Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 175: Hard work pays off

Hearing the topic about "outside the village" suddenly mentioned by Master Praia, Wu Qingchen stunned: "Outside of Akeli village?"


Rev. Praia smiled and nodded.

"You mean, let me go outside the village?"

Wu Qingchen's eyes widened.

"Just, that's it ... let you look outside!"

Rev. Praia is certain again.

When speaking, Rev. Praia touched Wu Qingchen's head lightly, the faint light on his face, and the kind tone at the moment, properly is a template for giving a favorite junior a surprise.

"Usually you always like to ask about things outside, and you often send messengers ... well, there are a few villagers who have been outside to speak. This time I have the opportunity to go outside to see, I immediately thought of you!"

"Ha ... has ... the chance ... from ... go to see ... see ..."

Wu Qingchen's tongue was not straight.

"Oh! Los, steady, steady ..." Rev. Praia gave a teaching look, but he couldn't hide the elation of his mouth: "Don't be too happy!"

I'm glad you're paralyzed!

Wu Qingchen resisted the slap of the priest, and the next moment, he began to scold the Earth team in his heart:

Staff, I'm your mother!

What does it look like outside Acre Village?

Like most villagers of this era, Wu Qingchen also did not leave the 10-kilometer radius of Aikeli Village.

However, since entering the Middle Ages, for nearly two months, Wu Qingchen has collected intelligence outside many villages in various ways.

These methods include:

Instructive topics in daily conversations with ruling class Praia, Andre, Everett and others;

For key goals, the messenger of the sender Pamela repeatedly;

Make use of the convenience of work to get a thorough understanding of the burdock helpers Dean and Elmo from the outer village;

Public and private use, under the pretext of preventing the loss of village livestock, set up a card on the road that must be passed and catch other village senders who pass by occasionally to question carefully;

According to the list provided by the Earth team, create opportunities to warm up one by one with dozens of villagers who have gone out due to labor and other reasons;

……Etc., etc.

Regarding the situation "outside the village of Akeli", the "Simple Information Outside the Village", which is full of several hard disks in the database of the Earth Staff, can be more simply summarized as:

Natural environment: high mountains, dense forests, floods, venomous beasts.

Social environment: thieves, fugitives, bandits, and chaos.

Political environment: power, tyranny, heavy taxation, master.

Proper human hell.

In such a world, if there is room for choice, any earth person with normal IQ would not "want to see it."


All staff members are in the staff!

Collect information, always pay attention to collecting information, seize every opportunity to collect information ...

Collect your paralysis! Alright now? Was it found? Are you being sent to **** for a business trip?

Kung Fu, the **** is worth it!

It was confirmed that he really wanted to leave the village. For a long time, Wu Qingchen's face was cloudy.

"What's wrong?" Rev. Praia noticed Wu Qingchen's anomaly.

"Teacher ..." After returning to God, Wu Qingchen quickly asked the reason: "Why did you suddenly want me ... to have a chance to look outside?"

"If you have this opportunity, it is mainly your own effort ..." Rev. Praia said with a smile. "Last time, the parish and the baron tried it. The buckwheat field worked well ... but I didn't know What went wrong, when moving the cell, there are always such problems. "

Of course!

This is a trap that was intentionally left, a technical barrier created for the village of Akeli!

"is it?"

Wu Qingchen frowned slightly: "Uh ... could Pamela didn't say clearly?"

"What does Pamela know?"

Rev. Praia shook her head and didn't stop panning: "It may be that I didn't understand enough when I wrote the letter ... Well, Andre's way of drawing wooden boards is also strange. They may not understand at once ... ... but it doesn't matter. When you pass by and teach a few farmers yourself, you will be fine ... "

"Well." Wu Qingchen nodded first, then said doubtfully: "But ... teacher, it's time now, and there is not much time left for the buckwheat flowering period. Even if I pass by myself, can't I move a few honeycombs?"

Wu Qingchen really did not understand.

Although when it comes to the linkage of forces outside the village, sometimes the staff team is not very reliable-it only represents Wu Qingchen's view of gnashing his teeth at this moment-but tens of thousands of elites work overtime and work hard to craft a technical barrier plan. With regard to what Wu Qingchen saw, there have been numerous traps in traffic, time, technical details, and conflicts of interests of different forces. How could it not have caused Wu Qingchen to now be forced to leave the village of Akeli.

"This ..." Answered by Rev. Praia, and it really proved it: "This is just for you to do it by the way, mainly this time I made a wooden bucket to separate the bees ... well, there are also honeycomb sellers Methods, these things, let them teach them together. "

"Uh ... then, teacher, what about the burying of wooden barrels in the village?"

Wu Qingchen offered a conflict of interest, "There is not much time left for the bee colony in the village of Akeli!"

"It's all right ..." Rev. Praia waved his hand: "Cut branches, burn weeds, fill holes ... Whoever wants to buy a honeycomb, let anyone get their home around!"

"What about the barrel?"

