Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 24: defect

In the next few days, Wu Qingchen's life was calm and peaceful, and the trajectory was extremely simple. The sequence of every day was to get up, work, pray early, work, poach, eat, work, poach, eat, and sleep.

Nothing changed until the end of the second entry into the Middle Ages on the ninth day.

Medieval World January 19, 01.

8:20 in the morning.

Moment of morning prayer.

Wu Qingchen stepped into the church on time. On this day, Wu Qingchen's position and the first time he entered the church changed dramatically.

Entering the church, Wu Qingchen walked through a series of long tables, slowly walked under the altar of the church, and stood near Rev. Praia and Little Andre.

After talking with the priest a few days ago, when Wu Qingchen entered the church the next morning, the priest greeted Wu Qingchen to his current position.

Looking up slightly at Wu Qingchen, the priest straightened the stream that little Andre had dressed, opened the scriptures, completed the preparations, and began the routine morning prayer.

Twenty minutes later, the morning prayer ended, and Wu Qingchen glanced again. After a slight nod, the priest walked down the altar and stood next to André. He opened the scriptures again and began to explain the lesson of the day to André. .

The whole process always stood upright. Wu Qingchen, who had a monograph on her face, was immediately shaken, and her body stood straighter.

After entering the Middle Ages for more than ten days, he finally began to contact the texts of the Middle Ages. Without a doubt, Wu Qingchen could hardly understand the words that were crooked on the scrolls of Shendian without any specific training after only a few days of observation.

However, during the first two trainings, after being taught by dozens of experts specializing in archeology, sociology, and linguistics, even if only looking at the most superficial and intuitive part of this book, Wu Qingchen still got a lot of information:

The edges of the sheepskin roll are the same material as the other parts, without any special treatment, and the wear is quite obvious, indicating that the ability to save books in the medieval world is insufficient, and the feature of civilization to record the text is not long, and it is not well protected. Books are definitely Quite scarce

This is also probably the reason. The cover and back cover of the sheepskin roll recorded in the scriptures are covered with a layer of cloth, indicating that the pastor or church attaches great importance to books, and proves that books are valuable and the scope of knowledge transmission is narrow;

At the same time, the single structure of the text on the sheepskin scroll is more complicated, and the frequency of repeated occurrence of the text symbols is very low. It can be clearly seen that the civilization in this area is not a letter system, but a character system developed from hieroglyphics. It shows that the civilization in this area is either exclusive, aggressive, or relatively closed due to geography and other reasons, and exchanges with civilizations around are small;

In addition, there are several illustrations that occasionally appear on the sheepskin rolls. Most of them are portraits of people, with exquisite composition, mainly based on realism. It shows that the religion based on this divine scripture is currently dominated by idol worship. At the same time, the time of religious development and In the near future, it should be still in the development stage focusing on stability;

Etc., etc……

In just a few days, Wu Qingchen saw the contents of more than a dozen disciplines from this book, which is almost unknown to a single word.

However, standing beside the priest and Andre, Wu Qingchen's full attention was not to focus on the book, let alone listen to the two clergy members singing the word.

Regarding churches, priests, religious items, and especially books closely related to civilization, when Wu Qingchen had the opportunity to approach, the staff had already designed a set of specific actions for Wu Qingchen.

Standing by the wooden table, listening to the priest's explanation and the recitation of Andre, Wu Qingchen, while trying to contrast the pronunciation of the two with the text on the sheepskin roll, held his breath, and moved his body slightly every few minutes or quietly. , Or quietly turn your own standing angle, so that the projection of the ancient world on earth from the sky can be more accurate, from a more comprehensive angle, to more accurately photograph this first book appeared in the medieval world.

"Well, Andrei, here we are today."

Hearing this sentence, Wu Qingchen, who was fully absorbed, immediately pretended to inadvertently cough, causing the priest to look up. The next moment, Wu Qingchen also looked up immediately, looking at the priest with the innocent eyes already prepared, as if at the same time under his feet. Offended and took a few steps without hesitation.

Through these actions, Wu Qingchen succeeded in making the priest's action of closing the classics a few beats slower, making more projection pages appear on the earth ’s projection and gaining more valuable information content.

The entire process took at most four or five seconds, and at this time, Andrea had already stood upright, bent slightly, and saluted to Pastor Praia, "Thank you for your teaching, Praia / teacher."

