Kill the Hero

< 59.Brainz (1). >


Brainwashers said.

“Kill Park Yong-wan on the fourth floor. ”

The day of battle has come.

“The plan is as follows: ”

Along with that, the brain system explained the plan.

“With Park Yong-wan, I will fight a group of Goblins. A battle so fierce that life and death could not be assessed. Isaac Ivanov will appear, and the moment he does, a signal will come. When the signal comes, attack Park Yong-wan's men nearby. ”


The plan of the brain system was easily explained in one short word.

However, implementing the plan was never easy.

“First, get to know Park Yong-wan. It would be best if they could leave their backs to you. ”

Betrayal can bloom on faith.

It was not easy to get that faith.

“There's nothing better to stab me in the back. ”

In addition, it was impossible to put a knife in the back of a new colleague who was laughing and chattering a little while ago, even for the brains' underlings who had already gone through the battle.

“You'll need a battlefield so fierce you can't even wake up. A fierce battlefield where Park Yong-wan's players can't look back. ”

Moreover, on the stage of his betrayal, the brain agent chose a fiercer battlefield than ever before.

“Fighting 50,000 Goblins won't be easy. ”


Brainstorming told me the number that makes me feel better just by listening.

And now, on the fourth day of entry, Brainy and his men were able to face the stage.



An enormous number of Goblin hordes, close to 50,000, begin to line up and approach the players.

It was a clumsy number.

However, it was not just ordinary Goblins who filled in the numbers.

Turn it off!


The sound of crying is different, and even bigger and stronger Goblin Champions and Goblin Knights threaten their players with their presence on a different level than the Goblins.



There was even a giant mutant Goblin that was close enough to a Troll.

Bang, bang!

Whenever such Goblins move, it feels like the ground is shaking.

But what was really scary was not them.

Squeeze, squeeze!

Ouch, ouch!

[The Goblin Chief's magic is echoing everywhere.]

[Goblins forget their fears.]

[Goblins lose their pain.]

[Goblins are thirsty for blood.]

Goblin Shamans caught all over the Goblin horde. Their magic cries are turning their instincts into fear, madness, and slaughter.


A giant lightning bolt struck the Goblin Chief on top of his head with a single stroke of brainpower.


The Goblin Chief spits out a long handset, then falls to the ground in a blaze.

It was the moment when the brain system announced the beginning of combat.

“Battle in progress! ”


So began two devastating wars between the player and the Goblin.


50,000 to 400.

To be honest, it was a number that was not even comparable.

However, shortly after the battle, it was rather four hundred pages, a coalition of Park Yong-wan and Brainja.


When the lightning bolt of brains blackened the Goblin Shamans, electrocuted the Goblin horde and paralyzed them, Park Yong-wan and his men cleared out the Goblin hordes perfectly.

“Follow me! ”

Park Yong-wan and his group's movements moving between the Goblin hordes seemed to erase the black matter with an eraser.

You wiped out a group of Goblins just like you said.

That was it, of course.

The problem was that there were too many Goblins in the early days of Park Yong-wan and Brainz.

There was simply no time for rest, and the battle continued endlessly. We weren't discussing the same issue.

“Goddamn Goblin corpses! ”

“Watch out for the bodies on the ground! Trip or die! ”

What really troubled me was the dead Goblins.

The Goblin corpses on the ground took away the maneuverability of everything in the battlefield.

The blood and bodily fluids from a Goblin corpse immediately turned the ground into a flare, and the Goblin corpses themselves have become a troubling obstacle that can fall at any time.

Of course, it was the players who lost maneuverability.


“Go around back! ”

“We have to move before they catch up to us! ”

Goblins began to build siege nets against the players who had lost their mobility.

It wasn't some tactical move.

It was like putting a finger on flowing water.

The waves are blocked at first, but then the fingers are naturally immersed in the water.

It was natural.

Of course, it was a natural phenomenon, so the brains and Park Yong-wan were prepared for it.

“Blow it up!"


As soon as the brain agent gives the signal, you hear a thundering sound beneath a swarm of Goblins moving like they are about to surround the brain, Park Yong-wan, and others.

It was the moment when the mine magic triggered.


As soon as the thunderstorm lifted, there was a black smoke.


A sudden burst of thunder paralyzes the ears of the Goblins and causes them to vomit doubtful tears in the dark smoke.

Welcoming such Goblins was not only one thing, it was a fairly sturdy book.

Of course, there was no escape.



The Goblins stabbed me in the neck of my neck.

Then the chain conflict began.

The Goblins are running into the woodwork, and the woodwork has become a Goblin carcass wall in no time.

It was the moment the prepared strategy worked.

But it's a strategy, and it hasn't been a solution to this battle.

The Goblin horde, reaching 50,000, is like a river.

If it gets blocked, the river flows another way.

“We're surrounded!”

At some point, the brains and Park Yong-wan Alliance had no choice but to give the Goblin horde siege.

Naturally, the battle was also incredibly intense compared to the previous one.

That's why everyone was nervous.


I was not nervous about the fact that I had to fight a group of Goblins.

The reason for tension was because of the content of the script.

