Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 138: Everett

Middle Ages.

February 21, 0001.

Wu Qingchen entered the tenth day of the Middle Ages again.

early morning.

Acre Village.

"Where the turn is, there are two big trees ... coming soon, just ahead ..."

In the forest, a police officer, four serfs, were slowly moving forward.

The four serfs walking ahead held wooden poles, torches, grass balls, and a pile of wooden boards in their hands.

Antoine walking behind, holding a stick in his left hand and a sharp axe that had been worn in the middle of the night.

Antoine had a faint smile on his face.

In these two days, Antoine's life was quite comfortable.

The serfs were basically full, and they brought home a little food every day. In order not to lose such a good thing, these guys are very hardworking, basically do not need Antoine to spend too much thought.

More importantly, for each successful move of the honeycomb, Antoine can get a bowl of wheat from the master!

A bowl of wheat!

This is not a bean!

A whole bowl of wheat, with a little peas and cabbage, is enough for a family to eat all day long!

Of course, everyone knows that Antoine has a good mother-in-law, who is a person who can live, and certainly will not spoil such good things.

The wheat given by the master is, of course, the fullest and freshest wheat, especially the wheat given by the priest, maybe with the blessing of the master, how can it be eaten directly?

Be sure to pack it well. When the coming year, plant it in the plot so that the germinated straw will grow a few more.

By the way, we have to add honeycomb!

Zheng Meimei fantasizes that the stalks will be full of wheat in the field in the Ming Dynasty, and each wheat stalk will be filled with wheat seeds, and the smile on Antoine's face will grow stronger.

At this moment, Yu Guang at the corner of Antoine's eyes suddenly noticed that the serf walking in the back did not know whether he had stepped into the air or something, and suddenly he took a nap and tilted it diagonally.


Not only because he walked in the end and saw it first, but also because some kind of Antoine didn't realize it, when other serfs hadn't responded yet, Antoine had already rushed forward a few steps. , A serf who almost supported him.

"Thank you, police officer ... fortunately to have you." The serf quickly thanked him.

"It's okay." Antoine didn't care. "Look at it. It's hard to walk in the forest. Be careful, don't delay."

"Okay, I'll be careful." The serf nodded again and again.

"Police ..." At this moment, the voice of another serf came: "Your stuff."

Antoine turned his head, only to find that in a moment of anxiety, he was busy helping others, but he threw the axe and stick to the ground.

Then, when talking to the serf who almost fell, the serf next to him had already picked it up for him.


Antoine took the axe and stick.

After a small episode, the team moved on.

Walking to the back, with a stick, an axe, and a thought circling in Antoine's head from time to time:

If you think about it, there is no chance to use a stick in these two days. Why should I take it?

In addition, is it necessary for me to take such an axe?


at the same time.

Village trail.

Along the narrow path, a long row of tall wooden poles were erected, each of which was a shelter from the wind and rain, and a honeycomb was hung underneath, with dozens of steps between each two. The distance extends from the corner to the next corner.

On both sides of the trail, in the open commons, flowers of buckwheat bloom.

This is the lord's commons where the villagers served the summer camp the previous year, and it is also the only way to the cultivated land for the summer camp this year.

At the time of service, a large group of freelancers, carrying the farm tools they just brought from Zhuangtou, rushed to the commons to which their families were assigned.

Four police officers blocked the corner of the trail.

The police officer standing at the front, shouting towards the blocked villagers: "Slow down! Go slowly! Come over and look at it! If you can see it clearly, then go over! Otherwise, be careful of the stick!"

"What's wrong? Quincy ..."

Upton pulled a villager standing in front of him.

"Good luck, Upton!" Quincy looked back, seeing the people around her, and immediately expressed a strong envy on her face, "How about, the dark bread that the priest applauded, is it delicious?"

"Hey, good luck." Appleton smiled a little embarrassedly and continued to ask, "What's up? Why not let it pass?"

"It's not to let the past ..." Quincy replied, "It's to let us be careful."

"Be careful? What do you mean?"

"You'll know when you come over." With that said, Quincy made some gaps.