Wu Qingchen continued to emphasize his current importance to the village of Akeli: "The villagers certainly don't know how far each honeycomb should be ... No, even if they know, these guys will deliberately bury wooden barrels next to their own place. "

"Ha ..." Rev. Praia smiled proudly: "It doesn't matter if they know it or not, I know it's fine. When the time comes, I'll stare one by one when I bury the barrel!"

"Staring one by one?" Wu Qingchen was really shocked: "This ... may be staring for two or three days, from daybreak to dark two or three days."

"Well, I know." Rev. Praia nodded calmly. "I will stare from dawn to darkness."

This ... how can you do this!

Wu Qingchen was silent.

Rev. Praia, this is a real grandfather. Although he still cares about the agricultural production in the village of Aikeli, he visits twice a day even during the summer.

But now I decided to run in the sun for two or three days in this hot summer season ...

"This ... this ..." Wu Qingchen really didn't know what to say.


Seeing Wu Qingchen's silence, Rev. Praia also groaned a little: "There are still some tricks that are not convenient to talk around, right? It doesn't matter, haven't you started to teach Grace these skills? These days you were away, Just let him continue doing these things in the middle of the night. "

The huge identity gap, the so-called secret tricks of the craftsmen, are not even concealed by the grassroots of the ruling class, such as stewards and pastors, let alone lords of higher ranks.

However, in most cases, whether it is the steward or the priest, the noble masters are impatient to master these low skills in person.

Even if Wu Qingchen treated the cattle farming technology a while ago, such a significant and important technological innovation, the priest recorded it because of his sensitivity to knowledge, and Lord Barford, just sent it casually Several burdock helpers came to learn, and it was good to have this technology in the village in the territory.

Masters don't care about the mentality, they are too lazy to trouble, and the poor traffic and political environment of feudal society, these factors all come together, so that the family of craftsmen in the medieval world has a foundation from generation to generation.

However, when the lord needs it, this practice is obviously not feasible between different villages.


When mentioning this, Wu Qingchen quickly stated: "I'll paint it for you in the middle of the night."

After more than half a month of practice, Wu Qingchen's ability to paint, not to mention leaps and bounds, but barely expressed what he wanted, no longer matter.

In particular, some content related to mobile honeycomb and manual intervention grouping-the second layer of traps specially designed by the Earth team-not to mention the time when the Middle Ages and Little Andre practiced together, even when on the earth, Wu Qingchen They were carefully prepared for hours.

"Paint? Yeah, and this!" Hearing Wu Qingchen's hastily stance, Rev. Praia flashed in front of her eyes, and then groaned a little: "But ... don't worry, wait until you come back, and then slowly draw Well ... And, if you say so, when you go out and teach them to make honeycombs and wooden barrels, the work in the middle of the night is not necessary to say so clearly. In case the fall harvest, your acting pastor ... "

Speaking of this, Rev. Praia's voice was lowered.

Um, and your old man's god!

Wu Qingchen nodded deliberately, increasing doubts in his heart.

By this time, Wu Qingchen ’s level of observation and color was quite considerable. During the conversation with Rev. Praia, Wu Qingchen easily saw that in order to appraise his title in the fall, he increased the number of chips in his hand to make the process smoother. Praia The priest took the initiative to continue to conceal the technical details, and if it wasn't for Wu Qingchen himself, Rev. Praia hadn't even had time to think about it.

The conclusion is already on the verge: letting Wu Qingchen leave the village is completely different from the technical reason that Rev. Praia just said!

In order to further confirm, Wu Qingchen put forward another factor that affects travel: "Yes, there are still a few cattle in the village that are not fully injured ..."

"Oh?" Rev. Praia frowned, "Are there any poor cattle?"

"Well." Wu Qingchen nodded. "There are three or four heads, but it's all a little trouble."

"Oh, leave little trouble to Idra. Or it's time to let the two out-of-village helpers practice their hands ..." Rev. Praia arranged casually and stepped into Wu Qingchen's suggestive routine. "By the way ... when you go outside and treat cattle farming, you do n’t have to say too clearly for the time being, which is convenient for you in the middle of the night."


Wu Qingchen has fully confirmed that Rev. Praia is to let himself go out, and it is not because of the technical factors that he now speaks.

Rev. Praia's determination is so strong, and for no reason, he deliberately conceals the real motive. In this case, Wu Qingchen also voluntarily gave up searching for the truth from him, and decided to temporarily linger.

"Okay, teacher, I remember ..."

Wu Qingchen nodded his head: "... oh, by the way, where shall I go?"

"Fort Ackerford, parish fort Collin ..." Rev Praia said with a smile: "Also, there is my home."

"Ah!" Wu Qingchen expressed the appropriate surprise.

"Well, that's it ..." Rev. Praia continued to nod with a smile: "Don't be happy too long! Be careful you can't sleep at night!"

I must not be able to sleep ...

Wu Qingchen's face was full of smiles, and her heart turned into a river.

Fortunately, seeing the current mood of Rev. Praia, even if he has not undergone any training, Wu Qingchen can at least be sure that this time he went out suddenly, Rev. Praia did not have any malicious intentions, and it was really a welfare. .

However, I really don't want this pie falling from the sky!

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