Kidnapping All Mankind

: Part I `` Ass '' 223 Coping and Painting

"Lord Los, then you don't have to worry about any risks ... oh, how?"

Seeing Wu Qingchen not speaking for more than ten seconds, Rev. Paul asked a little.

What else can I do?

Wu Qingchen's heart was weary:

I ran out of excuses, but it turned out to be extremely troublesome.

The onlookers of the Earth are equally tired and crooked:

"It's endless?"

"Is it cheap to sell well?"

"Did you not prepare a killer when you left the village of Akeli? Taste this bitch!"

The Key Command Center of the Staff Group is even more tired:

"Physical extinction is not feasible! Not to mention the difficulty of implementation and the risks after the fact, even if everything goes well, Fort Ackerford has no priest, isn't it more convenient for the **** operation behind Paul?"

"It is not appropriate to ask the Baron to intercede. First, the attitude of the Baron is very unclear. Secondly, whether it is the earth or the Middle Ages, once it is linked to power, emotions and trust become quantifiable data. What a waste to waste here! "

"From the information we have now ..." A calm voice spoke: "The plan for the exchange of positions should be designed and insinuated by the leader of the group of Pastor Paul, and the taste of goodwill is strong. Design When responding to the plan, if circumstances permit, we must consider the factors that continue to take advantage of the opportunity to strengthen good relations ... Of course, it will be more difficult. "

"Head, do you want to formulate an emergency wake-up plan?" A voice reminded: "Two to three days in the Middle Ages, and two to three hours after Earth, Mr. Wu Qingchen arrived at the Fishgard parish."

"Well, let's make it ..." Shen Wen's voice groaned slightly. "However, depending on the political abilities of the Baron Ackerford Bureaucracy and the people behind Rev. Paul, Deacon's group must not be underestimated. There should be no hasty decision ... there is still plenty of time. "

"But ..." The previous reminder sounded hesitant.

"You said."

"The longer the time, the more time it takes to discuss it, but ... the more things that can happen."

"Well ..." Shen Wen paused for a moment: "Barons, priests, and deacons are indeed not fuel-saving lamps ... but Mr. Wu Qingchen is no longer a clerk ten days ago."

Yes, with ten days of training on Earth and two months of training in the Middle Ages, Wu Qingchen is definitely no longer a ignorant citizen.

At least, with Wu Qingchen who was ten days ago, it is absolutely impossible to be acutely aware of the perfection in Paul's proposal in just ten minutes of conversation. ——You know, this plan for exchange of posts, but Mr. Paul convened several students, brainstormed, and discussed the plan that was made in the middle of the night.

In addition, how to deal with this "five bests", although Wu Qingchen couldn't come up with a full set of solutions at once, if there was a little delay or a stumbling block, Wu Qingchen had already thought of many routines.

"Her Paul ..." Wu Qingchen said, "These are all very good, but ... you know this kind of thing, it's definitely not my decision."

"Um." Rev. Paul nodded.

"Of course, I remember everything you said." Wu Qingchen said with a smile. "When I send the letter, I will tell Deacon Talmar."

"Okay, that's hard for you." Reverend Paul continued to nod, beckoning and beckoning, "Gigger, get the letter in my room."

About three minutes later, sweaty Giger ran back, and Wu Qingchen had an extra page of sheepskin.

Using the speed-reading method taught by the earth, Wu Qingchen quickly scanned the sheepskin roll, then instructed Antoine to take out a thin rope, carefully bundle the sheepskin roll, and carefully placed it on the safest bottom of the bag.

Looking at Wu Qingchen's soothing movements and careful arrangements, it seemed as if he saw the pastorship of Aweiduo Village beckoning, and Rev. Paul smiled involuntarily.

-Rev. Paul can never think of His Excellency Mr. Wu Qingchen, who has a smile on his face that is even more joyful than himself. At this moment, he is recalling the description of the sender. In a few days, on the way to the Fishgard parish, what are the comparisons? It is suitable to let this sheepskin roll accidentally be left behind; or how to tamper with three or five words quietly, so that the suggestions and requests that seem to be mutually beneficial and win-win can be solicited into condescending alms and orders.

