Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 161: Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk ...

Middle Ages.

Destroyed several grass men, soldiers and priests, and Praia's morning exercise in succession, and finally came to an end.

Taking a leisurely photo of the straw and leaves stuck to the robe, Rev. Praia controlled the steed, slowly walked to the left of the church, and tied the steed to the stake next to another stone sculpture.

"Teacher, let me get it."

The two students hurried over, Wu Qingchen took the glittering hammer, and on the other side, Andrea helped Praia take off his leather armor.

"Brother Los ..." Put Praia's weapons and equipment into the church, and when he came out, Andre asked again: "Are you really not playing today?"

"Yeah ..." Wu Qingchen nodded his head: "The commons are about to move the honeycomb. There are still many villagers' land. I haven't looked carefully. The time is very tight ..."

"How long will it take? The village of Akeli is just a few paths, and it won't take long to finish!" Andrea continued to persuade, "Let's learn together!"

"No!" Wu Qingchen smiled and shook her head.

"It doesn't take long to learn to ride a horse ... wait for it to end. I'll accompany you to see the place!"

"You learn first ..." Wu Qingchen continued to smile, and of course, continued to shake his head: "I'm going to the villagers' land, it's really impossible now ..."

"Brother Los ..."

"Okay ... Andrea ..." At this point, Rev. Praia had untied the pony, took it to the church door, heard the conversation between the two students, and Praia beckoned to Andrea: " Come here if you want to learn! Don't bother with Los! "

"Uh ... well ..." With his head down, Andre went to Praia.

"Then ... Teacher ... Andre ..." A greeting from Rev. Chao, and another smile to Andre, Wu Qingchen said, "I'll go first."

"Well, you go ..." Rev Praia supported Little Andrea on the pony, and said, "It's really important for the villagers to move the honeycomb ... But, Los, don't worry too much. Look carefully, look well, and look slowly. "

"Okay, thank you teacher." After that, following the path, Wu Qingchen walked out of the church.


Watching Wu Qingchen gradually go away, Andre was absent-minded, and he suddenly asked, "Brother Los, isn't he afraid of the horse?"

"Afraid of horses?" Praia shook his head without hesitation: "Of course not ..."

The tall body and strong physique of the war horse, especially the huge impact generated when running at full strength, will indeed cause severe deterrence to ordinary people who have not experienced it.

At the beginning of this question, Andrea was also skeptical of Praia, and had already formulated several methods in his heart to help Roth overcome the fear of war horses.

However, after really taking a closer look at the performance of Los when facing the war horse, Rev. Praia rejected this idea.

Although when he practiced equestrian and combat skills, Los did indeed stand far away and was very careful. However, no matter how fast the war horse galloped and how he passed in front of him, Los never had any fear of shaking his body, stiff hands and feet, and subconsciously backing out which performed.

——This is normal. I used to see several rows of vehicles starting at the traffic lights at the same time, seeing heavy trucks weighing dozens of tons and speeding at 120KM / H, and hundreds of meters at 350KM / H. What kind of impact can a high-speed rail passing by how fast, a horse weighing only a few hundred pounds and having a speed of 70 yards per hour, be difficult for Wu Qingchen?

"That ..." Little Andre didn't understand: "Why Brother Bros, don't want to play ... for a while?"

"Andrea ..." Holding the pony's reins, Rev. Praia was silent for a moment before he said slowly: "That's why Los is 16 years old and you are only 13 years old ... ... "

Also growing up as a child, Praia understands how much horse riding and combat skills mean to a 13-year-old child.

Not to mention the free people who basically have no entertainment opportunities. Even the sons of superior people, not everyone has the opportunity to be exposed to such novelty and so directly represent power.

Therefore, in the view of Rev. Praia, the indulgence of Little Andre is very normal.

With such examples, being able to hold yourself firmly, know what is really important, and resolutely reject Andre's repeated temptations, Los's performance is even more amazing.

However, these things need not be explained carefully with Andre, who will certainly not understand now.

"Okay ..." After seeing Andre still planning to follow up, Praia patted the pony's abdomen to make it faster, and by the way let Andre's attention shift: He likes long ears, and Los is willing to learn later. Can you learn more? "

"Ah? Brother Los wants me to play first ... learn more?" Little Andrea was surprised, he quickly explained: "Teacher ... I ... I don't! I'm not like this! I'm true I want to let Brother Los also try riding 'long ears' ... "

"I know I know……"

The friendship between the two students made Rev. Praia smile uncontrollably: "You are all good boys ..."

"Brother Naros, when can I come and play with long ears?"

"This ..." Rev. Praia thought for a moment. "Let's wait for Los to arrange for the villagers to move the honeycomb. It should be almost there."

"Then, teacher ..." Looking at the reins held by Praia, Andre asked again, "When can we ride horses like you?"

"Can't wait?" Rev. Praia smiled. "You study hard, practice carefully, wait until the fall harvest, and when Los puts on a robe and stands behind the altar in the village of Akeli, you should have learned it too."

