Kill the Hero

< 43. expensive lesson (2). >


[Shock! Isaac Ivanov party disbanded!]

It was an unexpected breaking news to anyone.

- What are you talking about? Break up the party?

- Wasn't Isaac Ivanov preparing to attack the A + rank dungeon? And dismantle the party?

- No, what are you talking about? Dismantling Isaac's party?

At the same time, it was a shocking deception I could not say.

- How can a party be disbanded like this? The party that hunted Hatchling all by itself?

- You can't do this. Isaac Ivanov's party is the greatest party in history!

What kind of party is Isaac Ivanov having?

From the first needle snake hunt to the Hatchling solo hunt, it was a party that did what no one had ever done.

It was a party that made impossible and miracles come true.

The dissolution of such parties was a different issue from the dissolution of popular idol groups that had become famous.

- Damn it, Kim Woo-jin is dead, Sva is gone, what nonsense is this?

- This doesn't make any sense. A prominent party could have been annihilated, but it had never been disbanded like this.

- Why is this happening?

Of course, people began to look for the cause.

Of course, the cause was simple.

- It's because of those Japanese bastards!

Kim Woo-jin was killed by the Japanese!

This time, so is Sva Shiva. There was a rumor that Ishikawa and her three brothers had a falling out.

Rumor has it Sva moved to another guild before he entered the dungeon.

It was the beginning of the decommissioning that a new colleague of mine, Kim Woo-jin, died in the attack by the cult in Japan.

The accusations against Japan began to flourish.

[Is his desire for swordsmanship angry?]

[Sword Destroys Isaac Ivanov's Party!]

The arrow of such reproach began to point even at swords such as divine stubbornness in Japan.

It was Isaac Ivanov's first official position to wedge in that atmosphere.

[Breaking news! Isaac Ivanov A + Abandon the Rank Dungeon Attack!]

[Isaac Ivanov, Activity Temporary Abort! Declaration of Retirement?]

[Hero Stops!]

Isaac Ivanov declares a ceasefire.


“I'm sorry."

Miyazaki Sakura kneels on the ground and apologizes to the sword.

The swordsman replied to the sin.

“What's the situation?”

“We're approaching both sides, but it's not good. At least I'm talking to Isaac Ivanov. ”

“What do you say? ”

“That's... ”

The sword looks at Miyazaki Sakura, who blurs his words.

“Tell me what you know. ”

“· · · · · · A colleague of Isaac Ivanov is claiming ownership of Makkah. ”

In response, the temples of the sword twitched.

It's no wonder that the ownership of the last night that belonged to him is discussed in someone else's name.

But even more annoying was the seriousness of the matter.

Isn't it a small price to change the mind of a colleague with a last-minute item?

“The press?”

“The media in Japan is under control. But if we stay like this, it will eventually spread. ”

At that time, Miyazaki Sakura swallowed a saliva and continued.

“I can't hide the horrific defeat of Ishikawa's three brothers and sisters against Isaac Ivanov's companion. ”

“Damn it.”

At that point, the swordsman had no choice but to utter a blasphemy.

The situation was that serious.

And it had to be serious.

‘I never thought things would turn out like this. ’

While the whole world was shocked to dismantle Isaac Ivanov's party, Japan and its swordsmen were held accountable.

What if we were to learn that Ishikawa and her three sisters' talents were far beyond Isaac Ivanov's reach?

Furthermore, what if it turns out that Ishikawa and her three brothers are responsible for all of this?

There will be an unparalleled accusation.

‘It's okay to blame. ’

Of course, the sword was good enough to blame him for that.

The blame will not diminish the swordsmanship's influence or threaten him.

The problem was that this is not the end, but the beginning.

“If we don't solve this problem, we'll leave it alone and get an ankle. ”

In the future, every time Isaac Ivanov has a problem, this will be discussed and the swordsmen will question him.

“The Messiah Guild could be the problem. ”

In the end, even the Messiah Guild was able to make excuses for the sword.

In fact, that was the most troublesome part of the sword.

The Messiah Guild and the Sword were symbiotic.

Helping each other, helping each other.

However, based on the exact relationship between A and A, A was definitely a Messiah guild.

That's why I tried to get my hands on Isaac Ivanov.

