Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 159: sort out

The biblical evangelistic meeting, of course, must also be involved.

On the third bell, the steward and his sons approached the church and saw Wu Qingchen / Loss and Andre carrying the water altar up the path beside the church.

"Master Andrea!"

"Master Los!"

"Andre, little, lord ... Los, lord!" Learning the villagers' shouts, the second son of the steward poked: "If you just listen to these inferiors, Los / Moore, it really looks like Became a student of Rev. Praia three years ago! "

"Hah! There is no way ..." The eldest son in charge smiled: "Master Baron can appoint beekeepers at any time, anyway, Los / Moore has always been a leader of Ackerford; the church, if you want It was a little smoother to collect more tithes, so I had to make Los / Moore a student of Rev. Praia in advance! "

"In fact, it would be nice if Los / Moore was a Praia student three years ago ..." Listening to the conversation between the sons, the director of Everett said suddenly, "In this case, maybe three years ago, we You will have an extra harvest! "

When it comes to this, several people have already reached the entrance of the church, facing Wu Qingchen / Loss, who added an extra income to their family, the sincere and friendly smile of the management family.

"Jian, Lord Everett ... Jian, Sixin ... Jian, Gang Aung ..."

"Good day, Los ..."

The steward, and his family members, naturally did not need to bow as deeply as other inferiors. However, out of his love for wheat seeds and his affection for Wu Qingchen, the lovable child, he paid tribute to Wu Qingchen. At that time, the sons in charge took off the hood at the same time and expressed proper etiquette.

Following Wu Qingchen / Loss and Andre Jr., everyone walked into the church.

Rev. Praia also appeared on the side door on time.

With Andre ringing out, the sermon began.

After an hour.

As Andre struck again, the sermon ended.

After enjoying the rare and relaxing time during the summer camp, the villagers reluctantly left the church.

"Loss ..."

In Wu Qingchen's current status, when preaching, the family members of Wu Qingchen's Middle Ages stood in the front row of the church. When the villagers behind left the church in succession, the old William also took a few steps forward, beckoned and said goodbye to Wu Qingchen "Let's go ..."

"and many more!"

Holding the cloth in his left hand and Mao Mao in his right hand, Wu Qingchen said, "Brother Idra, Brother Grace, please wait."

No one asked why, and Idra and Grace stayed.

"Well ..." Looking around, Wu Qingchen said, "Help clean up the church first."

"Okay, Los ..." "Okay!"

The two elder brothers agreed happily.

Next, with little Andre, the four men cleaned up the church.

There was not much work, and a few people worked very quickly. In about twenty minutes, the church returned to the way it was before the sermon began.

"Well, it's all done!" Tucked the cloth pieces and Mao Mao back to the original position, looked around the church, and Andre relieved: "Brother Los, I'm going out!"

"Okay." Wu Qingchen nodded. "I'll wait a while ..."


Talking, Andre went to the church door.

Gesturing Idela and Grace to keep up, Wu Qingchen walked towards the side door of the church.

All the way past the church's farmware warehouse, food warehouse, reception room, dining room ... beside Andrea's bedroom, in front of another room, Wu Qingchen stopped.

This is Wu Qingchen / Loss, a student of Master Praia three years ago, who prepared an acting pastor after the fall harvest.

As a student of Praia "three years ago", Wu Qingchen naturally "missed" the parish witnessing process. However, after becoming a member of the church, Wu Qingchen did not fall behind.

These benefits include:

Two sets of precious linen, with fine stitches and solid pastor's robes.

Two pairs of shoes with precious leather as the main material, obviously made by skilled craftsmen.

A bunch of carefully selected, soft rush beds.

Three sheepskin rolls, paper from "student" church members.

A small basket containing writing materials for a year.


As well as a high-end, elegant and luxurious single room.

"Come, Brother Idra ..."

Entering the room, Wu Qingchen opened the wooden box in the corner and turned back to say something, and found that Idra and Grace were still standing at the door.

"Come in!"

Wu Qingchen waved.

"no no……"

Idra quickly said, "We can just stand here ..."

Standing next, Grace nodded quickly.

What a joke!

Thick stone base, solid clay wall, compacted flat floor!

Thick log stand, thick straw roof, soft tender grass bed!

Exquisite carved desk, expensive priest head, mysterious writing tools!


Standing at the door of this ultra-five-star room, the eyes of Idela and Grace are extremely busy, and every place is challenging the original concept of "house" in their minds. They do n’t even know where to go Where can I put it, and how can I gather the courage to walk into it?


After watching for a few seconds, I learned that Idela and Grace's mentality, Wu Qingchen no longer reluctantly, tossing for a while in the open wooden box, Wu Qingchen turned around and stuffed a pale yellow crystal into Idela In the hands: "Wait a while, you take this back."

"This ... this is ..."

Looking at the crystal in his hand, Idra and Grace froze.

For a long time, Idra reached out his hand extremely slowly, carefully touched the crystal, and put his finger in his mouth.


Idra exclaimed immediately: "Salt!"


Hardly bitter salt!

"How can this be!"

After it was determined, it seemed that instead of holding fine salt, it was a piece of burning charcoal, and Idra hurriedly pushed the crystal in his hand back into Wu Qingchen's hand.

"Hold it!"

Wu Qingchen slowly, but extremely resolutely handed over the salt block to Idra again.

"No ... it really doesn't work!"

