Chapter 267 The protagonist wants to make trouble! Create an accident


Someone pulled Rasu Wu’s clothes.

Su Wu turned to look.

I found that there were three little girls standing in front of me.

They don’t seem to be very old, they are only about twelve years old.

The three little Loli blinked-flickering big eyes.

Looking at Su Hao excitedly.

Su Wu looked at the triplets and then recognized them.

These three are Su Hongxiu’s children.

The triplets look alike, but there are some differences.

The one with a long braid is called Qiqi, and the one that is taller than the other two is called Yunyun.

The last one is called Tingting.

Looking at the three of them, Su Wu smiled and asked:

“Why are you here? It’s been a long time since I saw you!”

Hearing that, the three little Loli happily explained:

“We went to travel with my mother during the summer vacation, and just came back yesterday.”

Upon hearing this, Su Wu nodded.

While several people were talking, Su Hongxiu came over with a big bag of things.

Seeing Su Wu here, she said in surprise:

“It’s you, what a coincidence!

Su Wu looked at her, smiled and nodded.

“I’m so sorry to trouble you.”

Looking at the three daughters beside him, Su Hongxiu said to Su Wu apologetically.

She discovered that just as she was shopping, the three daughters in the back had disappeared.

So he hurried out to search and found this scene.

“Mom, let’s invite my husband back to our house for dinner, okay?”

Yun Yun took the lead in holding Su Hongxiu’s hand and said coquettishly.

Seeing this, the two of her hurriedly took Su Hongxiu’s hand.


Su Hongxiu was a little speechless listening to their name.

But Su Wu does have the title of national husband.

They didn’t seem to be wrong.

But Su Hongxiu felt strange.

Seeing that Su Hongxiu was silent there, the three of them ran to Su Hao and pulled him.

“Husband, let’s go have a meal together, okay!”

The power of the three little Loli’s acting like a baby is too great.

Because people passing by often look back.

They looked at Su Hao a little enviously.

Where did you find such a cute little Loli.

Su Hongxiu immediately reacted upon seeing this.

She said to Su Wu with a trace of apology:

“Do you have time now?”

After speaking, Su Hongxiu hadn’t waited for Su Wu to speak, and quickly explained:

“You think they like you, so if you’re okay, you can go to the house and sit down.”

“I will have dinner at home tonight.”

The reason why Su Hongxiu explained so much, was afraid that Su Wu would think more.

She also knew her current situation and took three daughters with her.

So she doesn’t want to ask for anything now.

Su Wu looked at her with a look of extravagance and smiled and said:

“I just happened to be fine.

Just after Su Wu said this, the three little Loli around him jumped up happily.

“Okay, my husband is going home for dinner!”

This scene caused passers-by to keep turning back.

However, when Zhang Yang, who was not far away, saw it, the veins on his forehead were exposed.

Enough to see the anger in his heart at the moment.

“Why follow him, one or two are such beautiful women.”

“A beautiful woman like Jiang Chuxue can’t cherish it, and is she still messing around outside?”

Zhang Yang roared in his heart.

He is now on the verge of breaking out.

Finally he couldn’t help it anymore.

He strode directly towards Su Wu.

“Master Su, didn’t expect you to be here?”

Zhang Yang was pretending to be familiar, and greeted Su Wu with a smile.

He just wants to create such a feeling.

So that the woman next to Su Wu thought that the two had just met by chance.

But the plan will never keep up with the change.

Zhang Yang didn’t expect that Su Wu didn’t pay attention to himself.

But Zhang Yang has reached this point, so how can he give up?

“Master Su, although we had a bet yesterday.

“But I lost, you don’t need to be angry with me!”

Zhang Yang said to Su Wu strangely.

Su Wu glanced at him.

As Zhang Yang followed, he noticed.

Su Wu wanted to see what he wanted to do without exposing him.

Just look at him quietly at this moment.

Waiting for his next performance.

“Master Su, we met before, but I’m sorry that I didn’t say hello to you.”

“So now I ran into it and came here quickly.

Zhang Yang paved the way for the problem that he took over.

Su Hongxiu looked at the state of the two and seemed a little puzzled.

Su Wu and this person didn’t look very familiar.

Instead, this person has a familiar face.

So she can’t understand this kind of relationship.

“Oh right, where is President Jiang, Master Su?”

“I watched you two go shopping together before, why now

Zhang Yang asked knowingly.

The purpose is to let Su Hongxiu know that he is more than a woman outside Su Wu.

While Zhang Yang said this, he kept watching Su Hongxiu’s expression from the corner of his eyes.

But when he found that the expression on Su Hongxiu’s face hadn’t changed in any way.

0…Look for flowers.

Zhang Yang seemed very dazed.

“What does this mean?”

At this time, it won’t be straight to Zhang Yang.

Did they…

Suddenly an idea appeared in Zhang Yang’s heart.

This idea he felt more and more true.

That is, Su Wu made these two women willingly.

They already knew each other’s existence.

But he still followed Su Wu.

When Zhang Yang looked at Su Hongxiu’s face still unchanged, he knew that his trick was useless at all.

Su Wu still did not answer his words.

Zhang Yang stood awkwardly in place.

Looks a little overwhelmed.

At this moment, Zhang Yang saw the little Loli standing next to him.

In order to resolve the embarrassment, he squatted and leaned in front of them quickly, and said with a smile:

“I love being beautiful, you guys!”

I thought that if I said something beautiful, the kid on the other side would be happy.

But he didn’t expect that the three little Loli on the opposite side didn’t even have a trace of joy.

Just when Zhang Yang was stunned in place, Qiqi suddenly stood up.

I saw she said to Zhang Yang with some disdain:

“But you look so ugly!”

Listening to this, Zhang Yang suddenly became petrified.


This has never been said so publicly, and I feel that even breathing has become difficult.

At this moment, his face was full of black lines, and the corners of his mouth twitched constantly.

Su Wu glanced at him again, and said calmly:

“You are dismissed!”

After speaking, the three little Loli took Su Wu’s hand and said:

“Husband, let’s go!”

Upon hearing this, Su Wu nodded.

Then he was pulled away by the three of them.

It took a long time for Zhang Yang to react.

He was completely unable to stretch himself at this time.

Seeing him holding a stone from the side of the road, he ran straight towards Su Wu.

At this time, Su Wu, Su Hongxiu and little Loli had already crossed the road.

This moment when Zhang Yang rushed over.

Su Wu felt it right away.

But he didn’t show any panic at all.

Just moved his fingers.

And just when Zhang Yang crossed the road with a stone.

Suddenly a truck lost control.

Directly hit Zhang Yang who was still crossing the road more than ten meters away

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