Kill the Hero

< 66.00 Nine tails (1). (Revised at 12: 51) >


Safe is what the Savior Guild cares about most before entering the dungeon gate.

Once, Isaac Ivanov had already been interrupted several times during the dungeon entrance process.

This eight-story dungeon and nine-tailed predator dungeon were definitely dangerous for Isaac Ivanov.

That's why 999 people formed a team full of that number, and of course it was more important for them to enter the dungeon intact.

[Savior Guild, media blackout!]

[Approaching personnel only within a 10-kilometer radius of the Dungeon Gate!]

Because of this, the Savior Guild has blocked the press from entering the dungeon to ensure maximum safety.

[Savior Guild opens live on YouTube!]

Instead, the Savior Guild announced its attack on the dungeon live on YouTube to the world in real time.

Thanks to this, countless people in the world could easily see the process of entering the dungeon of the Xavier Guild without filtering.

- Run!

- Get in there!

That's why the accident that happened there was also seen without filtration.

- Oh, my God, what just happened?

- Could it be terrorism?

Bomb, bomb, bomb!


It was also the moment when the sudden impact of terrorism on the nearest Savior struck the world without filtering.

After that, it was chaos itself.

It was so shocking that people solidified without properly accepting the situation.

The time it took for that hard reason to return was one day, after a very short time that it was one day.

[Xavier's Guild has been attacked!]

[Hope is shattered!]

The press was just about to publish, and the public was just about to react.

- Who the fuck are you?

- Did they attack the Messiah Guild again?

- What the fuck are they doing?

In that situation, the first reaction the public saw was anger, not fear.

Just as a rat in a corner shows its teeth like a madman, not afraid of a cat, people begin to show anger and aggression at the fact that they are confronted with fear.

That's how the world felt.

It was the feeling of a mouse in front of the cat, stuck in a corner.

And there was nothing you could do about it.

[Isaac Ivanov, Day 7 of Dungeon Entrance!]

[Can three people attack an eight-story dungeon?]

The incomprehensible helplessness filled the world, and in the helplessness people prayed only.

- May Isaac Ivanov rest in peace...

May Isaac Ivanov have a little more peace in the dungeon.


In a forest full of silence.

Kim Woo-jin sat still in the forest, wearing the Grim Reaper's mask.

Unbelievably peaceful.


Then Eugenia appeared with a loud voice from afar.

The appearance of Jina was not good in many ways.

Despite wearing Nemea's lion hide, the unstoppable part of the lion hide was full of wounds, and some of the wounds were serious enough to reveal bone. To be concerned about life and death in general.

“Someone's having a hard time, they're sucking on their honey. ”

However, instead of taking care of such wounds, Lee expressed his frustration by looking at Kim Woo-jin.

“You must be praying outside the dungeon worrying and not knowing how to suck on it. Damn……. ”

Kim Woo-jin looked at Lee Jin-ah as she was wearing the Grim Reaper's mask on her repeated puzzles.


After that, the Skeleton Knights who fought with him showed up.

A black aura flows from one of the dogs' bodies without rest.

[It can summon Desknight.]

It was proof that he deserved to be Desknight.

“I finally made one. ”

Lee Jina sat down with the short words.

It wasn't a bad idea.

“It's hard enough fighting skeleton knights without Skeleton Soldiers or Rich. ”

The skeleton knight Kim Woo-jin summoned was definitely strong.

However, no matter how strong the Skeleton Knight was, it was not easy to get the strength of about a dozen monsters, including Jina, against thousands of monsters.

How can a tank be only one of Jina?

“Twelve days since we entered the dungeon, right? ”

That's why it took 12 days for a Desknight to be created.

Of course, the other Skeleton Knights were also piling up enough kill points, and we should be able to make Desknight faster from now on.

“It's not going to be easy. ”

However, the number of monsters that would encounter the more you targeted the dungeon in the future, or the strength, was no different.

Now it was just the first floor.

Perhaps it took longer.

