Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 190: Flee

Wu Qingchen escaped-the guardian followed-broke the latter's impact-the thief rushed out of the woods-

When the situation developed here, riding on long ears, Wu Qingchen rushed across a corner, and the field of vision in the live broadcast was cut off.


In the neat swearing, the team leader quickly moved the mouse and clicked **** the position of "Next".

There is no "next", this is already the most immediate content.

Of course, in such a serious and urgent situation, the government is quite aware of the public's concern about the latest information.

After Wu Qingchen turned around the corner, everyone's cell phones, pop-up windows on the computer, TV on the wall, campus broadcast system ... began to push information one after another in the stern air defense alarm of the city.

The third second: Mr. Wu Qingchen was evacuating urgently, and there was no thief in sight.

Tenth second: Mr. Wu Qingchen is in an emergency evacuation. He is about 1800 meters away from the scene of the incident, and the guard is about 700 meters behind. There is no movement in the field of vision.

Twenty seconds: Mr. Wu Qingchen is in an emergency evacuation. He is about 2700 meters away from the incident. The guard is about 400 meters behind.

Thirtieth second: Mr. Wu Qingchen is temporarily rested ...

"Temporarily trimmed?"

"Why trim?"

"Wait for those three wastes?"

"Wait a fart! Run away!"


Middle Ages.

Wu Qingchen stopped.

Wu Qingchen had to stop.

During the training of the equestrian coaching team, the first lesson pointed out that you must not use the impressions in film and television works to set realistic horses.

Even the top horse race on the earth is not suitable for long-distance running at full speed. The war horse in the Middle Ages-and it is still a pony, it is impossible to persist for a long time. About a minute or so, you may sweat a lot and run for five minutes at full speed. It is estimated that you have to fight for its small life.

In fact, Wu Qingchen suddenly remembered this. When he hurriedly grabbed his long ears, he grabbed the reins and leaned his elbows on the horse's back with sweat.

Jumping out of his long ears to ease its burden, Wu Qingchen quickly looked around for a few laps, then stared at several key positions and examined them several times.

According to the observation method taught by the classical tactics group, after determining that the surrounding environment is relatively safe, Wu Qingchen was slightly relieved.

"What's next? What's next?"

"calm down!"

Wu Qingchen took a few long breaths and finally remembered the content of the training.

The next second, Wu Qingchen rushed back to his long ears, took a water sac out of the luggage it was carrying, filled himself with two sips, and stuffed the water sac to the mouth of the long ear.

The long ear drank a few sips of pleasure, and Wu Qingchen poured the rest of the water on the long ear to help it cool down further.

After completing these, Wu Qingchen had time to turn around.

This little effort, Grace, Runcorn, Antoine, the distance between the three guards and Wu Qingchen has only about 200 meters left.

"Come, come here." Wu Qingchen beckoned vigorously.

On the one hand, Wu Qingchen went to the other side of her long ears, and from the luggage on this side, she took out another water pouch and a small cloth bag.

Wu Qingchen unpacked the packet.

Inside was a whole pale yellow strip.

This is based on the joint guidance of the medical team, health team, food experts and other departments. Wu Qingchen spent more than a month and spent a lot of energy using raw materials such as flour, honey, salt, and fresh herbs to restore physical strength quickly. High-calorie dry food.

Holding this precious dry food that was originally planned to be used for emergency escape, emergency avoidance, and emergency rescue, Wu Qingchen carefully pulled down a few pieces and stuffed the remaining dry food into his arms.

Looking back again, the three of Grace were very close. Wu Qingchen swallowed a piece of dry food and swallowed with two sips of water.

Half a minute later, the three walked to Wu Qingchen.

Running for several minutes, all three turned red and sweaty.

"Get it, eat it."

Wu Qingchen handed dry food.

After receiving the food smelling flour and honey, without any hesitation, Grace, Runcorn, and Antoine Marly shoved into their mouths, chewed them and swallowed them.

Wu Qingchen threw the water pouch into Grace's hand again: "Hurry up, take a few sips."

Several people drank water in turn.

"Don't talk ..." Wu Qingchen waved a hand: "Sit down, take a rest, don't say anything now."

The three sat down.

Wu Qingchen also sat down.

