Kill the Hero

4. Legendary (1).


Players don't usually get along.

Players' nerves become incredibly sharp, especially in the dungeon.

Even monsters are monsters, but they also raise awareness of the players.

Of course I did.

The dungeon disappears when you clear it. It doesn't matter if the player's corpse is in it or not.

It means there's no better environment to kill someone you don't like.

Nevertheless, there is only one case of sending a distress signal.

If you want anyone to come, even Cheolcheon volunteers.

Yang-seok, the condition of her party as leader is like that now.

The situation itself was not good at first.



A group of Goblins, at least fifty years old, surrounds a group of binoculars and gives them a lively glance.

“What's your status? ”

“It's too deep. I think we need to get this stitched up properly. ”

On the other hand, there was a man vomiting blood and a man working hard toward the man in the center of a semi-circle with a piece of wood behind his back.

“Damn, I can't believe the priest got beat up. ”

In addition, the wounded man was a healer.

It was the worst thing a party could face.

In a dungeon with limited supplies, Hiller's value could not be stated.

Who the hell is this guy? ’

However, what made the binoculars even crazier was that they did not see the Goblin attacking the hiller.

No, it wasn't a Goblin.

‘Goddamn it, I'm sure. There are people who can transform into Goblins. ’

If it were just a simple Goblin, you wouldn't be able to put one of your buddies of the binoculars through the side of a priest with a dull, stubborn knife.

It was something else in a Goblin's hood.

‘I was too careless. Thinking about it, there can't be only Goblins in the B-rank dungeon. ’

A monster far more powerful than a Goblin is targeting a group of Yangsheung in the same clothing as a Goblin.

We had to call for a distress call.

‘Anyone is good.' ’

On the contrary, the binoculars felt that they were not very likely to be helped.

It was also unlikely that those who received the distress call would be nearby, and it was hard to see the power of those who came to help being superior to the bicycle group.

It was clear that the people coming to help knew about it and had to move with the utmost care.

Simply put, it takes time.

In other words, Hiller at the party who needed immediate emergency measures was more likely to die.

‘Damn it.'

When the idea of the binoculars reached there, despair began to settle in her eyes.

It was around that time.


You see the flames blazing in the direction of the group.



Both the Yangsheung and the Goblins are surprised and turn their gaze toward the flames.


Then something the size of a Goblin's head flew toward a Goblin with its head turned.


The goblin hurls a short scream and falls straight to the ground.


A few more similar things flew in and started bashing the Goblins' heads in.


The Goblins were furious with that fact.

But that anger did not last long.


It was because they realized that it wasn't just a stone that attacked them, it was their own people's heads.

The atmosphere of the battlefield, full of life, quickly began to cool down.

‘Who, who? ’

"Beheadings." ’

‘That's terrible.’

Even a group of Yangsetang surrounded by a group of Goblins is responsible for seeing their heads blown off.

Of course, there was no longer a vigorous Goblin in that view.

Goblins look around with a frightened look on their faces.


Along with the whip air, the sound of torn Goblin hide is added.


A Goblin hit by a whip freaks out.

The situation was virtually over.

A colleague screaming at the flames, the headaches of a flying tribe, the onset of an enemy attack and its attack.

In a situation like this, the Goblins would have the ability to recover their calm and deal with them calmly.



Goblins are running away.


In that scene, binoculars and their companions sigh of relief without my knowing it.

‘You're here.'

‘Thank goodness.'

Relief in the fact that they survived, but their feelings did not last long.

“I don't know who it is, but I helped. ”

It was because the person who appeared was completely unexpected.

“Yi, what was your name? ”

“I'm Kim Woo-jin.”

Kim Woo-jin, he's here.


Shortly after the Goblin left, the other two parties appeared.

The reaction of the two parties appeared the same.

“What? Everyone's fine, right? ”

“Where's the monster? You didn't send out a distress call because you needed someone to talk to, did you? ”

They had the same question that the situation had ended.

“Oh, here comes the pickaxe. What was his name? ”

“What is it? Is it attached to you? I can't see my eyes any more than I thought. But what was his name? ”

And I didn't know Kim Woo-jin's name.

“What? This guy? ”

“He saved you? ”

Of course, the two parties were equally surprised that Kim Woo-jin had saved the bicycle party.

Of course, that surprise was not an admiration.

“I heard you cleared the dungeon by yourself, but it was no big deal. ”

“Tsk, tsk, if I had kept my head down before the dungeon, none of this would have happened. ”

Rather, both parties ridiculed Kim Woo-jin for saving their lives.

It was also a laughingstock towards Kim Woo-jin.

They didn't even recognize Kim Woo-jin as a player.

Kim Woo-jin was not offended by that.

It was not something to do after a bad night's sleep.

In the first place, the humans here had nothing to care about for Kim Woo-jin.

Before Kim Woo-jin returned to the past, they were just one of the 119 sacrificial lambs eaten in this dungeon.

It was not their gaze that mattered to Kim Woo-jin.

‘Now would be a good time. ’

How can we use them to catch more prey?

Kim Woo-jin stepped up to work on it.

