Kill the Hero

< 37°C. Casting Boat (1). >


On January 1, 2020, mankind realized that the world had turned into a game overnight.

Nothing can happen in the new year.

because after 2020 ‘Happy new year!' There was no gathering of people on Manhattan Street to shout.

At the end of December, the governments of each country tried to stop the storehouses of its citizens, and the citizens hoped that this new year would pass without any effort to keep their necessities in their arms.

Guilds and players stopped attacking the dungeon at the end of December, preparing for something that might happen in the new year.

The same was true of the Messiah Guild.

On December 31, there was only one official activity conducted by the Messiah Guild.

“A long year is coming, 2023. ”

Lee Se-joon, the Savior.

His speech about 10 minutes before the new year in Seoul's Gwanghwamun Square was all part of the official activity.

The Messiah Guild, which was busy attacking dungeons around the world, became the most quiet moment.

On the contrary, it was also the moment when the presence of the Messiah Guild became the most rare in the year.

For most people around the world who were afraid of the New Year, there was only Lee Se-jun who relied on his fear.

Of course, it was only very special people who could sit and watch Lee Se-jun's jaya speech on the ground.

At major events in South Korea, only Korean celebrities who had always been treated as VIPs could attend the event but could not even sit in the corner of a plastic chair, so special.

Nevertheless, countless people flocked to Gwanghwamun Square to see Lee Se-jun from afar.

Kim Woo-jin was the same.

Before returning to the past, he, who was a member of the Messiah guild, willingly came out to the Gwanghwamun Plaza and listened to Se-jun Lee's speech at a very distant distance.

“I've done a lot of things. And I made a lot of sacrifices. ”

As I listened to his speech, I was prepared.

Next time, I'll see him a little closer.

Back in the past, Kim Woo-jin was listening to Se-jun's Zeya speech at a distance, as before returning to the past.

“But I'm not going to stop here. ”

And I was working on a similar angle before I went back in time.

Next time, I wanted to see him in a closer place.

"The day this street gets narrower, I'll bite your neck off. ’

That way you can bite his neck.

“Come with me to save the world. Let's put an end to this game. ”

Soon after Lee Se-jun finished his speech, the clock that was set after him announced the beginning of the new year.

At that moment, the world was calm.

And it wasn't until people realized that they didn't have any notifications that people started to smile, cheer and applaud.

“Ah! Savior! ”

“Sejun Lee, save us! ”

I began to praise the only Savior in the world.

In the commotion, Kim Woo-jin took out his cell phone and sent a text message.

[I passed Isaac's test.]

After sending the text, Kim Woo-jin turned his back.

In 2024, the New Year began.


If you stop the river from flowing and then open it, the waterway becomes rough.

At the beginning of the new year after December, when I refrained from doing activities, I confirmed that nothing had happened in the new year.

[Brainy, Guild Miracle?]

[The Messiah Guild, More Sponsors!]

[Frontier Guild, United Kingdom 3 Guild Acquisitions Merge!]

The thick incidents that seemed to have been waiting began to erupt and decorate the headlines of the respective media.

[Attack on the sixth floor dungeon, Great One Guild!]

[Two simultaneous Dungeons on the 6th Floor, Aggressive Guild!]

[Firebird Guild: Sixth Floor Dungeon Attack Challenge!]

At the same time, news of the attack on the Sixth Floor Dungeon of the Giant Guilds has been released.

Of course, Mishechan and his subordinates were spending more busy days than ever before.

“What happened to Europe? ”

“Checking. ”

“Where is the brain system now? ”

“The last one was Australia. ”

“Sponsored by Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola at the same time in the Messiah Guild, is that clear? ”


“Damn, Coke's gonna eat it for free. I envy you!”


I don't even have time for dinner.

Of course, it was always about Mishechan and his subordinates.

That's why.


“Oh, there you go. ”

The reason why lunch gives a cool look to Lee Jin-ah, who pulls out a pile of baked goods from the microwave.

“Oh, it's hot! Whoa, whoa. ”

“Oh, fuck. ”

And the reason why Gekko Oshechan vomited anger toward YiJina, who eats bread cooled with her mouth.

“Yijin, what are you doing? ”

Lee Jina, who was sitting on the couch with a table in the middle of the office that was busy with such anger, replied.

“What are you doing? Let's have some bread. Bread in winter! ”

The answer was so clear, he put his hands on his bald head with bloodstained blood.

“You. ”

It was then.

“Have some too. I bought a lot on purpose. ”

Lee Jina said with her eyes wide open.

“· · · · · · You know how much I love you, right? ”

With the horse, Se-cchan quickly sat down in front of Jina and picked up a loaf of bread.

“Oh, it's hot. Whoa, whoa. ”

Lee Jina, who had already eaten three loaves of hoe bread, said towards the luncheon of chopping the hoe bread while blowing it into hot hoe bread.

“How's it going? ”

“Everything is going as I expected. ”

“You know how hard I worked last year? It's all thanks to me. So thank you. ”

He said with a big smile.

“Going back as I expected means the world is going in a bad direction. ”


She opens her mouth, surprised, and shoves three loaves of bread in her mouth.

He frowned slightly and said.

“As I expected, something shocking is going to happen this year. ”

“Shocking case? ”

“More than five of the OECD countries are actually becoming famous next year. ”

Above all, Lee Jina looked surprised by the shocking words and carefully said, eating two loaves of bread.

“Oh, you can't be serious. Even if a monster jumps out of a dungeon on the sixth floor, we still have to avoid it, right? ”

When Lee Jina asked again, Se Chan picked up a loaf of bread and said.