Upton leaned over and immediately saw a long line of artboards beside the police officers.

On the first drawing board, a blurred villager, a hand of the villager, was attached to a wooden pole hanging from a honeycomb.

"What does this mean? Let's help hold the pole?"

"Hmm ... hold on to the pole?" Quincy laughed. "Take a closer look."

Upton looked closely, and found that on the other side of the first drawing board, two black lines were drawn.

"What do you mean?" Upton didn't quite understand.

"Look what's over there ..." Quincy raised her hand and pointed to the drawing board.

"It's a police officer, what's wrong?"

"Look what the police officer has."

"The police officer's hand is ..." Looking at the police officer's arm, Upton immediately shivered, "Did it mean ..."

"Yes, if anyone accidentally hits a wooden pole, they will reward him with two sticks! How about, are you ready to help?"

"No help!" Appleton shook his head quickly.

As for the stick, Upton hurried up and looked at it piece by piece.

The arm hit a wooden pole, two sticks.

The farm implement hit a wooden pole and two sticks.

The body hit a wooden pole and five sticks.

Hit a honeycomb, a long row of sticks.

Knocked down a wooden pole, densely packed sticks.

Looking at so many cautions and looking at such dense sticks, Appleton couldn't help shivering again.

"This ... can this still pass?"

"Yeah! Can this still pass?" Quincy also had a headache: "Can this road still go?"

The trail was originally very narrow. In the past, when villagers passed by, their hands were empty. Once they brought farm tools, they needed to pay attention to avoid the farm tools catching the old buckwheat stalks.

Now, the wooden poles hung by the honeycomb have taken up a small part of the road, and the villagers don't know what posture to use to pass the road safely.

"Walk on?"

The villagers' opinions spread to the ears of the police officers. The police officer who stood in front of them smiled first and then said aloud, "Relax, you don't have to walk!"

Next, Quincy, Upton, and other villagers standing in front saw that after blocking the road, the two police officers led a small group of serfs to the side of the wooden pole.

Next, under the command of the police officers, the serfs raised their sickles and waved recklessly at the buckwheat growing along the trail.

Waving to buckwheat!


In this way, in the lord's public land, the extremely precious, already blooming, partly bearded buckwheat was cut off a new path!

"Master! So many buckwheat, how much can be harvested in autumn, how many days can you eat ..."

Looking at this scene in dullness, when talking, Quincy's voice was like groaning: "Since you are worried about getting stuck on the side of the road, why not just stick the wooden pole directly into the buckwheat field?"

"Because the cell where Los first moved was inserted on the side of the road ... more ..."

Standing next, Upton continued: "What's the point of this compared to buckwheat stalks full of wheat seeds?"


Village center.

Tall and wide wooden house.

Sitting close to the "hole in the wall", the director of Everett held a roll of sheepskin and looked closely.

"Father." The eldest son hurriedly walked back to the cabin: "There is a new road over Buckwheat in the lord's land."

"Hmm ..." Evely nodded characteristically.

The cabin was quiet again.

Standing next to him for a long time, the eldest son said again: "Father, don't you cut buckwheat where you move the honeycomb tomorrow?"

"What's wrong? Worried about removing the honeycomb buckwheat stalks and not producing so much wheat seeds?"


The son nodded: "If you move the honeycomb, buckwheat stalks have more seeds, then of course everything is easy to say ... But if nothing changes ... The cattle farm in the village hurt so much a while ago, the harvest this autumn was originally It will become less ... and then it will be even worse if buckwheat is cut off! With so little harvest, Lord Baron ... "

"Hey, you think wrong!"

Everett smiled and put down the sheepskin roll in his hand: "You should think so: this year's harvest is already like this anyway. If you don't move the honeycomb, you will not be able to reach the previous year's taxes anyway, leaving the roadside Buckwheat, how many more wheat can be added to the baron? And once the honeycomb is moved, it is filled with wheat seeds like the land over Los, so we cut the buckwheat a little to protect the honeycomb. How could it make the baron angry? "

"Ah, that's it ..."