After hearing this, waiting for Andre to put away the scriptures, Wu Qingchen also bent down and moved aside slightly to help the earth obtain the last few seconds of the scriptures. At the same time, he also gave a gift to Praya: "Thank you, Pastor."

Praia nodded. At this time, usually, Wu Qingchen should leave.

Keeping the posture of bowing back a few steps, Wu Qingchen was about to turn around and walk away, always lowering his head slightly, blinking without blinking at the priest who stared at all the movements of Wu Qingchen, and suddenly raised a smile, raised his right hand: "Los, you wait Hold on. "


Wu Qingchen stopped.

The priest walked back and forth for two steps, and seemed to think about it. After a short while, he suddenly stood still. "Loss, pray these days, how are you listening?"

"I understand more."

"Can you remember?"

"Still remembering only a part."

"Okay, okay." The priest's smile was even stronger. "In addition to the early prayers, the church also prayed in the afternoon. Andre will have homework at that time, and he needs to clean the church. Please help him."


My grassy ... Brother, don't you need to mess with me like this?

Wu Qingchen tried hard to restrain himself but did not yell.

Let me go and squeeze out an hour in the morning to hear you two **** use torture to kill the chanting sutras. Is there another set in the afternoon?

Thinking of squeezing another hour from the painful farm work for another hour, Wu Qingchen's low face turned into a bitter gourd: "Pastor, in the afternoon ... in the afternoon, my family will give the master's public land in a few days Tilling ... "

"Bang!" "Oh!" "Walala!"

Almost at the same time, the Earth, tens of thousands of staff members, members of the analysis team grabbed phones, pens, documents, keyboards, etc. and anything in front of them and fell out fiercely.

"This is a pig!" "Is this bastard's head full of shit?" "Can this guy understand humans!"

There is no doubt that Wu Qingchen once again successfully evoked the outrage of dozens of countries, hundreds of departments, and tens of thousands of front-line real-time staff analysis teams on the planet.

It is able to accurately grasp the key points and react almost in real time to what happened in the Middle Ages. There is no doubt that no matter which country, the members of the front-line real-time staff analysis team are masters and masters.

Because of this, even though I have hardly heard the foregoing text and no hint, just these two sentences, just looking at the expressions and actions of the priest, these elites who have fully memorized the model of the priest, almost all instantly Seeing the pastor's intention to carry Wu Qingchen.

Sure enough, after hearing Wu Qingchen ’s answer of “Going to work in the grandfather ’s land in the afternoon”, the priest who was about to turn around immediately became slightly stiff, and his face was wrong, and he opened his mouth after a while: , Come in the afternoon first, a few days later, and a few days later. "

It is a pity that even if the pastor talked to this extent, after more than ten days of labor reform, he always kept in mind the teachings of the staff, and will always ensure his own safety and ensure that his body is not too tired. .

"*! Is your brain necrotic?" "Think about it!" "Oops! This idiot is going to be bad again!"

Just when the first-line staff analysis team urgently notified various departments, they began to scold Wu Qingchen, anxiously nodding, or anxious to get into the display screen, holding Wu Qingchen's head quickly and agreeing that the number of related personnel has increased to hundreds of thousands. At that time, the priest finally shook his head slightly and turned to walk to the side door of the church.

The priest stopped until he came to the side door, leaving a brief and back view and the last unmissable request: "Well, that's it, Los, you go home first, remember to come in the afternoon."

Huh ... Fortunately, millions of analysts have breathed a sigh of relief together.

Alas ... an additional trouble, Wu Qingchen, who was completely unknown, sighed.

Twenty-four defects (below)

Ten minutes later, Earth, China, Beijing, Interim Training Command, Office of Unified Cooperation and Coordination, Office of the First Deputy Director.

"Director Jiang ..." A staffer hurriedly entered the room.

"Eh?" Jiang Fengming, who hadn't slept for 27 consecutive hours, heard the sound. He put down the files in his hand, looked up slightly, and revealed bloodshot eyes.

"The secretariat forwards the application, the sixth training office, the language training group."

"Well." Rubbing his red eyes smoothly, Jiang Fengming pointed to the table full of various documents in front of him, and has piled up several small desktops: "Let's put it here."