“Always, but people are more of a problem than monsters. ”


“In Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia and Latin America, you know they're protesting for their lives. ”


“But did something change in the protest? ”


“Then what would you do? In a situation where blood splattered from the neck doesn't change? ”

“I'll protest harder. ”

“Yes, Bin Laden was like that when he brought the plane to the Twin Towers. ”

Lee Jin-ah picked up a loaf of bread without saying as if she had just realized the seriousness of the situation.

Oh Se-chan also thought, picking up a loaf of bread.

‘There are already signs. ’

It is a mischant that invests a lot of money in understanding the world's politics.

‘There's nothing wrong with blowing up anytime. ’

If he doesn't know when the world is going to explode, it's gonna be weird.

In fact, there was already movement.

Some radical groups in Eastern Europe and the Middle East sought to prepare and implement terrorism.

‘I've been lucky so far. ’

Until recently, I stopped them in advance, but no matter how great the umbrella is, I can't stop all the rain that comes without rest.

At some point the rainwater will splash into your body.

‘The best stage for the Messiah Guild. ’

And that was when the Messiah Guild practically ruled the world.

The Messiah Guild is the only place the country can rely on in a world of monsters and terror.

‘Before that, I need something to fight against the Messiah Guild. ’

After that, there was no way to stop the Messiah Guild, no matter what he did.

‘Kim Woo-jin has to grow up fast. ’

It was why he wanted Kim Woo-jin to grow faster and have influence as soon as possible.

“But what's the next dungeon? ”

“I don't know.”

“Don't you know?”

“From now on, I can't attack any dungeons. ”

Of course, I did not forget that the more careful the brunch was.

“There are only three attempts left to target you, Kim Woojin, or the third floor dungeon. Then there's the four-story dungeon. You know, attacking a dungeon on the fourth floor is not like attacking a dungeon on the third floor. Floors are the number of floors, but the 4th and 5th floors are the main stages of the medium-sized guild. Guild Master and Dungeon Attack, not Guild Member

You have to. "

It was then.

“Hey, boss. ”

One of my subordinates approached Ossetian.

“Oh, would you like some bread? ”

He gave a loaf of bread to his subordinate.

“No, that's not it. ”

However, his direct reports refused.

“You might want to check this out. ”


“Looks like an A + rank dungeon has been discovered. ”

“A + Rank? ”

His colleague nods, saying, "Oh Se-chan's reaction."

“Yes, it's like the third floor. ”

He smiled.

“Happy Dungeon Blessing Kim Woo-jin. There are more A + rank dungeons than anyone else can hit. I think someone is leveling up because they know there's an A + Rank Dungeon on purpose. ”

But that smile didn't last long.

“But this information came from the mercenaries. ”


He was surprised and asked again.

“Wait, so you went to a hunter for advice on a three-story A + rank dungeon? ”


“No way. ”

His subordinate told surprised Oh Se-chan.

“This dungeon monster's boss monster is expected to be Hatchling. ”


[A + Rank Dungeon!]

A + rank.

I've always had great interest in this dungeon where I can expect legendary items.

It was the same again.

[Dungeon floor is third floor!]

The world immediately changed to a festive atmosphere because a three-story A + rank dungeon was discovered.

- Hey, it's a 3-story A + rank!

- It's like the Legends again!

- Who's going to be the legendary owner this time?

It was the festival atmosphere that I no longer felt that the third-floor dungeon posed a great threat to the world.

But the atmosphere did not last long.

[Hatching Dungeon Boss Monsters!]

When the dungeon title revealed that the dungeon boss monster was Hatchling, the atmosphere of the festival cooled down.

- Oh, my God, a dragon!

- Magic Defense Power. Physical Defense Power.

Hatchling was such a monster.

Once physical, magical, and resistive, it was overwhelming enough to refuse to compare with other monsters.

- That's a relief. Dragon treats all Guardians!

- Some of the Guardians are bosses.

What was even more troubling was that every dragon kept the Guardians in check.

Not just monsters, but powerful monsters. Some of them were boss monsters.

Hatching was also small, but it was definitely a dragon.

- You can fly there!

Critically, a dragon could fly.

I was able to create the worst situation I could face from the players' point of view at any time.

He's the one who gave up the Messiah Guild!

- Yes. Even Lee Se-joon.

Because of this, even the Messiah Guild and Lee Se-joon abandoned their attack on the Hatching Dungeon in 2020.

- The only hunter I've ever seen.

That was the setting where the legend of the hunter was born.

He was willing to give the title Dragon Slayer to the one who couldn't even catch the Savior Lee Se-joon.

Because of this, no one objected when the non-mesa guild hunter was elected as the adviser for this dungeon.

Rather, everyone listened to the advice of the hunter, and the hunter gladly advised.

“I've checked the first volunteer list, but if we go in there, we're doomed. ”

No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to catch Hatchling.

The world asked a question.

So, how do you plan to target this dungeon?

The hunter answered the question without hesitation.

“Isaac Ivanov, once he participates in the dungeon raid, it's a basic rule. ”

Only one man, Isaac Ivanov, can challenge the Dragon Slayer.

Of course, all of his attention was on Isaac Ivanov, and everyone asked Isaac Ivanov.

- So what are you gonna do?

What are you gonna do?

Kim Woo-jin answered the question.

“Let's start with the admission fee. ”

It was the moment Woojin Kim held the casting boat in his hands.

< 37°C. Casting Boat (1). > End

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