The eldest son was stunned. After understanding the truth, he immediately thought of the behavior of another village manager: "No wonder Rev. Praia wants to move 100 honeycombs at once!"


Mentioning this one, Everett's face immediately looked unpleasant: "This master thinks more than we do!"

"What's wrong, father?" The eldest son asked puzzledly.

"Huh! I've been fooled by him!"

Evelette said: "When discussing the move to the honeycomb that night, he intentionally reminded me that most of the honeycombs in the village were the property of Baron, and tempted me ten, and twenty honeycombs slowly added ..."

"That's right? You can get a whip without using the baron's property!"

"Well, son, you are as stupid as me ..."

Everett sighed: "Think about Los's place over there. Buckwheat seeds are twice as much! Three times as much! Even the surrounding area has increased by some 30%. Fifty percent! Thirty-five percent! So tall, so amazing wheat seeds! What's a whip? "

"For these extra wheat seeds, of course it's worth a whip ... but ..."

The eldest son hesitated and said, "Because of so many, so important things, of course, tell the Baron immediately!

"Really?" Evelette said with a grin. "Praia doesn't need to tell the Baron first!"

"Why ... hey ... ah! Ah! Ah!"

The eldest son came to understand instantly: "Seeing the buckwheat field over Los, Rev. Praia immediately decided ... directly move one hundred honeycombs ..."

"Because this is the use of Baron's property ..." Everett continued.

"So you need to write to your family first, and let your family guarantee it ..." The eldest son looked dull.

"Then Praia's family knew the benefits of honeycomb ..." Evelitt concluded with a grin.

"But then ... wouldn't the Baron blame him?" The eldest son suddenly thought of the flaw.

"Why blame him?" Everett asked: "The buckwheat flowering period is not long, and in order to make the baron's buckwheat multi-seed, Praia does not hesitate to let his family guarantee the honeycomb ... What a good bureaucrat!"

"But ..." The eldest son still couldn't figure it out: "Even if it makes sense, but now we all want to understand, Master Baron can't be deceived all the time?"

"Not to lie to Lord Baron ..." Yvlit slowly shook his head: "What does Lord Baron mind? No matter who the honeycomb falls to, the tax is indispensable for him anyway ... Rev. Praia It's also just to let their own family take the lead and quickly get more honeycombs. "

"With this statement, no one can blame, Rev. Praia, for such a major matter, he did not sue the Baron first."

Everett finally concluded: "Of course, the most important of all this is that buckwheat doubles the seeds, which was originally Praia, Praia's student Andre, Praia's actual student Los, and three people worked together. The good thing that comes out is that Praia has a little more benefit, which is taken for granted ... Hatefully, this cunning guy has blocked the opportunity for others to complain! "


The eldest son suddenly became nervous: "Then we ... cousin's house, and uncle's house, honeycomb ..."

"Relax ..." Evelitt finally smiled a little: "Stand by the side for a while and immediately think of the idea, why wouldn't you think about it ... our home, and Your uncle's home should be okay. Relatives farther away ... "

Everett shook his head slowly.

"Master, master steward ..."

Just then, a humble voice came from the door.

The eldest son opened the wooden door.

Outside the door, Pamela, this educated inferior, the messenger of the village of Akeli, took off his hat, put his head down, and held the bag in his hand, revealing a large lambskin roll seal: "Pastor Master let I went to deliver the letter and he told me that you happen to have three letters to send. "

There are exactly three letters?

The eldest son also smiled bitterly.

After taking the sheep roll prepared by the director of Everett, the messenger left.

The eldest son closed the door.

Everett stood next to the "hole in the wall."

Through the hole in the wall, the messenger was carrying a sheepskin roll. The two sons of the messenger carried a large basket of wooden boards, and the figure of the three gradually went away.

Everett's face was thoughtful.

"What's wrong, father?"

"I saw it just now ..." said Everett. "Pamela's hand, the first sheepskin roll, stamped with the parish church."


"Although Praia is cunning, she has always taken good care of the people around her. If I am not mistaken, there will soon be an additional master in the village of Akeli."


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The author does not have a year-end award for the New Year, and is very poor ~

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