Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 157: seat

"A parish? Of course!" Lord Baron pouted. "How can you tell the church so quickly?"

"Praia must do this," the director replied.

"Must do this?" Looking at the sheepskin roll in his hand, the baron chuckled: "Including two or three days before this?"

"You already said ..." the director replied: "Which buckwheat has more seeds will not affect your harvest."

"Maybe, anyway ..." Lord Baron shook his head: "That's a good statement: if there is one more church, there will be one less family!"

"You can help the family in church." The director shook his head, pointing at the sheepskin roll in the baron's hand. "Although it's a bit late, at least you know."

"Yeah, I know," said the Baron. "However, the time is so long. The church must have already started in the village of Akeli."

"You have thirteen villages," the director replied. "If it is the same as stated in the letter ... Buckwheat can be doubled in every village."

"Because of this, we can't let the church just reach out and grab an extra tithe ..." Lord Baron stood up. "Even if the village of Akeli, the cousin John has done a lot of things, it is worth an extra Harvest ... but the remaining twelve villages and five villages also have **** churches ... "

"Just think about it and remind the vampires in the church not to be too greedy ..." Then, the baron master rolled out the sheepskin again. "Well ... Loss / Moore, the name ..."

"Treat cattle," the supervisor reminded in a timely manner.

"The idea of ​​moving cells was proposed by Los / Moore ... The method of moving cells was found by Los / Moore ... The matter of moving cells was chaired by Los / Moore!"

"Very good!" Seeing this, Baron Ackerford slammed the table: "Everything is done by Los / Moore! All is done by Los / Moore, my leaders are doing!" Then, Baron Archford recalled a little: "Loss / Moore, this child ... is a bullock now?"

"Yes, half a month ago, you had to appoint him as a burdock in the village of Akeli ... no matter who opposed it." The chief nodded.

"That's because of the objections, not really for the village of Akerley." Then, Baron Ackerford tilted his head: "Also, I remember, you didn't object."

The manager smiled and did not answer.

"Looks like, I'm going to give Los / Moore a new appointment ..." Baron Archford walked back and forth: "What's the name ... honeycomb ... share ... honeycomb ... share ... "

"Beekeeper ..." After waiting for about half a minute, the manager said, "What's this title?"

"Good!" The baron gave a high-five admiration: "Very good! Los / Moore, beekeeper in the village of Acre! The lord's beekeeper found the honeycomb, the lord's beekeeper found a way, and the lord's beekeeper moved the honeycomb. ... The lord's beekeeper doubles the seed of buckwheat! With this new title, I would like to know, for other churches in other villages, why would there be an extra tithe! "

"The parish priest is a wise man, and he will understand what you mean." The director answered with a smile.

"Yeah." The Baron Lord nodded. "The parish has more land than I have, and the place where you can move the honeycomb is everywhere ... the little things in my little place don't bother them too much."

"The priest should inform the other priests of Archford."

"I hope so ..." Baron Archford exhaled a long time. "Next, we can discuss the move of honeycombs in other villages ..."



Middle Ages, Acre Village.

February 27, 0001.

Wu Qingchen entered the sixth day of the Middle Ages again.

These days, Wu Qingchen is very reluctant to go out.

With the spread of the news, the entire village of Akeli knew about the fact that free people can also move honeycombs. At the same time, he also knew about this. Rev. Praia and Mr. Everett had given full authority to Wu. Early morning / Loss to consider the decision.

I can imagine what happened next.

The desire to fill their stomachs has greatly inspired the ingenuity of the villagers.

The villagers who talked to the old William naturally found the cattle mansion.

Villagers familiar with the brothers Idra and Grace suddenly found themselves interested in the structure of the lord's barn.

Even Little Nina, when she went out to pick up firewood in the morning, suddenly there were many more friends who were drooling and handing out "I was too full in the morning and I couldn't hold this egg".

As the Lord, Wu Qingchen encountered more harassment.

The well-off villagers also pay attention to being decent, at the expense of a considerable amount of food, set up a good wooden banquet on the table, eat and drink enough water, and then calmly said: as long as you are willing to take care, buckwheat doubles the seeds After the increase in production, you are open.

There are more villagers in ordinary families, carrying pasture, carrying wheat, carrying peas, pushing their ears to redness, but their eyes are bright and put them in front of Wu Qingchen: they are deliberately selected goodies, If you still like it, whether it ’s pasture, peas or wheat seeds, I can make a few more soon ... Yes, I have one more daughter!

Even if the villagers have nothing, there is nothing they can do. With the thin-skinned mother-in-law and the children waiting to be fed, waiting on the road that Wu Qingchen must pass by, when he sees Wu Qingchen's figure, he makes a splash and kneels directly on the ground: Knowing you have more things to do, more people and places to consider ... I dare not ask you to insert a honeycomb beside my place, but as long as my house takes up a little bit of light, starting today, what do you want to do, our whole family will What are you doing!

Selling miserable than poor, wooden banquets, magnificent beauties ...

Every time he went out, Wu Qingchen had to make a good psychological preparation, waiting for the villagers who met the "simple" to show endless tricks.

Be vague, delay time, and try to appease ...

Zuo Zhizhuo cope with the enthusiasm of the villagers, and each time Wu Qingchen growled:

Brothers and sisters, I also want to promise you, and I want to help you ...

