Kill the Hero

< 64.00. Dragon Knight (3). >


December 15, 2024.

Now, the atmosphere of the end of the year began to ripen, but the atmosphere of the world was different from the atmosphere of the end of the year.

Of course, the New Year has always been scary and scary for people since the world changed like a game.

[Year-End Festival, Cancel All!]

[New Year, no festivals!]

But this time it was poisonous.

It was unspeakably dark, calm and dark like the end of the century, not the end of the year.

It was the same with the atmosphere of misheduan.

‘The world is changing. ’

Knowing more about the truth of the world than anyone else, he felt that the world was really changing right now.

‘In a bad way. ’

We also knew that such a change would never be good for the future of mankind.

‘We don't have much time. ’

I also knew that there was not much time to deal with and prepare for such changes.

It was then.

‘2025, we must make a clear decision. Nothing after that. ’

By the time the brunch had once again entered his mind, he had begun to make his own plans and estimates.

One of his hard-working subordinates jumped out of bed.

He was surprised by that and said.

“What's going on? ”

The question startled his subordinates.

“Yes? I need to go to the toilet. ”

His subordinate scratches his head and gives a slight look at his answer.

“Oh, yeah. ”

Of course, it wasn't right to blame his subordinates for what had happened because of the oversensitive reaction.

“The last time I checked, the toilet water pressure was a little high. You put a brick in the toilet bowl, right? ”

Such missusan roughly opened the dialogue, and his direct reports spoke to him.

It was then.

One of my subordinates stood up and said, "Oh Se-cchan, who confirmed it.

“Are you in the bathroom, too? ”

When asked, his direct reports turned their backs and said,

“No, I'm just trying to relax. ”

He wanted to make fun of the lunch once.

“These bastards. ”

As he looked at it, he lost his laughter, and the atmosphere of the office that was caught in the laughter began to unravel.

Now it's a friendly atmosphere that can be exchanged for jokes.

In that atmosphere, one of them quickly said.

“But don't we have an anniversary? A Christmas party would be nice. Buy a big cake, buy a pizza, buy a chicken and party · · · · · · ·. ”

When his direct report's gaze turned towards the lunch, he saw a very frightening look in his eyes.

“· · · · · · · Sorry. ”

His direct report kept his mouth shut because he was shaky enough to be compared to her.

The atmosphere naturally became cooler.

At that moment, one of my subordinates stood up.

‘Hey, not now. ’

Look at the atmosphere! ’

I was embarrassed by the expressions of other colleagues.

His expression became cooler.

The subordinate shouted in such a situation.

“The YouTube account of Kim Woo-jin, Isaac Ivanov, has turned on the live broadcast! ”


- Announce the success of the Seventh Floor Dungeon, A + Rank of the Savior Guild, as of December 15, 2024 at 17: 22.

The announcement of the attack on the Sevier Guild's dungeon through YouTube was inconclusive.

[Savior guild, save the world again!]

However, the atmosphere of the world that had entered at the end of the century was not lacking in the least to make it a festive atmosphere.

[Humanity has finally conquered the seventh floor!]

Seventh Floor Conquest!

Moreover, it was a very symbolic thing.

So far, humanity has targeted new layers every year, and by doing so, it has created hope for the next year.

But by the seventh floor of 2024, it was very unlikely.

The evidence was that there were only two guilds: the Messiah Guild and the Savior Guild, which attacked the seventh floor immediately.

[Savior guild, next target is definitely on the 8th floor!]

[It's time for the eighth floor!]

In that situation, the Savior Guild finalized the attack on the 8th floor in 2025 by successfully attacking the 7th floor A + rank dungeon.

- Xavier's guild is the best.

- If this happens, will the 4 guilds participating together become raiders on the 7th floor?

Except for the Messiah Guild, the Frontier, the Great One, the Wheel, Victoria.

Well, I'd say you're a gunfighter because you've got experience with dungeons.

B, suddenly there are six guilds on the 7th floor.

In addition, there were many more promising factors for humanity.

It was enough to make the atmosphere colorless at the end of the century.

