Kill the Hero

< 56 Pts., Disaster (3). >


- Humans are computational. When they're healthy, their savior is just a convenient target. But when the extreme is reached, then you will truly serve the Savior.

- The Messiah Guild and Isejun insist that they are the strongest Saviors in the world right now. In such situations, when the world comes to an end, everyone will naturally cry out for them.

- I didn't mean to do this. I was going to be more aggressive, more aggressive. Park Yong-wan tried to use him to ignite the feelings between our ship and Japan and then explode it, but the plan was twisted.

- Above all, the growth of Isaac Ivanov scares me. He is the biggest problem with our current plan. There must never be substitutes or candidates. So eliminate him by all means and means.

Cut off Isaac Ivanov's head with this. Cut off the sprouts that damage the glory of Japan.

The memory Miyazaki Sakura shared with the sword was shocking in many ways.

However, it was not that shocking for Kim Woo-jin.

‘As expected.’

I had anticipated.

No, it was an experience.

The Messiah Guild has already experienced its efforts to play the more perfect Savior and has been sacrificed.

- Lee Se-jun and the top members of the Mesia Guild will attack the Seventh Floor Dungeon. Then there will be terrorism in Korea.

‘Finally, they bring out a card called terrorism. ’

Now, the scenario's appearance has changed a little, but nothing has changed in the big story.

- The headquarters of the Messiah Guild will collapse.

- Depends on the situation, but two big ones. A hijacked plane crashes into a headquarters building or takes over the headquarters by terrorists.

- Airplane terrorism will be short and intense, and hostage drama will be long.

‘It is the most devastating scenario anticipated. ’

Of course, the content was slightly larger than expected, but it was also within the range of expectations.

Honestly, it wasn't an inspiring story.

"Shit happens as expected. ’

Nevertheless, Kim Woo-jin, who was engraving the story, was more nervous than ever.

Now, the vengeance that would fade away was getting bigger, hotter, and lighting Kim Woojin's throat dry and burning.

Such vengeance made it hard to keep up with irony.

‘Be patient. ’

Therefore, Kim Woo-jin forced himself to make rational judgments at this moment.

He demanded a cold reason.

‘There is still more work to be done. ’

There was still a lot of work left for him to do, and little misunderstandings and mistakes or emotional swings were unforgivable.

‘You have to be cold to the point of death. ’

Only judgments and actions arising from cold reason are required.

A huge shadow began to cast over Kim Woo-jin's head as he was collecting emotions.

[The fear of the Sphinx strikes.]

Sphinx, the giant creature, was created during the fall, losing its right wing.


Soon, the Sphinx fell to the ground, creating an earthquake with a massive hurricane and storm.

At that moment, Kim Woo-jin stood up.

“Hunting commences. ”



A monster in a myth with the body of a lion, the tail of a snake, and the wings of a human.

“I like the look of the Sphinx. ”

Of course, this is only a meaningful expression when explaining the existence of myths.

“All that matters is his ability. ”

When expressing Sphinx in a dungeon, it requires different explanations than that.

“You may have experienced it, but he has skills like the Dragon Pier. ”

Once in the dungeon, the Sphinx possessed a skill called the Sphinx Roar.

The target exposed to the Dragon Pier's skill shivers in terror and settles down, if it is alive.

“And as a result of several experiments, the toughness of his leather is much more than Hatchling. ”

At the same time, the hide of the Sphinx was very tough and had a very powerful magical resistance.

“And it has excellent regenerative abilities. Hell of a hound. ”

Even the ability to regenerate here was excellent, so it was impossible to write that the dizzying wound was damaging.

“The most troubling of all is your ability to fly. ”

Of those myriad abilities, however, the most troubling was the ability to fly.

“It flies up in a flash, and when you start flying, that speed or direction doesn't make any sense. ”

I can't tell you the difficulty of Sphinx's hunting, where you can rise with one wing at any time, ignoring the laws of physics and flying in secret at an astonishing speed.

“It's nothing compared to Hatchling. ”

Of course, it was different from Hatchling.

“Cutting wings is more difficult than hatching, above all. The wings of the Sphinx are the wings of birds, although the wings of the Sphinx are torn by cutting off the wings. We definitely have to cut the bones. ”

Even cutting the wings was different.

“It is clear that it is impossible to catch a flying man. ”

Nevertheless, there was virtually no tactic without cutting off the wings of such a sphinx.

That's why.

“I am fortunate in that sense. Wearing Hermes' boots and quinae can easily attach itself to the body of the Sphinx. And a thousand-gauge bayonet would definitely cut off his wing bone. ”

Why Kim Woo-jin gave Lee Jina three more Legends.


And now she's crouching with the Sphinx towards the earth.


With such a violent noise, the Sphinx falls to the ground without losing its wings.