But the problem is, now in my mind, there is only how to attack you, persuade you, flicker you, twist you into a rope, create the trend, and go all out to get the right to move the honeycomb!

In the home, on the road, in the barn, in the lord's commons ... Every place is the place where Wu Qingchen and the army of the planners are fighting.

Even the church is no exception.

As the lord's land moved to the honeycomb halfway, Rev. Praia became more and more concerned about the results Wu Qingchen considered.

In the afternoon.

The village is northeast, up the stream, and forest.

With the efforts of dozens of serfs in charge of Andre, more and more honeycombs were erected by the lord's commons. As the work progressed, the forest nearest to the commons saw the steps of serfs looking for honeycombs. Deeper into the forest.

Accompanied by two police officers, a dozen serfs worked, and Wu Qingchen ordered while walking to deal with a fast route to move honeycombs at night.

"Loss ... Loss! You really are here ..."

When he was busy, a police officer ran into the forest panting and walked to Wu Qingchen. The police officer held his knees with his hands and adjusted his breath slightly: "Pastor ... Master Rev., and ... Looking for you. "

Explain the remaining points to open the road, leaving Antoine to remain in charge, and Wu Qingchen left the forest with police.

When approaching the church, Wu Qingchen noticed that the situation was a little different this day.

Outside the church's courtyard, at the beginning of Shizi Road, a dozen police officers were surrounded by rough stone sculptures. Two burdock helpers, Dean and Elmore were standing in the church's courtyard, taking care of a few spouts from time to time. A few rough horses with shiny hair.

"Here comes ..." "Lose comes ..."

Wu Qingchen approached, the police officers rushed away, and the police officers who led the way stopped next to the sculpture: "The priest, the master and the teacher, are all inside."

"Okay, trouble you."

Smiling at the police officers and the burdock helpers in the courtyard, Wu Qingchen walked towards the church door.

At this time, about the outside sound was heard, and Andre appeared at the church door.

"Loss! Oh, no ... Brother Los! You are coming Brother Los! Come on, come in!"


Hearing this appellation, Wu Qingchen slammed his feet, and the police officer and the ox helper beside him also shocked at the same time.

"Andre, you, what are you talking about?"

"Leave it alone, come on!"

Regardless of Wu Qingchen's surprise, Andrei rushed directly, grabbed Wu Qingchen's clothes, and ran to the church.

Two small figures entered the church at the same time.

Outside the church, dozens of police officers looked at each other with two burdock helpers.

Qi Qi was silent for a few seconds, everyone with wide eyes, and at the same time eagerly asked his companions to prove.

"Did you hear it?"

"Did you hear that too?"

"heard it!"


"Master Andrea, Brother Los!"

"Oh my God! What's wrong?"

Passing the church, walking through the side door and following Xiao Andrei, Wu Qingchen walked to the door of a room surrounded by stones.

This is the room where the agricultural officer, priest, steward, Andrei, and other village managers discuss the aftermath of the collective injury of the village cattle.

This is also the room where the pastor, steward, Andrei, other village managers, and Wu Qingchen discuss the next move when buckwheat doubles.

He and Andre walked to the door and Wu Qingchen saw that in the room, except for the people who had attended the last time when the seeds of buckwheat doubled, there were three more skins in the room made of stones. Armored man with a dagger around his waist.

The three men sat beside the priest and steward.

Entering the stone room, Wu Qingchen took off his hood for the first time, lowered his head, and bent down deeply: "Master Praia, Good Day ... Master Everett, Good Day."

"Hmm ..." Everett nodded slightly, paused slightly, and said gently: "Los, good night."

"Um ..." Praia nodded slightly, pointing at the two fighters sitting next to him: "These are the parish of Fishgard, and the deacon of Kolinburg obeys ... Mostine and Ram Skay. "

Now that he can have a seat next to Praia, Wu Qingchen is certainly very interesting, and he bent down again.

"Master Mostin, good day ..."

"No no no ..."

Hearing Wu Qingchen's greetings, the uncle named Mosting stood up quickly, and also bent over deeply to Wu Qingchen, "Just call me Mostin ... Well, Los, you are also good."

Another mule named Ramsgae also stood up and greeted Wu Qingchen first: "Good day, Los."


What's wrong?

First Andre called his brother, and then the old man greeted himself first. Wu Qingchen felt strongly that something important was happening.

But this time is not the time to think, Wu Qingchen hurriedly saluted Ramsgay first: "Ramsgay, good day."

"Hmm ..." After the three greeted him, Praia introduced the last fighter: "This is the herald of Baron Giltas / Rastabad / Akford, Thisted."

Thisted stood up early: "Good day, Los."

"Good day, thisted."

"Okay, I've seen it all now, so let's talk about it ..." Rev. Praia beckoned to Wu Qingchen: "Come, Los, Andrei, come here, take my seat ...


Sit over?



Wu Qingchen remembers very clearly that the last time buckwheat doubled the seeds, and when discussing the next move, the position of each person in the stone room:

Reverend Praia, the director, Everett, sat at the table, closest to the rush.

Andrei was sitting a little further from the rush.

All three have seats.

Police chief, clerk, Zhuangtou stood near the table.

Wu Qingchen stood a little bit further.

These four have no seats.

Obviously, in the medieval world, this was not just a seat, but a rather serious question of hierarchy.

And now, Rev. Praia told Wu Qingchen:

He now has a seat.

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