The purpose of the sword was to defeat the Messiah guild using Isaac Ivanov.

‘You're angry with greed. ’

But things are different now.

I tried to grab the knife, but I caught the day, not the sack.

‘should be organized. ’

In other words, it had to be taken care of in some way.

‘We must not leave this room. ’

If we stay like this, we'll get hold of the Sword's ankle at a moment of great anger.

“Isaac Ivanov's colleague needs to take care of business before he leaves for another guild. ”

In addition, if you wanted to clear this up, Isaac Ivanov's colleague had to take care of it before he officially posted his name to another guild or organization.

After the miraculous signs, it was impossible to restore this relationship with any means and means.

The report said the sword was last.

“Sakura, you said there are two options. ”

At that, Miyazaki Sakura stared at the sword's eyes with a firm expression.

It seemed so.

“Hold it in your hand or remove it. ”

The glare of the Sword sank cold.


[Isaac Ivanov party disbanded!]

A situation where Isaac Ivanov is shaking enough to feel dizzy about the effects of the typhoon.

However, even in that situation, there were a group of people who sprinkled pepper powder on this situation for my benefit.

[Isaac Ivanov and his colleague are on the freelance market?]

[Isaac Ivanov's colleague is already bargaining with the guild for revenge!]

[Isaac Ivanov's Companion Cost Increases steeply!]

The dismantling of Isaac Ivanov's party has begun to appear from all over the world.

Especially when the price of Yi Jina's body began to spill.

It was a typical media play that exaggerated body value in the marketplace and attracted them to the marketplace.

Of course, even if I excluded it, YiJina's body price had to go up.

Unlike Isaac Ivanov's temporary cessation of activities, he simply declared a separation in the case of binary, and did not declare a cessation of activities.

[He's Isaac Ivanov's best friend!]

[He's a real tank that crushes everything!]

Furthermore, in the dungeon, the battle with the Ishikawa Three Brothers proved that they were capable of becoming Isaac Ivanov's companion, not just a tanker.

“Now you recognize the value of a man named Lee Jin-ah. ”

It was delightful for Jina to receive her first spotlight in some sense.

“My salary is $100 million? How many sushi is this? ”

However, Lee Jin-ah's body price was now enormous enough to match the astronomical expression.

At that time, Lee Jina stared at Kim Woo-jin, who was touching something.

“Get out of here? ”

Kim Woo-jin replied without looking back.

“There's nothing you can do if you want to leave. ”


Lee Jina was slightly surprised by Kim Woo-jin's gentle permission, and soon asked carefully.

“Can I really go? ”

“Nothing is as meaningless as forcing a man to kill a man whose mind is gone. You can leave if you want. ”

“Jee, really? ”

Surprised, Lee Jin-ah expressed her emotions with her face.

If we get a chance, can we really get out of here?

Kim Woo-jin said something to him.

“From then on, you and I are enemies, so you'd better avoid a bad encounter in the dungeon. ”

It was the most terrifying threat in the world.

“Haha, haha. ”

In front of the threat, Lee Jina said with an awkward smile.

“Oh, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. What are you looking at me for? Even if I die, I'm the guy who doesn't abandon his comrades. ”

Kim Woo-jin didn't respond.

I just waited.


And here comes what we've been waiting for.

- The swordsman called. I will make every effort to improve the relationship between you and Jina in good faith but inevitably ruined it.

“So what are the terms? ”

- They said they would give Nemea Lion Hide as a reward if they joined forces to attack the A + Rank Dungeon.

The Swordsman concluded.

First, you have to sew up the relationship between Kim Woo-jin and Lee Jin-ah somehow.

“Improving relationships and attacking dungeons, are you tying them together? ”

At the same time, I also waged an attack on the dungeon.

- The remarried family in the drama will convince the viewers that only after the baby is born will the two of them get along. Who knows when they'll get a divorce if they remarry?

The public demanded the most convincing outcome.

“So what do you think? ”

- Childbirth is our business, and we have to start with the price of having an affair. Nemea's Lion Hide, A + Rank Dungeon, was declared to be paid separately for their attack on the dungeon as a condition of improving relationships.

Kim Woo-jin told me the answer.

“And the answer is? ”

- Okay.

