Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 147: Wooden pole

"This is what I did before ..." an intern said hesitantly, "... seems a little different?"

"Well ... it's a little different." "The waist won't bend so low." "I don't remember it so deep."

Other interns have also discovered differences.

"Don't you forget it?"

"The previous sections are pretty standard!"

"These actions are exactly the same every round, obviously intentional ..."

"This is to stretch the spinal cord." After seeing for a while, the attending doctor spoke: "Wu Qingchen's age in the Middle Ages was when he was developing for the second time. It is good to increase the stretch of the spinal cord appropriately, which is good for future growth . "

"Hmm ..." "That makes sense." "It should be." "It's very likely."

As quasi-professionals, think about it for a moment. Many interns agree with the treating doctor.

The fourth quarter ends and the fifth quarter begins.

"It's not the same here." "Yes, it's changed." "The angle has turned a third more."

"It should be turned a bit more ..."

After listening to the explanation of the attending doctor just now, another intern also opened up his thoughts: "Children's flexibility is far better than mature adults ... Turn a little more to have an exercise effect, and the body's flexibility will be stronger in the future.

The fifth quarter ends and the sixth quarter begins.

"This section also changes." "Yes, look at Wu Qingchen's upper body ..."

Looking all the way down, in addition to the warm-up exercise of the first three quarters, Wu Qingchen's next radio gymnastics will have some adjustments in almost every quarter.

In these adjustments, the changes are not too big, or squat deeper, or the angle is greater, or the rhythm is faster ... It is easy to remember, and it is obviously more suitable for Wu Qingchen / Loss' age and physical state. The effect of exercise is naturally stronger, and the extra gain is considerable over time.

"That's great!" "A special offer for radio gymnastics?" "I said that the country cannot let Wu Qingchen do simple exercises."

After listening to the explanations given by the attending doctors and interns, the patients and their families were very happy.

Soon, Wu Qingchen finished the last quarter, trimming the movement.

After walking back and forth in the sand for two or three minutes, after a short break, Wu Qingchen started doing push-ups and sit-ups again.

This is a more common and common exercise method, and with the precedent of previous radio gymnastics, patients and their families in the ward soon saw the difference.

"Wu Qingchen's hands are especially open." "Head pressure is very low." "The way to get up is a little different."

Obviously, these are also intentional changes to make Wu Qingchen exercise more effective.

After the push-ups and sit-ups were over, and after a brief rest for two or three minutes, Wu Qingchen started the next exercise program.

No one can recognize the project this time.

"what is this?"

"It seems a bit like yoga?"

"No, it's not yoga. Yoga moves more slowly."

"It's weird ..."

"It's weird, but it's not complicated."

"It's closer to massage ..."

"Massive yourself?"

This is a little bit closer.

In the TV screen, starting from the neck, to the shoulders, to the chest, to the back, and then to the abdomen, legs, and various parts of Wu Qingchen's body, from top to bottom, it is simple and iterative to make simple and iterative cycles. action.

"This should be a truly tailored exercise program," said the attending doctor.

"Martial arts cheats?" The intern who asked this question obviously had a more lively personality.

"To Wu Qingchen, it should be the secret of martial arts ... to others ..."

Another intern pointed at the lower left corner of the TV screen, "Look what's written there?"

Following the position pointed by the colleague, the lively intern saw two lines of scarlet text: exclusive actions, please do not imitate.


The "do not imitate" action group is the last item.

About half an hour, the morning exercise was over.

Wu Qingchen left the secret kitchen.

Given the importance of Wu Qingchen / Loss' physical health, even if the superposition of exercise effects on 7 billion humans worldwide is not considered, such a small amount of exercise is obviously not enough.

The secret kitchen exercise is a project with a strong purpose and a wide coverage, and it must also be temporarily hidden. ——When Wu Qingchen's influence is not enough, radio gymnastics, push-ups, sit-ups, and final exclusive movements are obviously systematic movements, which are too easy to be considered as a ritual of some kind.

