Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 262: Renew

Wu Qingchen was also somewhat surprised. Purple You Pavilion

Looking at Wu Qingchen's doubtful eyes, Thor waved his hand first, motioned the excited four household serfs to retreat, and then pointed Wu Qingchen in the direction of Everett's affairs.

Wu Qingchen tilted his head and immediately saw that Evelitt was showing a smile "Yes, it's exactly what I arranged" to this side.

From the perspective of Everett, the "gold content" of the two lands chosen by Wu Qingchen is too low.

This is certainly the choice Wu Qingchen himself made.

However, this choice actually avoided the difficulty of Everett's management in allocating land. According to the way the superiors interacted, Everett must reciprocate.

So, just a few moments ago, Wu Qingchen received additional church commons and forest wasteland.

According to Everett, just adding about a quarter of the extra area in this properly unfortunate location is far from enough to make up for Wu Qingchen ’s loss—or in other words, not enough to repay Wu Qingchen for omitting himself Trouble-However, the commons belonging to the lord and the church have a fixed number, and about a quarter of the float is already the limit of care in the rules. Everett had to find another way.

For example: Help Wu Qingchen buy the hearts of police officers.

Compared to the mature farmland that already belongs to Wu Qingchen, which requires fifty serfs to die, and the wide forest that can hardly be seen at an end, giving more than a dozen household servants a little bit of land is basically inadequate and easy for the masters. Operation, for this group of future police officers, is very different.

The effect is basically good, but there is a little noise

Retreating from the clerk, back to his wives, and looking at the place in front of him, Arles gave a contented sigh.

"That's a big share!" Angus said suddenly, standing beside him.

"Yeah." Arles nodded with emotion.

"Such a large place, only myself and my mother-in-law, two seem to be too busy." Angus said again.

"Yes." Arles sympathized.

"What to do?" Angus frowned. "It must be too late to have a baby."

"Yeah." Arles nodded again and again. Out of the same selection principle, the territories, parishes, and the Praia family chose the servants of the Acre village to serve the young master. They were all young and strong, no drag on newlywed families.

"It's a waste of such a good share of land to farm it casually."

"Yeah yeah" Arles nodded even more.

"If you don't take care of Master Bathen's work, give it to your mother-in-law as much as possible, and you usually stay to take care of your share?"

"Yeah!" Arles just nodded in deep conviction, then suddenly surprised, looking at his companion: "Uh Angus, what do you want to say?"

"I said, didn't you think?"

"Uh" Arles had to admit, Angus, the clever man who led directly by Akford, said everything he said in his heart, before thinking about it, his father was serious to himself. Explaining, Arles hurriedly and sincerely asked his companions, "Angus, what should I do?"

"Remember what I said just now?" Angus also changed his solemn expression. "Serving Master Bathson is our original business, and we should put it behind."

"Ah?" Arles immediately expressed his fearful expression: "Don't listen to Lord Rose? Lord Rose is a priest, and Lord Rose is a teacher of Lord Basen."

"What nonsense?" Angus swiftly rushed over, covering Arles' mouth with a hand: "Who said you wouldn't listen to Lord Rose?"

Angus quickly looked around: the companions from Ackerford's leaders were still dreaming, and the servants from the parish and the Praia family looked at the direction of the masters, their eyes were full of expectations, and there was nothing People notice the conversation over here.

"Hello, I mean," sighing heavily, Angus reached Arles's ear, and lowered his voice, "don't care how big the place is, if it's convenient, it's best to take care of it, if not free, Serving Master Bathson is the most important thing. "

"The words of Lord Narlos"

"Of course, Lord Los must listen!" Angus replied immediately.

"Oh, but" Arles suddenly flashed in his head, and continued to ask, "when encountering the orders of Master Bathson and Master Rose, what should I do?"

"Hey, how do I know this?" Angus shook his head and sighed. "How accurate is this kind of thing? You must see what it is, it doesn't matter! But there is something you have to think about, Bathen. The master is our servants in the village of Aikeli. Take care of Master Bathson. Master Bathson will definitely take care of you forever. But if it is Lord Roth, give us such a place, the police work, we It must be done well, but alas, Lord Ros takes care of us, but about this time Lord Ros comes from the village of Aikeli, and there are too many relatives and neighbors to take care of. "

"But such a large share, this is the commons!" Arles still felt sorry.

"Because it is common ground, we can relax a bit!"

"Eh! You're right!" There is too much land and the quality is too good. This is obviously a worry of happiness. Even if the village public land is sober, you can get a better harvest than ordinary land. Arles pondered For a few seconds, I quickly realized the key points and quickly focused.

When the servants from Ackerford's leader talked about this, the clerk Thor was beckoning again and called the three servants from the parish to the side.

Next, the servants from the three parishes also got the same good designated house building location and the same area of ​​land.

Next, three servants from the Praia family received equal treatment.

Letters from the Territory, the parish, and the Praia family clearly stated that they would take care as much as possible, and also clearly stated the "financial burden". The servants from the Ackerford congregation were assigned to the territories. The servants of the Praia family, under the coordination of Rev. Praia, also connected the territories' servants with a perfect line of defense through the mode of public land replacement.

"Okay" allocated the place to build the house and the land for future farming. The last few servants stepped down, and the clerk Thor gave the sheepskin roll to Wu Qingchen. "That's almost it."

"Well." Wu Qingchen took the sheepskin roll, looked at it for more than ten seconds, then held the sheepskin roll, pulled the clerk, and walked to the pastor and steward.

A few whispered conversations, the steward and the pastor nodded, Wu Qingchen turned around, and re-faced the servants of the dozen households from different areas.

"Did you know where to build your house?"

"Yes, Lord Los." The servants bowed.

"Is all the land clear?"

"Yes, Lord Rose." The servants saluted again.

"Yi" Wu Qingchen nodded: "I haven't been here very much, and I don't know how much these places are enough for you to be full."

Speaking, Wu Qingchen made a plot about the place in front of him: "When staying in the village of Aikeli, each of you will get a little more land until you are next to your house."

The location of Wu Qingchen's virtual plot is along the direction of the servants' houses to be built. Just as when the director of Everett and Rev. Praia took care of Wu Qingchen, the extra area of ​​Wu Qingchen's virtual plot was about four points. About one, it does not exceed the area occupied by the original police officers in the village of Akeli, so as not to disrupt the hierarchy of the village of Akeli.

Wu Qingchen's imaginary directions are all common areas belonging to the territory.

These lands can't be paid for, but Everett didn't object.

Because, just now when talking, Wu Qingchen already said, these extras are extra, and the land for future police officers will be replaced with their own land.

There are even more places to increase!

The servants are naturally more surprised!

In surprise, the group of servants heard it again, and Wu Qingchen slowly said, "I said just now. I do n’t know too much about the place here. You ca n’t eat enough because of the place here. Fertile, I'm not very familiar with it either "

"So, I will give you a little more share this year. But you can rest assured that it will only be this time of this year and next year. I will redistribute the share."

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