Chapter 224 Medical miracle! shocked the world

Can a cultivator save cancer patients?

This topic quickly fermented on the Internet.

And this time it’s not just people who watch the live broadcast.

Numerous journalists and short video creators began to flood in.

Now the whole network has begun to discuss this matter.

Now, this matter has reached an unprecedented height.

All this has nothing to do with Mu Xinran who hasn’t looked at the phone.

Now, all she had left in her heart was distressed.

She didn’t know how long her father could last under the torment of this kind of illness.

At this moment, Li Yunfeng took off his robe directly.

Then he unplugged the tube originally inserted in the middle-aged man.

This scene happened to be seen by a passing nurse.

So the shocked nurse rushed into the ward to stop it.

At the same time, he kept shouting: “Are you crazy?”

But Li Yunfeng paid no attention to this.

Doing his own thing on the sidelines.

Mu Xinran, who was on the side, also paled with fright by her grandfather’s actions.

She didn’t know why her grandfather did this.

Isn’t this indirectly letting his father die?

Seeing that the nurse was about to rush up.

I saw Li Yunfeng waved his hand.

Suddenly, the nurse who was supposed to have rushed up, suddenly faced a distance of two meters.

She felt like she had been blown away by a violent wind.

Seeing this scene, Mu Xinran, who originally wanted to rush to stop 247, was stunned.

Then she seemed to react.

Excitement immediately appeared on his face.

“Let her not disturb me.”

Li Yunfeng suddenly said to Mu Xinran.

Hearing this, Mu Xinran suddenly became more convinced of the thoughts in her heart.

So while she pulled the nurse away from the ward, she repeatedly apologized to the nurse.

The nurse was pulled and pushed by her and taken out of the ward.

Seeing this, Mu Xinran quickly closed the ward door and locked it.

At this time, if anyone dares to bother.

Mu Xinran dared to fight hard with someone.

This scene was also seen by the friends in the live broadcast room.

Immediately, the live broadcast room was fried.

“Look, my master and his elders are going to make a move!”

“Good fellow, if this can be cured, I will immediately kneel down and call Master.’

“Upstairs, my master and his elders don’t care about you at all.

Countless water friends were arguing in the live broadcast room.

At the same time one-

All news media reporters are also witnessing this moment.

If this requires cancer, it can be cured.

That only illustrates one problem.

There is no doubt that there are cultivators in this world.

Mu Xinran was holding her breath at this moment, looking forward to (agfi).

By the hospital bed, Li Yunfeng was closing his eyes tightly.

His hands covered the middle-aged man’s abdomen.

There is no expression on his face.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Slowly, fine sweat began to appear on Li Yunfeng’s forehead.

A light blue light began to glow from his palm.

The middle-aged man lying on the hospital bed also seemed to be in pain.

But he didn’t eat a word.

Soon, half an hour passed.

In this short half hour, the heat in Mu Xinran’s live broadcast room was still fermenting.

At this time, the server of the live broadcast website is almost out of service.

Then the boss personally ordered.

All forces must be used to open a green channel for the Devil’s live broadcast room.

Because the boss of the website knows.

After experiencing such a thing, the stock price of their website will definitely rise sharply.

So, who would dare to let the live broadcast room collapse at this time?

He dared to fight hard with someone.

At this time, the outside of the hospital was also full of reporters.

Under the interception of the security, they began to report from the entrance of the hospital.

All people are looking forward to the outcome of this battle.

In the ward, a muffled grunt suddenly came.

Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged man touched a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

Seeing this, Mu Xinran on the side almost exclaimed.

But at the last moment she held back.

At this time, everyone thought it was a time when all previous efforts were lost.

Li Yunfeng began to close his hands, then nodded in satisfaction.

Many people looked at him and wondered.

This person has obviously vomited blood.

Why are you still very satisfied?

After Li Yunfeng took up his hand, he put on the long robe beside him.

Then he said to Mu Xinran on the side:

“Great granddaughter, come over and wipe your dad.”

Hearing this, how could Mu Xinran dare to neglect anything.

He rushed to the hospital bed, took a clean towel, and wiped the blood from his father’s face.

Is this a failure or a success?

At this moment, everyone who is watching the live broadcast has such a question in their hearts.

The middle-aged man fell asleep in bed.

After Mu Xinran finished all this, she quickly turned her head to look at her grandfather.

Li Yunfeng looked at her expression and knew what she wanted to ask.

So he smiled and said:

“Don’t worry, your father is okay!”

When Mu Xinran heard this, she immediately felt that her breathing was half a beat slower.

Then an expression of ecstasy appeared on his face.

But she still didn’t believe it, and quickly confirmed again:

“Really? Grandpa Grandpa, my dad is really good?”

Hearing Mu Xinran’s words, Li Yunfeng nodded again.

Really good?

Countless people who are following this live broadcast have a question mark in their hearts.

Now the patient is still lying in bed with unpredictable life and death.

This old man, don’t do it for your own face, オ say such a deceptive thing, right?

Although countless people have put a question mark in their hearts.

But Mu Xinran believed in this.

Because he knew his grandfather would definitely not lie to himself.

His father is also the grandson of his grandfather.

For such a serious question, he certainly won’t lie.

At this moment-

The middle-aged man on the hospital bed suddenly coughed violently.

Hearing the sound, Mu Xinran hurriedly returned to the bedside.

The blood remaining in the middle-aged man’s throat was coughed up.

Mu Xinran quickly cleared one side.

At this moment, the middle-aged man lying on the hospital bed began to woke up leisurely.

Then, the middle-aged man sat up on the hospital bed without Mu Xinran’s support.

When everyone saw this scene.

Countless people started screaming after a few seconds.

This old man, a non-cultivator, actually cured patients with terminal cancer.

Because before that, some media had already learned about the patient’s condition.

He is already in an advanced stage of cancer.

In the words of the doctor, he has lived for less than a month.

Usually it is difficult to breathe even when lying in bed.

Now he actually sat up by his own strength.


In an instant, countless news media sent out the prepared manuscripts.

[The immortal cultivator was surprised to cure the terminal cancer patient!]

Such news headlines can be said to have attracted countless traffic.

At this time, even foreign news media have noticed.

On foreign forums, the pictures of Li Yunfeng’s treatment before have been reposted madly.

Such a news shocked the world.

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