The staffer dropped the papers, saluted, and turned out of the room.

After quickly turning over the "summary of the second-phase agricultural activities of the main subject of the astronomical event and the training program of the third phase of agricultural activities", Jiang Fengming closed his eyes and calmed his eyes. After a few seconds, Jiang Fengming reopened his eyes and raised the pen at the end of the file. The fourth line of the page, that is, under the "General Section", "Review Office", and "Secretariat", signed his own opinion.

After the processing was finished and the document was dropped, a soldier in the corner of the room immediately walked to his desk, picked up the pages of wet ink from Jiang Fengming, walked to the office side to make five copies with a copier, and walked back At the desk, a file was placed on top of a hill in front of Jiang Fengming.

At the same time, two other soldiers quickly walked out of the door, holding the remaining four copies.

Three minutes later, the two soldiers returned to the room and passed by the other two soldiers holding the documents, indicating that at this time, in front of Jiang Fengming, another document sent by the language training team of the sixth training office , Has been processed through the same process.

There are no pending documents for the time being, but Jiang Fengming has no rest at all, just rubbing his eyes, Jiang Fengming quickly presses the enter key on his hand, and on the left side of the wide desk, a similarly large display screen immediately The pause ends and playback resumes.

The screen shows a few clips, which are selected by the Secretariat and selected from the key content forwarded by major military academies, major research institutions, or the Ministry of Uniform Cooperative Relations.

At the same time, these clips are accompanied by static or dynamic graphics, which indicate the guesses or conclusions of each analysis group, and have also undergone dubbing, synchronization, editing, playback, cutting, further slow-forward, night environment coloring, and key points. Area highlighting and much more.

This specially processed fragment, together with the key facts that have also been screened by the Secretariat and forwarded by the staff members from time to time, is the most important reference for Jiang Fengming's handling of various documents, and it is also the most direct reason for Jiang Fengming's red eyes. .

"Director Jiang ..." Just after watching the morning prayer on the morning of January 19, 2001, the conversation between the pastor in the church and Wu Qingchen went through, and another hurried staff member walked into the door: "The secretariat forwarded the application , Third Comprehensive Training Office, Life Coach Group. "

Life coaching team ...

Press Enter on the keyboard and pause the clip again. Jiang Fengming said "En" and took over the documents from the staff.

The documents sent by the life coaching team are very light. There are only three thin pages. However, each of these three pages are densely packed forms. The densely packed list lists one by one through the life coaching team. After researching, discussing and summarizing, this is the third training for Wu Qingchen, and specific suggestions on life training.

Most of these contents are the coaching team combined with the specific circumstances of life in the Middle Ages this time. They believe that Wu Qingchen has not mastered enough and needs to further consolidate and improve the training content. A small part is that the coaching team has learned more about the Middle Ages. Necessary new subjects.

With only three glances at these three pages of documents, Jiang Fengming lifted his right hand involuntarily, stunned and immediately began to ache his temples.

According to the five training programs that have been submitted for review by the sub-decision-making department, the time for Wu Qingchen's third training will not exceed two hours at most. However, according to the three training reports from the life training coaching group, If the thin page application is implemented directly as per the order and all reach the target level expected in the form notes, it will take at least half a year even if Wu Qingchen is replaced with a vanguard in the army.

In fact, almost seven hours after sitting in the office, Jiang Fengming received more than fifty applications from more than thirty specific training departments.

This is actually a kind of helplessness.

Since Wu Qingchen's entry into the Middle Ages, although he has always lived in a backward village, compared to the earth, there are not many characters and the situation is not complicated.

However, because Wu Qingchen is related to the entire human race on earth, the smallest mistakes will also lead to the most serious losses. No matter which training team corresponds to the huge staff, they must be cautious and consider all factors to use the most rigorous and thorough. From the angle, he created a bloated training plan in front of Jiang Fengming.

Of course, such a situation is also expected by the unified cooperation department of the Tianxiang Incident Interim Processing Center. When the application documents are placed in front of Jiang Fengming, the five columns on the last page of the document and the "comprehensive department" represented by the first three columns, The "Review Office" and "Secretariat" have written their respective opinions and rejected most of the application subjects for Jiang Fengming first.

Jiang Fengming's task is to lead hundreds of staff members of his subordinate coordination office, make another adjustment to these remaining subjects, and pass the fourth-screened plan to the higher-level department.