Along with the fall, Eugenia's body bounced off like a pile of rubbish and rolled straight down.

It rolls like a giant frog.

It was a sight that could not be seen simply because of the physical impact, and in fact it was intended.

He was relieving himself of the power that had entered his body rather than forcefully stopping.

Soon after the rolling stopped, Lee Jin-ah stood up wounded, but with no major injuries.

It was a moment to learn how to crash.


It was also a really offensive moment.

No, it wasn't insulting enough.

"Shit, am I supposed to live like this? ’

At this moment, she began to seriously suffer for her treatment.

"I don't mean to be rude, but don't you think you're being treated like this? You're really going on a strike? ’

In such agony, she weighed.

Is it worth the courage or not?

Within that gaze, Lee Jina began to think that it was surprisingly enough to try.

I mean, honestly, even if he cuts my throat, he's not gonna die. ’

As long as you have the Blessing skills of the Stix River that have reached the transcendent rank, you won't die even if your limbs and neck are cut off.

Literally, even if the liver came out of the boat, nothing would die.

He had the courage to cut his stomach, and Lee Jin-ah's eyes had changed.

"You want to fight me? ’

Lee Jina's eyes turn toward the sword in her hand.

Thousand gun sword.

Even the swordsmanship was more powerful than I could have imagined for YiJina, who had overcome countless legends and was willing to become her lover.

You demonstrated its power against the Sphinx immediately.

With other Legendary weapons, cutting the wings of the Sphinx could not have been so easy.

It was that easy when I cut the fish with a hard to hear cutting knife and turned it into a proper cutting knife.

Even now, she was wearing Hermes' boots.

With the same speed as riding a horse and a strange ability to make her walk on water, these boots could guarantee her absolute maneuverability at any moment.

‘If this is... ’

With this kind of item setting, the confidence that I would now try it once began to wrap around her whole body.

"Yes, a man dies once or twice. ’

It was then.


You hear the Skeleton Knight's voice in Lee Jina's ear.

It was the sound of the Skeleton Knight moving to slaughter the fallen Sphinx as she acted.


Starting with the first sound, the skeleton knights begin to run towards the Sphinx.

Lee Jina imagined seeing the skeleton knight.

‘At this rate, you can fight skeleton knights. ’

Battle with the Skeleton Knight.


Meanwhile, a new Skeleton Knight has been added, and the number of Skeleton Knights fighting him has increased naturally in the head of Jin.

One, two, three, four.

The number of skeleton knights that grew had reached ten.


However, the number of Skeleton Knights began to grow without stopping.

Huh? ’

Soon after, when I saw the twenty moving skeleton knights, she panicked and said.

What, what? ’

There are 10 Skeleton Knights that Kim Woo-jin can summon, and now there's a multiplication?

"Ah, Hades' ring! ’

The secret was Hades' ring.

In theory, if there are two players with Hades' Ring and Skeleton Soldier Summon skills, the Skeleton Soldier can be created indefinitely.

One man makes a Skeleton Soldier, and the other man uses Hades' ring to dominate the Skeleton Soldier.

In theory, of course, it took that much magical power to keep the skeleton soldier that was taken.

However, with that limit in mind, it was a great item for those who dealt with undead monsters.

And the item belonged to Johann Gerorg, even if it was only until the capture of Miyazaki Sakura.

However, the movements of the skeleton knights you see now were clear to Kim Woo-jin's skeleton knights.

It means that Hades' ring, which belonged to Johann Gerorg, was handed over to Kim Woojin.

‘Johann, he has surrendered. ’

In other words, it was evidence that John Gerorg had surrendered completely to Isaac Ivanov.

In fact, Kim Woo-jin told Lee Jin-ah about that.

After killing Miyazaki Sakura, Johann Georg will demand Hades' ring, and if he refuses, he will be judged treacherously and eliminated.

However, given the circumstances, it is clear that Johann Gerorg did not hesitate to offer Hades' ring.

‘Tough guy. ’

The choice of John Gerorg to lay down his life was frightening.

‘Kim Woo-jin made such a ferocious man out of a gentle sheep. ’

On the other hand, Jia remembered the existence of Kim Woo-jin who made John Georg make such a choice without any worries, and eventually swallowed him up without me even knowing it.

‘Let's not fuck around. ’

While Lee Jin-ah was well controlling her anger, Kim Woo-jin appeared behind him.

Kim Woo-jin reached out his hand.

“Quenier and Hermes. ”

In a short sentence, she showed her mettle.

“Here it is! ”

You quickly take off the queens and hand them over, then start taking off Hermes' boots.

Meanwhile, the Skeleton Knights and Skeleton Soldiers begin a battle with the Winged Sphinx.


It was like an ant clinging to the body of a giant beast.


Sphinx roared at that, but such horror did not apply to those who were already dead.

The fear of death for pure undead monsters was meaningless.

