronger.

However, Wu Qingchen still had some troubles.

The earth is scolded, even if ...

In the medieval world, it is estimated that it will start to be scolded ...

Regardless of the earth world or the medieval world, many times, happiness and pain always maintain a delicate balance. When some people start to be happy, it often means that others are feeling depressed.

Before entering the Middle Ages, the side effects of hive movement pointed out in advance by the Earth Analysis Team had already occurred.

In fact, in order to avoid side effects, when working on farms today, when it was time to turn to the hive's place, Wu Qingchen deliberately decided that the summer campaign was about to start again. The village farm cattle must be carefully taken care of and the reasons for thorough inspection went to the lord In the barn, it wasn't until the night was about to come, that it was slowly at home.

After returning home, the burdock mansion just moved in, and at dinner time, Wu Qingchen / Los Middle Ages's father, William / Moore told Wu Qingchen that after a hive appeared next to his place, Richard worked today during the day. German, Hansel, and villagers from several other families have more or less intimate relationships with the bees.

When talking about these things, William / Moore, who was also stung by the bees, did not accuse Wu Qingchen. As an old farmer who does not lack small craftsmen, moving the hive is a great opportunity to directly slap the pastor. As long as there is no danger to life, let alone a few bites, even if you are bitten into a church to receive a diagnosis of "Rolling Branch", it is not a big deal.

However, decades of experience in village life have let William / Moore know that assholes, especially **** that make his family profit, and at the same time make innocent people pay the price, will not get any good looks.

Old William proudly praised Wu Qingchen and asked his brother and sister to learn something: Let Little Andre stand around the land as a culprit during the day, and then send out mints from his own house, and immediately reduce the number of bee bites. It ’s a good idea to teach the villagers who are in trouble next to you!

The approval of the parents and the admiration of the elder brother and sister did not make Wu Qingchen's depression completely disappear.

Although the methods have been taught to the affected villagers, and the staff members have arranged various countermeasures in advance for their possible subsequent reactions, Wu Qingchen is still a little bit grieved.

After all, the hive's great benefits to the crops, the villagers now have no concept at all.

What they can see is that only a small amount of land is affected, and the labor force in the home is also damaged. The expected harvest this year is likely to be slightly discounted.

This small discount is not a trivial matter.

For the villagers of the Middle Ages, each grain of clay in the pot was naturally well planned, and every grain of fruit expected to be harvested in the field is directly related to the starvation of winter. It's days.

Inexplicably hungry for two more days, and who is changed, I would not be happy!

I hope that the methods to reduce harassment by bees will make these villagers feel more comfortable and a little bit more comfortable.

At least, say a few words to me, right?

Looking to the east of the village, Wu Qingchen sighed softly.


It was at this time that Wu Qingchen was looking in the direction.

From the original log house of Wu Qingchen / Loss House, outside two rolling hills, William / Moore's old neighbor, Richard pushed open the wooden door of his log house.

"How's it? Borrowed?" Richard's wife, Melissa, welcomed him.

"Borrowed ... borrowed ..." Richard wiped his sweat, his fists squeezed out in front of Melissa, and two iron needles lay quietly in his palm.

"Okay." Melissa took the iron needle and beckoned behind her. "Yoranda, come and help."

"Okay, mother." The daughter nodded and walked to her mother. Just when she reached out her hand, Richard closed the door.

The wooden house suddenly went dark, her daughter's right hand shook, and the iron needle fell to the ground.


Hearing the sound of the iron needle falling to the ground, the mother cried out suddenly: "Be careful, this is a needle that Freeman has managed to get! If it is broken, how should your father explain to Freeman?"

"Sorry, mother." Her daughter squatted down quickly, looking with wide eyes.

The room was too dark and Yolanda couldn't find it for a while.

"Really ..." Mother also squatted.

"Okay, don't blame Yolanda ..." Richard shouted inside the cabin. "Eli, come over a firewood, help find the needle first, and wait for your mother and sister to shine a light. "

"Okay, father." Eli was about ten years old, and was Richard's youngest son. He went to the corner of the cabin, took a piece of firewood, ignited the fire, and lifted it to Richard.

"Slap!" As soon as approaching, Eli slaps him with a slap: "What is it like burning such thick wood? I do n’t know how hard it is for your sister to pick up firewood?"

"Sorry, father." Eli, who was thin and short, turned around quickly, ready to change to a firewood.

"It's okay father, I'll pick up a little more tomorrow ..." While this light was shining, Yolanda had picked up the iron needle.

"What more time to pick up?" Richard glanced at the younger son fiercely again: "Not yet hurry to change? From tomorrow, you will also pick up firewood! Make your sister less tired!"

