Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 187: New Canon

"it is good!"

"Do not worry."

Both nodded at the same time.

By the time he agreed, Dean had already crouched in front of Wu Qingchen, and Lang Cohen had also put on Wu Qingchen's arm.

"No! Don't do this!"

Wu Qingchen quickly shook his head.

Are you kidding me?

Ever heard of conditioning? Ever heard of a drowning man catching life-saving straw? How many people can take care of the environment in the event of an accident?

Besides, a small river, such a calm water surface, is backstroke, butterfly stroke, breaststroke, freestyle ...

The swimming posture across the river depends only on Wu Qingchen's mood.

Of course, in order to be foolproof, and also for those human resources around Wu Qingchen who have passed the first round of review by the staff group, the favorability and loyalty have a certain guarantee of human resources, the Earth team is still fully prepared for this wading point Preparation.

Pushing away the second son of the burdock helper and the old neighbor, everyone watched, Wu Qingchen walked to the third farming cow, took off two wooden barrels, picked up the wooden stick in Grace's hand, and has done a good job before Of rope to secure them together.

Checking the tightness of the rope twice, Wu Qingchen walked into the water and pushed this simple river crossing tool in front of him.

Half a minute later, in the dull eyes of everyone, Wu Qingchen carried simple river-crossing tools with both hands, stepped on the water with his feet, and jumped with a few jumps. ——At this time, the messenger whom he insisted on accompanying had not had time to walk halfway through the river.

Reaching the other side, Wu Qingchen ordered a few words, the best water-based sender nodded, and went back and forth between the two sides, giving the "wood bucket combination" to several other entourages, helping them reduce the burden on their backs, while also giving York, Harry, Runcorn, and several other fairly water-based guys provide security.

Holding the "barrel combination", Runcorn swam easily across the water, stood on the grass, watching Dean covered with water, and was wearing his robes again. The two were relatively speechless.

Next, drill the dense forest, cross the cliff, take a waterfall ...

Dean and Lang Cohen watched Wu Qingchen pull out the same and familiar farm tools, tools, and sundries from the cultivating cattle, and lightly resolved one after another on the way.

As time passed, the sun rose to its highest position without knowing it.

With the proper arrangement of the Earth team, the team traveled very efficiently. When the sky was still bright, Wu Qingchen and his party arrived at the usual overnight place for the messenger.

Set up the support, arrange the firewood, and remove the iron pot ...

Is this ... ready to cook?

Seeing Wu Qingchen curling up his sleeves, grabbing a cabbage in his left hand, grabbing a pea pod in his right hand, putting it in a basket, heading to the next stream, Dean, Runcorn, and other entourages, stood up invariably.

"Master Los, I'll come!" "Master Los, you can rest!" "How can you cook? Get me ..."

Can these **** still be eaten?

"No need ... I will cook ... give me ... let go!"

Wu Qingchen firmly guarded the vegetable basket, and repeatedly blocked and pushed, firmly rejecting everyone's intentions.

"Dean ..."

Helplessly watching Wu Qingchen approaching the stream, Long Cohen turned his head and smiled bitterly at the burdock helpers around him: "It looks like we have nothing to do with what you said."

"Yeah." Looking at Wu Qingchen in the same direction, Dean also tangled his face: "Master Luo ... why is it so difficult to take care of it?"

"Still don't think about how to take care of Lord Los ..."

Runcorn rubbed his face vigorously: "Anyway, you've gone this way ... you have to think about it first, why don't you be taken care of by Lord Lose ..."


at the same time.


Real-time videos are played on major channels.

"Just eat a meal, what kind of expression do these people have?" Asked a netizen named "Fu Jiji".

"The boss cooks himself, of course, I have to be touched!" The netizen named "Zhulang Xiaoxian" answered.

"Movement? Is it necessary to be so exaggerated? Wu Qingchen is just a village secretary!" Netizen "Fu Jiji" said it was difficult to understand.

"The direct ruler of the four-digit population is called the village party secretary in the 21st century on earth, and it is placed in the Middle Ages, and that is the regional CEO of the multinational group!" , I will cook a meal for you ... My grass ... What I saw, Wu Qingchen was washing the dishes! ... Mum also helped wash the dishes! Grass, let's say it! You say it! Feeling moved? "

Fu Yanji has turned on friend verification. You are not his or her friend yet, please send a friend verification request first, and the other party can only chat after passing the verification.