As soon as he heard the answer, Kim Woo-jin was sure.

“The Sword has decided. ”

- Yeah, it came out just like we thought it would.

At that time, Lee Jin-ah, who was listening to the call, threw a word.

“No, just you two. Can't you let me know? What the hell is going on? ”

Kim Woo-jin answered the question by adjusting the timer of the camera he was touching.

“The Sword offers items in the hope that we will continue to party together in the future. ”

Soon, Kim Woo-jin, who had a timer, set up the camera, approached Lee Jin-ah and reached out his hand.


“We have to show evidence that relationships have improved. A handshake will suffice. ”

Lee Jin-ah, who had just figured out the situation, said, holding Kim Woo-jin's hand.

“I'm not one of the parties to say this, but if the Swordsman knows the truth, he'll try to tear us apart. ”

Kim Woo-jin smiled and said with a horrible word.

“It doesn't matter. The sword is already trying to kill us. ”


“Next A + rank dungeon, we'll attack. ”


That's when the picture was taken.


[Isaac Ivanov, are you really retiring?]

It didn't take long for any kind of rumor, born based on Isaac Ivanov's retirement, to begin to fill the world.

At the same time, it didn't take long for the world full of rumors to clear up.

“End of story. Isaac Ivanov will not retire, and will target the A + Rank Dungeon as promised. ”

The swordsman, the moment he spoke through an emergency press conference, and the moment Isaac Ivanov's official statement came out, the world was filled with rumors that disappeared like snow.

Instead, there is a new rumor.

- Rumor has it the Sword stopped Isaac Ivanov from retireing and gave him a legendary item to reunite with.

No, I heard that if you attack this A + rank dungeon, you'll get Legendary items.

Rumor has it he's going to make you heir to the Sword.

It was a rumor that the Swordsman had paid an unthinkable price to clean up all this mess.

Of course it wasn't a rumor.

Rumors speak as if nothing ever happened.

“What did you pay for it? ”

“I paid Nemea's lion hide to reconcile them. ”

The Sword paid a tremendous amount of Legendary Items to reconnect the two.


The Arab man who heard the price, Khalid Bin Al-Sawad, kicked his tongue.

The sword sank cold in his appearance.

“Hearing that it's expensive in your mouth makes me feel uneasy how much I've lost. ”

Khalid bin Alsawood.

Called Prince Khalid, he was the prince of the royal family of Saudi Arabia.

Of course, the fact that the prince is a prince in a situation where there are more than thousands of princes alone is not enough to make him as a swordsman.

He was able to control and sword because of the fact that Saudi Arabia has concentrated all its power and wealth in one place since the change of the world in 2020 and is part of such a focused power group.

Even the greatest signs in the Forbes rankings were able to handle the enormous wealth that would be neglected.

When people see a light car and think it's cheap and good, they see a large passenger ship that can carry more than 200 people, and they are cheap and good.

It was why I wrote the expression that the sword is new.

“Nemea's lion hide is expensive. ”

Of course, Nemea's Lion Hide was actually an expensive item.

“But considering Isaac Ivanov's life, it doesn't seem that expensive. ”

Now it's worth comparing the lives of the world's most notable heroes.

Prince Khalid takes his place after the comparison.

“Here's the plan. ”

He immediately handed over a bunch of documents to the Sword.

“The content is simple. Isaac Ivanov and his colleagues will join hands and strike terror as soon as they enter the dungeon gate. Then the dungeon position is over. ”

He explained the operation, smiling and saying.

“I wouldn't have lost Nemea's Lion Hide if I had used this method earlier. ”

The sarcastic words send only a cold glare, and Prince Khalid smiles and turns his back.


Prince Khalid, who stopped his steps, turns his head and asks for the sword.

“More than that, what was your reward for attacking the dungeons? ”

“It doesn't matter anyway. ”

“I'm still curious. How much did the sword put on it? ”

The swordsman answered the question.

“I've decided to give you Aegis' shield. ”

Prince Khalid replied in astonishment.

“Isn't that the item the Swordsman uses to attack the dungeon? A secret weapon you don't know the Messiah from? ”

The sword said in a cool, sunken look.

“I don't have anything to give you anyway. ”

< 43. expensive lesson (2). > End

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