Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 258: father

"What luck?" Freeman asked. % d7% cf% d3% c4% b8% f3

"It's not lucky, I'll think about it," Hult frowned deeply, walking back and forth several times, suddenly settled, and asked the old neighbor, "You listen, I think that's right"

"Okay." Freeman nodded.

"Idra and Grace are both taken care of by the Lord, going to the baron leader and parish to be masters"

"Um." Freeman nodded.

"Idela and Grace are gone, and the old William's house is left with only a capable boy, Lord Los"

"Working" Freeman shook his head. "Master Los has no need to work."

"You're right." Hart didn't care about the rebuttals of his old neighbors. "In this way, the old William's house is gone without a capable boy."

"Then what? Wouldn't you be thinking about the place of the old William's house?" Hoot pouted: "Don't you hear that? Lord Luos got back a bunch of serfs. The number you have reached now is more than you. There are more fingers! "

"What a share!" Hart shook his head: "The old William's house has no capable boys, the old William's house, no no no, the village of Acre is suddenly without beekeepers and burdocks. . "

"Yeah." Freeman was a little worried. "The honeycomb and summer service next year will not be so easy."

"Hey!" Hort couldn't help crying. "What trouble are you thinking at this time! Think about it carefully: the village of Akeli is free of beekeepers and burdocks! There are no beekeepers and burdocks!"

"Yeah!" Freeman flashed before him. "Beekeeper and burdock! You mean us!"

"Yes!" Hott nodded hard.

"The beekeeper and the burdock! We! We!" Freeman also began to pace in excitement. After ten seconds, Freeman calmed down: "Old William can do it by himself"

"While Idra and Grace were still there, Old William was already helping you do what you see. Can he do it alone? And, all the work in the land is now his! "

"Master Los has a younger brother"

"Pavo still only crawling on the bed?"

"Right." Freeman suddenly remembered another old neighbor: "Richard! Edra's wife's father!"

"Lang Cohen is about to go out and make a head!"

"And Eli"

"Ten years old! Eli is only ten years old! He has no plow truck height and can't carry honeycomb branches! And my Samana and your Rosso are all capable of doing all the work!" Huo Swift interface: "Freeman, don't even think about being able to do these two good jobs, we only need two or three years! This is the beekeeper and burdock! Two or three years! As long as two or three years! Children will Days have come to count! "

"You're right! Right, you're right!" Freeman immediately began to circle in excitement again, and stopped again after ten seconds, his face bitter: "I was almost confused by you, but this is the beekeeper and burdock , Master Everett, and Master Praia, where would it be so easy to nod? "

"Yes." Hult nodded slowly.

"How is it possible!" Freeman sighed deeply, "You are confused by Richard's good luck? Master Luo speaks very well about his son's affairs, and even without speaking, Zhuangtou will help, but that is Because Idra is going to marry Richard's daughter, Richard and old William will soon be relatives! What about us? Why? Old William's old neighbor? "

"Of course not just the old neighbor!" Hult shook his head hard. "Remember? Old William, old William is much bigger than the two of us."

"Some things, we should give it back to Old William," Hult continued, his voice a little low. "Samana and Rosso's work is easy to say, but you may not be willing."


The next day.

After traveling for almost half a month, he returned to the familiar environment. Wu Qingchen woke up a little later than usual.

But okay.

Through the "wall hole", Wu Qingchen looked at the self-made sundial: Although the time is slightly tight, it is not a mistake.

Yawning, Wu Qingchen walked out of the burdock mansion.

As soon as the door was opened, Wu Qingchen was slightly wrong.

Outside the door, old William, Freeman, Hot, and the second sons of the two old neighbors were whispering in the open space outside the door.

"Master Los"

Seeing Wu Qingchen, facing the direction of the house, the four quickly took off their hats and saluted.

"Loss" Old William turned around and beckoned to Wu Qingchen, and when Wu Qingchen came to his side, Old William pointed at the old neighbors: "If Freeman and Hult have something for you, please try to help me . "

"Of course." Wu Qingchen looked around at the four with a smile and nodded again and again.

Although he does not recognize the sundial, according to experience, Hot also knows that Wu Qingchen has not much free time left at this time.

The "Master of the Loss" Wu Qingchen simply agreed, and Hotter gave up the circle: "Dominate the care, your brothers have a good future beekeepers and burdocks in the village of Akeli, do you have any arrangements?"