“Looks like the Goblins aren't the only ones. If you look at the situation, it looks like there are monsters or Mutant Goblins that have turned into Goblins in a swarm of Goblins. ”

Kim Woo-jin looked at the leaders of the other two parties with his horse.

“Are you mistaken? It's usually bitten by a Chihuahua, but when we talk about it later, it can be poisonous, right? ”

“You're mistaken. Why would they run if they were so strong? You're not gonna tell me you ran away because you were scared? ”

Of course, their reactions were harsh.

“But just in case, we work together. ”

“No, thank you. That story was over before the dungeon. Let's take care of each other. ”

“It's your destiny to die. Isn't the whole floor supposed to be fighting for its life? If you were afraid of dying, you shouldn't have come to the dungeon. ”

I ignored it again and again.

Nevertheless, Kim Woo-jin repeatedly said.

“But aren't they the same firebird guild? I think we should at least cooperate. ”

Kim Woo-jin sighed for a long time.

“We're not betting against each other for catching boss monsters, we're cooperating. ”

It was that moment.

“Good bet. ”

A man stopped Kim Woo-jin from speaking.

“I heard you were bored, but you don't have a prize. You said Kim Woo-jin, right? Let's make a bet. Give something to the man who took the boss of this dungeon. ”

It was the moment Kim Woo-jin took the bait.

Of course, there was no way to buy it.

“Cash? Huh? Why don't you bet 100 million on both? Shall we make about 1.5 billion? We can all afford that, right? ”

Instead, the man continued to talk about betting more vigorously.

“Go to hell if you're scared. ”

Taunted me.

“Are you sure you want 100 million? ”

And in response to the provocation, she responded with provocation.

Obviously, she was eager to help because she was nice to anyone until just now, but her character did not tolerate just tolerating this provocation.

No, I was even more aggressive because I had help from Kim Woo-jin.

‘Dammit, when the dungeon is over, it'll be embarrassing so you won't be able to carry your face around. ’

Once the dungeon was successfully cleared, she and her group were more likely to be known as the insignificant player who was helped by the insignificant.

“Maybe 300 instead of 100 million? ”

The other one was also willing to give himself up to that atmosphere.

It was around that time.

“Now, wait a minute. ”

Kim Woo-jin, who was quiet, said.

“I have no such money. I don't have enough money to buy a light car. ”

Kim Woojin's voice was full of nervousness.

However, those around them did not even pay attention to Kim Woo-jin's restlessness.

Rather, what I was interested in was the word Kim Woo-jin said.

A man shouted.

“Let's put on the keys. The guy who grabs the boss takes all the cars in the parking lot. ”


“Don't bother calling for help next time! ”

“Meet me outside the dungeon. Don't forget to prepare the car keys! I'll pay for the cab. ”

The last three parties that met were dispersed again.

Of course, there was no interest in Kim Woo-jin in the process.

“Thank you.”

Yang Se-kyung and his group say thanks for all their attention to Kim Woo-jin.

Kim Woo-jin was a little absurd.

‘I didn't think I'd be ignored this far. ’

You knew you couldn't be treated well, and you wanted it, but you didn't think you could ignore yourself this much?

‘Worth annihilating. ’

On the other hand, I understood why they became the first offering of this dungeon.

‘Those who can't see around can't handle Slime. ’


That was the current boss monster here in the dungeon.

He was also a very troublesome monster.

Slime is a smaller monster than a Goblin in a typical game or novel, but it was different here.

Slime's existence, which could be transformed into any monster, was more difficult than I had imagined, and I needed experience dealing with a variety of monsters.

‘It's funny to demand experience from players who are at most level 10. ’

Players here, on the other hand, had no shortage of experience, even if they were promising talent and talent.

That was also the crucial reason why this dungeon became a promising tomb.

With enough combat experience to catch a slime hidden among a group of Goblins, or a player with overwhelming combat talent had no choice but to take on a handful.

Of course, there was nothing wrong with Kim Woo-jin.

No, the situation was as Kim Woo-jin wanted it to be.

‘Anyway, thanks to you, I can get a bonus. ’

They won the prize for their pride competition immediately. It was also a small prize.

‘We don't have enough money to arm the Skeleton Soldiers, thank God. ’

Moreover, after confirming the Skeleton Soldier's combat abilities, it was necessary to invest in the Skeleton Soldier in earnest.

Of course, if it was just for that reason, Kim Woo-jin wouldn't have acted like that if it was just for money.

‘They'll take care of themselves as bait. ’

What was more important to Woojin Kim was that the three parties were now supposed to move only to catch the boss monster Slime.

Those three parties will actively explore and pursue Slime.

‘In the meantime, all you have to do is catch the leftovers hard. ’

As for Kim Woo-jin, it means that you can hunt down Goblins full of this dungeon, track them backwards at the right time, and then treat the Slime as a dessert.

Two Goblin Skeletons expressed their will toward Kim Woo-jin.


You send a signal that you are eager to fight.

[Delegates in the dark world are interested in your battles.]

And Kim Woo-jin's spotlight urged Kim Woo-jin to fight.


And even Kim Woo-jin's heart urged him to fight.

The hunt for the hound has begun.

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