“This will take us half a year to attack the dungeon. ”

Like Yi Jina said, by the time I raided the dungeon and went out, the summer sun might already be shining.

“Of course.”

Kim Woo-jin knew that too.

That's why Kim Woo-jin is wearing the Grim Reaper's mask now.

“So I move, too. ”


“We have completed our investigation of the surrounding terrain and monster distribution. ”

During his hard work on the hunt, Gim Woo-jin completed a full analysis of the surroundings while controlling the skeleton soldiers with the masks of the Grim Reaper, while the nerves of all the monsters here focused on the Knights of Jin and Skeleton.

And a plan was put in place.

“From now on, the two of us alternate. ”

All that's left is to do it.

Along with that, Kim Woo-jin stood up and drew the sword he was wearing on his waist.

[Requesting a foot sacrifice.]

It was the moment when the greedy teeth emerged.


Taking on many alone is never good.

You'd better not do that if you can't.

However, players attacking dungeons often face the majority on their own in some way, so they have a lot of training and education in preparation for such situations.

Kim Woo-jin did the same.

He had more experience dealing with the majority on his own than anyone else, saying how to deal with such situations:

“Don't be obsessed with numbers when you're dealing with a crowd of hundreds on your own. Instead, look at the opponent as a giant mass. Make a wound by feeling a slice at the surface of the mass. ”

From Kim Woo-jin's point of view, it was a piece of advice from a sufficient experience.

Usually, however, when you give such advice, you get the same reaction.

Easy for you to say. Who can't?

Kim Woo-jin did not add a long explanation to the reaction.

I showed it to him myself.

I practiced the euphemism.

It was the same now.

Grow up!

Mutant Albino Orc.

Monsters with red eyes on white skin, with an average height of 2.5 meters.

Moreover, unlike Orcs, they were skilled in group warfare compared to ants.

Kim Woo-jin delivered his advice perfectly against 3,000 such mutant Orcs.


You cut down the body of the albino orc you encountered.

The location of the wound was not important.

I didn't try to cut his throat.


I just measured the depth of the wound through the screams of the Albino Orcs, and if the depth was desired, I encountered the next hunt without hesitation, and repeated the same task.

Then I made a big move.



Suddenly, I chased after Kim Woo-jin, who changed the route, and caused 3,000 Orcs to form a siege net again, creating a situation in which injured Albino Orcs fell out.

You turn the apple peel and cut off the surface of a massive flock of Albino Orcs.

It was a joke.


As the battle rages, the group of Albino Orcs chasing Kim Woojin begins to shrink.

At some point, the number of fallen hordes, either fatigued or wounded, became larger than the number chasing Kim Woo-jin.

It was a moment when Kim Woo-jin clearly proved what he said to himself.


After that, the skeleton knights who had been silent until now showed up.

The skeleton knights showed up with their own weapons.

From the beginning of Shannir, from holding soy sauce and makya in both hands, the widows and bronze swords, as well as all the legendary weapons, blew up their resistance to the wounded hordes of Albino Orcs.


At the same time, the Skeleton Knights attack has begun.

[The curse of the foot is triggered.]

Besides, the Albino Orcs facing the Skeleton Knight were all torn apart by the curse of the foot.

All physical defense, resistance and resilience are virtually worthless.

The only thing a Skeleton Knight can show for such an Albino Orc is slaughter.


As time went on to harvest the ripe rice, the Albino Orcs began to suffocate.

As the number of massacres piled up like that, the Black Energy emanating from the Skeleton Knight's body grows stronger.

[The Desknight has been recalled.]

You finally hear the announcement of the birth of the third Desknight.

‘I'm not kidding. ’

Lee Jina, who saw the scene from a distance, put out her tongue.

Soon after the battle, Lee Jina approached Kim Woo-jin.

[Destiny will vanish.]

[You obtained Desknight's Bone.]

Lee Jina hurls her horse towards Kim Woo-jin, who puts the newly created fourth Desknight into his inventory.

“That's great, that's great. ”

Kim Woo-jin said that.