‘Here he comes. ’

At the moment of fierce battle, he appears, unable to look back.

Isaac Ivanov is coming. ’

It was clearly written in the script.

‘Isaac is the beginning of betrayal. ’

And the moment Isaac Ivanov appeared, the moment he sent the signal, the brains and their men told him to swing the sword of betrayal towards Park Yong-wan, and it was clearly written in the script.

“It's Isaac!”

“Isaac Ivanov! ”

As the script states, Isaac Ivanov appeared the moment the fierceness of combat reached its peak.

Today was the moment when the most important scene on the stage began.

Now all we have to do is create a climax with the signal.


“What, what is that? ”

At that moment, however, the unscripted ambassadors began to rush out.

One of them said without me knowing.

“No way, is that Rich? ”



The Immortal Wizard, the most remarkable feature of the creature, was its height, reaching up to four metres.

The next thing you notice is that the body is made of all kinds of bones, and he is wearing a robe made of black smoke.

However, what was really important was not that part of the appearance.

[Rich inherits the Summoner's power.]

The biggest feature of Rich was that he could use all of the summon skills of the summoned player.

[Rich summons a new Skeleton Soldier.]

[Rich summons a new Skeleton Knight.]

You can summon Skeleton Soldiers as well as Skeleton Knights.

[Rich summons Durahan anew.]

Even Durahan was included.

In other words, summoning Rich doubled the number of summoning immortal troops Kim Woo-jin could summon.

Kim Woo-jin exerted a ridiculous ability by himself, and that power doubles?

Beyond common sense.

What was even more surprising, however, was that Rich's magical power moved separately from Kim Woo-jin's magical power.

That is, Kim Woo-jin did not need to spend any more magical power on the summoning by Rich.

Trembling, trembling!

The number of Skeleton Diseases that have been created is four hundred!


The number of skeleton knights reached twenty.


Among them, it was the Skeleton Wizards.

[Skeleton Wizards receive more powerful magic from Rich.]

[Magic Attack Power of Skeleton Wizards is greatly increased.]

[Skeleton Wizards' Magic Attack Speed is greatly increased.]

It was nothing more than a Skeleton Wizard that got the most Merritt from the appearance of Rich.

Of course, in front of Kim Woo-jin's troops who appeared that doubled like that, a group of Goblins was like sand.

[Banshee crying.]

[Goblins are losing their minds to fear.]


A new banshee added to this one, the eavesdropping of the cursed spirits as they passed by the Goblin hordes, only left the Goblins frozen in fear.

Wedge, Wedge, Wedge · · · · · · · ·.

Kim Woo-jin and his army of immortals did not even allow the Goblins to run away screaming.

An overwhelming massacre has begun.

“Oh, my God.”

“What are we looking at? ”

Players were amazed to forget that they were in a fierce battle in front of the scene.

Of course he was different.


Brainy, he was not fascinated by this sudden situation.

Instead, he coldly analyzed the situation.

‘It's not what I know. ’

Once the brain stem questioned Isaac Ivanov's appearance with more power than he thought.

Why reveal so much power at this moment, at such an important moment?

To consume Park Yong-wan perfectly?

It could be.

But what if it's not?

No, in the first place, brains had questions.

Isaac Ivanov, why would he hold hands with me? ’

If I had that kind of power, would I really be happy to hold hands with myself and eat the guild?

‘If I had that much power, I would never join hands with others. ’

At least the brain agent was not satisfied with eating the guild.

‘Let's eat them both. ’

You have to eat both the Firebird Guild and Thunderbird to feel satisfied.


It will not be eaten at the end of a fierce struggle, but will make the two of them bow and enter my stomach on their own.

"Yes, that was your purpose. ’

Isaac Ivanov, he was determined to subdue everyone here by demonstrating his overwhelming power at this moment.

The owner of the Firebird Guild and the owner of Thunderbird planned to make them bow their heads.


By the time I reached the subject, I did not have much time to think about it.

Of course, the brains were not willing to bow down and enter under Isaac Ivanov here.

He was a tyrant who never bowed his head to the king or anyone else.

‘Kill Park Yong-wan. ’

The answer he chose was to kill Park Yong-wan.

If Park Yong-wan dies, the guild will ask why, and the brains will answer the question.

That was the deal with Isaac Ivanov.

What if Isaac Ivanov denies it?

It was war.

‘If you kill me and my men, you'll be dead by the time you get out. ’

And if, after eliminating the brains and their men, they attack the dungeon and leave, Thunderbird's soldiers will unleash merciless firepower upon the survivors.

"So, Isaac, you have to keep your end of the bargain. ’

When Isaac Ivanov learns that, he will eventually be forced to follow the original script.

A script about working with the brain system and eating the guild.

Of course, there was an important part to implementing this plan.

Is there any way to kill Park Yong-wan, the fearsome talent, in a heartbeat?

That's why the brain isn't bothering.


Brainy, he opens his inventory and pulls out a clumsy spear inside.

[Gunnar recognizes your prey.]

Brainy, he had a hunting method he could never fail.

< 59.Brainz (1). > End

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