"Okay, you pull black, you are invincible ..." Xiaolang Xiaoxian knocked out eighteen lines of ellipsis.

"The news from the Bureau of Surveying and Mapping has come out!" Netizen "Sushi You" broadcast the latest developments.

"Where?" "Ask for the address!" "Come and see!"

Sushi worry directly sent screenshots.

"Departing at 9:32 in the morning and resting at 4.47 in the afternoon, Mr. Wu Qingchen walked for a total of 7 hours and 15 minutes ... In the same period of time, Mr. Wu Qingchen moved a total distance of 18517 meters and a linear displacement of 3711 meters."

"My grass! Walked 18 kilometers, actually moved 3 kilometers?"

"The reality is so cruel." Netizen "Sushi You" sent two other screenshots: Wu Qingchen's moving trajectory map this day, and the extended map urgently produced by the Bureau of Surveying and Mapping.

"The scenery is beautiful ..." The netizen "Three Reds" drew a circle on the map of the Bureau of Surveying and Mapping.

"Beauty girl! Someone rolled to Amazon! The scenery over there is more beautiful !!!" In order to express the anger in the mind, the netizen "firework late" struck five exclamation points.

"It's so difficult for Tang Seng Xitian to learn the scriptures, isn't it?" Said netizens with "freezing sleep."

"Actually, it was even harder than Tang Seng!" Netizen "Got Iron App Good Garbage" spit out: "According to historical records, when Boss Tang started, there were at least 300 Spartans around him! Mr. Wu Qingchen only had 8! "

"Can historical materials be believed? Historical materials also record Sun Wukong!"

"Three Princes of the Dragon King recorded in historical data can fly!"


One thousand and eight hundred years later.

Middle Ages.

Inside the bus.

Sitting by the window, Shen Lin stared out the window.

Shen Lin had to stare out of the window.

No way, when I went out today, I did not like the sundial. Who knows that at 6:00 in the morning, I can also meet a crazy old lady.

"It's a deep black hole, the devil's claws, looming on the edge of the black hole, let's fall, fall ... the dark sky echoes the obscene words from **** ... St. Dean, St. Langone, both The disciples strode closer to the black hole: sacrifice, dedicate, may my blood cleanse the world of uncleanness! ... no! The sacred voice suddenly sounded, the sky fell a shining rope, it broke the dark clouds and straddled the black hole, Hold fast on two fast-growing holy trees ... "

"Pamela, the ferryman, fulfilled his prophecy. The mighty river, without seeing the end, appeared in front of everyone. The waves were turbulent and the sky was boundless. People flinched. They said timidly:" Go back, this is not mortal. The long river you can cross ... "


Shen Lin smiled involuntarily.

The old woman frowned, and after a few seconds of pause, she continued to read the new sacrament with affection and eloquence:

"... The man threw the barrel into the water and turned it into two giant ships ... The man threw the rope into the water and turned it into a long bridge ... People passed the long river, and the sacred cow crossed the sky, when When they looked back, they saw that the water had become the original, and the deepest water could only drown the ankles ... "

"... people are hungry and cold. On the mountain, the man stopped the sacred cow, took off the iron pot, took out two cabbages, five pea pods ... the food in the pot, no matter how many times they took it, it didn't decrease ... ... a strong aroma that passes to all directions ... "

"... the night has come, and the deep black mist is covering the earth, the serpent, the beast, the rat king, and the giant mosquito looming ... burn it! The man said, the infinite flame of fire descended from the sky, and surrounded the circle drawn by that man, raging The holy flame of flames blocked the crickets from **** ... "

"Well, this grandma, I remember a lot of people who tested this section ..."

Shen Lin couldn't help it: "This is exactly the ancient camp. Is the normal procedure of setting fire on fire?"


The old lady smiled kindly: "Your doubt now will strengthen your faith in the future."

Why can't I control this mouth?

Shen Lin closed her mouth firmly again.

After waiting for two or three seconds, when Shen Lin stopped talking, the old lady opened the next page of the new sacrament:

"... It's dawn, the high mountains, the unrighteous, see the procession in the mountains ... Look, the sturdy ox, the full food, the weary traveler ... the unjust Human drool, drops drop by drop, pouring out the ground into deep pits ... "

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