Five minutes later, Jiang Fengming flipped through the documents, raised his pen, and was ready to sign his own opinion.


It was then that the phone on the desk rang.

Almost at the same time, the fax machine a few steps away from the "ding" made a sound of receiving a new document.

The ringing phone is the first on the right side, and the color is red. It represents the most important department, and it also indicates the most urgent situation. At the first moment of hearing the ringtone, Jiang Fengming quickly put down his pen and grabbed it. phone.

"Coordination Office, this is Jiang Fengming ... Yes ... Yes ... please wait ..."

Jiang Fengming quickly recruited his right hand twice, and a soldier took out the fax with the heat and put it in front of Jiang Fengming.

Jiang Fengming quickly glanced at the title of the fax document, and immediately continued to answer: "... has been received ... yes ... yes ... nothing for the time being ... nothing yet ... no problem! ... yes!"

Putting down the phone, Jiang Fengming picked up the fax for the first time, and the fax content was not much. Jiang Fengming didn't see the ten lines at a glance this time. Two minutes later, Jiang Fengming's brows gradually frowned, deepened, and finally crowded.

At this time, if someone who is familiar with Jiang Fengming is standing here, he will immediately see that Jiang Fengming's dissatisfaction with the content of this document has almost reached the most serious level.

Soon, the file reached the last part:

"... In summary, the Ministry of Unification believes that the subject of Wu Qingchen's interpersonal communication training and communication contingency training should not be coordinated with special training. It is decided that the original fourth set of plans will be cancelled and the original interpersonal communication training coach will be cancelled. Group, the communication contingency training group is temporarily on standby, the original interpersonal communication training plan, and the communication should be training plan, all adopt the third set of programs, the 17th backup plan ... "

"Audit: Tianxiang Incident Temporary Processing Center, Unified Cooperative Relations Department, Li Ziping ... Review: Tianxiang Incident Temporary Processing Center Leader, Zhou Xudong, First Deputy Leader, Yan Guangfeng, Second Deputy Leader ... Third ..."

Seeing here, Jiang Fengming's eyelids fluttered violently, and the tingling sensation in the swollen eyes disappeared without a trace.

This series of seven names represents China's core opinion, and it also means that the contents of this fax have definitely been carefully considered.

Involuntarily, the core idea of ​​Article 17 of the third set of alternative plans also came to Jiang Fengming's mind:

...... Long-term high-intensity training, uninterrupted high-intensity physical labor, huge stress, and the subject's psychophysiology have accumulated a considerable degree of fatigue. In this case, coordinated special training is still used for interpersonal training and communication contingency training. It is highly likely that it will not produce good results, and there are certain risks leading to ...

… In summary, in combination with the current actual situation, it is recommended that the subject should assume certain responsibilities, create an environment, combine work, exercise the subject's leadership ability, and restore the subject's living environment to a certain extent. Select from the familiar communication environment of the subject. Improve the subject's ability to communicate in the Middle Ages ...

The next moment, think of the concrete measures recommended by the 17 alternative plans ...

Jiang Fengming's eyebrows that had just been loosened were immediately condensed again, and quickly dropped the fax. Jiang Fengming quickly touched the third light blue telephone on the right side of the desk.

"I'm Jiang Fengming ... Where's your fleet? ... No ... The plan has been activated ... Yes! You heard me right! ... Speed ​​up! ... Speed ​​up now!"

Putting down the phone, Jiang Fengming quickly dialed a second phone.

"Coordination Office, I'm Jiang Fengming ... Arrange traffic control ... Arrange guidance ... Article 17 The convoy of the backup plan ... OK ... No! No reason! ... OK, you are responsible for coordination, remember ... There are ... up to twenty minutes! "

Looking at his watch and the wall clock on the wall, Jiang Fengming put down the phone, and once again hung on his face the anxiety that had been accustomed to these days.

Five kilometers away, dozens of vehicles began to ignite, hundreds of soldiers checked the weapons assembly again, more than 70 helicopters began cruising, and more than 30 medical teams began to gather.

……Etc., etc……

Because, twenty minutes later, it will be the first alarm of Wu Qingchen's biological clock. Then, the center of the world may open his eyes back to the earth for the second time at any time.

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