Of course, such workshops were more worthless than I thought.

The attack by Skeleton Knights and Skeleton Soldiers was frightening, but the Sphinx was huge and at the same time his renewal and defensive abilities were too good.


The Skeleton Wizards' fire attack also did no damage to the Sphinx.

It was literally a parakeet.

Wet body, but only the crotch.

The only thing that bothers me is the crotch.


Lee Jin-ah who saw the scene said a word.

“This isn't going to be easy. It's just a scratch, right? ”

In a word, Kim Woo-jin did not protest.

“Yeah, it's just a scratch. ”

At that moment, Kim Woo-jin, wearing Hermes boots, placed a quinae on his head.

Then Kim Woo-jin disappeared.

After disappearing like that, Kim Woo-jin narrows his distance to the Sphinx with the same speed as a gunshot.


Sphinx didn't even notice and didn't care about Kim Woo-jin's approach.

At least for Kim Woo-jin, Sphinx was defenseless, and Kim Woo-jin quickly climbed into Sphinx's body without any interference.

And as he climbed up, Kim Woo-jin put his right hand straight into the wound made by a skeleton knight, where it healed quickly.



He then used the Vampire Skill as it is.

You drain the blood.

At the same time, blood began to flow through the wounds on Kim Woojin's body.

The blood spilled immediately began to turn to smoke.

[Fog spreads.]

The fog drains the blood, and the blood is absorbed through aspiration.

The fog was made by Kim Woo-jin's blood-poisoning skill and caused a powerful poison.

[No blood poisoning to the Sphinx.]

Of course, Kim Woo-jin's bloodshed was also petty in the face of the resistance to the poison of the Sphinx.

Kim Woo-jin didn't care as if he knew that too.

[Summons Blood Golem.]

[Blood Golem absorbs veil.]

In the beginning, Kim Woo-jin was using a veil to fatten the Blood Golem.

[Blood Golem powers up.]

[Blood Golem becomes more toxic.]

Blood golem absorbs the veil from Kim Woo-jin's body, and over time, Blood Golem's body begins to glow only dark red and dreadful black.

[Blood Golem can no longer be strong.]

And as soon as he heard the notification that the growth of the Blood Golem had reached its limit, Kim Woo-jin plunged the Spear of Percival held in his other empty hand deep into Sphinx's body.


The Sphinx roars at the depths of the attack.

All of Sphinx's senses were naturally directed at the puncture point of Percival's spear, the same thing as being hit by hail while being hit by a crotch.

Soon, Sphinx turns his head and looks at his back.

Now I can see the furious look on the human face of Sphinx, who saw Kim Woo-jin's appearance as he had not been exposed to Quinee's hidden effects.

[The Sphinx express enormous anger.]

At the same time, the eyes of Sphinx began to glow.

Suddenly, a white beam of light appeared from the eyes of the Sphinx.

Stop it!

The rays radiated like that were strong enough to melt even the skin of the Sphinx's tough hide.

But that was it.

The Sphinx attack burned my flesh.


Kim Woo-jin has already come down from the body of the Sphinx.

‘I'm in.'

And the Blood Golem has already entered Sphinx's body through a wound created by Percival's spear.

[Sphinx is addicted to black blood.]

Kim Woo-jin heard a notification waiting for him.

‘I got you.'

It was actually a notification that the countdown to the end of this battle had begun.


It was two days.

[You defeated the Sphinx.]

[Achieved the ‘Sphinx Hunter’ feat.]

[Level has increased.]

[Representative of the dark world looks only at you.]

[Achieved Achievement 'The One with the Backlight'.]

[Dungeon has been cleared.]

[Seal Breaker is awarded as dungeon reward.]

49 hours and 33 minutes, to be exact.

It took that long for Sphinx to die holding Kim Woojin's Blood Golem in his veins.

It was never two quiet days.

That was the scene created by the poisonous Sphinx during those two days.

The landscape was endless, as if a giant tornado had passed by.


The number of Skeleton Soldiers who survived Kim Woo-jin was not many.


The skeleton knight, who had expanded to twenty-two, also survived until the end, was only seven.


John Gerorg throws a word at you.

Kim Woo-jin, wearing Isaac Ivanov's mask, coldly said.

“The real disaster is just beginning. ”

Kim Woo-jin, who spits like that, bites his eyes in golden light and now looks at the dead body of Sphinx.

It seemed so.

[Gumiho's Eighth Tail]

- Item Rank: Legendary

- Available from Lv. 1 and higher

- Item Description: This is the eighth tail of Gumiho. It contains a mysterious power. You can use the power of Gumiho by collecting all nine chapters.

- +5% All Stats on Ownership

- Quickly heals a wound when it touches it.

‘There's one left. ’

The strength to fight the real disaster that is about to begin.

< 56 Pts., Disaster (3). > End

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