"It's almost ..." Two minutes later, the mood was slightly stable, and the three people around him basically recovered their normal breathing frequency. Wu Qingchen took a deep breath and stood up, grabbing the reins of the long ears: "Go, hurry and continue go."

"Lo ... Los ..."

The oldest Antoine was still breathing a bit: "Master Los ..."

"shut up!"

Wu Qingchen rushed over quickly, covering Antoine's mouth tightly.

Master your sister!

Is the brain disabled? Fear the thieves don't know I'm a big fish?

Wu Qingchen looked around nervously, and slowly released his arms after several seconds: "Don't call me master now!"

"Lo ... Los ..."

Breathing, Antoine said: "Don't be afraid ... it should be okay now ... after so far, the thieves can't even see our shadow ... they must not catch up ..."

Definitely can't catch up?


Are you sure? You definitely have a fart! Can you bear this responsibility?

Ever heard of a snake in the grass? Ever heard of a tired plan? Ever heard of Gubu Fanzhen? Ever heard of Sun Tzu ’s Art of War?

"Uncle Antoine ... Please stick to it!" Keeping in mind the many classic tactics of the cold weapon era demonstrated by the tactical group, Wu Qingchen pulled Antoine up. ! "

Ten seconds later, Antoine walked in the forefront to open the road. Grace accompanied Wu Qingchen to warn him. After Lang Cohen fell behind, the team continued to retreat.

Next, everyone walked a long open road, which was obviously not suitable for ambush. Wu Qingchen settled a little.

Next, everyone walked past Wu Qingchen's memory. The most suitable place for setting up nearby—the blind spot surrounded by three groves—was still quiet and quiet, Wu Qingchen breathed a long breath.

After that, about half an hour has passed from the accident to the emergency running. After connecting and turning through several curves, Wu Qingchen and the four climbed a long gentle slope.

Everyone's breathing became quick again.

In front of several people, the trees are sparse, the terrain is smooth, the field of vision is wide, and the danger is quite low. What makes everyone nervous again: In this high place, just a little ahead, you can see the place where the accident just happened. .

At about the same time, the pace of several people slowed down at the same time.

grass! The crucial moment is to rely on yourself!

Wu Qingchen cursed in his heart, quickened a few steps, and came to the front.

After walking through a few bushes and stepping on the small steps that naturally formed on the hillside, Wu Qingchen opened his eyes and looked at the place where he had just evacuated.

1, 2, 3 ...

Dean, Pamela, Abbeville ...

4, 5 ...

Harry, York ...


6, 7, 8, 9 ...

I grass! so many people? Is this ... are they caught?

Wu Qingchen flinched back quickly.


Just a little while ago, Wu Qingchen was already seen.

The direction of the change just now came from a distance.

"Hurry up ... Look ... Luo ... S ... Old ... Man ... Run ... I ..."

My day!

How long has this been? Was Pamela the Guiding Party?

Wu Qingchen's heart jumped!

Goofy! traitor! Scum!

Pamela, eighteen generations of your ancestors!

"Go ... Go!"

Regardless of saving horsepower, Wu Qingchen took the initiative and turned on his horse: "Go!"

Hearing Pamela's voice, defenders such as Grace also realized the seriousness of the matter, and several people accelerated the pace of walking at the same time.

A few seconds later, the crowd appeared for the second time on the open steps.

"Lo ... s ... old ... yeah ..."

Seeing so many people, Pamela's voice from far away was even more excited: "Hurry up ... see ... ah ... Loss ... s ... old ... yeah ... I ... get ... ... has ... run ... has ... "


Call you paralysis!

Bitch! traitor! Never fall into my hands again!

"A thief ... thief ... ran ..." ...


Wu Qingchen slowed down.

"The thief ... the thief ... all ... run ... to ..."


Wu Qingchen rubbed his ears involuntarily.

"I ... we ... grab ... to ... it ... pirate ... thief ..."


Wu Qingchen slammed his long ears.


at the same time.

The distance from Wu Qingchen in a straight line is about 1300 meters.

"How ... how ... quick ... quick look ..."

Running, climbing, and fleeing for such a long time, the leader really couldn't hold it anymore, pulling the bellows-like voice, the leader pressed his left hand on his leg, and his right hand trembled and pulled the nearest fugitive: "Come on ... Look ... he ... did they ... catch up? "

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