However, in front of that atmosphere, the guilds who became the 7th floor raiders could not easily express their joy.

‘The ambience is just like this. · · · · · · · · ’

‘I can't imagine what Isaac Ivanov would have done if he had known what he had shown in the dungeon. ’

Isaac Ivanov knows better than anyone that this was not just a dungeon raid.

Furthermore, we also know that the aftermath of the world's discovery is unparalleled.

Above all, it was now clear.

‘I can no longer deny it. Isaac Ivanov is equal to or greater than Lee Se-jun. ’

‘It is the time of Isaac Ivanov. ’

The era of Sejunman was over, and Isaac Ivanov's era began.

‘We need to change our relationship with the Xavier Guild. ’

‘The power gauge will change greatly. ’

And it was clear that the order of the world would begin to fluctuate and change greatly in time.

‘This is going to be a problem. ’

Park Yong-wan now had to look at the changes in those times with a worried look.

‘Isaac Ivanov might really eat us at this rate. ’

At first, he was determined to use Isaac Ivanov for his own gain.

The consequences were not bad either.

Isaac Ivanov has made Park Yong-wan, who has not been treated as a second-in-command in Korea for a lifetime, a player that the world now recognizes and recognizes.

Park Yong-wan bowed his head without hesitation when he saw that he was having a brain attack.

I thought it would be more beneficial to remain under Isaac Ivanov's name.

Furthermore, I was confident that I would be able to escape at some point.

‘It's really dangerous. ’

However, Park Yong-wan had to lose his confidence in the dungeon attack.

I feel that Isaac Ivanov, who is chatting with officials from the Royal Family, may be eaten and digested as it is to become the bones and flesh of Isaac Ivanov.

It was around that time.

When sweat drops flowed down between the backbones that were cold to such a crisis.

“Park Yong-wan. ”

Kim Woo-jin approached him.

“What's going on? ”

“I'll make arrangements. Mr. Shakyra will be joining us. I think we should talk there. ”

Park Yong-wan didn't think long.

“Contact me when seats are available. ”


After a short conversation, Kim Woo-jin immediately passed Park Yong-wan and headed to Isaac Ivanov's place.

Park Yong-wan looked at it with a sharp eye.

The world began to change.


After the dungeon raid, what people were most curious about was the story in the dungeon.

- How was the dungeon attacked?

- How did they catch the dragon? I'm sure Isaac Ivanov would have done a hell of a job.

- I'm curious!

If you're not interested in the story of a hero who's going to save the world, that's weird.

Of course, it was extremely rare for the dungeon raid process to reveal details of its story to the public.

- What can I say? There's no way it's going public.

- Expensive information like that doesn't just come out.

- I'll see you in the autobiography later.

It was due to the lack of value of the information the player acquired directly from the body in the dungeon.

The seven-story A-rank dungeon is like a mountain no one has ever climbed before.

The value of the information associated with it was not something that could be valued by money.

The five guilds that attacked the dungeon with the Savior Guild immediately adhered to the confidentiality agreement.

But as always, there are no eternal secrets in the world.

[Special! Seventh Floor Dungeon Attack Course of the Savior Guild Revealed!]

It was inevitable that someone appeared in a mask named Anonymous, revealing the secret at an expensive price.

What happened in the dungeon on the seventh floor was known to everyone in the world.

[Attack on the seventh floor, Isaac Ivanov did it all by himself.]

[Isaac Ivanov, the Desknight he summoned has single-handedly attracted the dragon!]

[The item Isaac Ivanov won in the dungeon: Excalibur!]

[Isaac Ivanov, he alone can attack the Seventh Floor Dungeon!]

The fact that it is known has once again left the world in chaos.

No, honestly, it wasn't chaos.

- I think you're full of shit.

- No matter how great Isaac Ivanov is, does this make sense?

Who believes this?

Most didn't believe it at first.

It was such a ridiculous story.

However, none of the players who shared the story of the dungeon raid denied it.

Even the Messiah Guild did not deny the story.

- Is this a true story?

- Real, not bullshit?

- Oh, no way.

