Kidnapping All Mankind

: Part 218 of `` The Ass ''

United Nations Interim Committee on Astronomical Events, logistics mission, key resource group, Wu Qingchen special office, personnel office.

In the command center, everyone is watching the news bulletins in the large display screen.

The dull team members also know that the specific situation of the "supernatural phenomenon" has a very close relationship with Wu Qingchen's next training content, and it also has a huge impact on the work of this department.

"Confirmed by the Interim Committee, 'Fighting for Faith Dominance' will be added to the core work of the next stage ... OK, Xiao Wang ..." softly read the keywords in bold in red on the large display screen, near the left In the office area, a member of the team suddenly patted the colleague's shoulder: "You can get it later ..."

"What's wrong, Vice Wu?"

Xiao Wang tilted his head.

In front of Xiao Wang, the display opened a document with a few lines of text already on it.

These lines of text are entitled: "Screening suggestions for trainers who interact with 'supernatural phenomena':"

Obviously, this is aimed at directing the possible direct contact with the "supernatural phenomenon" after the occurrence of the supernatural phenomenon, and preparing the necessary human resources for the communication caliber and response plan.

Below the main title, according to the briefings passed by the staff, Xiao Wang has already begun drafting preliminary ideas.

Extraterrestrial civilizations: provisional etiquette experts, speech experts, mathematicians, cutting-edge science and technology scholars, artists ...

Personalized oracles: Tentative religious personnel, devout religious believers, career candidates, lobbying the upper levels of the company ...

Materialized oracle: tentative negotiation expert, game expert, professional manager, e-commerce excellent customer service ...

Leader of astronomical events: ...

Earth Observer: ...


"Because ..." Mr. Wu casually tapped "extraterrestrial civilization, personified deities" on the display screen, etc .: "These classifications are definitely not the focus in a short time ... the temporary committee should focus on the church."

"Why?" Xiao Wang frowned slightly.

"Obviously, look ..." Vice Deputy Wu pointed to the big screen in front: "'Battle for Faith Dominance' has been added to the core work ... At present, it is the most convenient and most profitable one to compete for Faith's dominance, only to dominate the church.

"Can you talk carefully?" Xiao Wang asked humbly.

"Of course." Helping colleagues in the same group to thoroughly understand the decision-making ideas is obviously conducive to the later work. Deputy Wu nodded and began to explain his understanding:

"For the fight for dominance of faith, there are many benefits to continuing to dominate the church. First, in the medieval world, the dominating church has laid a good foundation. Mr. Wu Qingchen has also successfully established a foothold in the church. , Subsequent developments occupy a strong position. "

"Well." Xiao Wang nodded. The first point was obvious and didn't need to be explained carefully.

"Second, compared to these supernatural phenomena you listed ..." Once again referring to the classification of "extraterrestrial civilizations" in the display screen in front of Xiao Wang, Deputy Wu continued: "Dominating the church has the lowest threat."


Xiao Wang touched his chin.

This is a bit complicated, but after a thorough review of the previous briefing, Xiao Wang also established the basic concepts.

It is needless to say that the culprits such as the celestial event leader have no ability to fight back. Ten days have passed since the occurrence of the astronomical event, and the world's top experts have gone to great lengths to study it, but so far, apart from the sky curtain that others have deliberately put out, the earth has not made any substantial progress.

The idea of ​​extraterrestrial civilization is certainly not a good object.

If the flying continent shown in the "supernatural phenomenon" is an extraterrestrial civilization, then its lowest technology level also has at least an anti-gravity engine. Such an amazing technological difference, for the earth, extraterrestrial civilization does not need to use any super technology at all. Just looking for a large meteorite of similar size to hang in the air, and then directly dropping it, it is enough that 99% of the earth's biosphere is dead.

The only thing that can be a little bit encouraging is to dominate the church.

If there is really only a deity behind it, according to the information that the earth has so far touched, the strength of the deities 'master' is actually just average.

There is no need to make too complicated calculations. From 300 years ago to 150-170 years ago, the dominating church repeatedly enlightened and mass-produced nearly a hundred priests. It was only able to control ten parishes and about 180 villages!

