Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 255: Ashley Lights the Mountain

March 25, 0001.

Middle Ages.

Acre Village.

To the northeast, somewhere on top of the mountain.

Opposite the only channel for communication with the outside world in the village of Aikeli, a canopy was constructed using rattan, straw, leaves, and several tree branches.

This simple building, even in the Middle Ages, is an important part of the early warning system of Aikeli Village: the cigarette lighter.

Such a key building, of course, must be staffed throughout the year.

Far from the center of the village, lonely in the wilderness, and on the front line of conflict. From the perspective of the working environment and responsibilities, it is a dangerous job to watch the mountains.

When the village of Akeli was just established, it was indeed the case. Almost every year, when the surrounding lord military organization was armed, the widow had a very high manufacturing rate in this first place. At that time, the folks assigned to Smoky Mountains walked on the road. Everyone was evaded to avoid getting bad luck.

With the change of age, the surrounding villages have been included in the effective rule of Fort Afford for the first time. The advantages of being in the hinterland have gradually become apparent. The military key to prevent the invasion of the enemy has gradually evolved into a security post to guard against the small rogues. The high-risk positions that have been missed have gradually evolved into the fragrant rice cakes that villagers are competing for, with the benefit of eliminating all other labor.

Being able to get such a position, this time the caretaker, Freeman Hamilton has always been in a good mood.

Until a few days ago.

A few days ago, another freelance guard guarding Smoky Mountain with Hamidun, who had been with Moore for more than half a year, was suddenly replaced by Zhuangtou and returned to the village.

This is nothing, no one dares to expect a capable life for such a hot job.

The trouble is that after Moore returned to the village, the new guard who came over to take over was actually a little more than ten years old!

This is a headache!

What can a ten-year-old kid do?

Can I carry a wooden stick and iron spear? Can you drive away the robbers?

Well, these ethereal ones may not meet their real responsibilities for years, and Hamilton doesn't really care.

But the problem is that besides the duty of warning, there are many chores in the caretakers of Yanshan, or the work that Hamilton really cares about.

In order to maintain a good view and reduce accidental false positives, the area around Dianyan Mountain is the only area where gentlemen tacitly capture animals and cut down trees. With these two default benefits, families who are on duty in the Yanshan Mountains basically don't need to worry about firewood anymore. Every time during the full moon, the children's wooden bowls can have oil flowers once or twice.

But this benefit does not apply at all when working with a ten-year-old guy.

Due to over-exploitation, whether it is cutting firewood or catching meat, the caretaker has to go out of the way to start his own private work. When working with old adults, everyone can take turns to make profits. The ten-year-old turns

Just kidding, who dares to smoke a little bit and report the signal, hoping for a young, inexperienced 10-year-old kid, isn't it that he hasn't suffered too many sticks?

"Uncle Hamilton, there seems to be something down the mountain"

While Hamilton was sighing a little, a few steps behind him, the little boy suddenly spoke.

"I look at it and pull the grass!"

Hamilton did not return.

Since there was no hope of chopping firewood or catching meat in a short period of time, Hamilton had to lead this little guy and take good care of the plantation beside the shed, a small piece on the left, a small piece on the right, a ridge on the slope, and a pinch of stone. , Add up to a total of two boolean peas.

This is the planting area opened up by past watchmen for decades.

Thinking of this, Hamidon was angry again. This piece of land that has been sweating for a whole year, before Moore returned to the village, he had called the family to harvest all his belongings overnight, and he had to take the rest. Selling most of the energy, after a while, I have to share with the ten-year-old guy!

Most frustratingly, Hamilton had to give.

Who made this little guy have an older sister?

Who made this little kid's fiance his Idela?

Who made this little fellow's fiance's brother the Lord Los?

Can such a buddy, even a ten-year-old child, be indifferent? Don't you think so?

"Uncle Hamilton, there is really something down the mountain." When Hamilton was heartbroken, the little man started calling again.

"Okay, Eli, if you're too tired, you'll rest for a while." Hamidon sighed.

Due to the uneasiness of the heart and the time when the work is really heavy, these days, Hamilton has awakened the little guy every day at dawn, racing against the clock in the plantation field.

Although the little guy didn't have any direct complaints, it seemed to feel quite fresh, but due to the natural gap between his age and his body, Elaine still couldn't bear it. He always found a reason to stop. , Always sigh, while leaving time for Elaine to rest.

However, this time Hamilton's judgment was wrong. After allowing the rest, Elaine still did not stop: "Uncle Hamilton, look at it, someone really comes!"

"Hey Eli," he said, and Hamilton stood up, looking at the path to Akeli: "Ah, somebody is coming soon, light up!"


"Wrong! Wrong! That's the smoke of the number of fingers! It's wrong there too! That's the smoke with weapons! Go to the other side of the oblique tree and walk away, I'll come!"

There was a rush, about half a minute, lighting the mountain, and a straight blue smoke rose.

The two stopped their work, clenched their torches, and stared quietly at the entrance of the passage, as well as the figure climbing in the mountains and forests.

Eli suddenly grabbed Hamidon's arm by force: "Pamela! It seems like Pamela! Uncle Hamidon, look! Is it Uncle Pamela back?"

"Wow," Hamilton watched for ten seconds, and the torch in his hand drew silently: "It seems that Pamela is indeed back"

Twenty minutes later, Pamela climbed up the hillside.

"Pamela" greeted from a distance, and Hamilton was a little surprised: "Well, you're fat!"

"It's okay." Pamela smiled and waved her hands and said directly, "Hamilton, Lord Los's team is going to come in a lot, so don't rush to light three cigarettes."

"Pamela, you crawled for nothing!" Hamilton also smiled and nodded: "I know Lord Rose caught a bunch of poor bugs on the road."

"Poor bug? Are you talking about thieves on the road?"


"Well, how do you know?"

"A few days ago, the herald of the castle came over, and the steward also read me the letter from His Excellency the Baron."

"Oh, this." Pamela nodded first, then shook her head. "Then I didn't have a hard time, you still have to look at it."

"Look what?"

"I'll know later"

Speaking, Pamela walked dozens of steps away from the thatched shed, lighting another ray of smoke dedicated to transmitting information to the direction of the passage.

About two minutes, the direction of the passage, the corner where Pamela appeared, turned out of a long walk.

Walking ahead, the figure with the iron spear was quite familiar.

"Abwell, Dean" Hamilton recognized it at a glance. "Ha, these two guys are very mental."

Pamela nodded.

Next is one after another, one after another, undressed, carrying wooden barrels, firewood, beds, and tools.

"This is the poor worm caught by Lord Los, isn't it?"

Pamela nodded.

Then, around the corner, there were two strong men with iron spears and wearing leather armor.

"This is the guard sent by Lord Baron to Lord Grace, isn't it?"

Pamela nodded again.

After Fort Afford's guards, the next thing appeared, one after another, one after another, undressed, carrying a small baggage body.

"Why is there?" Frown frowning. "Isn't the thief gone? Why? There are two halves? Wrong! I just passed my fingers and toes!"

"Have you heard the letter?"

Pamela smiled: "This is Master Praia's teacher, Master Talma, as a child's companion, Lord Lohalin, to Lord Los' serf, and this is only part of it."

During the talk, the serfs from the parish had all walked out, and two strong men in leather armor appeared again around the corner.

"Why are there guards?"

Hamidun rubbed his eyes and looked forward: "Yes, there are guards just now. Why?"

"The guards that Fort Afford sent to Lord Grace were now the guards that the parish Colinburg sent to Lord Idra."

"Master Yidela?"

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