"Hold it!"

"Really can not!"

"Hold it!"

"Really can not!"

Wu Qingchen gifted resolutely, and Idra resigned resolutely.

Because he must share more than half of his physical strength and attention, and protect the fine salt, although Idela's height and weight are greatly exceeded, she can't help Wu Qingchen for a while.

"Hey! Grace! Come and help!"

Anxious, Idra yelled, and finally awakened Grace from the fantastic colors of salt and the crystal clear beauty.

The two elder brothers joined at the same time, and Wu Qingchen couldn't resist it immediately.

"Well! Really?"

Speaking, Wu Qingchen simply shrank his hands behind his back.

Wu Qingchen suddenly let go, and the salt almost fell to the ground.

Hurrying to catch the fine salt, before Idra and Grace wiped the sweat from the forehead, Wu Qingchen was slightly displeased and said, "What to take? Don't bother!"


Idra swallowed and licked his lips: "This is you ..."

"Get it! Don't say anything more!"

Yidela looked up and looked at Wu Qingchen deeply. For half a minute, Wu Qingchen's face had an extremely determined expression without any change.

"This ... oh!"

For a long time, Idra sighed longly: "Okay ..."


Seeing that Idra was finally under his command, Wu Qingchen breathed a long sigh of relief and returned to the box.

When turning back again, Wu Qingchen added a long black stick in his hand: "Bring this back too."


This time, without tasting, both Idra and Grace knew that Wu Qingchen handed over a piece of hungry, sweet, extremely precious dark bread.

"Loss ..."

Looking at the black bread that lay in front of him, Edra's expression was extremely complicated: "This is really not necessary, this is your food ..."

"Eh! Don't?" Thinking about the trouble you just gave up, Wu Qingchen gritted his teeth: "Don't you?"

The next moment, Wu Qingchen released his finger.

Black bread falls.

Fortunately, the eyes of Idela and Grace kept staring at Wu Qingchen.

Noting Wu Qingchen's movements, the two elder brothers at the same time quickly extended their arms and caught the black bread.


Wu Qingchen nodded and walked to the wooden box again.

When he turned again, Wu Qingchen added a small jar.

"Take this away ... Well, remember to tell your father, don't drink so much anymore!"

"Okay! Okay, Los, you slow down ..."

I had sweated twice when picking up fine salt and black bread just now. This time I changed to an jar. Grace had no confidence in rescue, and quickly picked it up.

"Well ... yes, and this ..."

Wu Qingchen went to the wooden box again.

"Take this too ..."

Wu Qingchen walked to the wooden box again.

After a few minutes.

"All right……"

Everything in the plan was delivered to the hands of the two elder brothers. Wu Qingchen patted his palms easily. O'Connor said that when you go to the commons, it's okay to be a little bit late. "

"Loss ..."

Holding the ale and a few other things, Grace was already speaking with a clear sputum in her voice when she spoke: "You have done a lot for your family ... it really doesn't need to be ..."

"It's okay ..."

Wu Qingchen smiled: "Go back quickly. Although O'Connor has promised, it's too late to be good."

"Oh, Los, you ... uh ... so ... uh!"

With the same emotion, Idela stretched out her hand again and again, and it took a long time to make up her mind. Finally, Grace with a thousand words in her chest, "Let's go first, don't make Rose difficult ..." Afterwards, Idra pulled Grace, and the two turned around.

Waiting for the two elder brothers to walk away, Wu Qingchen happily pounced on the wicker bed.

Fine salt! Ale! bread! honey……

Salt intake, vascular unblocking, starch nutrition, sugar supplementation ...

Finally done!

Lying in the soft rush, Wu Qingchen breathed a long sigh of relief.

For at least a month, there is no need to sneak salt into the food.

For at least a month, there is no need to convince the family to celebrate something.

For at least a month, there is no need to flicker the sweet snacks of Andre.


Wu Qingchen was quite satisfied with the contents of the subjects of the Middle Ages, health and nutrition, which were completed for one month at a time.

Coo coo ...

About thinking about the content of food too much, at this time, Wu Qingchen's belly rang.

Hmm ... it's almost time to go to the secret kitchen for breakfast ...

Wu Qingchen turned up and sat up, glancing around the luxurious single room, staring at the wooden box in the corner, Wu Qingchen's brow frowned slightly.

Well, it was too messed up just now, sort it out.

Wu Qingchen stood up, walked to the wooden box, took out the contents, put them on the ground, arranged them a little, and put them in the same way.

Put the robe on the left ... roll the sheepskin on top ... put the knife on the right ... put the basket in the corner ...

Hmm ... this is a jar for beans ...

Well, this ...

Coo coo ...

When he touched the food again, Wu Qingchen's belly began to urge again.

Alas, is it late or why?

Touching his belly at will, holding the earthen jar containing beans, Wu Qingchen thought for a moment: alas, the beans should be used to flicker Andre, and put it at the front.

Squatting next to the wooden box, finishing intently, Wu Qingchen did not notice, when he held up the clay pot holding the beans, hesitated for a moment, and then felt the cooing stomach, then slowly lowered:

Outside the luxurious single room, the route inside the church was not clear. The two elder brothers who were preparing to come back and ask for directions, stood at the door and saw the scene, and at the same time tears splashed.

While Wu Qingchen didn't find it, Idra pulled Grace's arm tightly, and the two quickly pulled away.

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