"Beekeeper and burdock"

Wu Qingchen groaned for a few seconds and saw two old neighbors-especially the second son around them-Wu Qingchen thought of the possibility of reminding the staff immediately.

However, whether it is Samana, Roseau, or the sons of the old neighbors, these are slightly below the core, but they are also very good human resources-in fact, let alone the sons of the two old neighbors, just Even they themselves-in the staff's next plan-have arranged.

Sorry, two good neighbors, for the plan of the staff group, and for the better future of your two sons, I have to let you down now

"That" Wu Qingchen was embarrassed and offered the staffing staff's prepared speech: "For more than a month, Mr. Praia has helped a lot: the original positions of Idra and Grace, the current positions, 唔And you also know the arrangement of Lang Cohen and Eli, it ’s all my brother ’s and relative ’s other things, and it ’s really not so good to trouble the teacher recently. ”


Old William coughed: "Loss, think of a way, Freeman and Hot, how much help have you helped our family before, have you forgotten? Just the cattle farming was injured that time."

"Nothing! Nothing!" Old Holt waved his hands quickly: "This is all right, William, you have helped us so much before, especially, me, freeman, father. It would have been for William to help you earlier. , The two of us have starved to death. "

"It's been so long" Old William scratched his head, a little embarrassed: "What else are you talking about now?"

"Of course!" Hult interrupted. "Why wouldn't you get married so late if you didn't take care of the two of us!"

"Yeah!" Freeman also interfaced. "If it wasn't for helping us, Pavo would have grown up, maybe Edra's son would be big."

"Now" Hult continued: "Edra and Grace are going to be masters outside, and Lord Rose is also a pastor. Of course, this is all good, but you, William."

Sighing, Hart and Freeman sighed at the same time.

Wu Qingchen understood the sigh.

Idela and Grace, being able to escape from heavy agricultural work and labor, is indeed a joyous event.

However, due to the inherent knowledge of the communication and transportation environment in the Middle Ages, the villagers seemed that after leaving the village of Akeli, the two sons of Old William may only occasionally return every few years, and they must be married and have children. The village where they serve, the son of Los is also very capable, but he is a clergyman, obviously he cannot marry. The last son has just climbed now.

Proper loneliness in old age.

——No matter the angle of the earth or the angle of the Middle Ages, this is really not a happy thing.

and so?

Wu Qingchen frowned slightly, thinking of something.

Sure enough, when Wu Qingchen rushed to Samana next to Hult, and Roseau next to Freeman, Hort went on to say: "William, whether it was you who took care of us before, but also because of you Something we all owe you father

Knew it!

My day! Here's my brother!

Wu Qingchen frowned even deeper.

Wu Qingchen frowned, but did not have any opinion on the idea of ​​the old neighbor.

In the social environment where apprentices have to play for three or four years, changing a father is not a simple matter of calling a "daddy".

This means that the entire personal relationship, personal belongings, labor ownership, and future maintenance obligations are completely transferred from one family to another, and fully entrusted to the nominal parent—Old William, the actual parent— — In the hands of Wu Qingchen.

In other words, the practice of Hurt and Freeman sending their sons really allows Wu Qingchen to help their sons more fully.

But Hult and Freeman themselves received little benefit, but lost two children who had worked hard to raise 15 to 6 years old.

As for household property calculations, Wu Qingchen's current status and prestige, even if a 7- or 8-year-old child was casually pulled in the village of Aikeli, would not have such naive thoughts.

Based on Bai's two more absolute brothers, and from an old neighbor's family who was already close, Wu Qingchen certainly smiled, but the problem is that this will obviously disrupt the staffing plan of the staff group.

However, it is not too much trouble and should not be difficult to adjust

Old William also vaguely realized what, when he was stunned, although Wu Qingchen was also extremely surprised, he had begun to weigh the pros and cons of his brain and quickly figured out most of them.

It's just a little strange: Why send a son, why deliberately emphasize that he owes William to his father? Is this good? Based on the understanding of Mr. Wu Qingchen, the top expert in the Middle Ages, even in the Middle Ages, he doesn't care about seniority at all?

At this time, both Hote and Freeman had finished speaking, and they pushed at the same time. Samana and Roseau walked in front of Old William and Wu Qingchen.

"What are you waiting for?" Hult and Freeman urged in unison.

The words of the two men landed, and Samana and Roseau knelt at the same time.

Their heads were deep and low, and they respectfully called:


The direction they knelt down,

It was Wu Qingchen who was instantly aggressive.

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