Compared with the earth, from the astronomical event to the present, only two months have passed in the Middle Ages. Wu Qingchen, only 13 or 4 years old, may only be able to kill a few birds, but if converted into influence, Wu In the early morning, at least 30% of the village has been occupied.

That is to say, if there are one hundred such Wu Qingchens, and the time is extended to one hundred years, no tandem is needed, no cooperation is considered, and the influence effect that multiplies in the later period is calculated (this is almost What will definitely happen), can still expand the area under control to thousands of villages, which is ten times more than the dominant church!

On the other hand, let's look at the level of agricultural technology that was passed on to the medieval world: Mita Rotary Farming, field ridges, simple water conservancy ... If this is a miracle, then Wu Qingchen, or the healing cattle and bees introduced by the earth Pollination, artificial grouping, and other farming techniques planned to be introduced later are obviously more shocking miracles.

Looking at the military aspect, although the pastor who dominated the church had all kinds of magical abilities in the first three hundred years, however, instead of relying on these abilities to establish a military or at least semi-military organization, it was directly using supernatural abilities to deter the village. Great waste of resources.

According to records 150-170 years ago, ten or so noblemen could consume one priest, which means that as long as Wu Qingchen operates for another half a year, he can cultivate at least three priests' overwhelming armed forces.

"Taking the heavens ..." Thinking of this, Xiao Wang's lips moved slightly and he couldn't help muttering his thoughts: "Waste, too waste!"

"Yeah." Vice Vice Wu nodded again and again: "Holding a golden rice bowl to beg ..."

By the way, Mr. Wu continued to explain: "The third point is that the basis for cooperation with 'Juji' is relatively high. Assuming that the supernatural phenomenon in the medieval world was caused by oracles, Joji's follow at least the principle of equivalent exchange, and they also care more about believers. Growth and survival. Compared with the earth, and even the legends of the Middle Ages itself, evil, chaos, and freewheeling gods, biased toward the "master" of order, is obviously a more suitable partner for cooperation. "

"Yes." Xiao Wang nodded forcefully: "Evil is actually okay to say ... if you touch a neuropathic oracle, that would be really troublesome."

"The fourth point is to consider the distribution of benefits." Pharaoh pulled down another finger: "According to the existing intelligence deduction, the judgments of the staff committees of various countries are quite consistent: the master is now in the stage of decline, or even fall. Here In this case, the earth injected resources, let ’s not talk about the bonus points of sending charcoal in the snow. Compared with other gods, only from the perspective of business cooperation: on the one hand, loss-making companies with exhausted cash flows, and on the other hand, publicly listed companies with large wealth, the negotiation is difficult Do n’t ask. ”

"But ..." Speaking of this, Xiao Wang had some doubts: "Perhaps‘ lord 'is willing to divide more interests, but other deities may be able to give the earth greater hope? ”

"No." Deputy Wu shook his head slightly: "The earth now needs supernatural abilities, but it doesn't care how strong this supernatural abilities are ... With the human and material resources of the earth, the difficulty is the opportunity, clue, and exact direction of supernatural abilities, among which The principle ... with these, the subsequent development is not difficult ... exaggerated. As long as you know what the connection between faith and supernatural power is, is it difficult for 7 billion earth people to believe in Mr. Wu Qingchen? "

"The truth is right, but ..." Xiao Wang hesitated and said, "don't talk about the direction and principle, just because of opportunities and clues, it will be more difficult ..."

"So it is more important to value the dominating church."

Mr. Wu said decisively: "Everyone knows that short-sightedness is a derogatory term ... but, in 9 years, the earth has not had time to look forward to long-term benefits."

"So far, there are classics and legends. The only areas that have been cleaned by the earth are the village of Akeli and the castle of Akford. With so many churches and so many priests, there are always word of mouth. , Mysterious classics? "

"Even if the dominating church cannot find a substantial supernatural ability ... from the photos and other clues, the potential influence of the dominating church significantly exceeds the original estimate of the earth. Continued use of the dominating signboard is at least beneficial for faster expansion Influence, is it better to seek the leader of other supernatural abilities? "

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