As the world reacts differently, the Xavier Guild has announced its position.

[Violate the Non-Disclosure Agreement and seek out and sue for revealing my truth in the dungeon!]

I will make you pay for revealing the truth that should have been a secret!

Of course, people didn't pay any attention to the part where they paid the price.

- Oh, my God, is that story true?

Isaac Ivanov is that strong?

- Enough to take out a seventh-floor dungeon by yourself?

I was only interested in the fact that the story was true.

The world was excited about that.

- Looks like we're really gonna end this game.

- With that kind of power, we could hit the eighth floor without a hitch!

- Isaac Ivanov is the best!

- You don't trust the Savior Guild, do you?

I really cheered for the emergence of the Savior, who would save the world before the Messiah Guild, and perhaps even alone.

But not everyone cheered for it.

The lighting was not so bright, so there were three people with darker faces than the locker room underneath.

“Before we talk, we need you to keep our conversation here a secret to the grave. ”

One of them, Kim Woo-jin, graciously lowered his voice, and Park Yong-wan and Shakyra who were present nodded their heads.

Kim Woo-jin told them.

“Everyone will know what's going on, so let me get this straight. At this rate, we'll all be Isaac Ivanov's tools. ”

There was no argument, and Kim Woo-jin continued speaking.

“The problem is that Isaac Ivanov really wants to fight the dungeon until he dies, without rest. ”

There was no argument in the words that followed.

Kim Woo-jin naturally continued.

“You may have noticed this dungeon attack, but no human can match Isaac Ivanov's pace. Of course, he'll survive the flood. But if we join the storm, we will face nothing but destruction. ”

Soon after Kim Woo-jin stopped speaking, a deep silence spread over his left side.

It was the most clear expression that I agree with Kim Woo-jin.

In fact, it was very clear.

Isaac Ivanov has no shortage of means and means to end the game sooner than anyone else, and his ability, frankly, is at a point when very few people can follow him.

“Most of all, none of these people will be happy that the game is over. ”

Among them, what worries most about the people here is that this game may be over.

“You don't want to lose what you've done all day. ”

To be honest, very few players wanted this game to end.

And that's why the Messiah Guild has been so enthusiastic about being the Savior.

Most of the players rolled their heads to dominate in a game-changing world, and only the Messiah Guild fought to finish the game when they played a trick.

Kim Woo-jin said on the subject.

“The Messiah Guild will never stand idly by while Isaac Ivanov walks. ”

The Messiah Guild doesn't want that either.

Park Yong-wan and Shakyra's eyes changed.

“What does that mean? ”

“What's that supposed to mean? ”

They asked me a question for the first time.

Kim Woo-jin's words sounded like the Messiah Guild really had no intention of saving the world.

Kim Woo-jin said in front of them.

“The Messiah Guild made a secret agreement with Johann Georg to eliminate Isaac Ivanov and sponsored him. In the process, given the transaction between Johann Gerorg and the Messiah Guild, the Messiah Guild does not intend to save the world purely. ”

What a surprise.

“It's an amazing story, but I don't think it means anything right now. ”

However, on the contrary, it could not have meant much in a small situation.

“There's no evidence. ”

It was already in the past, and it was following Kim Woo-jin's hypothesis.

Now it's just guesswork and conjecture where there's no evidence.

“What would you do if Johann Gerorg were alive? ”

However, Kim Woo-jin had no choice but to have a completely different kind of weight under the assumption that Johann Gerorg was alive.

“He's alive? ”

“Johann Gerorg? ”

At that moment, Kim Woo-jin made a jaw, and the door opened and a man came inside.

“How do you do?”

John Gerorg froze in his appearance with a dazzling appearance that no one else could confuse.

“We had several discussions with Johann Gerorg. And we both came to one conclusion. ”

In that situation, Kim Woo-jin said.

“If we don't kill Isaac Ivanov, we're dead. ”

Park Yong-wan and Shakyra looked at Kim Woo-jin again, and in their gaze, Kim Woo-jin coldly said.

“So let's kill Isaac Ivanov. ”

< 64.00. Dragon Knight (3). > End

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