“You can do enough. Your skills are good enough for me to admit. ”

Lee Jina looks slightly surprised by the unexpected compliment that came out of nowhere and smiles lightly.

“Khh, I knew the men on the hill would work. ”

Kim Woo-jin, who was reluctant to praise, continued with a smile filled with satisfaction for his praise.

“Yes, Lee Jin-ah, once you get it right, it's not as much as you, but it's similar.... ”

As soon as he was about to finish saying that, he realized at that moment.


I dug my own grave now.

“... I don't think so. Even for me, it's impossible. Of course not. You can't be a man. ”

I tried to pick up what I had just said, but Kim Woo-jin patted her on the shoulder.

“You can have yourself. A man like Jin-ah can do it. I guarantee it.”

“No, I mean……. ”

“Man, I trust you. ”

Lee Jina's face began to look blurry with repeated compliments from Kim Woo-jin.

Lee Jin-ah seemed to have resigned.

I said with that face.

“More importantly, how many Desknights are you planning on making? You don't want to build a hundred units, do you? ”

Kim Woo-jin shakes his head.

“A hundred is a ridiculous number. We need 4,440,000 monsters arithmetically. ”

In response to Kim Woo-jin's resolute response, Lee Jina nodded.

“Isn't that right?"

“It is also important to keep in mind the nature of the dungeon and the time. I can't spend half the year in this dungeon.“ Of course, that's absurd. ”

As Kim Woo-jin continued, the word "semi-colored" began to come to mind on Lee Jin-ah's face.

Kim Woo-jin told Lee Jin-ah.

“I'm only going to make 30 decent. ”

“Yes, 30 years... ”

At that moment, Jina shouted without my knowledge.

“Hey, are you crazy? ”

Kim Woo-jin said decisively to Lee Jin-ah.

“Twenty-seven left. ”


YiJina grunts as if she couldn't bear it.

It was then.

[Level has increased.]

“I'm not doing it. ”

As soon as she expressed all sorts of complaints, she heard a notification in Kim Woo-jin's ear announcing the 209th level up.

[You have reached level 210. Increases inventory by 42 slots]

[Delegates in the dark world admire your growth. Increases your inventory by 42 slots]

[Delegates of the dark world praise your greatness.]

[Delegates of the dark world convey power to you.]

I was delighted to hear the notification, and Kim Woo-jin smiled.

‘I hope you get a higher rank of Destiny skills. ’

I had a little expectation in that smile.

The candidate was willing to give back to his expectations.

[Skill Rank is increased by two levels for Desknight skills.]

"Phase two? ’

Two Levels Up.

Kim Woo-jin was surprised by the first present he met, and he heard the final announcement.

[Representatives of the dark world praise you for what you have accomplished.]

[A representative from the dark world sends you a special gift, anticipating your future.]

Kim Woo-jin immediately confirmed the new gift on the notification.

[Bone Dragon]

- Acquisition Requirement: Agent of the Dark World

- Acquisition Level: 220

- Skill Effect: Can combine summoned Skeleton Soldiers into Bone Dragons.

Kim Woo-jin, who confirmed it, hesitated, and Lee Jin-ah, who confirmed the smile, said in anger.

“Hey, are you laughing right now? Huh? What are you smiling about? ”

Kim Woo-jin answered the question willingly.

“I'm lucky. ”

Finally, Kim Woo-jin threw the foot in his hand to Lee Jin-ah.


Lee Jina, who was shocked, looked at Kim Woo-jin.

At that moment, Lee Jina's eyes became more serious than ever.

The look in his eyes was proof.

‘When this dungeon attack is over, Lee Jina will no longer be defeated by anyone except Lee Se-jun.’ Woojin Kim, proof that what he is trying to get in this dungeon is not just Desknight.

‘This dungeon is finished and all preparations are made. ’

Evidence that this dungeon is the last stage to capture the sword that will kill the world.

“Be a man. ”


So the hunt begins again.

< 66.00 Nine tails (1). (Revised at 12: 51) > End

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