Wu Qingchen's usual public activities in the Middle Ages are the head of exercise.

So, what methods do you choose to exercise during public events?

Front-line heavy physical labor can very effectively enhance physical strength, but the side effects are too strong, and the Earth team and Wu Qingchen both avoided it and did not consider it.

Swimming and jogging are the recommendations of the Earth team to Wu Qingchen.

Of course, it is a late suggestion.

When choosing to swim and jog, what are the most important factors?

Perseverance? With reasonable nutrition? A scientific and progressive approach?


Swimming requires Wu Qingchen to swim first, and a swimming pool second.

Jogging first requires a good pair of shoes, and second, a good path.

In the absence of these, the Earth team suggested Wu Qingchen: go quickly.

Therefore, along the path of Aikeli Village, which is slightly wider and the road conditions are slightly better, along this road that has been set up by the Earth team, it will become the "village ring road" of the main road of Aikeli Village. Wu Qingchen walks quickly .

"Brother Los, where are you going?"

When Wu Qingchen passed a wooden house, a young girl about the same age as Nina was sitting next to a firewood on the side of the wooden house, while folding a tree branch, while comforting the crying baby around her. Seeing Wu Qingchen / Loss passing by, Xiao The girl greeted her quickly.

"Go to the commons and look at the cattle in the village." Wu Qingchen replied.

"Well? Brother Rose, why didn't you walk over the three trees?" The little girl was a little strange. "Is the bridge broken again?"

"Not bad ..." Wu Qingchen explained, "Who did you listen to?"

"No one said ..." the little girl replied, "Go to the master's commons and go closer there! If the bridge is not broken, how did you get here?"


Wu Qingchen understood it and explained casually: "This way is wider, so I can go a bit."

"Right, Brother Rose, what are you doing with a wooden pole?"

"Well ..." Wu Qingchen looked at the wooden pole in his hand. "Explore the road and see if you can step there."

By the way, the road and bridge expert group who watched for a long time will provide richer and more detailed reconstruction data when planning the "village ring road" in the future.

About ten minutes later, Wu Qingchen passed another wooden house.

"Brother Los, good night." Another left-behind girl greeted Wu Qingchen.

"Good day." Wu Qingchen nodded.

"Brother Los, are you going to see the honeycomb in the forest again?" The little girl asked, "Can you let him come back when you see my brother? When he went out to graze the livestock this morning, he forgot to catch the geese!"

"But I don't go to the forest now." Wu Qingchen replied, "I'm going to the lord's commons to see the cattle in the village."

"Well?" The little girl wondered. "How can you come here without going to the forest?"

"It's better to go here," Wu Qingchen explained again.

"Right, Brother Rose, what are you doing with a wooden pole?"

"Explore the road and see if you can step there."

About ten minutes later, Wu Qingchen passed by another wooden house and talked with the left-behind children again.


In the evening, the villagers went home.

"Loss passed by our door today?"

In a wooden house passed by Wu Qingchen in the morning, after the left-behind girl reported, the parents began to rub their chins.

"What does Lose do?" The eldest son began to ask.

"I don't know ... he said to go to the Lord's commons." When the little girl answered, she suddenly remembered another detail: "Yes, when Los walks, walk for a while, stop for a while ... it looks a little bit strange."

"Oh?" It's all about Los, and the eldest son contemplates: "What is this? Anything else? Think about it ..."

"Hmm ..." The little girl tried to recall: "Brother Los seems to be staring at the road when he walks ... Staring very carefully. When walking to that corner, looking at the place, Brother Los seems to be shaking his head ... By the way, Brother Los also has a wooden pole in his hand and looks around ... "

"Wood pole!"

The expression of the eldest son was dignified momentarily, and he turned his head: "Father!"

"I know." The parents' expressions were equally serious instantly. "Wood pole, stare at the road, curb, turn, share, shake your head ..."

"Too obvious!"

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