"I ... Master Idra?"

After a few short syllables and a knot in his tongue, Hamilton took a long time to finish.

"Is it strange? Baroness needs Lord Brother's brother to help move the honeycomb, and of course the parish will."

When he said this, Pamela's expression on his face and the tone of his mouth were calm, even a little indifferent.

This comes from a unified template: A few days ago, when I was about to leave Fort Collins, when the news was suddenly received, the Attendants and Hamilton were generally astonished at the moment, and Lord Los was the answer, as well as this calm and indifferent expression.

Pamela's calmness at the moment was the result of buffering for several days, of course, Hamilton could not calm down.

Lord Idra! Another master will appear in the village of Akeli!

And a little guy ... no, the husband of a good sister!


"That ..." After really digesting the news, Hamilton turned quickly and quickly turned the shock on his face into a twisted smile: "Elai, stop, stop ..."

"Ah?" Eli looked up.

"Don't work anymore, that ..." Hamidon's brain turned quickly, and he quickly thought of the reason: "So many people have arrived, I must quickly go to see the master and the priest, you don't have to do it, Take a break ... Well, look down at the mountain. "

"No need, Hamilton. Look at it here."

Little Eli hasn't answered yet, Pamela has interfaced: "You can keep it here, I climbed up, mainly to tell you not to hurry to light three cigarettes, the other is ..."

With that said, Pamela turned her head to look at Eli, and the smile on his face was mild enough to make friends with the wolf. Your brother is about to leave the village of Akeli soon, so hurry and meet him. "

"My brother? Leaving Acre Village? What's wrong?"

"Don't worry, it's a good thing ... well, he'll be out soon."

"Lang Cohen, what's wrong with him ..." Seeing Pamela's expression revealed to Little Ella, Hamilton suddenly felt a certain hunch.

"Good thing, look ..."

During the talk, the guards from Fort Collim had completely stepped out of the corner, and then, a dozen serfs carrying their burdens stepped out, and then ...

"And ... and two more guards?" Hamilton exclaimed for a third time.

After the third batch of serfs, the third batch of strong men carrying weapons appeared in the vision of the three.

"No." This time, Pamela shook her head. "This is not a guard, this is a police officer in Newling Village."

Is it just police?

The two strong men who just came out are indeed slightly inferior to the guards, but they are definitely not the look of ordinary free civilian police.

Moreover, Newlin Village ...

"Newlin Village! This is not ..." Hamilton's tone was even more surprised.

Hamilton wasn't finished. Immediately behind the two strong men, each was slightly shorter, but the same strong figure stepped out.


"It seems like ... it's like brother ... yes, it's brother!"

No wonder Little Eli looked at it for a long time before confirming it.

"Brother ... how did you change clothes?"

Lang Cohen, who had just stepped out of the corner, was no longer on his body when he went out, and Wu Qingchen came out to borrow the robes borrowed from the plow-style home, but replaced them with a whole new, close, thick, solid materials, real Decent dress.

"Hey ... this is Master Praia, hey, not the master Praia in the village, but the father of the master Praia in the village, the clothes for your brother."

"Li ... gift?" Hamidon snapped again.

"Is it weird?" Pamela performed again indifferently: "Baron Castle, the parish needs Lord Los's brother to help move the honeycomb, teacher ... Well, of course, Praia's place will also be needed."


Unstoppable envy came to Hamilton's mind.

After a few seconds ...

"Did you say ..." Looking back at Eli, especially Eli's dark face, and the blisters on his hands, Hamilton's tone was filled with uneasiness: "Lang Cohen ... is he also a master?"

"That's not ..." Pamela shook her head.

I knew it, how could it be!

Although Rev. Praia is a master, his family is still far from the baron and parish, and he must have been in charge. Besides, how could Langkorn not be a brother of Lord Los, how could he become a master.

Thinking of this, Mr. Hamilton relieved.

Hamilton only reassured for a few seconds.

"But ..." A few seconds later, Pamela went on to say, "... Master Praia said, as long as he works hard and there are no major problems, Runcorn can soon become the head of the village. Well ..." said Then Pamela beckoned to Eli, "Let's hurry up."

Behind him, the expression on Hamilton's face froze.

The head of Runcorn ... the head of Rev. Praia's family ... How is this different from being a master? Maybe even more terrible!

A few seconds later.

"Wait a minute! Eli, wait a minute!" Hamidon grabbed the little man and said quickly, "Lang Cohen has something great, how can I pretend I didn't hear it?"

Having said that, Hamilton rushed into the shed and rushed out again, holding a basket of vegetables on his right and a basket of peas on his left, and shoved it into Xiao Yilai's hand: "May the Lord take care of your brother for a long time."

"Uncle Hamidon, this ..." Little Eli was puzzled.

"Hold it." Look at Hamilton, then look at Elaine, the messenger smiled, and patted Elaine's shoulder gently.

After a few minutes.

The cigarette lighter hillside, the figure of the messenger and Xiao Yilai gradually became smaller.

At the top of the Smoke Mountain, Hamilton sat down on the ground, roaring in his heart. ——Being together for nearly ten days, Hamidun can't complain about Eli's knowledgeable, industrious and industrious little guy. However, for deliberately taking away his old man, he can get this little guy to smoke Coming Zhuangtou ...

Father, father, a long time ago, as a kid, when this **** fell into the stream, why did you jump into the cold water in the cold winter to get the **** out?


Little Elaine was very aggressive, and the Smoke Hills raised two green smokes in succession, which was also a clear signal. The director of Everett and Rev. Praia arrived quickly.

What follows is a series of turmoil.

Entertain guards, replace police, retrieve weapons, count supplies, arrange serfs ...

When everything was settled, the shadow cast on the sundial outside the church of Akeli pointed towards the evening.

"Loss, good job."

"Lord Los, you worked hard."

After finishing the trivial affairs, he opened the letter brought back by Wu Qingchen, and the director of Everett and Rev. Praia smiled.

How can you be unhappy?

Everett was in charge and received the approval of Baron Acford, the baron's eldest son-the next Baron Akford, and the baron's second son-the future knight master.

Rev. Praia also received praise from the parish teacher, parish friend, and family Newin Village. ——In particular, from the parish and the family letter to the end, in the inquiry of the follow-up technology, Rev. Praia easily saw that in the village of Newlin where the Praia family is located, the method of curing cattle and moving honeycomb, When Wu Qingchen taught, he undoubtedly redoubled his intentions.

Looking at these letters, Praya's chest burst into warmth.

——Of course he couldn't think of it. This is the Earth Staff, and he designed a strategic balance for the different strengths of the baron leader, parish, and Praia family.

"Yeah, Los, you already have students?" Putting down the letter, Rev Praia smiled.

"Yes." Wu Qingchen was a little embarrassed.

"When I was nineteen, I accepted Andrei ... At that time, many people said that I accepted students too early." Holding the sheepskin roll and tapping the table gently, Praia looked at Wu Qingchen: " You are earlier than me ... and not just earlier ... "

"Ten ... hey, sixteen ..." Pointing to the child standing obediently behind Wu Qingchen, Praya smiled: "... you have three students."

Behind Wu Qingchen, three children stood.

Basson-8 years old, Baron Archford, three sons of Baron Archford.

Arthur, 9 years old, student in Fishgard Parish, recommended by Deacon Talmar.

Evan-8 years old, Newling Village, Praia family, son of Rev. Praia cousin.

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