"Father, I'm fine ..." Holding the iron needle, Yolanda was at a loss.

"Yolanda, get your brother's clothes ..." Spreading out her daughter, Melissa came to Richard and whispered, "Hey Richard, don't get too accustomed to Yolanda. Now, what if the lazy mother waits until she marries Edra? "

"Hey, all right, Idra will take care of her."

"The work at home is not good. The work in the field cannot be done. Is it easy to take care of Edra alone?"

"How can it be useless? Even if the job is a little rough, and Rose is still there, he will help his brother."

"Well, you can count on Loss ..." Melissa sighed helplessly and said suddenly, "Richard, I thought about it just now. Actually, I shouldn't borrow a needle today."

"Why? Are you tired?" Richard looked at his wife with concern.

"No, I'm not tired." The wife shook her head. "I feel that at this opportunity, you will be bitten by bees a few times, maybe you can make Rose remember longer!"

"Hey, it hurts to be bitten by a bee! Also, you said just now that you can't just think about Los! You are really ..."

Richard shook his head silently, and as he was about to continue, the door knocked.

"Who?" Richard opened the wooden door and quickly let it go again: "Rupert? Is it so late, is it all right?"

"Brother ... hmm, and Melissa ..." Richard's brother was outside the door, and he took a few steps into the cabin. Rupert stopped, stared at his brother and said, "Brother, I'll ask you to help Coming! "

"What's wrong?" Richard dragged a stool and placed it next to his brother.

"Brother, you know, tomorrow and tomorrow, the summer battle will start again. The pasture on the three trees side of my house has not had time to harvest, and the land on the old wooden bridge has to spend two mornings. Tilling ... "

"Well, I know, do you want to borrow a cow?" Richard straightened up. "Okay, come with me, take it away ... Anyway, old William asked Los to borrow two oxen for me yesterday. , The heavy work is almost done. "

"No, no, no ..." Brother Rupertella lived. "Brother, I've done the same for the heavy work. Now I have to do the work on both sides, but the road in the middle is too far away and takes too much effort It ’s very likely that time is too late, so I want to ask you ... can you do your work instead? "

"Work differently?" Richard stopped, understanding Rupert's meaning.

"Yes! Work differently, just like you and Old William, and Freeman, and help each other work closer to home."

"This ..." Richard looked embarrassed: "Old William and Freeman, I have been working together for more than a month, and the mud in their fields, the stones on the road, step on I ’m familiar with it so that I can do my job again ... but if you do, I have n’t been there for many years! It may not be good! ”

"It's okay!" Rupert said quickly: "You, my mother-in-law, and my two sons will go together on the part of the old bridge, and they will definitely help you get better!"

"And my share ..." Standing at the door, Rupert pointed out the door and said, "The pastures on the three trees only need to be harvested, and they don't need to move for me, they are directly thrown into the share and let them Just bask, and it ’s okay to leave a little reaper, and when my sons and I go home, we can just wait a while. ”

"This ... this is too hard for you!" Richard was taken aback by such generous conditions.

"It's okay, as long as you can do it ..." Rupert asked hopefully, "You can do it right? Right? Brother?"

"Well ..." Richard groaned for a while before slowly saying, "But there are bees biting people on my side!"

"It's all right ..." Rupert said indifferently. "Will the farmer still be in pain?"


Looking at Rupert's iron heart, Richard first looked at his wife. After the latter nodded, he sighed softly and re-faced his brother: "Well, let's exchange. In addition, rest assured that Melissa will go when helping you harvest the forage, as will your nephews. "

"That's great, thank you, brother!"

There was deep gratitude on Rupert's face.

It was during the busy farming hours that the farmers did not gossip.

Thanks again, Rupert left the cabin.

"Father ..." At this time, Eli replaced the smaller firewood in his hand and came over.

"Well ... go to your sister and help him light up." Richard nodded and pointed inside the cabin.

In the direction Richard was pointing at, Eli was walking over with the lit firewood.

In that position, Yolanda was sitting next to the mint plant that Idra sent in the evening, holding her two brothers, and Richard's robes, ready to sew up the hood in the way Jacques taught Neckline, cuffs of the outer gown, to minimize the skin exposed to the outside during labor.

Looking at his daughter, Richard suddenly sighed softly.

"What's wrong? Richard?" Melissa was puzzled, noticing her husband's sudden silence.

"Melissa ... haven't you thought about it yet?" Richard said slowly. "Why would Rupert prefer to work for more people than to be bitten by bees and work in exchange for work?"

"For what? Isn't it because the two plots are too far away?"

"Old William has a son who is about to get married. Rupert also happens to have a daughter."

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