"Presiding the church ..." Andre's look on his face looked a little bit worried, but "the teacher's brother's letter seemed to say ... Brother Los was presiding over the church, and there seemed to be some embarrassments ..." "

"So, while you still have some time, you can play with your long ears ..." Speaking here, the expression on Praya's face also became dignified: "After two days, the villagers began to move the honeycomb. It's not just Los, I'm going to be very busy. "


In the village path, Wu Qingchen walked through the land with the gesture of “walking fast” taught by the Earth team.

Walking to the north of the village, Richard, Hansel, Sanchez, and the intersection of their own place, the entire Aikeli village free people's land, the only place where three honeycombs are hung, dozens of steps away, small Beside the woods, Wu Qingchen cleared an open space and took a break.

A few days ago, from these pieces of land, several bundles of double-seed buckwheat stalks were cut separately. As a report for further confirmation, 啧啧 The parish of the surprise, and the herald of the baron, quickly left Ai. Cree Village.

When they left, in this position, Rev. Praia carefully told Wu Qingchen, his teacher, Deacon Talma in the Fishgard parish, and asked Wu Qingchen to be responsible for the honeycomb distribution of the free people. , And a few months later, promoted Wu Qingchen's plan to host the church.

Wu Qingchen knew very well that the plan of Deacon Talma had great significance for his status, safety and environment in the Middle Ages. He also knew very well that to truly realize this plan, the villagers ’work of allocating honeycomb will play a role in it. It is very important, it can even be said to be decisive.

Although with his own wisdom and experience, Wu Qingchen couldn't think of a very good way to perfectly handle the problem of villagers moving the honeycomb. However, the moment he learned the news, Wu Qingchen immediately made a decision, and must make his best efforts in this matter.

According to the teachings of the Earth team, in most cases, intelligence, real intelligence, meticulous intelligence, and a large amount of information have always been the focus of the first sequence.

Therefore, at the door of the church, Wu Qingchen said to Xiao Andrei, "It is necessary to take a closer look at the situation of the villagers' land." This is not just to get rid of the pretext of riding a horse, but is a real action.

Three days ago, Wu Qingchen had decided that he must be careful, take it seriously, and thoroughly read every part of every free people in the village of Aikeli to provide the earth with the most detailed freedom Private Place Information!

The giant screen of the astronomical event instantly transmits the things within Wu Qingchen's field of vision to the earth.

However, the information obtained from different angles and distances is still different.

Therefore, in the past few days, Wu Qingchen was in the village of Aikeli, and went back and forth across every wooden bridge, every path, every ridge.

Although this kind of action is not sore and dizzy as when working directly in the field, even if you walk for a long time, it will still cause a great burden on the body.

Whenever your legs start to feel sour, Wu Qingchen, who is sweating, will sit down like he is here now, and massage the waist, legs, knees, and ankles well according to the method taught by the earth. When he feels that he is about to recover, wipe it off immediately The beads of sweat continued on the path of the village.

The purpose of Wu Qingchen's behavior was quite obvious, and the earth soon understood his intention.

A strategic office.

"Hmm ..."

Watching the fast-forward video, the scenes of hills, streams, land, etc. are quickly switched, and a young staff member is a little bit emotional: "This is eight consecutive hours, right? Toughness! "

"Yes!" A slightly fat staff member next to said, "Adding these eight hours, this is already three days and a total of 40 hours of walking."

"Well, besides eating and sleeping ..." The young staff nodded. "The only thing is to confirm the information of the free people ..."

"By the way, the analysis team just sent us ... Look at this ..." Then, the slightly fat staff pressed the console a few times.

The large screen of the strategy room immediately opened a bird's eye view of the entire village of Akeli.

On this accurate map that was updated in real time using several supercomputer resources, a red line marked the route Wu Qingchen had traveled in these three days.

The dense red line almost covered the entire map.

The entire map means: the star-studded fields, trails, bridges, and everywhere there is Wu Qingchen from south to north, left to right, horizontal to vertical, up and down, up and down, and Again and again the traces passed.

Moreover, some places that could not be reached, such as slumped fields and ridges, disrepaired wooden bridges, remote wastelands, and abandoned thorny trails, were all led by Wu Qingchen as a serf or wanted to please him Villagers, do everything in their power to do their best to restore it to a passable state.

Looking at this map on the large screen opposite, and a dozen small displays on the side, Wu Qingchen was holding gravel to fill the road, trying to step through the mud, wielding a sickle to cut open thorns, and so on. The scene, the staff in the strategy room, was silent for a moment.

It took a long time for the slightly fat staff member to say, "I heard that the publicity team is working on this theme collection ..."

"Well, good idea ..." The young staff nodded slowly: "It should indeed be seen by those who scold and yell at the outside. Mr. Wu Qingchen, in addition to the efforts of the United Nations Interim Committee on Astronomical Events, is also Go all out and work hard for yourself and the overall interests of 7 billion people on earth. "

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