"Okay." Bundled the sheepskin and stuffed it into the bag. Rev. Paul and Wu Qingchen both breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Wu Qingchen had already walked into the “mill” from the “street”. The thin wooden board in his hand, the third picture above—the inside view of the mill—has been completed seven or seven.

It was also at this time that a guard entered the mill, as if he did not see Rev. Paul, and the guard saluted directly to Wu Qingchen: "His lord Los, your followers, and the inferiors who work today have arrived. Done."

"Okay." Wu Qingchen smiled back and said, "I'll be right there."

The guard bowed again and left the mill. Wu Qingchen looked at the thin wooden board in his hand and sighed softly.

This was a sigh that had been practiced hundreds of times, and Rev. Paul involuntarily raised guilt in his heart. ——If it wasn't for the old pull and the old pull, the priest Los would have already painted the mill.

"Lord Los," Rev. Paul said immediately, "go and do your business, these paintings, I will help you draw them carefully."

"How's this sorry?" Wu Qingchen slightly resigned.

"Should ..." Rev. Paul patted his chest. "I'm delaying your time."

"Well ..." Wu Qingchen groaned slightly and nodded slowly: "Okay ... Actually, drawing these pictures is not just to open up my neighbors ... After all, Teacher Praia has been a long time I haven't been to Fort Arkford and I miss it a lot. "

what? Also involved in Praia? Involved in an equally important part of the plan?

"This is so!" Rev. Paul was more eager in his eyes: "Lord Los, you are really a good student ... just a few pictures, you can rest assured that I will do it for you!"

"Thank you so much," Wu Qingchen said gratefully. "However, it's enough to just paint like this, don't worry too much."

"What trouble is this?" Rev. Paul humbled, watching Wu Qingchen instruct Antoine to take out a few sketches that had just been drawn on thin wooden boards from his luggage.

It's almost like this ...

As he thought, Rev. Paul took the sketch.

This is the sketch drawn by Wu Qingchen. However, because of the important thing about the exchange of positions just now, although Rev. Paul thought that Wu Qingchen was painting well, he didn't pay much attention. At this time, he looked carefully and immediately took a breath of indifference.

After receiving theological education for nearly ten years, although the level of Rev. Paul ’s painting can only be said to be average, the level of appreciation has been cultivated. When he was drawing by Wu Qingchen just now, Rev. Paul had only divided a small part of his spirit, so he only felt Wu The significance of the special strokes in the early morning in terms of saving time. Now I pay close attention to it and immediately discover the good performance of sketch strokes in light, shadow, proportion, and realism.

It would suffice to be so casual ...

Thinking about Wu Qingchen's request just now, and then thinking about the situation in which my mouth promised, Rev. Paul could not help but feel a bit bitter.

"Is Lord Lost very good at painting?" Giegel responded sharply, and as he came over, he asked: "I remember, he seems to have been with Rev. Praia for less than two months ..."

Kevin is relatively silent, but has a lot of thought:

"Ah! Liar?"

Is it true that Mr. Paul usually reads the sacramental stories of saints, and those saints who can learn anything no matter what, as the father said, are not all deceptive things?

"Master! How is this possible?"

"Huh?" Both students were in doubt.

"Teacher, what's wrong?"

Due to the development direction of civilization (without strong text, painting will naturally take on some of the heavy burden of inheritance) and the influence of the dominating church. In the aspect of painting, the medieval world was closer to realism, and it focused on light, shadow, proportion, and perspective. skill.

"No, maybe ..." Rev. Paul smiled bitterly, beckoning Gigor to come over: "We will all have to stay in the bazaar for the next days."

Giegel is quick-minded and candid: "Two months! It's only two months. After praying every day, I only learn to paint, can't I paint like this?"

Taking a closer look at the few wooden boards that Wu Qingchen handed out, Rev. Paul, although suffering in his heart, did not feel that he could not reach the level of these sketches by Wu Qingchen. — Of course, it can never be easy.

At this point, Wu Qingchen had left the guard. The secret conversation ended, and Kevin, one of Rev. Paul's students, came over: "You have been teaching painting for a few years. Brother Gigger and I may be able to help."

A few seconds later, looking at several sketches spread out by Rev. Paul, the two students were equally shocked.

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